The Covid Dog Obedience Society! By Brian Simpson

I have used the metaphor of dogs in a kennel to describe our lockdowns in Melbourne, but that is a bit of an exaggeration, since most dogs get treated better than us, and if dogs were treated as humans have been, it would indeed be cruelty to dumb animals! Norwegian psychology professor, Charlotte Reedtz, sees the dangerous psychological effects of this Imprisonment, that will echo down society’s dusty corridors for decades.

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Feminist Tyranny: It Did Not Take Too Long to Come to This! By Mrs Vera West

Naturally, if all heterosexual intercourse, by Whites of course, is rape even with written consent and witnessed by ten thousand lawyers, according to radical feminism, then milder events, such as asking a woman out, will be a prelude to rape, or at least sexual harassment. Gee, anyone would think that feminism was part of the White Genocide/Great Replacement program! But, that would be conspiratorial, not that all this is not!

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No Scientific Evidence Behind Eternal Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

Across the West, in response to the Covid-19 plandemic, lockdowns have been enforced in most jurisdictions. What evidence is there that this works? As I reported previously, there are US states with virtually identical Covid mortality rates, but one had lockdowns and restrictions, and the other did not, indicating that the lockdowns were not effective. What does the guru himself, Fauci, whose name always reminds me of something in plumbing that I can’t put my finger on, think?

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Now it is Racist Plants! Can the Crazed Top This? By Richard Miller (London)

The present woke, politically correct mania across the West is in over-drive, with each so-called nation, really just disintegrating state, working to outdo each other in a racially self-destructive frenzy. From the once Great Britain, comes this little gem, racist plants. Yes, really.

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Myanmar Regime Seizes Bank Accounts of George Soros' Open Society Foundation By James Reed

I am shocked. Will George Soros ultimately be forced to appeal to people for food? Are chook raffles on the agenda to fund the kill the West program? Will he come to Melbourne to crash at my flat, to save on costs of living? Georgie and me would be the odd ones alright, especially dumpster diving. Will he find that the bags under my eyes are even bigger that his? Anything is possible. Bad military junta.

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Let the People Go! By James Reed

If the Chinese people do not want to remain in Australia because we are despicable white racists, well, best that they remain pure and leave this cursed place. I understand. My feelings are not hurt, being too primitive to feel shame.

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South of the Border, Down China Way By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It looks like China, after doing its bit to destroy Donald Trump, is moving ahead to attack America where it is weakest and dumbest: the immigration open borders fanatic religion, among other things.

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Gasp! This Just has to be Shocking Racism! By Richard Miller (London)

It is almost unthinkable that any former White country would seek to do anything other than commit racial suicide today, Germany, Sweden and the US being examples. But, then there is this story about little old Denmark, run by shield maiden, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

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Anti-Asian Hate Crimes? By Chris Knight (Florida)

The shooting of eight prostitutes by a mentally disturbed White was immediately taken to be part of an anti-Asian hate spree, which the elites and media fanatics wanted to link to Trump’s criticism of China, which then is fed back into the Beijing Biden regime’s anti- “white supremacism” agenda. The problem is, that the recent killings were not race-based, but anti-women/sexual, and other anti-Asian crimes were primarily committed by men of non-white races. But it does not matter to the system, which churns away on its anti-White agenda. Thanks Trump, you chump!

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The Wuhan Flu It Is! By Charles Taylor

Democrats are claiming that Trump calling Covid-19 the Wuhan flu led to crimes against Asian Americans. But, that is irrational, since the object here is Wuhan, and local Asians have nothing to do with it. That alone is reason to believe that the claim is just more Democrat bs, as I argue in another article.

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Awaking Up to Woke Engineering (Social) By Brian Simpson

Here is some stuff from a great piece addressing the present woke attack upon mathematics. It all started in academia with the sociology of knowledge, and now it is an out-of-control political movement of the crazed. I believe that the mathematicians, perhaps even weaker than the philosophers, have no chance at all of resisting this. Mathematics faces a dark age, and is falling. Today, 2+2 = whatever you like, so long as it is welfare benefits for woke burgers!

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The Human Cost of the Covid-19 Freak-Out By Mrs Vera West

Regardless of the debates about the nature of Covid-19, the human effects are real, even if there was no virus at all, not that I am claiming that.

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Biden’s Senility: A Russian Conspiracy! By James Reed

This is how crazy the system is, with US Homeland Security claiming that all the gear about Biden’s senility is a Russian scam to undermine him. Really, Biden is doing a pretty good job himself! One simply has to look at him to see that he is in a near zombie state, and has numerous memory lapses, sometimes not even knowing where hew is. Lies, lies, lies, it all runs on lies.

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If it is All White Supremacism, Does it Matter if it Burns? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is a good question posed by Gregory Hood; if the country is white supremacist, and hence Satanically, infinitely evil, beyond all human comprehension, maybe beyond the comprehension of even an infinite intellect, so much evil filling the entire multiverse to bursting point, well, what does it all matter? If everything you do is cursed from the beginning, if nothing you do is right, why care at all?

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Anti-Whiteness is a Pandemic By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Keep pushing, keep pushing; at some stage there will be a backlash. The latest claim in critical race theory, cultural Marxism, is by Damon Young in “The Root,” following on from the shootings at the brothels:

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Anti-Whiteness is a Pandemic By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Keep pushing, keep pushing; at some stage there will be a backlash. The latest claim in critical race theory, cultural Marxism, is by Damon Young in “The Root,” following on from the shootings at the brothels:

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Kennedy of the Anthropological Roots of Modern Identity Politics By James Reed

I came across this brilliant little essay tracing the roots of identity politics, the foundation of critical race theory, which now has a Biden-tight grip upon America, and it is all the go at our universities too, and moving rapidly into Australian political discourse. The author: Simon P. Kennedy is Director of the Millis Institute and Senior Lecturer in Humanities at Christian Heritage College in Brisbane. He is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Queensland, and offers a new perspective on all of this madness. Well worth reading.


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February Death Toll By Chris Knight

I believe that all is going peachy cream with our rich and diverse society, that elections are fair and are never stolen by use of sham pandemics, that Big Tech cares about freedom of speech, that President Biden has all of his marbles, and with China it will be, as one Asianist academic put it in his religious fervour, “just wonderful.” 

The Eternal Covid Jab By Mrs Vera West

It looks like it is not going to be one jab and you are gone. The authorities are now telling us to get ready for multiple jabs. It will be part of the new normal. People will ultimately look like pin cushions.

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Roosh on the Consumer Junk Culture By James Reed

Roosh v, a former game/womaniser, now someone who has reformed and found Christ, writes some telling critiques of our materialist culture. Here are some slabs from a recent great piece. He laments about so much of what is produced is junk, that falls apart quickly. As well, my personal beef is about toilet paper, where the end of the roll is glued to the rest, so you need to destroy about half the roll to get some action happening. Not good; it makes for desperate times.


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