Wow! Aliens, It Meltdown, False News and the Universe By Brian Simpson

     Who says that crazy doomsday news cannot be fun? Why should the apocalypse and the end of the world as we know it, be such grim things, when it is possible to laugh all the way to oblivion? There are academics out there in ivory towers who seem to be having a ball:

“The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has provoked many critical discussions on technical and philosophical levels (Cirkovi´c 2013 ´ ). It is much debated whether contact with ETI would benefit or harm humanity (Baum et al. 2011; Shostak 2014; Brin 2014; Billingham & Benford 2014), and whether mankind should (Benford 2014; Gertz 2016b) or should not (Zaitsev 2011; Vakoch 2016) keep quiet in order to protect Earth from threats, or even “cloak” our planet using lasers to compensate for Earth’s transit signatures (Kipping & Teachey 2016). One of the scenarios considered in the literature is the reception of an ETI message through  electromagnetic radiation, e.g. through a radio telescope (Cocconi & Morrison 1959). Alternatively, a message might be found in the form of, or through, an alien probe, as first suggested by Bracewell (1960). It was suggested to search the solar system for non-terrestrial artifacts (Papagiannis 1995; Tough & Lemarchand 2004; Haqq-Misra & Kopparapu 2012), particularly for starships (Martin & Bond 1980) in addition to classical SETI (Gertz 2016a).

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The Vatican and IT Global Control By Peter West

     Having relentlessly criticised the Pope for his globalism and pro-immigration sentiments, I am duty bound to report the good things that the Vatican does in the interests of fairness and balance. Here the Vatican is on the right track in recognising that the computer algorithms of the IT masters of the universe are devised to search their interests, not necessarily ours:

“The Vatican voiced its concern over the production and use of personal data, “and the preponderant role of the algorithms that process the data and produce, in turn, additional data and information, at different levels, also available for those who intend to use it for purely commercial, propaganda or even manipulative purposes and strategies.” While the Vatican was dealing specifically with the use of digital equipment and online technologies by the tourism sector’s operators and users in its 2018 message for World Tourism Day, the Vatican department of Human Development also delved into more general concerns about the dangers of online data sharing and the unseen agendas behind the use of that data. “Algorithms, in fact, are not simple numbers and neutral sequences of operations,” said the message, which was signed by Cardinal Peter Turkson, “but rather elaborations of intentions that pursue precise aims and can be used to influence personal choices and decisions, and effect [sic] the formation of individual thought and consciousness.” “When technological tools become omnipresent, they do not favour the development of a capacity to live wisely, to think in depth, to love generously,” the message states.”

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The Relentless March of Cultural Maoism By James Reed

     Move over cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School (this stopped me from ever eating frankfurts, which I liked drowned in tomato sauce), here comes cultural Maoism, the modern doctrine of communist brain control that old chairman Mao himself devised:

“NYU professor Michael Rectenwald warns that western civilization is under siege from Maoist totalitarians and that we are on the verge of “completely losing our culture.” In a blistering Facebook post, Rectenwald provided perhaps the most succinct summary of the threat facing the west ever written. “We’re undergoing a Maoist-like Cultural Revolution — with the power of the corporate mass media, corporate social media, the academy, most of corporate America, the deep state, the shadow government, and most of the legal apparatuses behind it,” wrote the professor, adding that, “Anti-western, anti-individual, anti-Christian, anti-liberty monsters are ravaging our cultural legacies as well as our contemporary arts and letters.” “Our entire culture is under siege and undergoing an utter and relentless social justice dismantling,” warned Rectenwald. “Leftist totalitarianism is running amok. We’re on the precipice of completely losing our culture, the benefits of western civilization, and the entire legacy of western civilizational history.” He ended the post by asserting, “A major resurgence and counter attack is necessary and soon.” In a follow up post, the professor doubled down on his warning, remarking, “How dare the left have pretensions of moral superiority. Leftists in power have mass-murdered and imprisoned more people than any other contingent in political history. Don’t come around here acting morally superior to me or anyone else, you monsters.”

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Does Jesus Support Abortion? US Professor Sure Thinks So! By Mrs Vera West

     For our readers, this will be an incredible story so let us go straight to the source:

“It is time for Christians to challenge the inadequacy, intolerance and misogyny of this paradigm of abortion. As my deeply Christian mother taught me, “You shouldn’t have a baby because you are pregnant. You should have a baby because you want to be a mother, because you want to have a family.” The moral wisdom of this Christian perspective recognizes that parenting is a profoundly moral act. To choose to have a child is to make a significant moral commitment to that child to raise it or to place it for adoption. Given the fact that only 1 percent of women place their children for adoption, the overwhelming majority of women who continue unplanned pregnancies are making the choice to mother that child. Creating healthy families requires more than ensuring that babies are born. It recognizes that creating healthy families and raising children is a deeply spiritual and moral task requiring commitment, desire, and love on the part of the parent(s).

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China Wisely Rejects Yellow Genocide Mass Immigration By James Reed

     We know that the globalist elites hope to kill our kind, in a long-drawn out miserable process, and that we fight a desperate battle, ten thousand times worse than The Lord of the Rings, to even save anything of Traditional society at all, while apathy and a dumbing down of IQ are set to finish us off. Not a single destructive stone has been not upturned against our kind, and probably if one million dollars was offered in a contest just to come up with some new nail to put in the coffin of white Western civilisation, the money would be unclaimed. All the effort that could have been spent putting humanity out to mars and  the stars, has gone into the culture of the political czars. But, I digress; China has seen the writing on the wall for it, being the next head to be put on the chopper, and is taking action:

“Families that have two children will enjoy preferential policies for housing loans in Xianning, Hubei province, in Central China, under one of the local government's new measures to encourage new births. The city's health and family planning commission published a document on Wednesday announcing several measures regarding baby care and home purchases to help families with two children. In what is believed to be a first for China, families with two children will get the same interest rate for their second home purchase as that for the first home under the new measures. Usually, families have to pay higher interest when they take out a loan to buy a second home in the city and other places in China.

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If Murky Merkel is Leader of the Free World, then Pigs Fly, and Become Migrants By Richard Miller

     According to the magic of Google’s search engines, the leader of the free world, whatever that was, is Germany’s immigration crazed East German style communist Angela Merkel, who has transformed Germany into a modern version of  hell:

“Thanks to its reliance on information from Wikipedia, the top Google search result for “leader of the free world” is not the President of the United States, with whom the term is normally associated, but crisis-engulfed German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Searches for the term currently return a picture of Merkel as the top result, and two links to the Wikipedia page on “free world.” Immediately following those results is a CNN opinion piece stating that President Trump is “no longer leader of the free world.”

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The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved? By Brian Simpson

     Trust science to take all of the steam out of a good mystery. For a long time, the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle was explained by fringe dwellers are due to aliens, who had an underwater base there, the stuff of great movies. There is plenty on the internet about that. Scientists think that there is a non-alien explanation, based on rogue waves:

“The experts simulated the waves as part of a Channel 5 documentary ‘The Bermuda Triangle Enigma’. As part of the show, the scientists made a model of the USS Cyclops, a 542 ft coal vessel which vanished in the Bermuda Triangle in 1918. No wreckage or the remains of any of the 306 crew members were ever found. However, the team found that due to the massive size of the ship, the waves which were as tall as 100ft (30 metres) easily took down the ship – according to the simulation.”

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False News Now Institutionalises Anti-White Racism By Charles Taylor

     Surely, there is nothing here to get excited about: The New York Times employs an Asian woman editor who has made racist comments about white people. So what? Each day academics all  over the West pump out the same sorts of poison to vulnerable students, as part of the cultural war. And, the pay is good, coming from your tax payers’ dollars. Talk about digging our own graves. Here is all of the coverage of this evet  we need, which proves to us beyond all doubt that President Trump is right in seeing the mainstream false news media as the “enemy of the people.” If this was done to any other ethno-racial group, whoa, the world would shake and  riots would burn entire cities to the ground.

     Statements of anti-white hatred like this have become institutionalised now, and of course, beyond that are the systematic rapes of white children in Europe, especially Britain, that the authorities essentially allow to occur, while hitting with an iron fist, all and every legitimate democratic criticism of mass migration. This is anarcho-tyranny in action, and part of the program of white genocide. Even crying out against our oppression is socially constructed as racism, that magic debate stopping word. Finally, some of the soft Dissent Right are recognising that civil war is coming to America, and by implication, to a suburb near you:

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Abolishing Germany; Frying France: Mass Migration is about Ethno-Racial Displacement By Richard Miller

     France first, and although mention has been made about this by Bruce a few days ago, here is my take, short and sour:

•    Andrew Malone ventured into the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis for a week
•    The neighbourhood is home to as many as 300,000 illegal immigrants
•    Many rely on crime or the 'black economy' to get by and live in poverty
•    He found rule of French law, equality, religious freedom, was lost in the suburb
•    There are more mosques there than anywhere else and 35 known jihadis.”

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The Gender Agenda’s Next Big Thing By Mrs Vera West

     It is important, when one is winning to keep up the pace and keep pushing, pushing and pushing some more:

“Paedophilia is a “sexual orientation” like being straight or gay, according to a criminal psychologist. The idea that sexual attraction to children is an “orientation” is highly controversial as it suggests that offenders cannot change. But, writing on the Reddit networking website, the psychologist said it was possible to treat child sex abusers on “the understanding that the attraction may always remain”. The psychologist set up the “ask me anything” thread on Reddit. Their identity was not revealed but was verified by the website. Asked “can paedophiles actually change?”, the expert wrote: “I believe Paedophilic Disorder is a sexual orientation with individual that are attracted to child features. In other words, an individual with paedophilia has the same ingrained attraction that a heterosexual female may feel towards a male, or a homosexual feels towards their same gender. “With that being said, it needs to be said that sexuality is more of a spectrum than a finite category. We know that heterosexuals may engage in homosexual behaviour, and deny they are bisexual or homosexual. “We know that individuals with paedophilia may engage in sexual behaviour with adults. For some, they may use this as a cognitive distortion to explain away their sexualisation of prepubescent children.”

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The Torture of Tommy Robinson By Richard Miller

     Conservatives need to understand that it is not a mere question of opposing some powerful Left fringe group, but rather, that the cultural Marxist pathology has now infected whole societies. For example, we may write profound pieces about the utter splendour of the legal system, but the reality is, that in countries like Britain, the system has become as tyrannical as anything that existed in the USSR. Certainly, things are not at the same scale of oppression as was seen when the USSR was at its full power, but all the pieces for such a system are now in place. The ideology of globalism and multicult-immigrationism, has updated old style Marxist-Leninism, merely bringing these demonic doctrines to the full gestation:

“In his first TV since being released from jail, Tommy Robinson told FOX News' Tucker Carlson about the conditions he suffered in a prison he likened to "Guantanamo Bay," notably how he could not open his prison cell windows because "excrement and spit" would be put through them. Robinson told Carlson he was put in the prison with the largest number of Muslim inmates in the U.K. after committing "contempt of court" by broadcasting a Facebook Live video of his commentary on the trial of a sexual grooming gang. The trial had "reporting restrictions."

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New Zealand Hates Free Speech Too By Michael Ferguson

     We do not get a lot of new New Zealand news items to report about here, but those that do come across our desk (computer screen) are usually bad, sad, or mad. Take this little drop of anarcho-tyrannical oppression:

“Right-wing activist Lauren Southern has fallen victim to yet another last-minute venue cancellation, after the owner of a New Zealand building recieved complaints about Southern and co-speaker Stefan Molyneux’s platform. The self-described “alt-media” pair was swinging by Auckland on the final stop in their antipodean tour, fresh off the back of visiting Australia, where Southern begged God not to “nuke Melbourne” for it's supposed Biblical sins. Dogged by controversy, it appears that strife followed them across the Tasman with their only New Zealand venue canceling at the last minute. Due to a raft of complaints, owner of Auckland’s Powerstation venue Gabrielle Mullins canceled the event, citing a disagreement with the speakers’ message. “As soon as we found out [what their message was], we weren’t comfortable at all because it goes against quite a lot of things that we say,” the owner told the NZ Herald. “They can say whatever they want but personally I don’t want it in my venue.” Southern took to Twitter, lampooning yet another cancelation by quoting the Lord of the Rings, a film New Zealand is famous for. “One does not simply walk into a venue in New Zealand,” she wrote to her 387,000 followers.

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The Pope and the Death Penalty By Peter West

     This is a controversial one, as the question of the death penalty for Christians, has been long debated, so we can expect that we may respond to this story in different ways. The Pope has revised the Catechism, to now condemn the death penalty:

“Building on the development of Catholic Church teaching against capital punishment, Pope Francis has ordered a revision of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to assert "the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person" and to commit the church to working toward its abolition worldwide. The catechism's paragraph on capital punishment, 2267, already had been updated by St. John Paul II in 1997 to strengthen its skepticism about the need to use the death penalty in the modern world and, particularly, to affirm the importance of protecting all human life. Announcing the change Aug. 2, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said, "The new text, following in the footsteps of the teaching of John Paul II in 'Evangelium Vitae,' affirms that ending the life of a criminal as punishment for a crime is inadmissible because it attacks the dignity of the person, a dignity that is not lost even after having committed the most serious crimes."

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Why Is There This Press Bias On A Matter Of National Importance? By Nigel Jackson

     ‘The Age’ newspaper in Melbourne seems unwilling to publish any submission (letter or opinion piece) opposed to ‘indigenous’ constitutional recognition and/or the signing of a treaty. Is it afraid that the case against such change is too persuasive?

     On 14th July 2018 The Age published an opinion piece by well-known and very successful author Stephanie Dowrick entitled ‘Scandal at our nation’s heart’. It concerned alleged mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders by contemporary Australia. I at once submitted the letter below to the Letters Editor.

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The UK and Rising Sharia Law By Mrs Vera West

     This has created a precedent: a UK court recognising sharia law in a judgment:

“In a legal first, a British High Court judge has recognised a shariah marriage when ruling on a ‘divorce’ petition of a Muslim woman, likely setting a precedent on the acceptance of Islamic marriages and divorces in the UK.
Mr Justice Williams ruled that an estranged Muslim couple’s Islamic marriage does fall under the scope of the 1973 Matrimonial Causes Act and that they could, therefore, ‘divorce’ — despite the couple never having had a legal civil ceremony, reports The Guardian. Nasreen Akhter and Mohammed Shabaz Khan, both of Pakistani heritage, had ‘married’ in an Islamic nikah ceremony conducted by an imam in 1998 in West London, and Mr Khan, a businessman, was said by Ms Akhter to have “always introduced me as his wife”. Ms Akhter attempted to file for divorce, which her partner rejected, with Mr Khan saying that they were not legally married, but only under Islamic law."

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Will Migrants Pay for the Boomers’ Pensions? By Richard miller

     Why is there such a concern here about the inevitability of ethno-racial and cultural change? Surely it is obvious that migrants are needed to work as IT experts and in the rocket industry to pay for the pensions and health care of the baby boomers?

“New unemployment figures show that the heavily migrant populated southern Swedish city of Malmö has an average unemployment rate twice that of the rest of the country. The unemployment rate across Sweden has seen an average decrease since the last Swedish national election in 2014, but Malmö has been the exception, Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan reports. The city’s rate of unemployment is said to top a staggering 14 percent, making the city on par with countries like Spain, which has a 16 percent unemployment rate, and behind Italy, which is at 11 percent. Josef Lannemyr, an analyst at the Swedish Employment Service, lamented that many of the jobs in the city required a post-secondary education and that the pool of talent for such jobs simply was not there.”

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Exterminating Christians; but the West Does Not Care By James Reed

     The slightest offence against non-whites is pretty soon going to be met with the death penalty, but in some parts of the world Christians are exterminated, and the moral police in the West are silent. Since they now define what is right and wrong, that must mean that they are ok with this; otherwise why would people who have a politically correct hair trigger, not, well, explode into a burst of moral outrage?

“Nigerian Christian leaders have warned that if the current rate of massacres continue, with hundreds of believers being killed each month, Africa's most-populous nation is on the brink of decimating its Christian population by 2043. The warnings echoed as 86 more people were killed by the largely Muslim Fulani herdsmen in attacks on Christian farmers. The Punch on Sunday obtained comments by Bosun Emmanuel, the secretary of National Christian Elders Forum, at the recent conference of Catholic Men's Guild in Lagos, where the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari was accused of "openly pursuing an anti-Christian agenda that has resulted in countless murders of Christians all over the nation and destruction of vulnerable Christian communities." "Realistically speaking, Christianity is on the brink of extinction in Nigeria. The ascendancy of Sharia ideology in Nigeria rings the death toll for the Nigerian Church," Emmanuel said, calling on the Christian Association of Nigeria to be restructured to be able to better speak out for Christianity in the country. Although Christians make up nearly half of the 186 million population, for nearly a decade they've been heavily targeted by Islamic extremist groups, such as Boko Haram, and most recently by the semi-nomadic herdsmen. "In 2018, we can say in 25 years from now, we are facing the risk of being the last Christians in Nigeria. Therefore, Christians should be in the frontline of defending democracy in Nigeria," Emmanuel warned.”

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China’s Invasion of Australia, Literally By James Reed

     This may be something that we have not considered in the detail it deserves: China has exploited the ambiguous sovereignty of the Antarctic. It’s establishing a clear record of permanent control and settlement within the Australian Antarctic Territory. There’s barely been a raised eyebrow from Australia and the world. China is planning long term.”

“Why is China strategically developing Antactica?

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The Migrant-Based Social Breakdown of Australia By James Reed

     An academic industry exists in Australian universities, when they are not receiving blood money from the defence industry, or even when they are, to promote the joys of diversity. Much like the double standard in proclaiming their commitment to harmony and peace, while taking the money of the weapons industry (not in itself a bad thing from our perspective, but inconsistent with their politically correct Leftoid worldview), there is the double standard of diversity. Pluralism and diversity by definition always improve a society, because, well, Anglo Saxons are evil and must be demographically displaced. How else to make sense of the mantra running through the sewerage pumped daily into the minds of vulnerable students, at tax payer’s expense, that pre-1947 Australia was intrinsically flawed and only migration, and ultimate complete Asianisation can save the soul of the nation, hallelujah.

     Yet, with this academic narrative, which has generated jobs for substandard low IQ academics, we find stories of old hard reality, of the real world on the streets, outside the protected walls of the child care centre of the modern university:

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Andrew Bolt On the End of “Us” By James Reed

     Great hard-hitting journalism from Andrew Bolt on a topic that one of us usually covers each day; the changing demographics of the West, including Australian. Soon there will be “no us left,” and it will be tribalism or the way down:

“There is no “us” any more - or soon won’t be. Judith Sloan:
In 1996, there were 119,000 China-born residents living in Australia — 20 years later, it was 526,000... In 1996, there were 80,000 India-born people living in Australia. In 2016, the number was 469,000. Add the Left’s destruction of national symbols and its pushing of identity politics, and Australia is turning from a home into a hotel. It is true that the Chinese and Indian disaporas actually enrich us in many ways, and both have lower imprisonment rates than the rest of the community. Chinese names dominate the lists of high achievers in many university courses in accounting, maths, science and medicine.

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