Herbal Antibiotics By Mrs Vera West


Big Pharma antibiotics, as wonderful as they are, will run out in any sort of severe social breakdown situation, as has been seen in collapse situations in South America, such as Venezuela. Hospitals, even if open, simply run out of supplies. Even in the so-called affluent West, the Covid freak-out led to various made in China items, such as face masks, becoming as scarce as hen’s teeth. And, then in a collapse scenario, there may not be any more antibiotics produced. Hence the need for knowledge of herbal antibiotics and treatment, to supplement what resources are available in a grid-down situation.

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The Nature Doctor By Mrs Vera West


I continue my survey of books that prudent people should be squirrelling away now for the hard times that are coming, and in fact, are already here. My argument is that we have seen how there can be restrictions upon medical services, in a sense, through lockdowns, with people perhaps technically legally able to travel to a doctor, but perhaps not wanting to risk facing the Covid police. Apart from an outright collapse, this represents some of the same aspects. Overall, it is time to get control of one’s health, learning more about medical conditions, both traditional, orthodox and complimentary treatments. And, the usual disclaimer, this is a discussion only for education purposes, not recommended medical advice, and so on.

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The Coming Nuclear War By James Reed

Nuclear war between the Us and China, and or Russia, or even a threesome, is likely, a US admiral has warned.


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Yet More Proof of Electoral Fraud By Chris Knight

Whenever I come across yet more proof of US electoral fraud, I report it for what it is now worth, which is not much because nobody seems to be doing anything about it.


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Happy Kali Yuga! By Chris Knight


We are not the only ones proclaiming the doom of the West, the Dark Age of despair and decay, the Kali Yuga.

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Universities Selling Out to Commo China: Cheap, Too By James Reed

Universities across the West are selling out to communist China, really cheap too. Now what do they call those who sell their bodies to the highest, or lowest bidder? How about those selling their souls?


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What! Churchill Worse than the Nazis! Just Ask the Academics! By Bruce Bennett

My father fought the Nazis in World War II, and would be in despair to hear that Churchill and the British Empire were worse than the Nazis. How is that possible? Well, academics argue for any nonsense, and they just get away with it, on tax payers’ money.


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What! Churchill Worse than the Nazis! Just Ask the Academics! By Bruce Bennett

My father fought the Nazis in World War II, and would be in despair to hear that Churchill and the British Empire were worse than the Nazis. How is that possible? Well, academics argue for any nonsense, and they just get away with it, on tax payers’ money.


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Surprising Comments from American Renaissance By Brian Simpson

For some time, I have been criticising American Renaissance for running the line that East Asians are “smarter” than Whites. I intend to do another article on this soon, taking them apart, yet again. But I did notice these comments in a recent post, worth quoting back at them, and I note the disclaimer that the comments relate to the US situation, not Australia (and no inference to Australia should be mechanically drawn), and are quoted as a debating point against the journal, and are not made by me, but quoted for the purpose of journalism. Personally, I remain sceptical about the entire IQ racket.


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Ruled by Thieves: Stats on Voter Perception of Voter Fraud By Chris Knight

At last the penny seems to have dropped, with nearly half of all us US voters seeing mail in voting, produced as part of the CCP virus conspiracy led to voter fraud. And conservatives are starting to realise that the elites hate white people. What took them so long?


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Le Pen and the Absurd Levels of Hate Speech Control By Richard Miller (London)

Le Pen is being prosecuted for drawing attention to the dangers of the Islamic State. That would seem to imply that the French system supports the Islamic state wouldn’t it?


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Thanks to Cuck Trump, Now The Demon-Crats Hunt Us By Charles Taylor

I wonder what the Washington swamp demons would have done if puppet Trump had not led the faithful lambs to the slaughter to Washington DC, for the embarrassing “oh Pence betrayed us, I would never have guessed, just go home farce”? Obviously, in a crowd of that size, infiltrated by antifa dressed up as Trump supporters, invading the Capitol building was a certainty. And just even though the Left and its antifa, who Biden bowed to, spend 2020 wrecking America, and still are, the otherwise peaceful protest, where an ex-service woman Trump supporter was executed, was conveniently defined as an insurrection. Well, Trump himself should have marched on the Capitol building, declaring martial law, but that is just a dream. If the roles were reversed, a Demon-crat president who had an election stolen would never had done a Trump. Now “violent extremists” are, well, anyone opposed to the present regime.


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Survival Medicine: Where There is No Doctor By Mrs Vera West


I have previously reviewed both Joseph Alton and Amy Alton, The Survival Medicine Handbook (2013) and Ralph Guardia, The Doomsday Book of Medicine, (2015), which are some of the few books concerned with collapse or survival medicine, a situation where literally medical help will not be on the way, where there are no hospitals and people need to take care of their medical needs themselves. Situations like this have arisen in South American countries undergoing economic collapsed, such as Venezuela, to some degree, and Cuba in the 1990s following the collapse of the USSR.

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Overpowering Pain By Mrs Vera West


I picked up Overpower Pain, (2008), by Mitchell Yass from a second-hand book shop, and it is a John Steele kind of book. The interesting theme, is that much pain in the human body, re joints and soft tissue, arises from lack of strength, and/or strength imbalance, and lack of stretching/flexibility, producing a rigid body, prone to injury. Yass is a keen weight lifter, and he tackles various issues with weight training programs. How is all of this of relevance to an old lady like me?

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Getting Out Alive By John Steele


I have just finished a good book by Scott Williams, Getting Out Alive, (2011), which is in the disaster survival genre. There are thirteen classic survival situations discussed, with case studies of real-life example. These range for abandoned in the Amazon /Basin, to trapped in snow and the desert, to being in a burning building, to a bear attack which almost kills one.

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Let’s Have More Chinese Propaganda in Schools! By Charles Taylor


You can be sure that teachers, primarily Left wing voted for Beijing Biden. Thus, it will be natural to indoctrinate children the ways of the communist New World Order. Just thank Trump for this, surrendering the nation because we are the law and order party. Whose law, what party?

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“It’s not about Ties, it’s about Cultural Identity, Mate.” By James Reed

Even though I am a critic of multiculturalism, on this one I agree with the pollie who did not wear a tie. Why, if I was in parliament, I would not want to even wear pants, already entering senility, thus beating Donny Dunstan who famously wore pink hot pants to parliament, because he probably thought that he was hot. He was not.


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Wear an Infinity of Masks! By Mrs Vera West

It seems that the medical establishment are moving to the wearing of two masks. Surely one would have thought that one good mask would be enough, but no, if one is good, two are better. So why not fifty masks, or simply wrap 18 rolls of duct tape across one’s face?


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Tracking, but Not Cracking, Critical Race Theory By Brian Simpson

For the record, I cover the below story about a website tracking critical race theory, you know, race does not exist, but for the purposes of punishment, and rewards, the white race must be punished, others given affirmative action, even though they are all social constructions. It is some academic version of that basic story. It has been in the universities since the 19650s in one shape or form. Simply have a look at the publications of the academics at any Australian university from sociology to psychology, and people will be amazed at the crap being shot out. James is right, we need to close these temples of doom down, but, we are the dispossessed majority, soon to be minority.


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Zombie Beijing Biden Brings ‘Em In! By Charles Taylor

For all the young democrats who voted for Biden, especially dopey glazed-eyed whites, Biden plans to bring in foreign graduates, so enjoy being with us at the bottom of the wheelie bin of history, you deluded fools, as you are replaced too: this is the white apocalypse:


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