Climate Change is Sexist, So Ban Climate! By Mrs Vera West

     Whooa … here is the latest bit of climate change nonsense. Climate change is sexist and disproportionately affects women and girls:

“Climate projections about rising sea levels and soaring temperatures increasingly dominate global headlines, but one climate story that rarely gets told is the tale of how women and girls are hit hardest by extreme weather and shocks. Yet there are myriad ways in which women and girls suffer more than men from the effects of climate change, experts said last week at a debate held by the UK-funded Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters program. Why? In parts of the world where grave gender inequality is already stark, droughts, floods and other freak weather events mean women and girls are often among the last to receive help. In Chad, researchers Virginie Le Masson and Colette Benoudji have encountered an unexpected manifestation of that dynamic. While studying how living conditions affect the ability of people to resist climate change, they found that female victims of domestic abuse were particularly vulnerable to wild weather. Victims of child marriage and female genital mutilation have less access to a long list of resources during times of climate crises: education, information and land ownership among others. "To sum up: domestic violence impedes resilience building because it prevents those who survived violence to fulfil their basic needs and interests," said Le Masson, a research associate with the Overseas Development Institute think-tank in London.”

     The obvious objection to this from our side is that the argument is based upon the false premise that climate change is occurring. But, put that to one side for the moment. Even if there is climate change, it is hardly a conspiracy by men against women to keep the patriarchy going, for everyone is affected, for the sun shines equally on all. The differences mentioned above arise not from climate change but from the social arrangements in the society. Linking this to climate change strikes me as nonsense on stilts. But, that is how it is with any cultist belief system.



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