Cancelling Kierkegaard … No, Not Soren Yet! By James Reed

Professor Ed Dutton, a brilliant politically incorrect biodiversity researcher who publishes books faster than most people can read them, often has illuminating articles on, usually taking apart the woke culture. Here is yet another story of the cancellation of an academic, the Danish scholar Emil Kirkegaard. This item is just reporting for the record, but the surname got me thinking about whether the system would today move to cancel another Kierkegaard, Soren Kirkegaard (1813-1855), the existential Christian philosopher, if that is a possible philosophical position. I am sure that today’s woke folk would find a way to cancel anyone. Ultimately the children of the revolution, in each generation, eat the parents of the revolution.


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Covid Deaths, in the Land of the Happy Syringe! By James Reed

So, how are things going in Oz, with all the vaxxes now plunged into the vast majority of deltoid muscles? Are those mRNA spike proteins doing their thing? I guess it depends upon how you look at it. While 96 percent of the population has had two mRNA jabs, and over 70 percent are fully boosted, Covid deaths are exploding, so to speak. No, people are not literally exploding yet, but anything is possible. Remember what the political class said when beginning the vaccine roll-out, that if you get vaxxed you will not get Covid, let alone die from it. Yet at this time Joe Biden, fully-vaxxed has Covid. If there was any reason still left in this society, the mainstream should be asking: have we made ourselves ticking bio-time bombs. Oh, censor that thought, it interferes with the comfort zone!

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Civil Unrest, UK Style By Richard Miller (London)

With the perfect storm of destructive forces being produced by the globalists to breakdown societies so that they can be remade according to their plans and rules, it is not a surprise to see reports of looming civil unrest in the UK, which has been a powder keg poised to explode for decades, given the right sparks. Now there is the ultimate threat to people’s lives, not being able to pay bills because of the rising cost of living.

For example, average energy bills in the UK for dual fuel are expected to rise to £3,615 by January 2023, which is an increase of 283 per cent on March levels. Faced with this, there is a movement not to pay bills. “Millions of us won’t be able to afford food and bills this winter,” asserts the Don’t Pay manifesto. “We cannot afford to let that happen. We demand a reduction of bills to an affordable level. We will cancel our direct debits from October 1st if we are ignored.” But, we can be sure that the energy companies will just put up prices even higher. People will be tossed out of their homes by the thugs of the system, to freeze in the cold UK streets.

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Spain Limits the Temperature of Air Conditioners (Because it Seemed a Good Idea at the Time) By James Reed

Here is one of those feel-good policies that probably in reality does not achieve very much; Spain has limited the temperature on air-conditioning in public and large commercial buildings such as shopping centres, cinemas and so on. Doors will also need to be kept shut. It all seems very trivial, and in principle will save some energy, but, really, at the end of the day, how much? The effects upon business, especially shopping sand tourism, will not be insignificant.


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Shutting Bars and Restaurants did Nothing to Stop the Spread of Covid By Brian Simpson

study – SARS-CoV-2 Suppression and Early Closure of Bars and Restaurants: A Longitudinal Natural Experiment, conducted by Japanese researchers and published in the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports,  has concluded that  shutting bars and restaurants did nothing to stop the spread of Covid. “Using a large-scale nationally representative longitudinal survey, we found that the early closure of restaurants and bars decreased the utilization rate among young persons and those who visited these places before the pandemic. However, symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 did not decrease in these active and high-risk subpopulations.” “From the perspective of public policy implications, our study suggests that the early closure of full-service restaurants and bars, without any other concurrent policies, is not an efficient way to suppress SARS-CoV-2. Given the large detrimental effects on employment, alternative measures for full-service restaurants and bars should be considered before they are closed completely.” However, the Covid establishment may argue that this study related to the early, pre-vax stage, and that this completely alters things. Thus, the possibility of lockdowns still exists, although it is unlikely mainly because Covid Omicron in all its splendour, is now endemic, and a fully vaxxed population seem to have lost faith in such measures. Monkeypox, with its medieval plague aspects may be a different matter though. There is something scary about running sores.

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Fully Vaxxed in California, and Still On the Covid Merry Go Round! By Chris Knight (Florida)

California is another jurisdiction where the fully vaccinated are getting Covid for a second time. In July 2022, over 50,000 Californians got reinfected with Covid a second time. The mainstream explanation of this is that the Covid variant BA.5 is evading the antibodies allegedly created by the wonderful vaxxes. Perhaps there is truth to that, but it is also likely that the immune systems of the vaxxed have be compromised by the shots. Thus, we are seeing some people, fully vaxxed, with Covid infections for a fourth time. It is possible that this will continue for life … or until death.

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Chaos in the Skies By Chris Knight (Florida)

Yet another Covid vax issue avoided by the mainstream media is the mounting toll of vax injured pilots, especially here in the US, with our larger population sample. While there have been some notable cases, documented by Children’s Health, the more pressing issue is that many pilots have Covid vax injuries, including myocarditis and pericarditis, but are not speaking out, or even revealing the extent of their injury, due to fear of losing their licences. Thus, they fly anyway, putting themselves and passengers at risk. Many though have been sacked by the airlines, as discussed below. The time of a major jet falling out of the sky into a city, may come.

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China Throwing Missiles Everywhere in an Infantile Temper Tantrum By James Reed

The aftermath of Nancy Pelosi’s whirlwind trip to Taiwan is that communist China has freaked out and engaged in sabre-rattling, in fact, is firing missiles, everywhere. According to Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi, the commos launched five ballistic missiles straight into Japan’s exclusive economic zone. The immediate problem with this is that the more of this temper tantrum behaviour, the greater the chances of some major accident occurring. It is like some local thug who takes to throwing rocks around he neighbourhood; some poor kid riding his/her bike will eventually get hit on the nog. Then before you know it, some kind of local rock-throwing war erupts. Nuclear rocks, too.


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The Covid Ghosts of Wayne Root’s Wedding By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is an interesting observation. Wayne Root, a US conservative talk show host, is a Covid vax critic. He observed that at his wedding 33 out of the 200 guests, who were conservatives, but all vaxxed, are now sick or dead! And, the unvaccinated, no deaths or injuries. While this is not a randomised trial, it is still evidence, of something happening in the empirical world, and the probability of this all being by chance, Steve Kirsch shows, is negligible. It is thus proof of the harm of the vaxxes.

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The Rise of Aggressive Cancers: Post-Vaxxes By Chris Knight (Florida)

There are a number of reports, across jurisdictions, of an increase in the excess mortality following the Covid vax rollout, with most deaths being from cancer and dementia. Dr Ute Kruger at Lunds University, Sweden, is a cancer expert. She has noticed from her practice a rise in aggressive cancers over the past year, with younger people getting these cancers, the tumours being larger than normal, and multiple tumours occurring. As well, people who had been in remission from cancer, are getting cancer again. In summary:

  • “Age – The average ages of the samples she received dropped, with a rise in the number of samples from people in their 30’s-50’s.
  • Size – It used to be unusual for Dr. Kruger to find a tumor 3 cm in size. In this new environment, she’s regularly seeing tumors of 4 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm, and the occasional 12 cm. In a shocking anecdote, 2 weeks ago she found a 16 cm tumor that took up an entire breast.
  • Multiple Tumors – Dr. Kruger has begun to see more cases of multiple tumors growing in the same patient, sometimes even in both breasts. She had 3 cases within 3 weeks of patients who had tumors growing in multiple organs. One had tumors in his/her breast, pancreas and lungs within months of getting vaccinated.
  • Recurrence – There has been an uptick in patients who have been in remission from their cancer for many years, suddenly getting an aggressive recurrence of their cancer shortly after vaccination.”


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The Scientific Virtues of Organic Food By Mrs Vera West

Is there scientific proof that organic foods are healthier than Big Agri foods produced using masses of herbicides such as Roundup? Dr Robert Malone takes a break from work on the Cod vaxxes to detail the scientific case for organic food. Consumption of organic food is associated with a reduced risk of cancers, primarily because cancer-causing agents, such as pesticide residuals are removed, but also because organic food typically is fresher, being obtained usually from famers’ markets, rather than being stored for months in refrigeration in commercial supermarket settings. Most importantly, glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides exhibit cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, so they are to be avoided. I recall a friend who did spraying for a local council who swore by glyphosate herbicides and said to me that he did not feel right unless he was spraying, and that it was all so safe one could drink it! And, he ended up dying of cancer.

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Athletes Die in the Time of the Covid Vax By Brian Simpson

Athletes across the world are falling, many dying on the field,  all in otherwise peak fitness, but collapsing on the field. Athlete deaths are up 1,700 percent compared to monthly averages since 1966. Swiss research published in 2006, between 1966 and 2004, indicates that there were 1,101 “sudden deaths” among otherwise healthy athletes under the age of 35, and between January 2021 and April 2022 there were at least 673 sudden deaths among athletes. It could be said that such athletes are the canaries in the Covid coalmine, indicating what the vaxxes are capable of, and this may be the shape of things to come. There are numerous videos of media persons suddenly collapsing.


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Who’s for a Nice Cup of Cockroach Milk? By Mrs Vera West

The quest to get us all eating insects and synthetic food continues. One of the latest is to synthesise cockroach milk, since milking the dirty little blithers is a wee bit difficult. Will we look back on the good old  days when full cream cow’ milk was freely available?

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Ireland and the Great Reset By Richard Miller (London)

One part of the agenda of the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, and other globalists, is the creation of a cashless society. Various aspects of this agenda to control people at a most fundamental level are being rolled out across the globe, with Irish banks well into the scheme. Strategies include, according to the Financial Services Union (FSU), claims that banks “were engaged in a deliberate policy of moving people away from cash payments and bricks-and-mortar banking. …  banks are accused of not answering phones, under-staffing branches so there are long queues, and failing to quickly repair broken ATMs as a way of pushing people to do their banking online.” This is a softening up process until the governments move to make cash illegal. Then, as Trudeau did to the Canadian trucker protesters, one can be financially eliminated with the click of computer keys, producing the level of social control now seen in communist China.


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Americans No Longer See Russia as a Problem By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is embarrassing for the globalist agenda. A recent Gallup poll has shown that only one percent of Americans view Russia as a problem. The percentage was higher at nine percent in March, but now the economic ramifications are hitting home and a taste for Russia war has faded. Never mind, there is always communist china, ever-eager for a good nuclear punch up. And, there may be no choice regarding this one.

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Slight Glimmers of Reality Recognition in Woke, Broke, Sweden By Richard Miller (London)

With Sweden on the verge of civil war, or at least deep social chaos, with grenade warfare common, Swedish Migration Minister Anders Ygeman, in an interview with Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper has said that Sweden should follow the example of Denmark and place a limit on the population of non-Nordic migrants living in troubled areas, or in other words, the no-go zones. It is, of course, too little, too late, since these no-go zones will still be, as they are at present, huge problems, and unless the migration flood is stopped, new migration will merely spread the problem, like a wild fire. Sweden certainly has an advanced death wish. It is hard to believe that they once were Vikings, but it shows what modernity can do to a race and people, creating mass suicidal drives.

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Woke “Batgirl” Movie Crashes and Burns By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Batgirl movie, featuring a transgender hero, has been cancelled and will not be shown, as there have been poor reactions from audiences in test screenings. Oh, they were probably all bigots …  don’t let that stop you Warner! Change your mind and press ahead. What is reputation and money when there is the woke agenda to think of? In the future, maybe instead of making such movies, a great pile of money could be made and set alight with flame thrower, just to save time?

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Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant is Completely Out of Control; Get Ready for Chernobyl 2.0! By Richard Miller (London)

Here is one of the black swan events, unintended and unexpected consequences of the Ukraine War, even if there is a general conspiracy. It seems that Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in the Ukraine is “completely out of control.” The UN nuclear chief wants Russia and the Ukraine to allow experts to deal with the situation. This situation could further spiral out of control leading to a graver nuclear accident than Chernobyl. That will make the present was look like a football squeamish, as Europe, Russia, and even communist China get heavy doses of radiation.

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Novavax and Heart Inflammation By Mrs Vera West

Novavax, a non-mRNA vax, was thought by the medical technocrats to soak up those stubborn vax dodgers, who were worried about the mRNA vaxxes because of adverse effects such as heart inflammation. Guess what? The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended adding a warning for two types of heart inflammation to Novavax’s Covid-19 vaccine. There have been at present a small number of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination. But, it is early days yet, but such cases do call into question the mainstream Covid narrative that Novavax will be just like a drink of water.

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From Eating Bugs to Eating People: World Economic Forum By James Reed

We have been covering the proclamations of the chattering class, with their climate change crisis agenda, that promotes the eating of bugs. But it did not take long for academics and other so-called public intellectuals to move on to the next level of cultural degeneracy, of eating people, cannibalism.

Here is Dr Mercola’s take on this, which is a high-quality presentation, showing that all of these ideas, while not original to the World Economic Forum, have been championed by them in recent times. The insincerity of these proposals is evident, since even if there was a climate crisis, which there is not,  the measures proposed would be totally inadequate to deal with it. It would need cuts and restrains far deeper. True, that could come next, but then we would then enter territory that might just impinge upon the freedoms to loot and exploit of the elites, such as abandoning mass immigration and free trade, all of which have profound environmental, let alone racial,  costs.

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