Apart from establishing the New World Order to a level that the elites only could dream about a year ago, the plandemic has given them untold riches as well. None dare call it a conspiracy; shucks, I call it a conspiracy!
Like the rest of academic studies, philosophy has long ago been taken over by liberal globalist cosmopolitanism. But, it was not always so, and some of the greats of the past were racial realists.
The polls putting Biden ahead by 12 percent are subject to a statistical refutation by Dr Steve Turley. Basically, the polls use biased statistics, or indeed flawed primary assumptions, such that only 76 percent of Republicans will vote for Trump, which is inconsistent with all other data including rally attendance. Trump has had a quarter of million people attend rallies, while Biden has had numbers like 12 people attend, less than book launches, or in the local lunch shop.
Trump supporter and patriot cowboy hat maker, Lee Keltner, was gunned down by a Leftist, hired as a security guard. The Left immediately celebrated, while there were no street riots, or burning down of universities by the conservatives, of course.
Here is another one attacking the past of Anglo-Saxons to serve the ideological function of deracinating them, by simply eliminating the term that once described them. This comes from an Irish academic, Mary Rambaran-Olm, who was raised in Canada.
Wow, this has been called a coming of the Chinese style “social credit” system. It is really unfortunate that that name was chosen, but there are no accidents so I suppose this was an attack on Douglas social credit as well. It is called the poisoning of the well.
Now, what group of people would want to attack a Paris police station using metal bars and fireworks as a weapon? Let me think about that one for a nanosecond.
Our trading partner, who buys all of our iron ore for its vast war machine, is treating Tibet a wee bit unfairly, with tyranny. But, having been punished before for speaking out over the Wuhan flu, little old Oz better keep quiet, selling its resources. I can’t wait until every bloody thing is gone, and we live again.
We know that Big Business that run the universe, will be returning to its mass immigration Asianisation scheme soon, like we have never seen before, needing to catch up. But, for a time it was good to see that we did not die without mass immigration, and all the supposed benefits of immigration were just for the corporate elite, not for us; only negative consequences.
A major founder of the BLM said that she would not be voting for Joe Biden, as even Biden is a white supremacist. This is all documented below. This is significant because the narrative is shifting now to the multicult diverse Democrats beginning a revolt against the old white Democrats. Thus, the party will ultimately become a party of colour, of all against the Whites, who are all being defined as white supremacists. And I don’t care. Call me what you will. I. Just. Don’t. Care. Anymore.
The lockdown was something that had to be endured until the magical vaccine came. But now authorities are saying that the vaccine alone won’t stop the spread of the virus. Gasp!
It looks like the antifa/BLM urban terrorists are now showing their real colours and attacking anything white, even though some of them are vaguely white or something. A statue of madman proto-woke Abe Lincoln was torn down, defeating the racist that ended slavery. There you go.
I must admit that Big Kev Rudd has done more good things as ex-pm, that as pm. The latest is his attack on the Murdoch media monopoly, and it is about time:
Why would the world turn sour on China? It is a lovable communist country with a quest for world domination, who harvests organs and has concentration camps, but should that fact colour our judgment, I ask, about someone buying so much of our iron ore to make into weapons?
It seems that everything the elites do not like is “hateful,” such as criticisms of immigration, as illustrated by this article:
Gun sales in America are at an all time high, much like the wild west, as polls have shown that a majority of Americans believe that a post-election civil war is coming, that is in less than a month. Now a number of us have contributed articles on this, but here is a video from Dr Steve Turley, and one from Hannity, putting it all together:
Due to the dangerous, civilisation-undermining effects of the universities, mainly the Arts/social Sciences, I have advocated closing down the universities for many years, and creating training centres, such as engineering centres, doctors to be trained in teaching facilities attached to hospitals, and even lawyers in law societies. There is no room for the Arts and Social Sciences in my model. One way of eliminating them is to increase the cost of these degrees, a good first step on the road to ultimate elimination.
“University fees are set to double for arts degrees after the Senate rejected an emotional speech from Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie that begged MPs not to tell poor kids to “dream a little cheaper” because “you’re never going to make it”. The Morrison Government argues the changes will “incentivise students to make more job-relevant choices, that lead to more job-ready graduates. Under the changes, which passed the Senate today, the government will also provide an extra 39,000 university places by 2023 to meet the expected increase in demand because of COVID-19. From next year, the cost of some degrees including maths and science will be slashed, but other degrees including arts degrees will double. Law degrees would increase from $11,355 per year to $14,500. In other words, a law graduate would enter the jobs market with a debt of $68,000. Students with parents who can pay upfront will secure a 10 per cent discount under amendments negotiated with One Nation’s Pauline Hanson.”
I am not surprised that the coming Covid-1984 vaccine comes with an indemnity for Big Pharma. So, do I really want to take it? May be there will be no choice, being raped at needle point?
“The Morrison government has given the suppliers of two COVID-19 vaccines indemnity against liability for rare side effects that experts say are "inevitable" when a vaccine is rolled out. But the government will not set up a statutory compensation scheme, which the president of the Australian Medical Association, Omar Khorshid, said meant Australians who suffered "extremely rare" side effects from the vaccines would face a tough battle to seek compensation. "With a brand new vaccine, it's going to be really hard to tell what is a vaccine injury and what is a rare medical condition that someone would have had anyway," Dr Khorshid said. As part of its $1.7 billion deals to secure more than 84.8 million doses of the Oxford University and University of Queensland vaccines if successful, the federal government has indemnified the suppliers, meaning they cannot be held liable for adverse events caused by the vaccines.”
The Trump story shows the extreme difficulty in getting anything done politically in this present insane Leftist climate. Any financial measures challenging globalism, will be opposed stronger than Trump, so that is what you are fighting against, but most conservatives are in their comfort zone most of their lives.
“President Donald Trump appeared to indicate on Thursday that Attorney General William Barr has more than enough evidence to indict members of the Obama administration for spying on the Trump campaign in 2016, including former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden. What are the details? During a lengthy and wide-ranging interview with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo Thursday morning — in which the headline news was that he would not participate in a virtual debate — the president also dropped the potential bombshell that the Department of Justice has "plenty" of evidence to go after Obama administration officials. "These people should be indicted, this was the greatest political crime in the history of our country, and that includes Obama and it includes Biden," the president said. "These are people that spied on my campaign — and we have everything — and now they say 'we have much more,' and I say, 'Bill, we got plenty, you don't need anymore,'" Trump continued.
A great article at Tabletmag, exposing the billionaires behind Black Lives Matter. Why have a group of capitalists backed radical Marxists? Say, wasn’t that what happened in 1917 with the Soviet communist revolution? They never learn, but just have to keep trying, probably being genetically programmed to do so:
“In July of 2013, the seeds of the most powerful protest movement of the modern era were planted. In a restless climate of nationwide demonstrations touched off by the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, an activist named Alicia Garza uttered the phrase “Black lives matter.” A few months later, in October 2013, Garza took a job with an organization called the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and the nonprofit immediately saw a dramatic increase in its funding from organizations tied to some of the wealthiest people in the world—people with names like Buffett, Soros, and Rockefeller. This spring, in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, the movement became a global interest: Some 1.1 million individual donations worth an estimated $33 million flowed into its coffers. Large corporations, especially in Silicon Valley and retail, have been quick to follow suit, with brands like Square, Ubisoft, Google, Spanx, Tom’s Shoes, Lululemon, Nike, and Anastasia Beauty all making six- and seven-figure organizational pledges. The received wisdom, echoing the official mythology around Black Lives Matter Global Network Inc.—co-founded by Garza along with fellow activists Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors—is that BLM is a grassroots movement that rose up organically out of the widespread rage sparked by viral videos of Black American men killed by police officers. According to this account, the political priorities of activists in Brooklyn screaming at cops and calling to defund the police have been fused with those of suburban moms in Peloton T-shirts, hand-painting signs with their kids using the BLM hashtags of large multinational conglomerates—an unusual union of protesters and the corporate boardroom spurred on by nothing more than everyone’s shared outrage over racism.