Do not sing “Happy birthday,” it will upset the evil Covid-19 spirit; control sex, that will stop the plague too! We are subjected to insane ideas, going far beyond the original establishment of a New World Order. I mean, you can control people without total regulation of even their bowel movements. That sort of over-the-top totalitarianism is open to systems burn out, and I sure hope this one crashes to the ground.
“The coronavirus pandemic has taken away a lot of our usual routines and disrupted our daily lives. And now it seems that it may be taking away some of our traditions too, especially when it comes to celebrating birthdays. According to research carried out by scientists at Lund University in August, singing the classic "happy birthday" song may be dangerous as it can spread COVID-19 exponentially quicker and further compared with talking and breathing. "Compared to talking, singing often involves continuous voicing, higher sound pressure, higher frequencies, deeper breaths, higher peak airflows and more articulated consonants," the authors wrote in the journal Aerosol Science and Technology, stressing that these factors were likely to increase exhaled emissions. Using high-speed cameras to capture aerosols and droplets emitted while singing, the scientists scrutinized many songs and found that songs that contain the letters "B" and "P," which are plosive sounds that are pronounced by stopping the airflow and putting both lips together, produced more particle emissions. Loud and consonant-rich songs were also particularly culpable. By examining 12 healthy professional and amateur singers and two with confirmed COVID-19, the researchers found that the louder and more powerful they sang, the greater the concentration of aerosols and droplets was. Especially when they sang the Swedish song "Bibbis pippi Petter," rich in saliva-producing consonants, they pushed more droplets, the researchers discovered.