Times that Try the Soul of Man By James Reed

Thomas Paine (1737-1809), American political philosopher, famously spoke of the “times that try men’s souls.” And he also said in the same context, “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” He was, of course referring to ther crises of his time, but our times, are much more furious compared to his, and thus more of a burden upon the soul, for the sociopaths have seized control ,and now there does not seem to be any end in sight of what hey might do. Each day we cover new, demonic things that they plan. The centre will not hold, for their agenda is completely unnatural, much like pretending to fly, which seems fine for a little while until gravity speaks.


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Forget about Seeing the Doctor Now, If You are Poor! By James Reed

It looks like the bulk billing system is on the verge of collapse, or already has. The facts are detailed below, but the Medicare Rebate will not cover the cost of seeing the GP. I found this out the other day, when I could not pay the gap for my appointment, so had to walk out. And so I did not see the doctor. At present I have an eye issue and are treating myself from research on the internet such as PubMed; no alternative. We have now entered the Third World, as the only thing which, for the poor, separated us from them was high-level medical care, and that has gone. I blame the government who could easily solve this problem, but won’t, wanting to waste money on woke causes. And, the average GP is doing aright compared to most of us, we the poor struggling to get food now. The GPs will still have their holidays, dinners, wine and private schools for their kids. The former GP I once went to always used to rattle on about his latest holiday, one out of ego, and two to make the appointment into a long appointment to get more Medicare. After Covid, I have a low opinion of these guys.


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Climate Change Act is Here By James Reed

Well, looks like the Climate Change Act is here, which was certain to pass, even without the reluctant support of the Greens. We know their strategy; get this one in, then press on for the more radical deindustrialisation agenda, such as banning of petrol and diesel cars, no more meat, and all of the other things being canvassed now by the Great Reset, Great Replacement, World Economic Forum. Yet, as depressing as this is, I wonder how all of this restriction and cutbacks in energy and industry will go, once China war gets into full swing? Will there be the luxury of appealing to woke, if what Australia faces, sooner rather than later, is the existential threat of communist China? And if they are ultimately victorious, will they, who are now building coal-fired power stations like there is no tomorrow, give two jots about a so-called climate crisis? No prizes for the answers to these questions.


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World Government Satanic Rituals By James Reed

No sooner had I uploaded my article “Satanic Globalism,” then I saw Mike Adams on the clear Satanic presentation at the opening of the British Commonwealth Games opening ceremony, using symbolism of the evil dark god Baal. We see this trend of Satan worship among Hollywood, in music videos and much of modern culture. There are some real shockers out there, some detailed below. Thus, we need to be aware, and recognise that this is a spiritual attack, best met by strengthening faith in Christ, as Mike details.


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Danger PAST Our Doorstep; Inside the Citadel in Fact By James Reed

Jim Molan, has a book entitled, Danger on our Doorstep, which has just been released. China now has the weaponry for war, and Molan predicts, war in three years. On this he is almost certainly too conservative, since a good case can be made that after the Pelosi adventure, China has accelerated its efforts and as I see it, will invade Taiwan possibly before the end of 2020. China has seen how week America is, so now is the time to attack. If I am right, and given Chairman Xi’s call for overseas Chinese to be loyal to the Fatherland, I wonder how things will go down here in our wonderful multicult, diverse, Asianised Oz? Where will the international students, thousands working in STEM research, stand, given folks back home, who will become hostages? I suppose the plan is for Australia to surrender, making us really a “part of Asia.” What happens to useless eaters, and drinkers, such as me? Don’t know, I better check the history of the Cultural Revolution. (Spoiler, up to 80 million.)


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Whoopi Goldberg Says, God is Pro-Abortion! By Abigail Knight (Florida)

According to Whoopi Goldberg, God is pro-abortion, having made women smart enough to know when a pregnancy is not going to work! That must be the all-time craziest piece of pseudo-theology to be published. If God made women with such knowledge, then He would also have made them smart enough to not have an unwanted pregnancy in the first place, which He did. Many of these unwanted pregnancies, are not from rape (only one percent) but from nights out on the town, intoxicated. If one does not believe this, then visit some of the night clubs any weekend night in any city in the West. You will be shocked.


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Zombie Viruses of the Mind By Brian Simpson

Tessa Lana, at Dr Mercola’s site, gives a tremendous overview of the so-called zombie parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii, which causes infected rats to be attracted to cats, who kill the rats, getting infected with the parasites themselves, and completing the life cycle. These mind-controlling parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii can infect humans as well, resulting in a range of mental ill-effects. That being so, the main mind viruses controlling human behaviour are not biological as such, but political; namely propaganda created by the elites and pumped into the brain as surely as any zombie virus. We have seen this with the entire woke/politically correct agenda, and now with the Covid mandate. I would say that many people are controlled to an even greater degree than the infected rats. The infected rats may well be surprised at the behaviour of some humans.


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The Name of the Game is Transhuman Genocide By James Reed

The first synthetic embryos have been created, by-passing eggs, sperm and fertilisation. This has been done using stem cells from mice. Now the drive of the Dr Frankenstein scientists will be to make the first synthetic human. Don’t think that this will not be done, it is all part of the transhuman agenda; the immoral and lawless CCP will do it for a super-soldier program. With this, the elites can eliminate all of the human race that they do not want, and make a new race in their own image from their stem cells. This explains all of what is going down now as we are subject to a tsunami of existential threats. We are now way past 1984 and Brave New World.


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Vaccines that Spread Like Viruses By Brian Simpson

Bill Gates will not rest until everyone on the planet is vaccinated. So, to hell with free will and choice, vaccines which spread like viruses, will nail all. Now under development these demon vaccines will ensure that every one gets a dose, or two or fifty, as it may be. This, of course, puts vaccines at the level of assault, or biochemical rape. If this is not stopped by the resistance, then hopefully the elites will cop doses of this goo as well, and go down too. Worst case scenario.


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Spiteful Mutants of the Left By Brian Simpson

  1. Roger Devlin has given a tremendous review of Dr Edward Dutton’s latest book, Spiteful Mutations: Evolution, Sexuality, Politics and Religion in the 21st Century (2022). The case seems to be made, using the examples of religion and sex, that maladaptive mutations resulting in a genetic load, causes the Leftist to make otherwise genetically healthy people to behave in unhealthy ways. This seems plausible with many aspects of the woke agenda such as sex and race, the trans agenda being of particular interest. The Left have moved to normalise such behaviour, and to deconstruct the categories of sex, male and female, that have been accepted in all societies throughout history. So, something deep is going on, and Dutton thinks that there is a biological basis to this decline and fall. If not, there is certainly adequate political explanations of what is happening. Anyway, I like the idea that the Left are primarily a product of genetic loads, if I have got that right. They are literally, diseased.



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Don’t be Evil? Just Censor Everything Covid! By James Reed

Don’t be evil may be their code of conduct, now, or in the past,  but really, censoring some basic questions about Covid and the Covid vaxxes, on its survey platform, does reduce knowledge about the Covid infection, which could impact upon lives. Hence, it is an evil act.


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Opposing the Indigenous Voice to Parliament: Go, Pauline, Go! By James Reed

It is clear that the Coalition will go weak on the Indigenous voice referendum issue, and will support it. Thus, it is good to see Pauline Hanson get off to a flying start in opposing it. Will this just galvanise the Left? Well, the Left already takes this issue as a holy grail, so forget it; it will be the ordinary people against the New Class and Those in the Shadows, who see these constitutional changes as suiting their agenda. Still, we should have already have begun intense lobbying of Coalition MPs on this issue, but it must not end there, for Pauline is right; whatever they say, they will cave in at the end. Grassroots activism to get the word out, leaflets that one can distribute to electorates which are not in the “woke’ zone of the inner city elites, talkback radio and the likes, are what to do now. Either that or face Australia sinking even deeper into the dust of history.


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The High-Tech Genocidal War of Technocracy By James Reed

Patrick Wood, who tackles the prime issue of technocracy each day in a tremendous site, cuts to the chase in the extract below, saying that what we are in now is nothing less than genocide to be rained down upon us by the Dark Lord ruling elites. We ordinary people are the carbon units that the system really wants to replace, more than carbon dioxide. Of course, the first to be attacked were Euro-whites, in the Great Replacement by mass immigration and multiculturalism/multiracialism. But things have moved along, as the masters of the universe now are engaged in a technological assault, with the weapons of disease and genetic engineering, and artificial intelligence, to make a nightmare world, much along the lines of some of the evil villains in Marvel and DC comics. Ultra-bad guy Thanos, of The Avengers, for example, only wanted to cull out half of the population, for Malthusian reasons, but did not seek to rule the remaining universe. He treated the world like a game reserve. But our villains go beyond even that, and strive to deconstruct and reconstruct, the human species itself. Such is the level of megalomania we now face.


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Preparing for the Perfect Storm of Crises By John Steele

Dr Mercola sets out in a concise manner the globalist agenda to collapse the economies of the West, including the food supply network. He says that collapse is inevitable, not because of any ecological limits, but because it is all part of a plan, yes, a conspiracy, involving all of the globalist organisations, who cooperate for this common goal. We hear about the insane things being brewed up in the caldrons of dark thought by the World Economic Forum, but as Dr Mercola observes, before they were stars, the Rockefeller Foundation and others were already predicting global famines, and aiming for centralised control of food to deal with it. Of course, things have moved on rapidly, and leading social critics of technocracy are now writing about a hyper-Great Replacement, this time of all that the ruling elites regard as useless eaters, namely, us. These demons from the deepest pits of hell look forward to robots replacing most, at least 90 percent of humanity, and what we are seeing now is the grand plan in action. An article at the blog today depicts this as “satanic” and as a Christian, I must agree too.


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The Dark History of Vaccine Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

Vaccine adverse effects have not been limited to just the covid vaxxes. If this was so, it would be a singularity that should be corrected, as difficult as it is to see how this can be done now, with the medical technocratic system seemingly out of control, or at least, out of the control of the dispossessed majority. No, there have been problems of adverse effects from vaccines from the very beginning, and there have been notable critics of the regime. Thus, the biologist A. R. Wallace, in The Wonderful Century (1898), criticised the smallpox regime of his time, arguing that there had been no double-blind trials, or even trials with a control group. Public health measures, in any case had led to smallpox decreasing before the vaccine rollouts. As noted in the extracts below, this seems to be a common pattern with the vaccine regime, including the polio vaccine.  It is a story of money, profit and power, and not so much human health; often the direct opposite.


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Satanic Globalism By James Reed

David Hilton, writing at Caldronpool.com, does not mince words, and says, rightly, that globalism is satanic. Looking at what is going down now from a Christian perspective, one which accepts the existence of real good and evil as presences in the world, we must agree. The entire globalist quest is based upon the humanist ideology of humans living in the world where “god is dead,” as Nietzsche infamous preached in chillingly entitled books, The Anti-Christ, and Beyond Good and Evil, to be replaced by the new gods, the ruling elites. There seems to be no better way of viewing the likes of Soros, Gates, and the Dark Lords of the World Economic Forum, let alone the ruling elites above them who rule in the shadows. The transhumanist quest, to transcend human biology itself, and create immortal robots, housing the consciousness of said elites, is a continuation of this quest of man attempting to replace God. Problem this, all of these humanist quests eventually come unstuck, at the cost of great human misery. If this is not Satanic, then I will walk to China.

Caldronpool.com is a good site, that should be supported.

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World Economic Forum on the Carless Future By Richard Miller (London)

The motto of the World Economic Forum must be, you will own nothing, and we don’t care whether you are happy or not. Apart from the attack upon meat eating and production, cars are on their cancel list. The idea is to educate, sorry, brainwash the young, so that they will associate cars with the climate change apocalypse. Hence, the freedom of movement that a car gave the ordinary person, from Henry Ford, will come to an end if these globalist ghouls get their way.


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More on the Correlation between Higher Covid Vax Rates and the Increase in Deaths from all Causes By Brian Simpson

There have been many reports of increased Covid infections, and deaths from all causes, with increased vaxxing. A report from the Netherlands found a "vaccination-correlated mortality rate" of around 5 percent, indicating that 5 percent of overall deaths  were correlated  with  the vaxxes. While correlation alone does not prove causation, it is the first step in establishing it.  According to the lead researcher, Andre Redert,  the result is “alarming and calls for more research on the effect of current Covid vaccines on all-cause mortality.”


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The End of the European Union? By Richard Miller (London)

The following editorial is from Ambassador Michael Gfoeller, a former Political Advisor to the U.S. Central Command 26 years (1984 to 2010) and as a US Foreign Service Officer  and David H. Rundell, the author of Vision or Mirage, Saudi Arabia at the Crossroads and a former Chief of Mission at the American Embassy in Saudi Arabia under George Bush Sr. and George Bush Jr. Europe is facing one of its greatest crisis, from the war vin the Ukraine to fuel and resource crises which are challenging the foundations of the EU. They see the possibility of the entire framework collapsing, something which nationalist would dearly like to see instead of the present globalist rule from Brussels.


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UK: The Medical Technocrats Want Covid Restrictions Again! By Richard Miller (London)

The Covid madness is truly unending. Editors of two leading medical journals, British Medical Journal (BMJ) and Health Service Journal (HSJ), want the government to revive Covid pandemic restrictions, including compulsory mask wearing, work from home measures, and various restrictions on social gatherings. We have seen this before and it did not work then, and will not work now. Covid will still be waiting once people emerge from their home prisons from solitary confinement, and new variants, bred by evolutionary pressure, will rip through the population again.


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