For Euro-Thites There can be No Homeland According to the Globalists By Richard Miller

     It does not matter than White Germans have been in Germany for as long as recorded history, they do not exist, only migrants are real and anyone denying that is a racist, and watch out! Splat!

“German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has declared Germany “is a nation of immigrants and will remain so”, asserting: “There are no half or whole Germans, no biological or ‘new’ Germans”. Speaking at Berlin’s Bellevue Palace, where a small group of people with Turkish heritage had been invited to share their views on immigration, integration, and xenophobia in Europe, the German president strongly denounced “exclusion of and discrimination against people with foreign roots”. “A permanent suspicion of immigrants, no matter how long they have lived in Germany, is not only harmful for the individuals involved but it is a cause of shame for our country,” said President Steinmeier — who serves as a largely symbolic head of state, while Chancellor Angela Merkel is head of government. “Racism and discrimination violate human dignity and damage our democracy,” he continued, claiming: “Immigration has taken place because we have repeatedly asked people to come — a situation which will continue to be true in the future.”

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Turkey Says that the Death of America is Approaching By Richard Miller

     Diversity is a truly wonderful thing because it creates a culture of profound respect for cultural and national differences, as Turkish leaders well know:

“Former Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Hakan Çavuşoğlu said the United States would soon be finished and that Turkey does not fear the power of the US dollar, according to a report by the Cumhuriyet Daily on Thursday.
Turkey is embroiled in a diplomatic dispute with NATO ally the US over the imprisonment of several US citizens and a range of other issues. The row has contributed to the fall in the Turkish lira, already battered by worries over the independence of the central bank and the government’s unwillingness to push up interest rates to tackle inflation. “States like people are born, grow and die. … Hey America, you have been born, have grown and your death is approaching,” Çavuşoğlu told a crowd at an Eid Al-Adha celebration. The evidence for this included the United States’s failed project to prop up Kurdish rebels in Syria as well as its failure to stop Turkey from buying air defense systems from Russia, Çavuşoğlu said. “This nation does not fear the dollar, this nation did not fear tons of tanks or heaps of iron,” he said and added: “With God’s blessing we will overcome this. This increase in the dollar is completely artificial.”

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John McCain dies By Charles Taylor

     It is not the Christian thing to gloat or rejoice about the death of an enemy. Senator John McCain dying though, has not upset me, let me say. McCain embodied all that we oppose, and as a political leader was of the Merkel school of anti-Western globalism, opposing any sort of protection for the West. There is a body of internet material, not just from the Right, alleging that McCain was not a war hero, but a traitor who in his capture collaborated with the VC and communists, producing propaganda: 

     Traitor or not, now he has to face his own fate and judgement. President Trump has not been invited to the funeral, and no doubt he would not wish to go, even just to make sure that McCain is down for the count.

Password 123 By Brian Simpson

     Our government administrators are so brilliant that we all should have great faith in their security protocols. Simply consider things such as passwords, which they ensure are so difficult that the average four year old would have to think for at least two minutes before cracking one:

“Over 1,400 government officials in Western Australia used the phrase ‘Password123’ as the password for their entrance into government agencies, a security audit of the Western Australian government released this week revealed. The audit revealed that 1,464 people used the password “Password123,” while 813 used “password1.” Nearly 200 people opted for just “password,” while almost 13,000 used variations of the date and season. A further 7,000 included words with the ending of “123.” “Many of these passwords comply with industry standards for password complexity and a length of at least 8 characters,” the audit report states. “This indicates that merely applying these parameters is insufficient to guard against inappropriate access to networks and systems.”

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US Catholic Bishops want More Refugees, Not Fazed by Sex Scandals By Peter West

     Recent sex scandals in the US have not halted the Catholic church in its manic theology of mass immigration of the Third World to the First.

“The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) began circulating a petition to President Trump last month through its Justice for Immigrants campaign that urges him to authorize the resettlement of “at least” 75,000 refugees in the United States in FY 2019. One of the nine voluntary agencies that have collectively been paid billions of federal taxpayer dollars since the Refugee Act of 1980 created the Refugee Admission Program to resettle an estimated two million plus refugees in the United States, the organization of Catholic bishops also issued a statement of apology last week for its failure to exercise moral leadership in the burgeoning Pennsylvania sex abuse scandal. The same Catholic bishops apologized for the recent sex abuse scandal that involved 301 priests in Pennsylvania over a 70 year period with over 1,000 victims.”

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Weird Russian Stuff in Space By Brian Simpson

     Perhaps it is fake news, perhaps it is not, but there is wide concern that the Russians may have a killer satellite in space that could fry US, and Australian IT, the internet and all that jazz:

“The U.S. State Department raised concerns about a mysterious Russian satellite orbiting space in a “very abnormal” manner, according to Christian Davenport, the author of The Space Barons. “We don’t know for certain what it is and there is no way to verify it,” Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Yleem Poblete said at a conference in Switzerland on Aug. 14. The government official also indicated the satellite could be used a weapon to take out U.S. systems (like GPS, internet and telephones) in space. Davenport said a spacecraft capable of interfering with what he calls “the eyes and ears of the U.S. military and the intelligence community” should be a of grave concern. “If there is a spacecraft out there in orbit, it could go up to U.S. satellites -- national security satellites that we are so dependent on for warfare,” Davenport said during an interview on FOX Business’ “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on Thursday. In 2007, China fired a missile 537 miles above the Earth, hitting one of its own satellites. Vice President Mike Pence called the action a “highly provocative demonstration of China’s growing capability to militarize space” while announcing the Pentagon plans to launch a Space Force as the sixth branch of the U.S. military.”

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Only the Libtards are Permitted as Puppet Rulers by the Deep State By Chris Knight

     Every day there is yet another chatterer or new class cretin mouthing off that President Trump must be impeached, because they don’t like what he represents. Today is no different, for now one chatterer says what has been the sub-text of all the others, that Trump does not even need to have committed a crime to be impeached:

“Green said, “This is a very sad time in the history of our country. This is not something that I enjoy talking about, nor is it something that I would like to do. But I think it’s becoming increasingly clear that the president will have two options: One, he can resign from office, or, two, he can face impeachment. Impeachment is something that the Framers of the Constitution provided for a time such as this and a president such as Trump. The president does not have to commit a crime to be impeached. In fact, the president is not likely to be indicted, which means he’s not likely to be found guilty of a crime while he’s sitting, which means that if this comes before the House, it won’t come before the House as a president who has been found guilty, but rather as a president who is alleged to have committed certain offenses that are onerous to the Constitution and that harm society. And what this president is doing is harming society.”

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Forget that Bodybuilder, Ripped Look. Instead, be Like Me By John Steele

     As a man of steel, I like to keep my ageing body hard and battle-ready at all times. But, getting ripped with an ultra-low body fat is not the way to go for those of us preparing for the apocalypse, the end of days and all that jazz. Common-sense dictates that a bit of fat is good for body protection in unarmed combat, for a store of food for cells while desperately searching for food in the wastelands, and now it seems, immune protection:

“Try not to spend too much time at the gym – according to a study, a bit of excess fat in the body can actually protect you from infections. Based on the study’s results, body fat stores special cells that remember pathogens, and this makes them more efficient at staving off infection compared to other immune cells. A National Institutes of Health (NIH) study has determined that these memory T-cells that are found throughout the body are very densely packed into fat tissues in mammals. While most people try to remove as much of the excess fat in their body as they can, it is important to remember that fat is important for both our energy stores and the maintenance of body temperature and systems. The metabolic system, which helps us turn fat into energy, and its connection to the immune system is a complex one. However, scientists have started to look into this link in the past few years. Too much body fat can be bad and it might even weaken the immune system, but the results of the NIH study could mean that fat may even be beneficial and help protect us against infections. (Related: “Brown” Fat Cells May Aid in Weight Loss.) T-cells, a kind of white blood cell produced in bone marrow, are distributed through the body’s lymphatic system. There are two kinds of T-cells – helper cells and killer cells – and they work together to protect the body from an infection that carries something foreign, e.g. bacteria.

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Letter to The Editor - Election of Scott Morrison indicates a resumption of the Coalition's support of a traditional Australia

To The Age          The claim in your editorial ("Coalition hopes rest on a policy reset", 28/8) that it will be "diabolically hard" for the government to find "replacement policies" that will "generate a point of difference" with the ALP is untrue. There remain profound differences between the programmes of the Coalition and the ALP, which can be simply summed up: each wants a differently shaped Australia in the future. The Coalition stands for the continuation of our traditional model, while the ALP proposes radical changes. The leadership struggle in the Coalition did not change this situation one iota. The essence of that event was the removal of a PM who sought to significantly shift government policy towards the Left; and the election of Scott Morrison indicates a resumption of the Coalition's support of a traditional Australia. An intelligent and moderate movement back to the Right will involve defence of the infrastructure of our free and united nation, but not subservience to the tenets of the pseudo-religion of "global warming/climate change".
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Another major priority of the police should be to safeguard the freedom of assembly

To The Australian          It is disgracefully anti-social that "200 anti-fascist protesters tried to stop buses entering a Melbourne reception centre" recently ("Alt-right event organizer won't pay police bill", 28/8), but it is even more disgraceful that Victoria Police are trying to charge the victims of that assault $67,842. Those protesters were themselves acting in a thoroughly fascist manner that is completely contrary to our national tradition of "the fair go". As for the attempt by Police Minister Lisa Neville to justify the bill, it is pathetic. Yes, it may be that "public safety" is the "top priority" of Victoria Police, but that must therefore mean the effective quelling of any mass bullying behaviour by thugs. Moreover, another major priority of the police should be to safeguard the freedom of assembly, something that is a linchpin of the free society, yet she says nothing about that. Finally, the commercial nature of the event in question is quite irrelevant to the justice and law and order issues at the forefront of this public scandal.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

The Demise of Turnbull By LRC

     To everyone—I watched the play-out of Australian politics on TV the last two days with its predictable commentary from the ABC. To run around asking the opinions of people on the streets and then obviously selecting something reflecting ABC bias is hardly good journalism. However, I think the change of Prime Minister was a well-planned, ‘in-house’ event! The policy was ‘Turnbull must go’ and he was deposed, Dutton was never the planned person to replace him but the two who were elected Prime Minister and Deputy in that order. It was a charade played out for the gullible voter—Morrison and Frydenberg emerged as ‘the good guys’. The suspension of the House of Representatives was interesting in the performance of the Opposition, they behaved like they were goaded with a ‘shit-stick’.

     Then the ABC broadcast moved to the Senate around 2 pm ... what a performance by Senator Wong. Labor, in both Houses, were crying “What about the Australian people?” Well, blow me down, do they really care?!
The broadcasting of the Senate opened the way for Senator Hanson to deliver a ‘serve’ on the ‘self-serving’ antics of both parties. Bravo Pauline! Then Senator Bernardi had his say and it was an indictment of the Liberal Party and why he resigned. He warned much worse was in store for the Australian people in the form of Bill Shorten after the next election. I must agree!

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Virginity for Sale, Like Any Other Commodity By Mrs Vera West

     It is a measure of how low our civilisation has gone down the gurgler: virginity sales! No, this is not ISIS selling off the Nordish Yazidis women to smash their blonde bloodline, smashing blonde Nordic bloodlines just being business as usual in the West:

“Mahbuba “Maria” Mammadzada - one of Azerbaijan’s most successful models currently living in Turkey, wants to make her mother “proud” by selling her virginity. The minimum bid currently stands at €250,000 ($290,612).
The winner will receive a doctor’s certification that she is indeed a virgin, and will need to take Maria’s virginity in Germany “for legal reasons,” though the buyer can choose a hotel of his choice. The highest bidder can also bring their own doctor, or visit another doctor in Germany to verify virginity one day before the “event.”

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Preparing for Nuclear War and the End of the World as Anyone Could Know it By James Reed

     Alone here in my cold Melbourne flat, drinking and morbid, I often wonder how it will all end, and how I will end, although my ending is less uncertain. I am not the only one contemplating deeply depressing thoughts, although many do not need alcohol to do so:

“The Federal government’s national disaster response and planning organization, FEMA, has significantly updated its nuclear disaster plans according to a new bombshell report in Buzzfeed, which describes the new plans as “truly terrifying”. The report is based on an exclusive interview with an unnamed US Federal Emergency Management official. Notably, the official indicated the new FEMA plan includes preparedness for a scenario involving “large nuclear detonations over the 60 largest US cities”. The plan was discussed on Thursday at a two day National Academies of Sciences  workshop for public health and emergency response officials held on Capitol Hill, and included emergency readiness planning for large scale thermonuclear blasts by state actors, as opposed to a prior emphasis on terror organizations deploying tactical nuclear devices.”

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The Left and South African Genocide By Bruce Bennett

     I would not mind anti-racism if it really was that, a quest for justice and fairness for everybody. But, only lip service is given to this moral ideal, while, using the sociology of knowledge, and asking who in power benefits, we can see that like feminism, although looking good on paper, in reality only the globalist elites have their insane interests satisfied. The Left in opposing actions to halt the genocide of South African whites are not being inconsistent with their real core philosophy. It was never a question of universal fairness and rightfulness. That was used for the wider agenda of levelling Western civilisation. That claim might have been dismissed as conspiratorial ravings, but for the fact that the Left in their protests are now chanting “no USA at all,” and by implication, no West. The advocation of open borders, and no gaols, amounts to the same globalist nihilism, as does the following acid attacks on police by illegal invaders:

     No USA or West will mean their own death, so Leftism is nothing more than a form of nihilism, that will ultimately self destruct, hopefully without taking our kind down with it: 

On the Pointlessness of “Higher” Education By James Reed

     Here is some excellent material from David Craig, author of The Great University Con: How We Broke Our Universities and Betrayed a Generation (Original Book Company, 2018). The short of the long is that much of higher education is a scam, producing students with largely useless degrees, outside of the professions, and even there is a massive glut of graduates, who are creating a reserve army of the unemployed. Here is the conventional critique of higher education:

     I have said this all before over the years in my relentless critique of the universities, which I see as one of the sources of much social evil. Not only does political correctness get generated from these brainwashing centres, but this sector serves as an immigration river for professionals. Simply look at the buildings for accommodation that have been built in recent times by the universities, mostly on Chinese money. Where do you think that will lead:

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Death for the West By Charles Taylor

     Slowly some re waking up to the reality of mass immigration, that it means demographic displacement, and that, if it was done to any group other than Euro-whites, would be genocide:

“Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says “importing millions” of young men from one of the most violent regions in the world, Central and South America, “means death for Americans.” Following the revelations of the Mollie Tibbetts Iowa murder case — where the 20-year-old young woman was allegedly stabbed to death by an illegal alien from Mexico — King posted online a statement in which he indicates that the United States will only become more violent as more than 1.5 million illegal and legal immigrants, mostly from Central and South America, continue being imported to the country every year. In the last decade, alone, the U.S. has imported more than ten million foreign nationals, primarily from Mexico and Central America, as Breitbart News reported. “9 of the 10 most violent countries in the world & 16 of top 20 are south of the Rio Grand,” King wrote online. “81% who cross border illegally are young men. Young men in every society are the most violent segment. Importing millions of this demographic means death for Americans.”

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Australia’s 30th Prime Minister - Scott Morrison Can we expect a new era or more of the same?

     Changing political leaders has become quite a frequent exercise during the last decade or so.  Whether it is changing the Prime Minister or Opposition Leader; it has been occurring since the Howard/Peacock swaps right through the Rudd/Gillard scenario.  More recently of course we have witnessed the Turnbull/Abbott/Turnbull case which was followed by the events this week which saw Mr Turnbull replaced by Mr Morrison. During the build up to these occasions, the media has a field day reporting the events including those behind closed doors. Not only do the media attempt to discover which candidate might make the best leader, but friends often ask politically minded people for their opinion.  They ask “What do think about candidate Smith getting the top job?”  Or perhaps, “Do you think candidate Brown would be much better than the present incumbent?”

     Answers include such characteristics as charisma; previous attitude to issues like same-sex marriage; monarchy; immigration taxes and power prices etc. Looking at the record book, we discover that in general there is very little change following a new face at the helm.  Sometimes there is no change at all. Prime Minister Morrison displays a ‘decent bloke’ image but what might we expect under his leadership? Mr Morrison has been a key figure in all the recent Turnbull policies which in many cases have not pleased the community.  Note too, that his Deputy Leader and new Treasurer, Mr Freydenburg has been involved in those outcomes. For Australia to advance to a genuine democracy it must regain its sovereignty.  The first responsibility of a Member of Parliament must be to his electors.  If he is not serving them, we must ask, who is he obeying?

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Trump Tweets about South African Genocide By Michael Ferguson

     President Trump issued some Tweets last week about the genocide of whites in South Africa, and once again, the libtard establishment of idle chatterers went madder than usual, and wanted to impeach him a thousand times over, because, well, white genocide is now a fundamental constant of reality, like the charge of an electron:

Donald J. Trump
I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews
11:58 AM - Aug 23, 2018

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Who Speaks of Bias? By James Reed

     Two researchers investigated whether “people’s perceptions of the newsworthiness of events [are] biased by a tendency to rate as more important any news story that seems likely to lead others to share their own political attitudes.” The absolutely ground-shaking conclusion was reached that this was the case. Who would have thought that?

“Are people’s perceptions of the newsworthiness of events biased by a tendency to rate as more important any news story that seems likely to lead others to share their own political attitudes? To assess this, we created six pairs of hypothetical news stories, each describing an event that seemed likely to encourage people to adopt attitudes on the opposite side of a particular controversial issue (e.g. affirmative action and gay marriage). In total, 569 subjects were asked to evaluate the importance of these stories ‘to the readership of a general circulation newspaper’, disregarding how interesting they happened to find the event. Subjects later indicated their own personal attitudes to the underlying political issues. Predicted crossover interactions were confirmed for all six issues. All the interactions took the form of subjects rating stories offering ‘ammunition’ for their own side of the controversial issue as possessing greater intrinsic news importance.”

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Alcohol, James, is Dangerous at Any Level By Mrs Vera West

     Opposing alcohol consumption was the key issue that drove the temperance movement across the West, which my other was active in so long ago:

     However, today’s culture is so decadent that trying to curb alcohol consumption in a world where harder drugs circulate more freely than candy is pointless. For the time, the forces of darkness and absolute evil have won, at least the first round, but not yet the entire war.     Still, none of this refutes the original temperance attack on alcohol, that first, it is a moral poison, destroying rational self-control (“getting drunk” is that by definition), and secondly, the health effects, which science now confirms:

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