The Great Barrier Reef Loves Nice Hot Water! By James Reed

We have all heard the media scare show about the Great Barrier Reef dying off from climate change. Let me count the ways this is said to occur. One is that higher temperatures from climate change will lead to increased ocean acidity (big assumption), and the acid will dissolve the coral. Hence the fish die off.

But is this true? Unfortunately for climate change alarmism, a bit of decent science throws a spanner in the works here. First, coral has been growing at the Reef, despite any alleged climate change and global warming of oceans. And a recently published scientific article has shown that coral at the Reef, massively expanded 6,000 to 8,000 years ago when temperatures were 4ºC higher.

Even if there were temperature increases in the oceans surrounding the Great Barrier reef, these are likely to aid in coral formation, not destroy it.

"In February 2022 the green billionaire-funded Carbon Brief reported that a rise of 0.3ºC in the current global temperature would kill off 99.8% of coral with the rest going as a result of another 0.5ºC of warming. The increasingly unpopular prints are full of similar tosh, despite the fact that sub-tropical corals grow happily between 24ºC-32ºC. Limiting global warming to 1.5ºC rather than 2ºC would likely be the difference between the complete decline of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), reports the Guardian, quoting a United Nations report. What decline we might ask following three stonking years of embarrassing record growth? Such great click-bait stories are endemic throughout the mainstream media – it's just a shame about the facts. A newly-published science paper reveals massive increases in coral on the GBR from about 8,000 to 6,000 years ago at a time when sea surface temperatures were 4ºC higher.

The coral story, of course, is an excellent example of the numerous fear-mongering swindles being perpetrated to push the insanities of Net Zero. Three years of record growth on the GBR – the highest in nearly 40 years of constant observation on the world's largest Reef system – have simply been ignored by the mainstream media. Even worse, there were attempts to deflect the excellent news this year by running a nonsense story from Nature that claimed "climate change" posed an "existential threat" to the GBR. Temperatures at the Reef were said to be at their highest level for 400 years. All of this stuff is published when it is known that gentle and tiny rises in overall sea surface temperature are more likely to benefit coral than cause it long-term harm." 



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