White Racial Dispossession: Planned from the Beginning By Chris Knight (Florida)

     The UN pushed on the policy of “non-discrimination” in the 1960s, it all coming together around 1965. The White Australia Policy look slightly longer to be murdered, but I have seen one MSM paper, dated 1945, when our boys were dying in the jungles of Asia, saying that the war indicates that the White Australia Policy will have to go, as if it caused the war. Ultimately all the politicians, Labor and Liberal, supported the abolition, or worked to undermine it.  The link below is the official narrative, but once you read the American story below, you will be able to deconstruct its globalist Left narrative:

     Here is what they did to America:

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The Irish Slave Trade By Patrick Doyle

     The narrative about slavery is conveniently dominated by the trans-Atlantic Black slave trade, as that is a good political weapon in American culture today. But, if the debate was fair, and all slavery condemned, then the slavery of Slavs, where the very word comes from, and the Irish, should be acknowledged by the Left. Here is material for those who came in late, which is most people. James LaFond, has written extensively on White slavery in America,     and here is his convenient summary:

“Below are some dates and numbers that figure prominently in the Irish Slave trade from the fine article linked at the bottom of the page:

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Don’t Trust Dictator Dan. (Duh!) By James Reed

     At least some figures of significance are coming out after dictator Dan.

“Former health minister Jenny Mikakos has suggested Premier Daniel Andrews may have lied to an inquiry established to find out how Victoria's second deadly wave of Covid-19 spread out of quarantined hotels. In August, on the final day of the hotel quarantine inquiry, Mr Andrews said he regarded Ms Mikakos and jobs minister Martin Pakula responsible for the hotel program when it began that weekend in March. But in an extraordinary response to the inquiry's closing submissions last week, Ms Mikakos said it was 'implausible' to suggest that no one made the decision to use private security in the failed quarantine program. Quarantine breaches involving private security guards seeded 99 per cent of Victoria's deadly second wave of COVID infections, which in turn has led to more than 800 deaths of the elderly. The bungle is estimated to be costing Victoria anywhere up to $400 million a day with fears the current lockdown could run as high as $25 billion. Dozens of security guards ended up catching coronavirus from quarantined returned travellers while working in the hotels. The decision not to use the ADF should be considered by the Board as being inextricably linked to the decision to use private security.

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Nordicide By Brian Simpson

     Georgie Anne Geyer, in her book, Americans No More, (Atlantic monthly press, (1996), wrote about Americans: “history is replete with the sagas of great defeats, of peoples wiped off the face of the earth, and of cultures transformed through clashes with others. Across and throughout history, nations fell, disintegrated, lost their nerve, made disastrous decisions, fought wars of self-destruction, and were not wise enough to sustain themselves. But I, at least, have never been able to discover another nation in human history, much less a great and powerful one, that literally willed itself out of existence through lethargy, and worst of all, guilt over things it did not even do.”

     This is well seen in the decline of the White population numbers as a proportion of the populations. The US, for example, is set to become non-White majority some think in about 10 years or so now; it was once 2050, then 2040. The whole of Western Europe, and even Australia is on track for the same fate at various times, but all well before 2050. Australia does not even keep track of its racial ethnic profile. Demographer Charles Price used to publish work on this, but that was decades ago. One look at the Sydney CBD shows Australia’s future as it slowly melts away. 

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At Least There May Still be a White 007 James Bond By Bruce Bennett

     The Covid freak-out delayed cinemas getting the latest Bond movie, No Time To die, which may surface in November 2020 according to some reports; other say 2021. Anyway, there was a push for a Black 007, then an experiment with a woman, but it looks like action hero Tom Hardy, of Mad Max fame will take the role, a great White hope:

“This weekend it was reported that Tom Hardy had been cast as the next James Bond. And that’s a perfectly reasonable thing to believe, so long as you’re prepared to go on the say-so of an unsourced post on a Star Trek blog that hardly anyone has heard of. If that’s the case, then we should probably adjust our expectations for the next era of Bond. When Daniel Craig was announced as the new 007, it was via a big-budget stunt where he raced up the river Thames on an assault boat. If the Tom Hardy news is true, then the world will have to remember hearing about it from a 470-word blogpost on something called the Vulcan Reporter, which had to spend a fifth of its word count explaining who James Bond is. Tighten your belts, lads, because it looks like Bond is going absolutely threadbare. Still, this freakishly obscure post has nevertheless been taken as gospel by several newspapers, which means one of two things: that Covid has starved us of real film news to such an extent that we’re willing to believe whatever unsourced speculation gets lobbed at us, or that we’re all excited about the prospect of seeing Tom Hardy as 007. If it actually happens, it would be an interesting choice. It would mean that Hardy is, by far, the most established actor ever to play James Bond. Usually the role of 007 is handed to someone who, like Pierce Brosnan or Daniel Craig, are up-and-comers with a solid background in TV and a clutch of splashy supporting roles to their name. But Tom Hardy? Tom Hardy is Venom. He’s Mad Max. The films he has made in the last five years alone have not only earned $2bn around the world, but have also won 12 Oscars.”

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Survivalist Video of the Week By John Steele

     Here is my latest survivalist video, pick of the week, where Canadian Prepper, a mixed-race guy, and basically politically neutral, argues that 95 per cent of people are not going to survive the coming collapse of Western civilization because they have been made super-soft by consumerism. I think it was Brian Simpson, who is as obsessed with race stuff as I am survivalism, reported on the famous mouse utopia experiment, where mice that had everything, affluence and comfort, ultimately self-destructed. That post is well worth reading again:

     Canadian prepper even admits that racial differences exist.

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The Carbon Lockdown By Viv Forbes

     The Covid Lockdown is a practice run for the big one – the Carbon Lockdown. If climate alarmists win the elections, our freedoms and prosperity will evaporate like CO2 from a warm beer. The fact that their green energy program is madness will be irrelevant to the new WCO (World Carbon Organisation). To meet UN Paris targets there will be no more petrol cars, diesel trucks, reliable electricity, beef burgers or Christmas ham, but bio-fuelled battleships, hydrogen-fuelled planes and sail-powered bulk carriers will be decreed (except in the BRICS world). Diesel submarines will be scrapped and NATO will mandate battery-powered battle tanks. Pit ponies will return to the mines, and farmers will plough with Clydesdales. Soon they will design a mask that absorbs CO2 from your breath. Mega-cities will be “unsustainable”. You will be confined to your local commune and shop in pedal-powered trikes with battery-assist. You must eat local food and use electric power only when they switch it on for your district (but never on still, frosty mornings). Our obedience to the Covid Lockdown has given them confidence to enforce their Carbon Lockdown. They will track us with microchips and control our travel, food, water and electricity usage via 6G. We are entering the GREEN ZONE.


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For Sheeple in the Green Leafy Suburbs: Part II By John Steele

     Here is my latest survivalist video, pick of the week, where Canadian Prepper, a mixed-race guy, and basically politically neutral, argues that 95 per cent of people are not going to survive the coming collapse of Western civilization because they have been made super-soft by consumerism. I think it was Brian Simpson, who is as obsessed with race stuff as I am survivalism, reported on the famous mouse utopia experiment, where mice that had everything, affluence and comfort, ultimately self-destructed. That post is well worth reading again:

     Canadian prepper even admits that racial differences exist.

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The First, Presidential Debacle By Charles Taylor

     Dr Steve Turley is an eternally optimistic Christian patriot. Why, after listening to this, I changed my opinion about the debate. I originally thought Trump was weak, worse than in the debate against Hillary. But, that may be disappointment with Trump on my part, projecting my negativity. The debate was unfairly set up by the usual monsters, Biden probably being aided by his helpers beaming what to say into his ear piece, like they will in the one day of his possible presidency before, I don’t know, George Soros replaces him … no, he already has. The questions were devised to attack Trump, such as one creep asking Trump to condemn white supremacists, who are apparently the ones burning down America; that is the fantasy in the Left’s mind. That was a what was heavy on the moderator’s mind, who was totally blind to the destruction of the Left, being so deluded as to believe that it was white supremacists doing all the anarchist things we have seen. Trump at least said that it was the Left doing this. Biden, who has been photographed on bended knee before these gangs, simply nodded off.

     “I have done more in 47 months than you have in 47 years,” said Trump,  the most memorable phrase of the evening.

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The Deranged Left By Chris Knight

     I listened to the debate between president Trump and dopey Joe Biden, and the super-biased moderator went on a white supremacist rant, cutting down any discussion of the Left burning down cities and murdering people, he asked Trump to denounce white supremacists, which he did and has done endlessly. Still the Left press pushed the line that he is a white racist after the debate, people like AOC:

“Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) proclaimed on Tuesday night that President Trump is a white supremacist following an exchange with debate moderator Chris Wallace, who asked Trump to condemn white supremacist groups despite the president having repeatedly done so in the past. “Donald Trump is a white supremacist. People have been warning about this for a long time. They were ridiculed, called hyperbolic & radical – not because they were wrong, but because others couldn’t accept that our country elected a supremacist as President,” the New York lawmaker said alongside a clip of the exchange. “This is fascism at our door,” she added.”

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Hillary’s Russia Hoax By Chris Knight

     This is important for Australian readers because we are seeing in real time the absolute lies and hypocrisy of the mainstream media get exposed, without even too much effort or sweat, so blatant they are. Take the Russia hoax, that Russia worked to get Trump elected. That idea was pushed for four years with no evidence, but it turns out exactly the opposite was true:

“The CIA in 2016 asked the FBI to investigate whether Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign had approved a plan to distract from her email troubles by “stirring up a scandal” claiming Russian interference in the election, according to new information declassified Tuesday. Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, in a letter to Congress, said the referral went to then-FBI Director James B. Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok. The referral was based on information American intelligence gleaned from Russian intelligence alleging that Mrs. Clinton “had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee.” The intelligence community did not initially take a position on the accuracy of the claims about Mrs. Clinton, and raised the possibility it was a Russian fabrication. But Mr. Ratcliffe said former CIA Director John O. Brennan did brief President Barack Obama on the claims in late July 2016. According to Mr. Brennan’s handwritten notes, the briefing covered “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” And by early September, the intelligence community referred the matter to the FBI, citing “U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server.”

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Evil and Ugliness By Brian Simpson

     In our culture, once upon a time, and to some degree the mythos still exists, goodness was associated with light, evil with darkness, something that must go back to our primal past. And, associated with this, is I think the recognition that evil people tend to be ugly. You can have a look at the villains at present on the US stage, you would not be wrong in taking most of them to be demons. A few days back a photo of one popular Left figure seemed to indicate growth deformities on her neck, leading to one wit writing that she was growing gills!

     It was the philosopher Wittgenstein who said: “the human body is the best picture of the human soul.” Being a philosopher, he was probably meaning to advance materialism, but there is another mytho-poetic reading of this claim. You can get a rough idea of what most people are like by looking at their faces. Physically beautiful people tend to be better quality people, not always, but at a statistically significant level.

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Interracial Homicide Offender and Victimization Rates by Race By Brian Simpson

     With race war raging in America, you know, the Left claiming that every time a White person scratches themselves some act of racism occurs, it is worthwhile having a few stats to fling back. So, here they are:

“In the previous post on interracial and intersexual homicide distributions in the US, Kratoklastes and Buzz Mohawk point out these distributions deal with absolute numbers, not rates. By rate, blacks are 11.4 times more likely to perpetrate interracial homicide than whites are, and others–a mishmash category including Asians, American Indians, and many people of mixed race–are 1.9 times more likely than whites to do so: Conversely, though, blacks are 2.5 times more likely than whites are to be the victims of interracial murder. Others are 1.2 times more likely to be so. Again, this concerns a small fraction, 15.7%, of all homicides in the US for which the race(s) of both victim and offender are known. The vast majority of homicide, 84.3%, occurs between members of the same race, broadly defined.”

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Commos Say: Christianity Does Not Belong in China! By James Reed

     It seems that along with putting people in concentration camps, organ harvesting and generally committing genocide of the Uyghurs, all facts the Left does not adequately face up to, even if only a passing mention is made of “cultural genocide” …

… there is the treatment of Christians, which is something of a combative sport for the commos:

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Commo Jane Fonda: A Gift to the Left? By Chris Knight

     Vietnam war protester, actress of sorts, Jane Fonda, has said that Covid-19 is “God’s gift to the left,” and of course, she is right.

“Joe Biden fundraiser and long-time left-wing actress Jane Fonda is insisting that COVID-19, which has killed over 211,000 Americans, devastated the lives and livelihoods of countless more, and tanked the global economy, is “God’s gift to the left.” “I just think that COVID is God’s gift to the Left,” Jane Fonda said. “That’s a terrible thing to say. I think it was a very difficult thing to send down to us, but it has ripped the band-aid off who [Trump] is and what he stands for and what is being done to average people and working people in this country.” The leftist actress, who is known for trashing America to our communist enemies during the Vietnam War, also said that COVID was a “gift” because it will let the radical left get its way with climate change policies they’ve long pursued in Washington. “We are people who can help determine which way humanity goes. What a great gift,” Fonda said rapturously, “what a tremendous opportunity, we’re just so lucky, we just have to use it with every ounce of intelligence and courage and wherewithal we have.” “Hanoi Jane” Fonda was gleeful that the left could “harness the anger” to push its anti-American agenda. The coronavirus has plunged the world into calamity. Studies and statistics have suggested that the weight of the virus on people’s minds has driven them to drug abuse and subsequent overdoses, and even outright suicides. In October, a report by the American Medical Association warned that COVID lockdowns have increased the use and abuse of opioids. The report found that up to 40 U.S. states have reported higher rates of drug overdoses. Also, the death rates both directly from the virus and tangentially are only added to the economic destruction wrought by the lockdowns in nations worldwide. One recent reckoning of the loss claimed that the coronavirus has cost the world’s economy $3.8 trillion. Earlier this week, Jane Fonda, who held a fundraiser for Joe Biden in July, released an exercise video featuring pop star Katy Perry pumping her breast which was meant to spur voter turnout in November.”

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Post-Election Civil War By Chris Knight

     Kamala Harris, who is the real Demo-rat presidential candidate, the peaceful protests which have burnt down cities, and led to the murder of Whites, has said: “They’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up—and they should not. And we should not.” Will this presidential hopeful manage to get her grammar correct? She was appalling against Pence in debate, and he was much sharper than Rump. She just took it like a little school girl; I like how Pence coolly showed that she had put away heaps of Black men, and she had to beg the moderator to get a reply in. In many respects, she is even more incompetent than Biden. What happens when she goes senile?

     Is it any wonder then that the majority of Americans fear that civil war is inevitable, and most, are preparing for it? Some of us have prepared all of our lives.

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The Diverse Do Not Want Police By Charles Taylor

     Well, here is the Left agenda laid out clearly. Defund the police is just that, getting rid of the police. It will be run with disarming Whites as well, so no home self defence is possible.

“Colin Kaepernick, the former quarterback who launched the anthem protest movement in the NFL, is now launching a movement aimed at ending what he calls the “scourge of police terrorism.” The former 49er made the announcement on Twitter Tuesday afternoon. Kaepernick partnered with Medium shortly after announcing his plans to release a memoir. Editors from LEVEL, which is a part of Medium, described “Abolition for the People’s” goal of ending both policing and prisons. The announcement says: ‘Abolition for the People,’ a project produced by Kaepernick Publishing in partnership with LEVEL, seeks to end that debate once and for all. Over the next four weeks, the project will publish 30 stories from organizers, political prisoners, scholars, and advocates — all of which point to the crucial conclusion that policing and prisons do not serve as catch-all solutions for the issues and people the state deems social problems. Not only do police and prisons fail to make us safer, but reform has only strengthened their most toxic ingrained practices. The only answer is abolition, a full dismantling of the carceral state and the institutions that support it. Instead, we need to invest in a future that puts justice and the needs of the community first. A future that, as Colin Kaepernick himself says in his introductory essay, makes us safer, healthier, and truly free. The need for abolition is rooted in the anti-Blackness intrinsic to policing and incarceration — phenomena which will be amply proven over the coming days — but the realization of it offers justice for all people in all communities and global liberation from systemic oppression. We invite you to read and learn along with us. Kaepernick is no stranger to criticizing the police. In September of 2016, photos surfaced of Kaepernick wearing socks depicting police officers as pigs. He also called for the abolition of police after Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron did not charge any of the officers involved in the killing of Breonna Taylor, with murder.”

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China Tricked the West into Committing Economic Suicide By James Reed

     Here is some material supporting the line I have been pushing in this blog, that the Chinese communists used Covid-19 as a weapon against the West, and the globalists worked with them in the quest to eliminate our freedoms, democracy, and rule of law, you name it.

“Did China trick the world into committing economic suicide? As the global community continues to grapple with the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic – and the economic catastrophe caused by the associated “lockdowns” imposed by governments around the world – a chilling new theory has emerged. It goes like this – China, in an enormous disinformation campaign spread via social media and through compromised voices in Western politics, science and medicine, aggressively pushed for other nations to follow its lead, with the goal of intentionally destroying their economies. That’s according to Michael Senger, a lawyer and researcher based in Atlanta, Georgia. In an article for Tablet Magazine, Senger has laid out a disturbing timeline of evidence that, if true, hints at what could be the most effective and devastating psy-op ever carried out by a world government. “By promoting fraudulent data, aggressively deploying disinformation, and flexing its institutional clout, Beijing transformed the snake oil of lockdowns into ‘science’, crippling rival economies, expanding its influence and sowing authoritarian values,” Senger writes on Twitter.”

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A Green Light on Red Light Cameras By Ian Wilson LL. B

     A fascinating decision by the Supreme Court of South Australia has called into question the current operation of the red light cameras, that have clocked up tens of millions of dollars in fines for drivers. In principle, a landmark decision opens the flood gates of appeal for hundreds.

“Thousands of red light offences caught by traffic cameras are under a cloud, after the Supreme Court overturned a motorist’s traffic fine. The bombshell Supreme Court judgement overturned a red light running offence on the basis that the state’s camera testing regimen is invalid. The court found police must now test cameras when a private vehicle, or police test vehicle, is actually running a red light. Currently police only test if a car sets off the camera when going past on a green light, because red light testing is too dangerous and difficult. Specialist traffic lawyer Karen Stanley, acting for motorist David Woolmer, won the appeal and said up to 3000 fines currently unpaid – plus the 700 future fines each month – could now be challenged in the courts. “Until there is some change within SAPOL, or this judgment is overturned on appeal, it is hard to see how red light fines can continue to be issued and how current charges can continue to be prosecuted,’’ Ms Stanley said. Supreme Court Justice Greg Parker upheld an appeal against a Magistrate’s Court finding that in March 2018 David Woolmer’s white Holden sedan had been caught by a camera in the intersection of Magill Road and Portrush Road, Beulah Park, when a red traffic arrow was showing. The Supreme Court found a test carried out in February on that fixed camera only established that the camera was photographing cars travelling through the intersection after passing an electronic switch during green lights – not red. In other words, the testers did not sit and wait for a vehicle to go through a red light and break the law — or run their own test car through on a red light — as part of the test. The bombshell finding is likely to change regulations to insist that police run a test to witness a car breaking road rules – which would be costly and difficult and time consuming.”

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Look Who’s Back! By All Those Writers Who Thought Trump Would be Murdered!

     Well, we got it wrong, but it could have been a conspiratorial plot, so better unsafe than sorry. And, we all said in our respective articles that it was a hypothesis. But, since we are fools, getting things wrong is just what we do best:

     The good thing, as Trump has already indicated in a Tweet, is that Covid-1984 is not so tough, and fear of it should not dominate one’s life, or the economy, or voting at elections. Great, now let’s get onto the next conspiracy, and call it right this time!