World Leading Medical Journal, “The Lancet,” Goes Deep Green Hyper-Leftoid! By Mrs Vera West

The medical journal, The Lancet, while established for the purposes of reform, which was needed back in the day, has now embraced the Leftist worldview, with critical race style material, and now Deep Green ideology. A recent leading article, “One Health: A Call for Ecological Equity,” linked below, takes the line promoted by Deep Ecology, of what is called biocentric egalitarianism, that all life is of equal value. Of course, the reference is to animal life, and not to human foetuses, so the relevance to the abortion debate is not addressed, but this could be an internal Leftist contradiction. I looked at the piece and could find no reasoned philosophical argument why a human life is equal to that of a dung beetle, or tape worm. But, it serves the agenda of the New World Order on climate change.

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Bill Gates is in Oz in His Carbon-Spewing Jet, to Tell Us that We All Need to Pull Our Carbon Shirts In By James Reed

Here is the problem of the elites, in a nutshell. Bill Gates is here in Australia to tell us how bad climate change is, and to promote his Breakthrough Energy company. Ok, but Gates got to Australia, and gets around via a private jet, burning 1,700 litres of fuel per hour, which is more carbon emissions than cows produce from their gentle flatulence. I grew up on a farm in Victoria and admit, I have never once heard a cow fart.

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The Fabian Strategy of Undermining Australia Day By James Reed

The Fabian strategy involved the inevitability of gradualism, of chipping away at things, until they fall. The Left began this process, at least starting in the 1960s, and today have completed their march through the institutions. With Australia Day coming up, the forces of the Left move once more to attack the symbolic foundations of Australia. The idea is to eliminate all such historical links to the past, so that the nation can be made over in the image of the New world order.

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Are the Sheeple Really, Well, Sheeple? A Reply to Adam Mastroianni By Brian Simpson

Academic Adam Mastroianni at his substack makes the case that the somewhat common-sense observation that most people are stupid, is plain wrong. Psychology has a field dealing with cognitive errors, errors of thinking, and there are a lot of them. People get fooled by a number of puzzles, even the so-called educated. Sure, but making mistakes does not indicate mass stupidity. Mastroianni goes on to point out that if the masses really were stupid, then how could the human race have survived the extreme hardships of the past? Point taken, but no-one is proposing that people are totally dysfunctional. I think the observation running through much Dissent Right and anti-vax social criticism, is that people are easily manipulated and stampeded into obedience. It would be foolish to ignore the fact of mass compliance by the majority of people with the Covid mandates, which were unprecedented. Yet, as China showed, even the most compliant races have their breaking point, where resistance follows, so there is hope of change.

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Not Gun Control, But Immigrant Control By Charles Taylor (Florida), unlike American Renaissance, under the influence of Jared Taylor, is not so big on the standard race realist line, Asians are so much smarter than us, have less crime etc etc. Taylor is explicit about this, but not so much recently.  It makes one wonder why AR even bother to defend an alleged second-rate white race. But, I digress. has just posted a commentary on the latest shooting, which is not by a white, but by an Asian immigrant. That is not supposed to be so according to the standard Democrat diversity ideology. Most importantly, the ruling Democrat elites are presently pushing a narrative that mass shootings are exclusively a white thing, and that taking away guns, as one would take away toys from disobedient children, is the answer. One can read on to see that this is not so.


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The Globalist Cabal’s Final Push for the New World Order By James Reed

Dr Mercola, at a now deleted post, which he invites us to save and circulate, articulates in detail the globalist agenda of the World Economic Forum, whose Davos meeting has just concluded. The gathering of the Lords of the Universe, included FBI director Chris Wray, MI6 chief Richard Moore, Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg, the CEOs of Amazon, BlackRock and Pfizer, the present top of the pops, Ukrainian President Zelensky, and masses of lower-level feeders from the mainstream media, including the New York Times. No, or very little critical attendance, because democracy is not what this is about, with attendance by invitation only. Naturally, none of us hard-working journalists got an invite, not even to add the illusion of critical balance! The World Economic Forum, the United Nations and World Health Organization all work together, united by the same philosophical framework of sustainable development, which is in itself a meaningless concept, accept establishing, that what the globalists want, they will get. As seen with the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty, to be decided by May, 2023, the basic idea is to move beyond national sovereignty, and to tell nations how they will be governed. WHO will make vaccination, by whatever inadequately tested product Big Pharma rolls out for the next plandemic, mandatory. That alone is reason to oppose the forthcoming Pandemic Treaty. Western nations are almost totally subservient, but maybe African nations, once more can lead the quest for freedom, and oppose the treaty.

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“Yellowstone” and the John Wayne Man By John Steele

I have written previously about the conservative merits of the modern Western Yellowstone. One clear aspect where the show flies in the face of contemporary woke culture is in embracing the traditional view of masculinity such as the John Wayne man. A Western is just the place to do this, with men fighting the elements and other men on some defined frontier. Yellowstone is full of such men, such as the patriarch John Dutton, and Rip wheeler is right hand man. They solve problems old school way, which probably could not be done in a place like Australia, but it is nice to dream about the world to come. But, fiction is may be, still the idea of toxic masculinity gets a swift kick, since may problems cannot be dealt with soft measures. It requires “true grit.”

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Evolutionary Biologist Dr Richard Ennos Calls for a Halt to the Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Dr Richard Ennos, a retired professor of evolutionary biology at Edinburgh University, has called for the immediate withdrawal of the mRNA Covid vaccines. “Glaring safety signals are apparent, indicating harm to the lymph system, the heart and to female reproduction.” The analysis is based on  detailed data collected by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) through its Covid-19 Yellow Card vaccine adverse event database.  The agency finally agreed to release after stalling for more than 18 months, as all those sitting on the hot data tend to do.

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Covid mRNA Vaxxes as Gene Therapy: On Being Made into a Genetically Modified Organism! By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola gives a good outline of why the Covid mRNA” vaccines” are not tradition vaccines as it used to be defined. This is a worthwhile argument for people in the movement to have under their belt. What the so-called vaxxes are, are gene therapies, and it is not necessarily the case that what is required is altering genes. The definition given by the World Health Organization now includes the words “or to alter the biological properties of living cells,” which is precisely what the COVID-19 shots do. Thus, in a sense, people who have been vaxxed, have already begun down the path of transhumanism, as genetically modified organisms.


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Collapsing Immune Systems By Brian Simpson

Here is a common man’s summary of new research from China, which has concluded that after the fourth jab, the immune system radically declines. That is the short take. Here is the long: ““Multiple vaccine boosters after the conventional vaccination course significantly decreased RBD-specific antibody titers and serum neutralizing efficacy against the Delta and Omicron variants, and profoundly impaired CD4+ and CD8+T cell activation and increased PD-1 and LAG-3 expressions in these T cells.”

“Mechanistically, we confirmed that extended vaccination with RBD boosters overturned the protective immune memories by promoting adaptive immune tolerance. Our findings demonstrate potential risks with the continuous use of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine boosters, providing immediate implications for the global COVID-19 vaccination enhancement strategies.”

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It’s Time … For Covid Reparations! By James Reed

If there can be reparations suggested for things like slavery in the distant past, where none of the actual slaves are alive today, and descendants are doing fine, then why no reparations for the economic and health damages done by the entire Covid lockdown scenario? That is now being suggested, and it is a mighty fine idea too. However, much like the expressions of justice against those who committed the Covid crimes, it is unlikely we will see this. Much like the dead slaves, people who committed suicide are long dead, as are bankrupt businesses.

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The Worst Food Crisis in Modern Times, and It Will Get Worse By James Reed

It is grim times. At present the technology exists to more than adequately fed the world, including the developing world. But a perfect storm of elite-caused crises is causing the worse food crisis in modern times. The Ukraine War, the shortages of crucial fuels, and the climate change polices of shutting down farms is leading to the situation where people starve once more. Africa has been devastated by food shortages, and it is starting perhaps the greatest mass migration the world has ever seen. There is no possibility that Europe, however woke it is on the surface, will be able to deal with a systems-challenging mass movement of people.

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Surrender to the New World Order: World Economic Forum! By James “No Surrender” Reed

There is a brief note on how the political leaders have surrendered to the Davos World Economic Forum elites. The foreign minister of Slovenija, Tanja Fajon, has said that that sovereign nations must “respect” the international rules of the “world order.” In other words, the dictates of the globalist elites will override the interests of the people she was elected to represent. But this is an explicit expression of the sentiment held by most mainstream political leaders today.

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The Mainstream Media’s Take on the Surge of Fatal Heart Attacks By Brian Simpson

We have been covering in detail the role of the Covid mRNA vaxxes in the surge of fatal heart attacks. In the interests of balance, here is the mainstream take on this by The Age. The possible cause of the vaxxes is dismissed. The cause seems to be a kick-on effect of Covid, which increases heart attacks. That may well be so, but it hardly explains the sudden surge, and there is no evidence that the vaxxes, and Covid infection could jointly contribute. We will present in another article, material from the Spectator Australia which does discuss the role of the Covid vaxxes in this sudden death scenario.

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The Public Think Doctors are “On the Nose”! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This is a US based survey, as with an internet search I could not find any post-Covid vax rollout Australian surveys. Still, it is instructive, and may apply across jurisdictions. The percentage of Americans who rate doctors’ ethical standards highly has dropped from 77 percent at the start of the pandemic in 2020 to 62 percent at the end of 2022. Obviously, the pandemic, so-called, has shown doctors in their true light to the public, compliant with the government and Big Pharma. While doctors are held tightly by regulatory bodies who will deregister them if they are critical of the Covid vax narrative, still, most doctor believe Big Pharma, and act as tis agents, not just with the vaxxes, but in an entire approach to medicine. It is a wonder that there is a 62 percent approval rating, but my guess is that number will continue to fall, as people begin to awaken.

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Elon Musk on the Covid Booster Side-Effects By Brian Simpson

Here is another great Elon Musk tweet, which does enormous damage to the Covid vax narrative. He said that he felt like he was dying from the side effects of his vax, and is not sure if there might be permanent damage. Musk also said his cousin was hospitalized for myocarditis after taking the jab. It is but a drop in the vast vax ocean.

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Defacing Aussie Paintings? Another Reason Why I Vote “No” in the Voice Referendum By James Reed

Across the world, the latest form of woke protest about things, usually Leftist people don’t like, is to try to deface paintings with paint, then to glue themselves to walls, floors and who knows what. This is not to say that every aspect of the grievance is unfounded, but there are legal ways of protesting that are more effective. What is presently being done does get attention, but bad attention is worse than no attention, as it turns many people off the cause. If for example, indigenous artwork in the outback is threatened, surely the courts are the place to deal with this and get some action.

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PM Albo Meets with Bill Gates By James Reed

Tell me what is going on here. Globalist Bill Gates gets a private meeting with our PM, to discuss climate change, pandemics, you name it. Why should such a person be in consultation with the PM? Doesn’t Albo have a job to do, or does he have too much time on his hands. Obviously, Gates is reinforcing the new world order message, loud and clear.

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Saying “No” to Woke Guilt By James Reed

Woke culture, a nasty development of political correctness, is based upon introspective contrition, a Leftoid psycho-political strategy which uses guilt, and whites are particularly vulnerable in this regard, to reinforce Leftist political domination. This is seen in all areas of policy, such as race, immigration and the gender agenda. It is used as a political weapon to silence opposition, and of course, with the march of the Left through the legal institutions, and judges are lawyers trained in Leftist law schools, laws now support woke. The suggestion of an article in the American, is to just reject wokeness, which I agree with, but unless one is self-employed, open defiance now is going to be dangerous. Certainly, this system of oppressive thought will self-destruct in time, but it will pull down much of the fabric of existence of the West. But, that is what happens when things are let go for decades. The Big Fight should have been in the 1960s, rather than the Great Surrender.

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Every Breath You Take … Taxing Air? By James Reed

The climate change elites are moving now to personal carbon tacking. Their hope, with the development of the CCP-style “social credit,” to be distinguished from liberating Douglas social credit, is to be able to link one’s personal use of carbon to a digital identity. Thus, there will be a monitor on your travel, if you can travel at all, and what you buy, all in terms of carbon units. Exceed these, well, you will be shut down as we saw communist China shut down the protesters. Thus, once this is done, the very air one breathes will be part of this, since you breathe out carbon dioxide. It will be the final dystopia, if we allow the globalists to pull this one off. Don’t let it end this way!


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