Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Attacks the Vax By Peter West

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written a letter to America’s bishops in which he makes critical claims about Covid-19 jabs and condemning the Church’s role in promoting vaccines. Viganò wrote that vaccines normally go through years of rigorous testing, and that the lack of such a process in the case of Covid-19 jabs represents “experimentation on the entire world population.” He noted that in some jurisdictions, the number of deaths from the Covid vaccines is now greater than the number of deaths from straight-out Covid. Thus, there is a moral duty to refuse inoculation.

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The Fizzers of Pfizer By Brian Simpson

What’s that? A whistleblower, Brook Jackson, a now-fired regional director at Ventavia Research Group, involved in Pfizer's pivotal phase III Covid-19 vaccine trial, has leaked evidence to the British Medical Journal, that vaccine trials in Texas in 2020, had major problems, such as falsified data, broke fundamental rules, and were “slow” to report adverse reactions. But, don’t worry, our government tells us that all is fine with the vaxxes, and they would not lie to us, or be in any way dopey, would thay?

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China was Not Even at Climate Change Talk Fest By James Reed

I think that is is significant that communist China did not attend the Cop26 climate change talkfest. China pays only lip service to the climate change nonsense of the West, and is happy for the West to further deindustrialise while it surges ahead with industrial development, and accelerating militarism, to conquer the world.  The Western batch of cucks and otherwise pathetic dopes called “leaders” will be happy for annihilation.

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Too Many Adverse Covid Vax Events to Follow Up: Queensland Health By James Reed

This is significant to the Covid mandate debate. Queensland Health claims that it cannot keep up with the data tracking of fully vaccinated Australians getting ill or dying from the Covid vax shots. “Due to the large number of adverse events being reported throughout Queensland we are unable to routinely contact every reporter individually,” reported Queensland Health on its website. “Someone from the Public Health Unit in your area may contact you or your health provider if they require more information for reporting and surveillance purposes. If you have any concerns about ongoing symptoms or future vaccinations, please speak to your GP or Healthcare provider.” Nice one.

So, how is there a “pandemic of the vaccinated”? How can the vaxxes be said to be “working”? Doing what, exactly?

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China Preps: Beware! By John Steele

Communist China is telling its slaves to become preppers, stocking up on supplies such as fuel, food, and essentials to prepare for … what? The CCP says it is bad weather, which is partially true, but we can be sure that this is only part of the story coming from the communists. My guess is that is the early signs of war preparation. As China has been designated to be the manufacturing centre of our insane globalist world, major disruptions to the supply chain will stagger the West even more than the present supply disruptions. And accepting globalism, the West deserves it. Individuals should strive to ride out this mad civilisation by adopting the prepper philosophy. It is just a few search engine clicks away.

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New World Order, Ready or Not! By James Reed

Susan Duclos  at the All News, has given a neat summarey of how the “Great Reset,” also known as the New World Order, has been rammed into place in record time. What is significant about this is that it is not merely the case of higher elites such as the international financial elites pushing for this, but lower level predators as well. It goes right down to dirt-kicking academic brainwashers doing a job on our children at the cesspools of the modern universities. The Covid plandemic was needed to kick all of this into high gear, and I dare say, with the US investment the Wuhan CCP  gain of function research, which has never been explained adequately, there has been a grand conspiracy to end liberal democracy and establish a world order modelled upon communist China. That is, rampaging global capaitalism, with communist ideology and social control at the cultural level. In other words, the worst of capitalism and communism, combined into one Satanic tyranny. And, it is here. The net has dropped over us, and we have to now find a way out.

“2021 should have been a real eye opener for those Independent Media warned about the "NWO" aka the New World Order, where chaos is created just so radical politicians can use it to "create a solution" that limits even more rights and freedoms in America.

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The Covid Mask Fetish and Ill Health By Mrs Vera West

Masks are in seemingly forever, to become as natural as wearing clothes. And in many jurisdictions, failure to haver on one’s face nappy, leads to penalties maybe greater than going out without clothes on. So, what about the health, or ill-health effects of masks?

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Covid Monsters Found in the Jab? I Don’t Believe it! By Brian Simpson

I am somewhat sceptical that the Covid vaxxes actually have tentacled objects in them, like mini aliens, but who knows, anything is possible now. For what it is worth:

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January 6 Peaceful Protesters: Torture, Starvation, Malnutrition, Sewage, Mould By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One of the peaceful protesters on the election steal of January 6, has got out a letter revealing that prisoners are being subject to starvation and torture, in cells that leak sewerage. They are not even able to have haircuts. Basically, the classic communist torture scheme, right here in America. The streets should be full of millions of people protesting this. Trump has said nothing, just clinging to his cheese burger, no doubt as part of his “deal.” The US really is the axis of evil. The following well confirms this.

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Pfizer Covid Vax Contracts: It Calls the Shots! By Brian Simpson

This is amazing stuff that simply has not been covered in Australia. But, what is the contract between Big Pharma and the Australian government? Has anyone seen this? And, how does it differ from all of that below? I am willing to bet $5, and that is a big bet for me, that there is not much difference. Read on and be shocked. What other product gets complete legal protection from liability? And why is this needed if the vax is so safe and nutritious?


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The Keto Diet? By Mrs Vera West

We offer no medical or health advise at this blog, merely reporting items I the public interest for education purposes only. Like this one from Dr Mercola, now deleted, which makes the case against the high carbohydrate diet, beloved of the health establishment. He argues that such a diet, even based around whole grains, is far from optimal. Now an increasing number of authorities are coming to agree with his. “In 2018, the American Diabetes Association Nutrition Committee published a consensus report saying there was more consistent evidence for a low-carb or very low-carb diet being beneficial for Type 2 diabetes than any other diet tested, particularly ones that have been advocated by mainstream medical authorities, such as the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet.”

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The Fully Vaccinated Super-Spreaders! By Brian Simpson

Dr Robert Malone, who assisted in the invention of the MRNA vaccines, rejects the notion pushed by the fanatical vaccine cult that the unvaccinated are the super-spreaders. On the contrary, it is the other way around. “If you consider the scientific fact that vaccinated people have less symptoms than the unvaccinated, but can still easily spread disease, consider your fellow vaccinated worker, whose unvaccinated son brought the disease home and gave it to him … He might not have any symptoms … but he’ll definitely be producing the virus. And he’s going to say, hey, I can go to work today. But he’s going to be spreading the virus like crazy.”

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A Refutation of White Privilege! By Chris Knight (Florida)

US white students are lying about their race in order to improve their chances of getting admission to colleges and universities, and especially obtaining financial aid. Of course, that is fraud, but that aside, it clearly shows that the trendy ideas of white privilege are simply wrong, for the privileged would not need to engage in sly tactics like this if the game was fair. So much for one of the myths of Critical Race Theory!

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The Climate Change Mass Migration Threat By Richard Miller (London)

At the appropriately named Cop26 climate summit, to remind us of cops in the Covid plandemic, intellectual giant Boris Johnson rolled out the usual threat that unless something was done, quickly, there would be the usual mass migration of billions of Third Worlders to the West. Well, it is happening anyway, climate change or no climate change. And, dismantling Western industrialism to make China number one - which is what this is all about, since China the number one emitter gets to keep polluting – will lead to the Third World starving anyway. So, why bother?

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Fully Vaxxed Out Jen Psaki Gets Covid By Charles Taylor (Florida)

So, the ever-nasty Jen Psaki, fully vaccinated with all the Covid jabs, now has Covid. So, how did this happen? Why didn’t the vaccine knock off the virus, but instead leaked virus?


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The Failure of the Covid Vaccines: Wayne Allyn Root By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is the response by Wayne Allyn Root to a request by The New York Times, obviously to set him up, on why he believes that the Covid vaccines are a disaster. A neat summary of the critic’s case, but ultimately the facts speak for themselves, with the number of deaths and significant injuries reported to VAERS being higher than in the past 30-plus years combined, all occurring in 10 months. In the past vaccines have been cancelled for causing much less death and adverse effects, but not the sacred Covid vaxxes.

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Save the World with Hundreds of Private Jets! By Richard Miller (London)

I am never surprised that when there is one of these save the world from climate change conferences, world leaders fly in with mass carbon producing emissions. Here is the latest hypocrisy from the present COP26 conference, which does not allude to law enforcement. Don’t tell me if these elites were serious they could not have an electronic conference? All smoke and mirrors for the New World Order.


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Space Pearl Harbor: China’s Satellite Crusher By James Reed

Gordon G. Chang who is the author of The Coming Collapse of China, reports on the recent launch of a CCP satellite that they say is to clean up space debris. Only thing though, is that US space infrastructure is regarded by the communists as such debris! This is what happens when a society goes woke instead of keeping strong in its defence. And the Left will be the first to go once the CCP conquer space and everything else.

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The Great Covid Exit of Medical Staff By Chris Knight (Florida)

In the US medical staff are coming forward to tell about fully vaxxed patients having severe side effects from the vaccines. This has been censored by the mainstream media who are simply part of the Big Pharma industrial complex, are do not report news inconvenient to the agenda.

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Attacking the Woke: They have No Sense of Humour By Chris Knight (Florida)

Perhaps I live a life sheltered from popular culture, but I am only vaguely aware of Black comedian Dave Chappelle. I had not paid attention to him until the controversy broke about him making transgender humour. Well, we are a long way from the humour of Benny Hill now. I guess in the Covid New World Order, there is nothing to laugh at any more.

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