Letter to The Editor - Petrol has been thrown on the fire

To The Australian          Stephen Fitzpatrick refers to "the flowering movement for indigenous constitutional recognition" ("Speed bumps on the road to reconciliation", 11-12/8), but my belief is that it is shrivelling. As the advocates of such recognition writhe and twist in their efforts to find a road to the power they seek, more and more ordinary Australians are becoming aware that the whole project is a scam that endangers our national unity and social security, while being grossly inequitable to other Australians (the huge majority). Petrol has been thrown on the fire by the threat (what else is it?) by academic Mick Dodson ("Dark vibes with a realistic edge") that Peter Cotton's new novel Dead Heat "may well turn out to be prophetic" with its picture of Aboriginal armed struggle (with outside help) against the rest of us. That has really given the game away! It would be good to see this threat roundly condemned by our political and intellectual leaders.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - There is, in 2018, no fiction in Australia's self-presentation as a successful nation

To The Age          Catherine McGregor asks for the impossible ("PM must push Indigenous treaty", 10/8). She wants "a treaty, a makarrata" between Australians identifying as Aboriginal and the rest of us, which will not "undermine the sovereignty of the Australian nation" when that is exactly what such acts would do. She seems unable to accept that the "original custodians" are no longer with us, only those descended from them (in part or wholly). Today's Aboriginals must be seen as firstly Australians, having no more rights and privileges than any other Australians. Thus no "constitutional recognition" would be appropriate or just. As for Aboriginal culture, it is already widely recognised and honoured, along with the story of British pioneering and settlement. There is, in 2018, no fiction in Australia's self-presentation as a successful nation in which citizens generally and in most contexts have a "fair go".
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Crucifixion in Saudi Arabia By Peter Ewer

     As anyone would know, I am not one to judge a culture, but I was surprised to read that a “crucifixion” was carried out in Saudi Arabia. I thought that that was an ancient Roman custom, that had since disappeared:

“Saudi Arabia says it executed and crucified a man from Myanmar convicted of killing a woman and carrying out other crimes. The state-run Saudi Press Agency reported on the execution Wednesday, saying it was carried out in the Muslim holy city of Mecca. It said Elias Abulkalaam Jamaleddeen and entered a Myanmar woman’s home firing a gun and then stabbed her to death. He was convicted of robbing her home and another, attempted rape, and stealing firearms and ammunition. The report said his conviction was upheld by the courts and his execution was endorsed by King Salman.”

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Forbidden Speech By Charles Taylor

     Alex Jones has been the latest victim in the IT giants attack on free speech, but he has come out swinging. First, he claims to have got 5.6 million new subscribers from the free press generated by the censorship of every internet system you can think of, including his email service. That does not just happen by accident, but requires the whole gang to coordinate things:

     It is good to see, however, that Jones is going old school with a grass roots campaign:

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Time to Vote on Immigration By James Reed

     Why has she taken so long to get moving on this? Still, beggars can’t be choosers. Pauline Hanson, whom I have not heard much from lately, has called for Australians to be given a vote on the immigration intake, by moving a Notice of Motion  for a plebiscite at the next general election on Australia’s immigration levels, the Plebiscite (Future Migration Level) Bill 2018:

The Notice says:

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Creating a Muslim State within Australia on Your Dollars! By Peter West

     Readers who may feel that the message from Europe about the failure of multiculturalism is not relevant for Australia, need to consider this article:

“Muslim Imam Shaikh Mohammad Tawhidi has warned that an independent state within Australia is the agenda of radicals, according to an upcoming interview on Today Tonight. The Muslim leader, who has openly spoken out against ISIS and extremists, is interviewed on Seven's Today Tonight and claimed radicals would 'create a country within your country'. 'The agenda is to create a country within your country,' Imam Tawhidi told Today Tonight.”

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Globalists Say: Be Happy; Accept Cultural Displacement By James Reed

     This article says that it is time for the US and Europe to face the politics of cultural displacement:

“The U.S. electorate is perhaps more polarized today over the definition of American identity and the value of diversity than at any time in recent memory. There are, of course, many drivers of this divide, including economic anxiety about globalization, wage stagnation, and career displacement, along with a perceived loss of community values due to continuing immigration and a fear of immigrant crime and foreign terrorism, often driven by exaggerated claims about the threat. The result is that for many Americans, demographic change and immigration pose a direct challenge to established concepts of identity and pre-existing social hierarchies. While economic concerns are real, they are often a byproduct of an overarching narrative that explains economic success or failure as being tied to industries, cultural norms, and a way of life that perhaps died out some time ago. Whether the narratives are about trade protection for steel and aluminum, preserving the coal industry, or protecting U.S. workers from low-cost labor around the world, the resonating theme is about preventing dynamic societal change. Unfortunately for those seeking to stop the march of time, demographic change is coming quickly.

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Asia War By James Reed

     Contrary to the happy world of the Australian globalist, who has worked for decades to make Australia a “part of Asia,” when Asia goes to war, Australia will be inevitably pulled in, being a “part of Asia.”

“A MAJOR new war is looming — and this one sits worryingly close to home. Asia is at risk of descending into a region-wide crisis with global implications, a leading expert in Asia-Pacific affairs has warned. Dr Brendan Taylor, Associate Professor at ANU Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, argues Asia is at a dangerous crossroads in his new book The Four Flashpoints: How Asia Goes to War. Dr Taylor argues there are four key “flashpoints” — politically unstable areas with the potential to erupt into sudden conflict — and all are situated within the continent. “The risk of major war in Asia is much greater today than most individuals assume,” he warns. “All it would take is an accidental clash between the wrong two militaries, at the wrong place or the wrong time, and a highly dangerous escalation could occur. Asia has been lucky so far that it hasn’t.”

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Trump’s Star Gone, but What about the Real Abusers of Women? By Mrs Vera West

     This story is yet another confirmation of the double standard that the progressives have. The West Hollywood City Council has  voted unanimously to remove President Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, due to his “disturbing treatment of women and other actions.”

Now Bill Clinton does not have a star, but as the above article points out, this standard of politically ideology would lead to many such stars being removed:
Charlie Chaplin – statutory rape
Kevin Spacey – child molestation
Muhammad Ali – spousal abuse
Alec Baldwin – accused of numerous acts of violence and bullying
John Lennon – admitted to serial domestic abuse
Bill Murray – domestic abuse
John Barrymore – domestic abuse
Dustin Hoffman – sexual harassment
John Lasseter – unwanted touching and harassment
Arnold Schwarzenegger – groping women”

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Dollar Bills smother the Reef By Viv Forbes

     Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has become a money magnet for those with green political agendas. The climax of this green racket was the sudden dumping of $443 million by the Australian Government into a small foundation controlled by big businesses and groups committed to one side of the man-made global warming debate.This gigantic green gift is designed to polish the green electoral credentials of the embattled Turnbull government but has prompted an Inquiry by the Australian Senate. Naturally the ALP Opposition wants the money returned so they can re-use it to buy green votes for themselves when they take power.

     The Great Barrier Reef Foundation (whose Brisbane office is far from the Reef) has a huge board whose members have current or past ties to Commonwealth Bank, BHP, Esso, University of Queensland, Boeing, Qantas, Shell, Rio Tinto, Peabody Energy, Origin Energy, AGL, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Queensland Ballet, Suncorp, UNICEF and James Cook University. All are infected with the green religion or see it in their interests to polish their green halo. There is even an Al-Gore-trained climate alarmist on the board, plus a Director of Tilt Renewables Limited and a Partner of Affirmative Investment Management, the world’s first dedicated green bond fund management company.

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The Fall of the Classroom By James Reed

     The government wonders why kids are not learning, and what could possibly be wrong with our education system. Forget the political correctness, just consider that there really is a blackboard/white board (we must not discriminate) jungle:

     This sort of US-style violence is becoming more common in  Australian schools. It is not at US levels yet, by a long way, but we have been put on the same path. Nobody should wonder why schools, and students are in rapid decline compared to ordered, disciplined countries like Japan, and places like Singapore. Schools are in the frontline of the cultural war and the students are the meat in a very foul and rotten sandwich, the snack food from hell.

Antifa, or is it Antifart? By Chris Knight

     The radical Leftoid group antifa have violently threaten Black media personality Candace Owens, who had replied to the anti-White racist Tweets of the Asian journalist employed and defended by The New York Times, where she replaced the word “white” with non-white groups.  Thus as she put it, “to be clear: ANTIFA, an all-white fascist organization, just grew violent and attacked an all-black and Hispanic police force. Because I, a BLACK woman, was eating breakfast. Is this the civil rights era all over again.”

     Then there are the mad claims that President Trump will become a monarch of the US if Judge Kavanaugh is put in the Supreme Court. No, what the Left are scared about is a challenge to existing abortion on demand laws, which sadly but ironically, is the largest killer of Black babies in America (and even if it was not, it is still a leading killer):

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UK Police Ignore Child Brides By Richard Miller

     When the job of the police is to control the thought of White people, it is only natural that what were once normal police duties must be jettisoned. Thus, the UK police, who devote most of their energies into dealing with White thought crimes, must let issues like the mass rapes of White British children, and child brides go, which naturally they would due to “racism” and other magic politically correct concepts:

“Police forces have been accused of failing thousands of victims of forced marriages by charging a suspect in only one in 38 cases. Officials at the Home Office received more than 3,800 reports of forced marriages or victims being at risk of forced marriage in the past three years. Hundreds of the victims are children, with the youngest only four years old. However, The Times surveyed police forces and found that fewer than 80 suspects had been charged in this time. It became illegal to force someone to marry in 2014 but only three cases have resulted in convictions. Yesterday the police watchdog said that it would act to ensure that forces improved their performance and that victims were adequately protected."

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Silencing the Internet: Darkness Descends By Bruce Bennett

     The Dark Lords of IT are working their way down the list, knocking off sites that upset the globalist agenda. It was only a matter of time before the full-on Alex Jones copped it, and now he has been booted off almost everything. Naturally, conservatives have been outraged by this, as they should. But, really, it is surely just another volley in the cultural war. It would be utterly amazing if the “reptiles” did not censor the internet, including the sites that developed that meme. I can see the days of the internet as numbered. In the short term alternative media should be used, but eventually the Deep State will shut them down too. We will have to go back to the pre-internet days. Hopefully, enough material will have been got out by then that it may not matter too much.

     Once the ban on free speech is in place, then the agenda will be to attack any dissidents, by freezing them out of society, as suggested by Brittany Pettibone in these Tweets, not yet suppressed:

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Latham’s Law: Universities Should Lose Public Funding By James Reed

     Age and alcohol must be effecting my memory, since I thought that I wrote on the following topic, and have a déjà vu sense about it, but the Google search engine did not turn up anything, so given that is from an IT giant, it must be the truth, I guess … Anyway, here is a good article slamming the universities and suggesting that they be stripped of public funding:

“Higher education has deteriorated so badly, so quickly we are now involved in a civilisational struggle to bring it back into the mainstream of society. This is critical work, requiring a new approach to university funding and staffing. Institutions that abandon the Australian values of freedom, pluralism and meritocracy can no longer expect to be funded by the Australian taxpayer. To earn the gift of public money they need to serve the public interest. The evidence suggests universities now serve themselves, having been colonised by mutant strains of left-wing activism. How can the scale of the takeover be measured? Fortunately there’s a ready reckoner: the essays published daily on the Conversation website, billed by Australia’s university sector as ‘unlocking the knowledge of researchers and academics to (solve) society’s biggest problems.’ I’ve read this material for the first three weeks of July, a total of 122 items, reflecting the priorities of the nation’s scholars. What type of issues are they interested in? By far the largest category is environmental advocacy, with 27 articles or one-quarter of the total.

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Does Obama Back “White Genocide” in South Africa? By Michael Ferguson

     Hussein Obama, who most libtards would be happy to have as global emperor, is back, promoting racial harmony as never before; officially backing the grabbing of the land of Whites in South Africa:

“Former US President Barack Obama has officially endorsed South Africa's leaders for introducing new laws to seize land from White farmers. The South African Government amended the country's constitution this week, allowing for the seizure of farmland owned by White people, without compensation. On Tuesday, South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa vowed to confiscate farmland owned by the White farmers since 1600s, and "return" it to the country's Black population, by introducing a constitutional amendment in parliament. Race killings and violent land grabs have reached epidemic levels in the country, with some referring to the crisis as "White genocide." Following Ramaphosa's promise to take back land from the countries White minority and give it to Black citizens, thousands of South African farming families have arrived in Russia after fleeing their farms for fear of death as the government, and violent mobs, take land from White citizens.During a speech at the 2018 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in Johannesburg, Obama praised Ramaphosa for amending the constitution and legalizing the theft of land from White farmers without compensating them.”

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Climate Change is Sexist, So Ban Climate! By Mrs Vera West

     Whooa … here is the latest bit of climate change nonsense. Climate change is sexist and disproportionately affects women and girls:

“Climate projections about rising sea levels and soaring temperatures increasingly dominate global headlines, but one climate story that rarely gets told is the tale of how women and girls are hit hardest by extreme weather and shocks. Yet there are myriad ways in which women and girls suffer more than men from the effects of climate change, experts said last week at a debate held by the UK-funded Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters program. Why? In parts of the world where grave gender inequality is already stark, droughts, floods and other freak weather events mean women and girls are often among the last to receive help. In Chad, researchers Virginie Le Masson and Colette Benoudji have encountered an unexpected manifestation of that dynamic. While studying how living conditions affect the ability of people to resist climate change, they found that female victims of domestic abuse were particularly vulnerable to wild weather. Victims of child marriage and female genital mutilation have less access to a long list of resources during times of climate crises: education, information and land ownership among others. "To sum up: domestic violence impedes resilience building because it prevents those who survived violence to fulfil their basic needs and interests," said Le Masson, a research associate with the Overseas Development Institute think-tank in London.”

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Just a Lazy Sunday in Gun-Controlled Chicago By John Steele

     Sunday in Australia …  people going out, firing up the barbie, and cooking meat to carbonated perfection, then washing the little bundle of cancerous joy down with a mountain of sauce, and oestrogenic beer. But, over in gun-controlled Chicago, things are a bit different:

“At least 40 people where shot, four fatally, Sunday before noon in gun-controlled Chicago. ABC7 reports that the shooting started at 12:02 a.m., when police said, “Two gunman got out of a white Impala and shot four people at a block party in the 1600-block of South Avers Avenue.” Later in the morning a teenage girl was shot and killed and five others wounded when someone opened fire in the 1300 block of South Millard Avenue.
Attention turned to North Austin around 4 a.m. when one person was shot and killed and three others were wounded. Just before 7 am a 32-year-old man was shot and killed “in the first block of North Leclaire Avenue in the South Austin neighborhood.” He was struck with four bullets and pronounced dead. A 30-year-old male, 34-year-old male, 27-year-old woman, and a 21-year-old woman were wounded by gunfire as well."

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Banks Exploit Us? Whoever Would have Thought That? By James Reed

     After waiting for 30 minutes in a line at the bank to get out my pension, with crippling heartburn, or is it heart disease (?), I was well in the mood for this article, which tells us that banks are an oligopoly that exploit customers:

“Australia’s banking system has become so concentrated its major banks can pass on costs and set prices to boost profits without fear of losing market share, through every stage of the economic cycle, the Productivity Commission has found. The “four pillars” policy, which has underpinned Australia’s banking system since the 1990s, and which was designed to prevent mergers between the four biggest banks to maintain competition, has likely contributed to the problem, with evidence showing it is now preventing competition. The reality of Australia’s “oligopolistic banking system” means the biggest banks are now regularly exploiting the inertia of existing customers, maintaining their market position with persistently opaque pricing, conflicted advice and remuneration arrangements, and a lack of easily accessible information that induces their customers to maintain loyalty to unsuitable products. They are also overwhelming the population with a proliferation of thousands of similar financial products that are impossible to sift through. Those are some of the damning conclusions in a report on the competitiveness of the financial system by the Productivity Commission (PC), released on Friday. The treasurer, Scott Morrison, has welcomed the report, saying he will consider which recommendations to adopt after consulting widely, and after the banking royal commission has wrapped up.”

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In the End, it is Patriarchy or Bust! By Mrs Vera West

     A convincing case for the inevitability of patriarchy was made by Steven Goldberg in his book, Why Men Rule: A Theory of Male Dominance, (Open Court, 1999), which argued that ultimately, male physiology, such as higher testosterone levels, let to greater male dominance, and hence to men ruling most areas of life. I am quite happy with this, so long as men strive to be men, and not cucked wimps. On this topic, I notice this:

“If a theory recently presented by two female researchers from Britain is correct, then patriarchy only evolved because of the male need to give women what they wanted, females are literally evolved to like and accept the patriarchal system, and, by implication, we’d have no civilization if it hadn’t developed. Zoologist Dr Rachel Grant, of the University of Northampton, and biologist Dr Tamara Montrose, of University Centre, Hartpury, presented their explosive findings in the Spring 2018 issue of the “racist” and “sexist” journal Mankind Quarterly. In their study, entitled It’s a Man’s World: Mate Guarding and the Evolution of Patriarchy, they argue that there is fundamental conflict of interest between men and women. Men have nothing to lose from a sexual encounter, so they want to have sex with as many good-looking (and thus genetically healthy) and young (and thus fertile) women as possible. But women have a great deal to lose from a sexual encounter, because they can get pregnant and they produce a far smaller number of gametes than men. They and their offspring are more likely to survive if they get a man who will invest in them and look after them.

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