Beijing Biden’s Great White Replacement Program By Chris Knight


Eliminating white Americans, dispossessing them even further, is the Democrat agenda, and this boy is going for it, big time. Early days yet, but it is all over for the America we knew. Will white conservatives wake up, that Trump betrayed them? Will they do anything? Anything to save themselves? My guess is no, they will go the way of civilisations that collapsed in the past, for no-one is so weak today as modern whites.

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Once was Germany By Richard Miller


Germany is gone, and the good German men who do nothing, have let it all happen, choosing to enjoy the dubious comforts of the consumer society. Here is an update on the Great Replacement in Germany, to be replicated across the West:

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Her Name is Marjorie Taylor Greene By Chris Knight


This Republican congresswoman has more guts in her little finger than Trump has in his entire traitorous  body, and while she has said some silly things, and endorsed some silly conspiracies, if one plugs for enough , one is bound to hit the truth which will upset the elites.

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When Disaster Strikes! By John Steele

Two good books to get from the library, maybe using inter-library loan, are Matthew Stein, When Disaster Strikes (2011), and Arthur Bradley, Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family (2011). These books are not the “zombie apocalypse” genre, but are concerned with more usual disasters such as floods, bushfires, and extreme weather events such as tornadoes.

The books cover much of the same territory and are equally as good, so one probably does not need to read both, and it would be something an enthusiast could do. Covered in both books are water, food shelter, medical care, communications, protection, transport, and how to set up a preparedness plan for the likely disasters that could come. The books have a North American orientation, since many extreme weather events, like snow and ice are not so much a problem for most of Australia. There is mention of facing wild fires, but there is more relevant local material available for Australians. Nevertheless, these books would aid in improving general disaster preparedness knowledge, and are recommended reading. As I said, I would try to get them through my library, say using inter-library loans, for those interested, the books give a good general philosophy that could be applied to our situations.

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Surgery: The Ultimate Placebo By Mrs Vera West


I picked up this book by Professor Ian Harris, Surgery, The Ultimate Placebo, (Newsouth, 2016), which is an eye-opener. Professor Harris is a leading Australian surgeon, but he has a sceptical scientific attitude, and submits surgical procedures, both those of the past, and many today, to critical evidence-based review. There are many placebo effects from a multitude of surgical procedures, which means no real physical benefit, only some psychological illusion. He seeks out peer reviewed studies actually testing the alleged effectiveness of surgical procedures.

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Survive the Economic Collapse By John Steele


Two outstanding books, now getting a bit old, but still relevant are Fernando Ferfal Aguire, Survive the Economic Collapse (2009), and Piero San Giorgio, Survive the Economic Collapse (2013). Ferfal’s book is based on his first-hand experience of the 2001 economic collapse in Argentina. The take-home lesson from this gritty text is how people do turn to violence when resources are scarce. He describes first hand attacks, including one on his wife, and friends getting shot. Gangs systematically loot, while cops, corrupt at the best of times, do nothing, in typical anarcho-tyranny style. At that time, he predicted that the United States would go down the South American road, and the events of 2020 proved him right. He has a YouTube show with Matt Bracken each week for two hours where they discuss the descent of the West, primarily America, into chaos.

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The Disaster Diaries By John Steele

I have two tents to my name out here in the Victorian scrub; one to sleep in and one for my stuff. I don’t have much, being pretty much into minimalism by necessity. Thus, while I like to read at the end of the day, as the light fades, I don’t keep my books, but pass them on to my “apprentice.” At the moment I am working through a pile of survival/disaster books which I got from a second-hand bookshop, so I will give a series of reports in the posts to follow, and then out hey go, to a good home.

First up, in no particular order, is Sam Sheridan, The Disaster Diaries, (Penguin, 2014). This is a chronicle of one man’s attempt to prepare for some unnamed apocalypse. Sheridan travels America learning from the masters of survival all of the skills, such as use of guns and knives, survival medicine, wilderness survival, acquiring food from hunting and much more. It is the whole survivalist program. And, opening each chapter is a non-fiction story of the author and his wife and kid, facing various apocalyptic situations, some unrealistic, like zombies and alien invasion, but some deadly realistic, such as facing a gang who intend to eat him and his family, and he has only a machete, probably a smaller one, and a kitchen knife for defence.

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Let’s Get the Disease and Get it Over With! By Mrs Vera West

I do not understand why there could not be centres where one simply got the Covid disease, then went into isolation for say six years, or whatever. Doesn’t immunisation theory support herd immunity anymore?


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From the Stolen Election, to the Rule of Thieves, Forever By Chris Knight

Here is an update on how the rule of law and democracy has ended in America. It will not be regained in 2024, as the tyranny of the Left will now be eternal, like in all other banana republics. This is an extraordinary event that the Right has not even digested yet, but here are some pre-digested comments:

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Pregnancy and the Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine By Mrs Vera West

With the establishment proclaiming the goodness, if not sainthood of the Covid vaccine, it is a bit hard to understand why pregnant women should be left out of the fun and games.

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USSA Purges and Show Trials, Now! By Chris Knight

The failure of Trump to take a last stand has led to the unfolding of the destruction of the once, United States of America, before our eyes. We will see Beijing Biden bury the country perhaps even before he is buried and Queen Karma Harris grabs the throne. But for now, after throwing his supporters under the Leftist tanks, the great purges begin, Soviet style:

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A President on a Chinese Leash By James Reed

We do not call this guy Beijing Biden for nothing; China has the poor old bloke, who should be in a nursing home, on a leash. That’s elder abuse.

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The Will to Live of Extreme Survivors By John Steele

These books may be at the bookshops still, or maybe the libraries, or available by inter-library loan; Extreme Survivors (2013), foreword by Bear Grylls, and Les Stroud, Will to Live (Harper, 2011). Both books are collections of stories of people who faced survival situations, which pushed human endurance and ingenuity to the limits and how they succeeded or failed. Both books cover much of the same ground, with people lost in tropical rainforest, or deserts, or high on mountain tops, or at sea on rafts after ship wrecks. Extreme Survivors has a great mix with stories beyond the usual survivalist literature, such as the escape form Devil’s Island and Alcatraz, and war time escapes. There are amazing stories such as that of  German POW Cornelius Rost, who in 1945 escaped from a Siberian gulag, to spend three years on the run, trekking across the  frozen wastelands of Russia over 13,000 km, to eventually get back to Germany.

The common element in all these stories is that there is some quietly, true grit, an ingredient X, that keeps people going, refusing to give up. The inner spark could be belief in God, of simply a desire to see their family again, something that keeps them keeping on. Whether we all have this quality is essentially unknown until tested. It really does not depend upon how physically strong one is, while that helps, but is an inner spiritual strength that is drawn upon. Like the case of lone climber Aron Ralston, who was trapped by a falling rock, and had to cut off his own arm with a blunt pocket knife! This one made even me a little shaky. But the lad did it and survived, God bless him!

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The Rise in Poverty By Charles Taylor

Poverty has been rising, an indication of economic decline, and impending collapse, if the trend continues. Under Beijing Biden, this will accelerate, first with all his Covid fetish bs, and second, with his subservience to his master, China. People will curse Trump for not fighting this to the end. Oh, I am joking, they will just wither and die, unless secession occurs. The least Trump the chump could have done was to support the breakup of America, but golfing burger eaters do not go here.

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The Knowledge: Can the world be Rebuilt from Scratch? By Brian Simpson

Professor Lewis Dartnell believes that even after a collapse, civilisation can be rebuilt from scratch, detailed in his book: The Knowledge (Bodley Head, 2014). He is not concerned with the run-of-the-mill economic collapse, but things nastier, like all-out nuclear war, a killer asteroid hit, or a virus that really was deadly, rather than merely constructed to economically destroy the West. He thinks that the scenario of a fast die off of the majority of the population will create a grace period, where the handful of survivors can make use of the left-over resources to rebuild civilisation, and he details how. Basically, the survivors need to have an understanding of fundamental science, such as the atomic theory of matter and the germ theory of disease.

I found the discussion of kick-starting agriculture, food and clothing, medicine, materials, transport and advanced chemistry fascinating. It is all based on preserving the scientific method, that the world is material rather than spiritual, and is governed by empirically ascertainable causes. I think this is where the book fails to get off the ground.

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The Defence of Tradition Manhood: Various Approaches By John Steele


Many internet sites are reaching the conclusion that one of the key problems a defence of Western survival faces is the decline of traditional manhood. We are well aware that feminism has been like an acid for manhood, eroding away now for decades. Then, there is the gender agenda, and all the various deconstructions of masculinity and heterosexuality done by academics, a poison that flows down into society, such as through schools, leading to a crisis of boys, who hardly can study and achieve, when the dark hearts of feminist teachers are against them. I have heard this first hand. Then there are the destructive effects upon testosterone by oestrogenic chemicals, a product of our wondrous consumer affluent society.

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The Lies of AOC By Chris Knight

This I how the Left operates, when an opportunity comes, or is constructed, milk it. Radical communist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Hispanic face of contemporary grievance politics, claimed that she was in the Capitol building during the alleged riots on January 6, 2021. She said everyone, even Blacks were white supremacists, and they were coming to kill her. And, she is, she alleges, a victim of sexual assault, so presumably the white supremacists were going to sexually assault her, first.

But, there is now clear evidence that she was not in the Capitol building at the time. So, she lied. That should not be surprising since these critters steal elections right in the faces of the normies, then spit on them, laughing.  So, the deplorables  either do something about this system, or live as slaves, before being demographically replaced in a couple of days.

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India Probes Greta Thunberg By James Reed


It was only a matter of time before good old Greta would find herself in the midst of an international controversy, interfering in Indian politics.

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No Jab, No Booze! By James Reed


Now things are really gutting serious when there is a threat to the booze supply, as such.

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The Mathematical Impossibility of the 2020 Election Results by Brian Simpson


Throughout December 2020, I reported on mathematicians attacking the 2020 election results. I am a bit world weary of this now, but for what it is worth:

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