From the 15-Minute City, To No City at All By Richard Miller (London)

The latest gee whiz Big Thing of the climate change elites is the 15-miunte city, where by banning cars, one is supposed to be able to get around quicker, as supposedly there is less congestion. But, in many respects the concept when actually rolled out in some of its forms is totally absurd, not merely impractical, and tyrannical. For example, the city of Birmingham UK, a diverse little multicult is moving to this 15-minute city concept to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Thus, cars are banned, and trees planted in the spaces that once were roads. But, as pointed out by Igor Chudov at his substack, there does not seem to be, from the plans, anyway of getting large vehicle access, such as fire tracks, ambulances and other emergency vehicles! It just seems to be not part of the plan at all. So, if there is a major fire, the whole place burns down, creating even more carbon dioxide emissions!

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The March of the Cyborg Soldiers By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There have been movies made about this; Universal Soldier (1992), starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren is one example of the idea of making humans into enhanced entities using artificial intelligence and robotics. As documented by Dr Robert Malone, the US military is working on the concept, as is communist China. The aim is to have a human machine fusion by 2050. The aim is to produce visual advancements, physical improvements in strength and endurance, but most importantly, to have neural implants that will allow a computer system interface to exist.

Of course, the documents Dr Malone cites are already a bit dated, as the technocrats now seem to have moved more to trying to produce the singularity by at least 2050, so that the biology part of the cyborg equation will simply drop pout, with man being totally replaced by AI, and robotics. Sure, we normal people see this as crazy science fiction, but it is the vision of the technocrats, and they intend to realise it, whatever the costs.

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The Cost of Thief By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is the shape of a society in social decay, although the ruling elites running the show think that it is being progressive. Numerous Democrat run cities in the US are facing an epidemic of shoplifting. Target recently announced that organised retail thief will result in $500 million more in stolen and lost merchandise this year compared with a year ago. Across the country the figure of loss from thief is a staggering 100 billion dollars a year. Retailers try to pass this cost onto consumers, but only so much can be done here given that some stores face ongoing systematic organised looting. Videos can be seen on YouTube of mobs suddenly descending upon stores, taking what they want, and having overwhelmed security guards by sheer numbers, just leave with trollies full of goods. Thus, Walmart has decided to shut 17 of its stores across nine states given the thief crisis, including a further plan to shut down half its Chicago stores, mostly located on the crime-ridden city’s south and west sides.

The liberals see this as poor people just getting their “reparations,” although we can assume that the same liberals would not want this in their backyard, or done to their personal stuff. The cause is go-soft policies on crime, done by Soros-backed District Attorneys, making it almost irresistible to not steal. It is yet another example of how woke leads to social decay.

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The Voice is All About Communism By James Reed

This has been said before, but a different “voice” about the Voice referendum is worth considering. Two expatriates from the former communist state of Albania have seen the Voice referendum as a movement for communism. Dr. Zekri Palushi said, making comparisons with Albania: “The class system was implemented in order to incite Albanian citizens to hate and fight against each other, and I must admit that the strategy worked very well for the Albanian Communist Party. Because in this way, they managed to keep the people divided while [the party] worked together further pushing their agenda,” he said. “That’s why we see The Voice not as a gesture of kindness but as a Marxist movement with specific goals that, if successful, will see the good Aboriginal people become the greatest losers.” The issue is that neo-Marxists, who have dominated the Aboriginal debate, have mastered the techniques of using guilt for manipulation, and they have their agenda that is not known to the ordinary Australian voters.

The message thus needs to be got out about the agenda of racial separatism, and the breakup of Australia.

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Interracial Crime and Diversity Myths By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The issue of Black crime, the previously unspoken herd of elephants in the room, has become a hot topic on Twitter after Elon Musk responded to a tweet which showed that black-on-white crime was the most common type of interracial violence. Here is one white person’s reflections upon this; noting that what Musk said is known at a street-wise level by almost everyone, including liberals. The liberal gives lip-service to the supposed joys of diversity, but still seeks to move to white neighbourhoods, and have their children go to majority white schools, and hang the cost; “liberals are correct that entire swaths of a major city don’t end up with zero white people by accident. They just attribute this to “racism” rather than the desire not to be sexually assaulted or physically harmed.”

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The Boys are Back in Town: Bilderbergers By Richard Miller (London)

We have not heard a lot from this group lately, but they were always more in the shadows than the up-front and in-your-face World Economic Forum. The Bilderberg group is set to have its 69th meeting, to discuss much the same things that the World Economic Forum did earlier in the year, and no doubt, will reach the same globalist conclusions, by definition. Topics  for discussion are artificial intelligence, the banking system, energy transition, and industrial policy and trade, and the fates of Europe, China, India, Russia, and Ukraine, along with NATO and America’s global leadership, what there is of it. And, as predicted, all of the usual suspects will be there in full, living colour.

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Big Pharma Playing Hard Ball By Brian Simpson

The “firing,” or neutralisation of Tucker Carlson by Fox News, has led to much speculation about why a network would eliminate its leading star, and face the economic consequences. Now, independent journalist James O’Keefe, operating under his  O’Keefe Media Group (OMG), has conducted an undercover operation, where an insider has stated that the removal of Tucker was because of his criticisms of Big Pharma, which previously gave big money in advertising. Getting rid of Tucker was a deal done to get those dollars back. That makes perfect sense, and once more shows the power of Big Pharma to control the social dynamics.

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Man Who Dances in Heels Planning to Blow Up Hungary/Russian Oil Pipeline By Richard Miller (London)

As stated in my other article at the blog today, the globalists are disturbed by Hungary, with its nationalism, and opposition to Western woke ideologies. What disturbs them even more is that Hungary has maintained its main oil pipeline with Russia, as the nation needs energy. But, according to leaked documents, Zelensky is planning to blow up the Druzhba oil pipeline connecting Russia and Hungary. “Ukraine should just blow up the pipeline and likely destroy Hungarian [Prime Minister] Viktor Orban’s industry, which is based heavily on Russian oil,” Zelensky said at a secret meeting. A nasty pasty, indeed. As I have said, this would be an act of war, and given that Hungary is a NATO country, NATO should then, by rights, move to protect Hungary. But, the special relationship the Western elites have with the most corrupt nation in Europe would preclude that. There are just too many secrets buried in that land.

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The Globalist War Against Hungary By Richard Miller (London)

The globalist elites have targeted the country of Hungary for breakdown, given that the government of Viktor Orbán stands against the woke ideologies of the West, and is pro-family, pro-man and woman, and nationalist. But, what has upset the system the most is not falling into line on the faith of the Ukraine. Not wishing to have his country destroyed by energy suppression, he has maintained the oil pipeline with Russia and has said that he serves Hungary, not the Ukraine, and rightly so. As to be covered in another article at the blog, this has led Ukraine president, Zelensky to plan to blow up Hungary’s oil pipeline with Russia. That should be an act of war, in normal times, but we live instead, in the theatre of the absurd.

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The Lawlessness of Big Pharma By Chris Knight (Florida)


It is well known that Big Pharma had a dream deal in setting up the multi-billion dollar Covid vax contracts with governments, putting down the terms they wanted, and maintaining secrecy. But, beyond even
Covid,  a new report by  the American Economic Liberties Project and the Initiative for Medicines, Access, and Knowledge, has documented  pharmaceutical companies' antitrust law violations. This amount, for the US is $ 40 billion in 2019. The illegal measures used include horizontal collusion, patent fraud, no-generics agreements, and sham citizen petitions to  convincing regulators to delay approval of potential alternative drugs.  To combat this will be quite a battle, given that Big Pharma’s power is immense, and they have impact upon decision makers at all levels. Still, the battle needs to commence soon before the next plandemic.

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The Diversity Lobby: The World is Not Enough By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US Democrats are pushing for federal reparations to Black descendants of the slaves, to the tune of US $ 14 trillion. The 2022 GDP of the US was $25 trillion in 2022, and the U.S. is already $31.4 trillion in debt, with possible default coming, which could bring the economic curtain down, probably a good thing at this late stage of the game. Obviously, this is not going to happen, but it shows what is in the minds of the woke. Never mind the logistics of deciding exactly who the descendants of the slaves are, and how one deals with white slaves. And, my guess is that even if the reparations were made, after a big party, things will be pretty much as they are now. What is needed are jobs, structured lives and opportunities, not hand-outs. Give a man an ocean of fish and there will be no fishing tomorrow.


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The Lockdown Nostalgia of the Chattering Class By Mrs Vera West

Here is a sample of the thinking of the mainstream chattering class, coming from journalist Harriet Walker, writing for The Times. She puts her case that the lockdowns were good times, if not the best of times, having less stress, and being able to work from home with the comfort of her trusty laptop. What is there not to like?  Well, good for her; but at least she is vaguely aware that the lockdowns not only destroyed multitudes of small businesses, but led to wide-spread ill health, death and suicide. And, many studies have shown that the lockdowns were ineffective, and unnecessary, as non-locked down Sweden showed by way of a counter-example. But, the point of interest here is that the attitude of Walker is typical of the New Class, and foreshadows the inevitable fact that when the next plandemic comes, and Bill Gates said it is coming soon (no doubt just in time for massive US election fraud via mail-in votes), we will be back to where we were in 2020, or worse, given that the Victorian sheeple returned the Andrews government.

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Disinfectants and Hand Sanitizers and the Asthma and Infertility Crisis By Mrs Vera West

During the Covid freak-out, dispensers for hand sanitizer were everywhere, and often still are; I just saw one in the bank today, and supermarkets still have them. Disinfectants were sprayed almost as widely as Agent Orange was in the Vietnam War. Yet the alcohol in hand sanitizers has been linked to cancer, and disinfectants often contain quaternary ammonium compounds linked to dermatitis, inflammation, and birth defects. Worse, there has been no proof that using these chemicals has any real impact upon stopping the spread of the Covid-19 virus, which is a respiratory virus, and air borne. It is as modern form of superstition, based upon fear and social hysteria, like the wearing of masks.

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The Little Elites are Useful Idiots for the Larger, Predatory Global Elites By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is another thinker having an intellectual swing at the New Class intelligentsia, this time coming from the sensible Left, John Howard Kunstler, author of books such as The Long Emergency (2005). His following quoted comments are very interesting, because coming from a man of the Left, he is taking issue with the major planks of the Biden regime. For a start, he calls out the Covid scam, and he never got vaxxed himself, seeing the damage that was being done to people’s hearts. And, he thinks that is a given that the Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election. He, in short, sees the intellectuals and chattering class, mainly from the Left as useful idiots for the globalists. Just think of how antifa, funded by globalists, always perform so faithfully for them, as one example. University academics are another.

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The Tyranny of the New Class By James Reed

US Scholar Tom Harrington has called out the completely unjustified power that the New Class of intellectuals, experts and idea workers, and technocrats have in modernity. Their power comes in part from the power of words and ideas for social control, and this has been a particularly strong influence over whites, especially Nordics (Northern Europeans), as I see it, as they seem to be genetically programmed to seek justifications for beliefs, and supplying bs “justifications” is exactly what the sophists of the New Class exceed in, for talk is cheap. This is well demonstrated by the conceptual swill flowing from the modern universities, such as Critical Race Theory. But, it is all contrary to the fundamental core of the Enlightenment, where critical reason should lead to humility, not a culture of control by knowledge: “The existence of misinformation presumes the existence of pure information that is unambiguously understood. No information is ever unambiguously understood, simply because of the incapacity of people to see it in exactly the same way. We’re all different. The idea of misinformation depends on a very primitive idea of information.”

“All inquiry is torturous. All inquiry takes a path … What may seem self-evident at one stage of the process of inquiry might turn out to be completely false later on. And yet, you have someone intervening and saying, ‘No, that’s definitely nonsense.’”

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Climate Change Agenda 30 UN Guru, IPCC, Got it Wrong (Again)! By James Reed

The United Nations IPCC, the body issuing the apocalyptic climate change predictions that have in turn influenced government policy makers has been shown by recent research to have 42 percent of its dire climate change predictions based upon improbable rises in the global average temperature. This has been shown through a critical analysis of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Reports (AR6), where the improbabilities are in fact mentioned in fine print in the main text, but are not explicit in the summaries for policy makers. The IPCC reports are reported to the media to establish a political narrative that there is a coming climate apocalypse unless radical changes are made to Western living standards, including fossil fuel use and agriculture. Yet, according to the research summarised below, this is unjustified since the most radical conclusions depended upon scenarios which are low probability. By definition, being low probability, while it is possible  that these scenarios  occur, they most likely will not. It should therefore be a policy principle to act upon the more probable scenarios, rather than the least probable ones.

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Debunking a Climate Change Dogma: The Industrial Revolution did Little by Way of Carbon Emissions By James Reed

One of the key propositions of received climate change “science” is that there has been a rise in  carbon dioxide levels since the dawn of the industrial age, and this rise is responsible for an alleged increase in the global average temperature. This increase is supposed to be resulting in catastrophic climate change effects. Now, while some may not like to think about science, the consequences of this policy-wise are dire, with the globalist elites moving to de-industrial the West, but not communist China; guess where that leads? This scenario threatens us with annihilation, so anyone having a survival instinct should be concerned.

However, a paper published in the journal Health Physics in February 2022, examined the issue of the rise in carbon dioxide levels since the industrial revolution. While a small increase was found, that increase itself could not have caused the supposed global warming that the mainstream proposes. This leaves two possibilities, not discussed. First, that the mainstream is simply wrong about the temperature rise. The second is that a temperature rise has occurred, but this is due to natural variation, as has occurred throughout the Earth’s history. Either way, the present drive by globalists such as the World Economic Forum to de-industrialise the West, eliminate most agriculture, close down coal and fossil fuel energy and force us to eat insects, or starve, is completely unjustified. As we knew all along.

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Challenging the Allegations of AI Intelligence from Microsoft By Brian Simpson

Microsoft is claiming that a new AI system is showing signs of human intelligence, as it can solve a stacking problem requiring an intuitive understanding of the construction and geometry of the real world. The question asked was; “Here we have a book, nine eggs, a laptop, a bottle and a nail,” they asked. “Please tell me how to stack them onto each other in a stable manner.” The answer given was: “Put the eggs on the book, it said. Arrange the eggs in three rows with space between them. Make sure you don’t crack them. “Place the laptop on top of the eggs, with the screen facing down and the keyboard facing up,” it wrote. “The laptop will fit snugly within the boundaries of the book and the eggs, and its flat and rigid surface will provide a stable platform for the next layer.”

To my mind, that does not even make sense. First, what about the nail and the bottle? What happened to them? Why would one put a laptop on top of fragile eggs? Why make two layers when surely one could be made safely? No doubt, the idea here is “stacking” involves things just put on top of each other. But, even if one took that line, the aim is to stop the eggs rolling. So, my human solution: open the laptop, the screen at a right angle, and the screen will make the first wall. Put the nail under the right or left side of the laptop so there is a slope. Put the open book on the side of the laptop which is sloping to make a wall, to stop eggs rolling; with the bottle put behind the book for extra support. Or, if you want, stack the bottle with the eggs on the laptop keyboard.  Carefully put all the eggs on the keyboard, so that they touch. There, everything technically stacked, and no rolling eggs.

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Those Who Live by the Mask, Die by the Mask By Mrs Vera West

I have been pursuing the mask-wearing fetish throughout the Covid plandemic, and thankfully this madness has gone in most jurisdictions, except for possibly medical centres and hospitals, but there is no fixed rule on that one now. We are in the aftermath of Covid, and some of the truth is now coming out. It was well known that long-term mask wearing led to a rise in carbon dioxide levels; even the local GP could measure this, by a device that they put on the thumb, or at least blood oxygen levels.

And now a new German study German study reveals that “a significant rise in carbon dioxide occurring while wearing a mask is scientifically proven in many studies.” They said: “Fresh air has around 0.04% CO2,” but “masks bear a possible chronic exposure to low level carbon dioxide of 1.41–3.2% CO2 of the inhaled air in reliable human experiments.”  This is 35-80 times the normal level of carbon dioxide, and a mere 8 times normal levels can be toxic. Yet school children had to put up this this state-ordered poisoning all day at school. The health consequences of this have yet to be seen.

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Not in Their Back Yard: The Diverse Confront Migrant Invasion By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This one is oh so predictable, and represents the NIMBY (Not In MY Back Yard) syndrome, among the diverse. Take Chicago, a majority non-white city. But there is still angst about a flood of immigrants who are displacing longer-term residents from housing waiting lists. “All of these resources that have not come to us now you want to overly compensate for people that have never lived here before. We need to be taken care of first and foremost before anything else happens!”  according to one woman. “Many of these migrants have been dumped without a plan in place to monitor and house them long term,” said another. These are all valid objections to a people, in this case longer-term Blacks, being displaced, and replaced. Yet, you can bet that most of these people voted for the Democrat party, who have adopted an open borders policy, to racially transform the country, and give themselves the power of dictators. Until, naturally, Hispanics rise to put their own tribe into power.

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