Beijing Biden’s War on Women By Mrs Vera West


Beijing Biden, as we call him here, in disrespect, is conducting a war on guns, on borders, even on his own brain cells, which probably will not be able to cope with the drugs he must now be on for much longer. None of that stops him from fighting a war on another front, against women.

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Ice Age Texas Apocalypse By Chris Knight

Texas has been facing frozen apocalyptic conditions, with temperatures colder than Alaska. Of course, the global warming crowd are saying that Texas is being punished by the earth mother goddess of climate change, but if climate change is global, said goddess would not discriminate, which would be racist, perhaps. No, the cold event is natural, but there is plenty of politics, anti-Texas sentiment for standing up against the electoral fraud. Here is some coverage.

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Slimy, Senile Biden on Guns By Charles Taylor

Biden, is moving on American gun ownership, as all communists do. No doubt he will soon be replaced by Harris who is even more anti-gun. Will the deplorables take this? After all they followed Trump in letting the election be stolen, so maybe they will surrender their guns, and become urban prey? After all, if it is the law, even if the law says, you die, it must be obeyed by conservatives who live law and order. Never fear, their reward will be in heaven.

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China Buying UK Schools; Being Allowed To By Richard Miller

I did not know about the Chinese communist buy up of UK schools, nothing I saw here, but I found this on an American site. It is all part of the global trend for the Chinese New World Order.

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Soon it will be President Harris By Charles Taylor

This is what elites wanted, to put in a black female president, even by fraud. The ultra-unpopular Kamala Harris will make even senile Biden look cool.

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On Blondes: Joana Pitman By Brian Simpson

Joanna Pitman begins her book, On Blondes, (Bloombury, London, 2003), with a story based upon her stay in the Samburu district of northern Kenya. The author, a blonde, whose hair had become bleached by the sun, was approached by a native, whose brother has been bitten by a highly venomous snake. He frantically insisted that Pitman should come and help him, seeing her blonde hair as having some sort of magic power. She did go to the village by car, and took the brother to hospital by car, saving his life, so maybe there was something in the native’s belief in the “magic” of blonde hair, or at least, the head under it.

People have been in awe of blonde hair throughout history, seeing its sexual allure and supposed supernatural powers. Aphrodite, goddess of love and fertility in ancient Greece had golden blonde hair, as did the Norse goddess Sif, wife of Thor.  Blonde hair was admired by Homer who depicted Aphrodite as golden haired in all his works. Poets like Alcman (7th century BC) of Sparta praised “lovely yellow hair” and “hair like purest gold” (p. 12)

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Cro-Magnon Man and European Racial Heritage By Brian Simpson

This goes back a few years, but is still relevant. A Cro-Magnon DNA sequence of 28,000 years old was obtained from fossils discovered in Italy’s Paglicci cave. It was found that the fossil DNA sequence was identical to the DNA sequence of various modern Europeans, indicating lack of a change in DNA for at least 28,000 years. Well, if that is not a racial heritage, nothing is.

  1. Carameli (et al.), “A 28,000 Years Old Cro-Magnon mtDNA Sequence Differs from All Potentially Contaminating Modern Sequences,” PLOS One , 2008, 3(7): e2700.

“The Paglicci 23 individual carried a mtDNA sequence that is still common in Europe, and which Cro-Magnoid to modern Europeans. Because all potential sources of modern DNA contamination are known, the Paglicci 23 sample will offer a unique opportunity to get insight for the first time into the nuclear genes of early modern Europeans.”

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The Survival of the Prettiest By Brian Simpson

Well, if it is the prettiest who survive, my chances are not good! Still Shakespeare was surely onto something when he wrote in Sonnet 1, lines 1-2, kicking things off: “From fairest creatures we desire increase, / That thereby beauty’s rose might never die.” Earlier the ancient Greeks held that the beauty of mind, body and soul is what constituted true humanity. For Plato, beauty was the pathway to the good and true, and  the true, such as in mathematical forms, was beautiful. John Keats (1795-1821) agreed that truth as beauty and beauty truth, an essential unity.

Yet, in this sage of Left-wing deconstruction, ideas of beauty have gone the way of morality, all socially constructed and not universal. While not as radical as some more recent texts, Naomi Wolf in The Beauty Myth (1991), did the critique thing, proclaiming that there was no universal conception of human beauty, and in the West (the East, China, Japan?) existed to keep “male dominance intact.” Yep, male dominance no matter how many female politicians, prime ministers, business leaders. You name it. Male dominance, maybe even if no males even existed, I suppose. It is amazing that the feminist conspiracy theory, that almost everything is a plot by men to keep women down, seldom gets public challenges, while every other conspiracy theory does. Surely the feminist conspiracy theory would have the intrinsic weakness of all the others, one would think?

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The End of Critical Thinking By Brian Simpson

The New York Times has an article against critical thinking. This is so crazy ideological, let them have the first blow.  

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Mainstream Media at Last Recognises the Elephant in Biden’s Head By Chris Knight


At long last a mainstream media source has said that the emperor has no clothes, which in Beijing Biden’s case is not far from the truth.

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China is Getting Ready, the West Sleeps By James Reed

China is not building refugee centres on its artificial islands. No, full-blown military bases are being set up. All to promote international understanding, of course.

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Being Brain Dead, a Small Price to Pay for Covid-19 Vaccine By Mrs Vera West

Given the deadly Black Death nature of Covid-1984, ending up being brain dead, is a small price to pay. And as one fact checker put it, when a friend posted this on social media, the fact checker replied: “there is always a statistical probability of death from vaccines.” Ok, thanks for that, it makes me feel reassured. Tell that to the grieving family.

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China, Less than Honest and Open by Brian Simpson

I bet American Renaissance who have championed the “Chinese are so much smarter than us” line, have not covered this one, or at least I could not find the story, but, maybe it is there somewhere, who knows? Oh, and the Chinese are more law abiding too, in the trinity of “East Asians > Whites > Blacks” in the racial realist equation.  Does that include honesty and openness about events affecting the entire planet?   


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China’s Holocaust By James Reed

Isn’t strange how the slightest moral infringement by Whites gets smashed by the Left, yet China can harvest organs with no criticism? Surely, we need to ignore the Left’s manipulation of White guilt, and oppose them to the bitter end?

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Physicists Playing God, or the Devil? By Brian Simpson


Why settle for a good old nuclear war with Russia, when you can destroy the universe in a “look at me, mum” moment? Just what is wrong with the physicists, anyway; is it some sort of physiological or sexual inadequacy? Your guess is good as mine, but to test their hypotheses they are willing to risk all of our lives:

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Communist China Continues its Aggression & Infiltration. Am Email from George Christensen MP

“There is growing concern over Communist China’s military aggression and its infiltration into our nation.

In the past week, Communist China provocatively flew warplanes over Taiwan, to which the democratic island nation responded by deploying its own fighter jets. Such incidents have led the US-based Council on Foreign Relations to flag the distinct possibility of war.

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The US Bio-Weapons Conspiracy By Charles Taylor

Could this be true? Could there really be … shock … horror …conspiracies involving the killing of multitudes of people,  via bioweapons disguised as drug research? And, it is the Russians who are alleging all of this!


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China Rewrites the Bible, and Much More By James Reed


          Ah, China … the things this country gets up to on the road to domination of the known universe. Things like simply rewriting the Bible so that it fits better into its communist-bee hive capitalism world view:

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Rejoice! Australia is Actually Doing Something! By James Reed

Thousands of Aussies have deleted their Facebook profiles, as the battle of the people versus Big Tech heats up. Here is Dr Steve covering it, for that loving optimistic conservativism.

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Green Power? Does it Exist? By James Reed


The US Winter is extra cold, and to make matters worse, power outrages are occurring across the country, with the regularity of electoral fraud ands corruption. It is natural for things not to work in banana republics like the US, but there is the fingerprints of climate change mania and green energy over everything too. What a mess!

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