The Illusion of Democracy By Chris Knight

Elections in US have probably been rigged since, well, the beginning, and maybe elsewhere to. At least at the 11th hour, this is all coming out.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Covid-19 Vaccine By Mrs Vera West

Here is a warning from Robert Kennedy Jr on the Covid-19 vaccine, something that should be looked at. The disclaimer should also be made here that no health/medical advice is offered, only reporting in the public interest, and these remarks may not be applicable to Australia.

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Cheap Aussie Plonk! By James Reed

Talk about the ultimate in insults … China is now slamming our wine, as basically cheap plonk. Maybe rocket fuel. Hey, could we use the surplus wine to run industry on?

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Mathematics is Not Kind to Beijing Biden By Brian Simpson

As the science guy here, I am paying attention to mathematical challenges to the election. We have seen computer geeks, and probability theorists weighing in on the issue. Here is the latest.

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Hunter Biden’s Great Chinese Money Laundering Adventure By Chris Knight

Where there is smoke, there is fire, and if the money trail can be traced back, there is a chance that false pseudo-president may get stung, leaving evil Queen Karma Harris to rule the Dark Temple of Doom, until there is reason to impeach her.

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The Meaning of the Texas et al. SCOTUS Case By Charles Taylor

Explained briefly, since Australia’s false news media is not reporting on this, Texas and many other states are suing the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the US Supreme Court. The argument is that these four states violated the US constitution in passing new election laws to allow mail-in voting and other changes to their election process.

The Constitution of the United States says that only state legislators and not state governors, attorney generals, or secretary of states can change how elections are processed. The case has been docketed by SCOTUS, and will be thus be heard.

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Beijing Biden and Universal Mask Fetishism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is no federal law about wearing masks, it is a state concern under the US constitution. But, as stolen, false pseudo-president, Beijing Biden with his  fetish over masks, wants the whole country wearing masks, or face nappies, all in violation of the 10th Amendment. This is commo clown world now, as the country slides to collapse.

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YouTube Bans the Truth? By James Reed

Something should have been done about Big Tech, while Trump slept through his presidency. Now YouTube has banned videos that are claiming electoral fraud. Yes, even though there are court cases, YouTube seems fit to block this information. It just speaks for itself. It shows that there really is something to hide. If this is sorted out, YouTube needs to be sorted out. Maybe start by eliminating Big Tech’s legal immunity, revoking section 230 etc., and see how they like censorship. Bring the whole dark temple of evil done!

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Covid-19 Vaccine Meltdown By Mrs Vera West

There you go, the new Covid-19 vaccine has already sprung leaks; a false HIV positive result? How is that possible with something supposed to be so wonderful and wholesome? 

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The Samurai Were Not Invincible: Warrior Notes By John Steele

There is something of a cult in the West about the physical invincibility of the Asian martial artist. This cult, which developed from those who identified Bruce Lee with his screen persona,  took a beating with Mixed Martial Arts, where classical systems got whipped, but here is still some of the cult lingering on in the area of melee weapons, such as with the samurai and the mystical katana.

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Vitamin D and Cancer Risk By Mrs Vera West

As part of my health series on cancer prevention, here is outstanding information on the importance of vitamin D and cancer prevention. Vitamin D costs very little even in supplement form, and good way of getting it now, is a nice walk in the sunshine.

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Covid-19 Vaccines: What is “Effective”? By Brian Simpson

With the first eager arms being held out to lovingly receive the Covid-19 vaccine, the question needs to be asked, what does it mean to say that the vaccine is 90 or more percent effective?

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Covid-19 Vaccines: What is “Effective”? By Brian Simpson

With the first eager arms being held out to lovingly receive the Covid-19 vaccine, the question needs to be asked, what does it mean to say that the vaccine is 90 or more percent effective?

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The Deep State Must Really Want Civil War! SCOTUS Goes to Jelly By Paul Walker

I just saw this, and it is night time in Florida, so Chris and Charles will do doubt respond tomorrow, but it looks like the US Supreme Court has gone to jelluy on what seems a clear constitutional issue. The report is from the mainstream press, and does not consider the other law suits, but it is all I have at the moment, so take it with a bag of salt:

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It was Forty Years Ago Today … Mark Chapman Blew John Lennon Away By Chris Knight

This piece is published on December 9, 2020, in Australia, but in New York, it is still December 8. Forty years ago, Mark Chapman, a deranged fan gunned down Leftist globalist icon, John Lennon. At the time I remember attending a lecture at my old university, and I spoke with a Leftist about this, whose remarks sometimes filter through my mind: “Someone with that much money, had to come to a sticky end.” Yes, but it does not seem true, yet, for those higher up the food chain, who seem invincible.

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High Alert over China War By James Reed

A Chinese student whom I privately teach said this to me, and he knows that while I respect individuals, I have misgivings about communist China, as does he. “Mr Reed, Australia has got a red-hot steel rod and rammed it into the bear. And that bear now wants to take your heads off.” He said that any sort of apology will be seen by the communists as left too late. Each day another commodity falls, so something needs to be done. How about helping Trump?

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On Listening to the Scientists By Brian Simpson

This phrase of listening to the scientists came to us from the Thunberg girl, telling us that climate change issues and social policy, just fall into place from IPCC reports, but even if it was so, nothing about policy would follow. Localism, self-reliance and nationalism, are more plausible that global communism, even if what she said was true. But, the truth is the issue, although there is not much of a public debate about his now, anymore than a debate about immigration, all fait accompli.

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Foster v Love (1997) By Charles Taylor

Although I spend much of my spare time reading US SCOTUS decisions, sometimes deep into the night, even doing all-nighters, being so obsessively fascinated, I did not know about this one, Foster v Love (1997). It might be a game changer for Trump:

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Chinese Communist Super Soldiers By Brian Simpson

Move over Captain America, now it is the time for the communist super soldier:

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Zombie Apocalypse Walking Dead Virus in Queensland? No. By John Steele

No, not quite, the zombie apocalypse, yet, but still a major concern with a deadly bat lyssavirus in Queensland.

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