Sweden’s Explosive Diversity By Richard Miller (London)

Who said that diversity cannot truly be vibrating, if not explosive? Sweden once had its machine gun battles, but now is being rocked by explosive devices. It is splendid and grand to see multiculturalism working so well! Speed up the process of national suicide please so we can see the end of the story, maybe by next year! Remember Swedes, you are in a race downhill with us here in England, and the society to destroy itself first gets a special no-prize put on its tombstone by the psychopathological globalist elites.


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At Last Some Good News from the NSW Police? By Bruce Bennett (Sydney Inmate)

I will believe it when I see it, that is, if we are ever let out of our prisons. Imagine imprisoning a population in their own homemade jails, at their own expense!


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China’s “Nazi-Style” Experiments By James Reed

Our great trading partner is carrying out horrendous medical experiments upon the Uighur Muslims. This has been going on for some time. My young nephew in Adelaide, who apparently is free to walk the streets, unlike me (so much for all my friendly put-downs of South Australia, the last laugh is upon me now), went by an anti-CCP protest in the Mall, “Take down the CCP.” The Chinese female speaker said that down the track, China will be doing all of this to Australia too. Here is some information from the mainstream media. The comparisons are all theirs.


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If the Covid Vaccines “Work,” Define “Works” By Chris Knight (Florida)

I am not a medico, but I once thought that if one got vaccinated, you would have immunity from the disease. That means, as I understand it, you would not, or most likely would not, get the disease if exposed to it. Isn’t that how the word “immunity” is used in other contexts, like legal immunity? So, how can breakthrough infections occur at all? Nothing is perfect, but this is  a question of whether the blasted things do their job. Take the UK for example. The latest data from Public Health England shows from February 1, 2021 to September 12, 2021, the unvaccinated represented just 28 percent of the Covid fatalities while the vaccinated represented 72 percent of the deaths! If that is not “fishy” then nothing is. The system saying that this shows that nothing is perfect is no answer. Maybe “nothing” is preferable?


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We, the People, Don’t Trust Biden on Covid By Chris Knight (Florida)

America is sliding into the same sort of totalitarian Covid culture that Australia is now in, and in some respects Biden, or those who control him, have gone beyond this with the mandate that employees with over 100 employees must have mandatory vaccines. At the same time, opinion polls are showing that the American sheeple are fast losing trust in the false president’s Covid information, with less than half trusting it. That is a hopeful sign.


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Australia, the Eternal Penal Colony By James Reed

We at this blog, especially our Sydney writers, have been comparing Australia’s lockdowns and police brutality to the legacy of out convict past. That line has now been taken up in detail, so we were onto something.


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Two Johnson & Johnson Officials Unload on Kiddy Vaxxing By Chris Knight (Florida)

This item is not so relevant for Aussies as it is for us, as from what I understand from Brian, you guys are subjected to the Pfizer vax and AstraZeneca, while we in the US get them all. It is significant though, that two Johnson and Johnson officials strongly opposed children getting their jab. The question arises: if it is bad for children, what make it so good for us, who are basically older “kids”?


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General Mark Milley: A Rogue General and a Threat to National Security By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One of the questions not being asked about the General Woke Milley scandal, where he said that he would warn the CCP if Trump intended to attack, is that he gave communist China an opportunity to launch a first strike against the US. Thus, he would have initiated a nuclear war out of his Trump derangement syndrome. How Trump did not pick this up as president via his security is a mystery. Milley should have been sacked long ago. But, what prevents this traitor from warning his masters in the CCP yet again? He is an open traitor, a de facto CCP agent hiding in plain sight. It is an incredible statement of American collapse that he is the face of the US military.


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Even Obama Sees Open Borders as Unsustainable (If We Can Believe Him) By Chris Knight (Florida)

Things must be getting bad if even Obama is saying that the present open southern US border is not sustainable. Maybe it is time for the US to commit nuclear suicide by simply firing all of its nukes straight up in the air, and letting them come down upon itself! Better to go out with a bang than a whimper! And, a quicker death too!


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The Rise of Asia? Questioning Buchanan By Brian Simpson

Pat Buchanan, American Renaissance, September 28, 2021, gives the standard “unstoppable Asia” line that is common to American Renaissance, a publication which should change its name to “Asian Greatness.” What is being missed due to the East Asian superiority thesis, is that if they are wrong about this, which articles in Euro-Canadian.ca have shown they are, the collapse of the West will pull Asia down with it. In fact, that is the reality of globalisation. Even the collapse of Asia would severely damage the West given economies are now intrinsically interconnected.


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Trump was Right! The British Reports on the 2020 Stolen Election By Chris Knight (Florida)

Following from the Arizona audit, which uncovered more electoral defects than Joe Biden allegedly won the state by, the US media have shutdown comments on this. My Aussie brothers at the blog did not find any coverage in the Australian press either. But, the British press have taken this issue up, with an article in The Times proclaiming that Trump was right about electoral fraud. The original is behind a pay wall, but here is a summary. We have covered all of these points and more in other blog posts here, but it is good to have confirming discussions.


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50,000 Alleged Deaths Among US Medicare Patients! By Chris Knights (Florida)

One of the astonishing claims about the underreporting of Covid vax deaths, comes from US medical freedom rights attorney Thomas Renz, who is pursuing a law suit against the Covid vaxxers. Whistle-blowers have come forward with information, including government data documenting 48,465 deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 vaccination among Medicare patients alone, from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS). “Persons who died within 14 days of a COVID-19 vaccine” was 19,400 for those younger than 81 years old, and 28,065 for those 81 and over, totalling 48,465 deaths. The 14 days is significant as according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one is not considered as being “vaccinated” until 14 days after getting the jab. This raises the likelihood  of  government authorities classifying these fatalities as something other than Covid  vaccination-related deaths.


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“If You Get the Vax You are More Likely to Get Covid!” What, How Can That Be! By Brian Simpson

The claim has been made by a former Pfizer employee, that these shots cause recipients to become more susceptible to contracting Covid-19.  She cites a “Briefing Document” used in a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee meeting on September 17, 2021. Titled “Application for licensure of a booster dose for COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA).” This includes a report of a study conducted by Pfizer testing the longevity of immunity of their Covid vaccine. It found “the group injected with the regimen earlier were more likely to be infected with the virus than those injected later, indicating a possible “waning of immunity” for the shots. The group injected earlier had a 7% chance of infection in the time period, and those injected later, only a 5.16% rate, equating to the former group having a 36% greater chance of infection than the latter.” The document reported, “An additional analysis appears to indicate that incidence of COVID-19 generally increased in each group of study participants with increasing time post-Dose 2.”  


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A Collapse Due to Failure of Global Supply Chains By Chris Knight (Florida)

Apparently even the mainstream media in the US and Britain are getting alarmed about the collapse of global supply chains of goods. This is not due to any sort of ecological scarcity, but is the political spin off of the shortage of labour due to the Covid shutdowns of the economy. It has meant that essential workers on the docks are not available, many leaving the workforce, or that field, hence hundreds of ships full of goods sit out in the ocean unloaded. This is leading to supermarket shelves being emptied of all the things that are imported from China, but should have been made here. It is another lesson in the madness of globalism and free trade, a legacy given to us by economic scribblers such as David Ricardo (1772-1823), with his comparative advantage theory. Not much of a comparative advantage if one can’t get the goods!


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Covid19 – The Spartacus Letter By Brian Simpson

Covid19 – The Spartacus Letter


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“The Vaccines Kill More Than They Save” By Brian Simpson

There was a message that the Covid vaccines kill more than they save, delivered by a number of doctors at a recent FDA hearing. The doctors and other experts including a top Johnson & Johnson researcher, warned that the shots “kill more people than they save” and pose a “clear and present danger” of creating coronavirus variants. “The FDA vaccine advisory committee’s booster shot hearing on Friday featured hours of testimony ahead of a 16-2 vote against the Biden administration’s plan to roll out third doses of the Pfizer vaccine for “fully vaccinated” Americans. The booster program, which may launch as early as this week, despite the FDA vote, has already spurred multiple resignations of top FDA officials.” The Covid steam roller rolls on, crushing everything in its path.


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Health Risks from Covid Vax Too High for Children: Why Not Me Too? By Brian Simpson

An article in the journal Toxicology Reports claims that the covid-19 vaccines pose an unacceptably high health risk for children. First, children are a low risk group. Second, the Big Pharma studies did not have representative samples, with the samples being too small. There was no investigation of long-term effects. Indeed, surely the same can be said about all the vaccines, developed at “warp speed”? Normally it takes years, not months to test vaccines. Thus, the vaccines remain experimental, and the vaxxed are the lab rats.


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Vaccine Mandates, Worker Shortage, Mass Death By Brian Simpson

As reported at Natural News.com, according to recent surveys, over half of American employers will require employees to be vaccinated for Covid.  If this survey is correct, corporate America might be in for an unpleasant surprise, if a sizeable number of workers refuse to get vaxxed and have to be sacked. Immigration is always proposed as the saving grace for the corporate elites, but as is seen with the nurse resignations in New York, for many jobs it may not be possible to get the skilled workers. Let us see how the corporates like that!


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Another Covid Vax Injury Story By Mrs Vera West

Here is today’s Covid vax injury story, of Danice Hertz, a 64-year-old physician “incapacitated” with neurological injuries after getting Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. Within 24 hours of being jabbed, she developed neurological symptoms, including severe paresthesias in her face, tongue, scalp, chest wall and limbs, as well as tremors, twitching, weakness, headaches, tinnitus and imbalance. After consulting numerous specialists in many fields, she still does not fully know what is wrong with herself.


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Left Claiming Natural Immunity Does Not Exist; Vaccines are All! By Brian Simpson

Kiera Butler of the Left-wing publication, Mother Jones, claims that natural immunity is a right-wing “conspiracy theory.” The only protection against Covid is from vaccines. This goes against Israeli research showing that natural immunity is superior and more robust that vaccine protection. It also goes against evolutionary theory, as humans survived diseases before vaccines and modern medicine. This is typical of the Left today, who unlike in the 1960s where al of capitalism was suspicious, they have firmly embraced Big Pharma.


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