Not Called Gen Z, the Last Generation, for Nothing! By Chris Knight

     No, Generation Z or the millennials is not the most historically informed of all generations; in fact, they are even worse than the boomers, which is saying something:

“For conservative commentators, upstart socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the gift that keeps on giving. The New York Democrat’s social media feed offers up a constant stream of clueless left-wing commentary that’s ripe for debunking. The latest instance is a recent Instagram live video, in which she claims that “young people are more informed and dynamic than their predecessors.” The social media starlet goes on to say “this new generation is very profound ... They actually take time to read and understand our history.” This, frankly, is absurd to the point of hilarity. Nothing could be further from the truth: The millennial generation and Generation Z behind them, of which I am part, is uniquely disengaged from history and woefully uninformed. Which she went on to prove, naturally. In praising the new generation as the first "wiling to go to the streets" and protest, she appears to have forgotten about the 1960s. Oops! But she disproves her own point in more ways than one. Young people increasingly identify as socialist, which on its own shows that they are woefully ignorant of history. That ideology of failure and oppression has a very dark past of which few are aware. And only 16% of millennials are even able to define socialism in the first place. As far as broader historical literacy goes, two of three millennials, the same generation that Ocasio-Cortez deems “informed and dynamic,” do not even know what Auschwitz is. Ignorance of the Nazi death camp is bad enough, but 1 in 5 millennials aren’t even aware of the Holocaust at all. This isn’t exactly a surprise, when you look at young peoples’ habits. According to Business Insider, “Millennials spend far less time consuming news overall than older adults, and the time they do spend is concentrated on digital consumption. Millennials ages 21-37 consume only about 30% of the amount of news as adults age 38 and older.” Plus, many young people don’t read books. At all.”

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Now Italy Falls Too By Chris Knight

     Expect Italy to now be flooded extra fast by migrants as payback for daring to resist for only a little while, before hubris led to the one man who tried to stop the flood, falling on his own political, sword:

“What's the Italian word for 'hubris'? Somebody should ask League leader Matteo Salvini. In a report published Friday, Bloomberg examines the circumstances surrounding Salvini's failed political gambit, which the Interior Minister and Deputy PM had hoped would install him as prime minister of Italy, but instead resulted in his political rivals joining forces to outmaneuver him. Less than a month ago, Salvini was out partying at Papeete Beach. At one point, he stepped up to the decks during a music festival, where the man who was until very recently the most powerful politician in Italy was surrounded by dancing bikini-clad women. This was Salvini at the height of his power. But little did he realize that, while he was partying, his rivals were busy plotting his downfall, and within weeks, his hopes of taking over as prime minister would be crushed. The public didn't know yet, but he had finally acquiesced to his party's demands to withdraw his support for the coalition government that had seen his League govern with the Five Star Movement (M5S) for more than a year. Salvini believed that by forcing an election, he could capitalize on his popularity and return with a new conservative coalition that would more readily support his party's platform of anti-immigrant measures combined with tax cuts that antagonized Brussels. And instead of serving as co-deputy PM, he would be prime minister.

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Precious Snowflakes are Set to Melt: The Coddling of the American Mind By James Reed

     Back in 1987 philosopher Allan Bloom published The Closing of the American Mind, which was an early critique of the emerging culture of political correctness and all things mad from the Left. The main argument was against the emergence of moral and cognitive relativism, rejection of the objectivity of science and knowledge, and Bloom asserted the need to defend Western civilisation, including the canon of great and classic literature. But, in the years up to today, this return to the classics has not occurred, and Western civilisation faces a relentless attack in the universities. This comes from the ageing boomer academics, as well as the more recent clones from gen X and Y, who ape them. Added now to this lamentation about the state of the university, comes The Coddling of the American Mind (2018), by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, a lawyer and psychologist. The book deals with updated themes discussed by Bloom and other “cultural wars” authors, but the book is very toned down, in my opinion, due to the authors being liberals, which is their right, of course.

     Thus, the dissent Right come out as Nazis and the like (p.12), and the election of Donald Trump is beyond the pale, (p.140), and they proclaim, after discussing numerous incidents of the suppression of mainstream views that: “the shock of Trump’s victory must have been particularly disillusioning for many black students and left-leaning women. Between the president’s repeated racial provocations and the increased visibility of neo-Nazis and their ilk, it became much more plausible than it had been in a long time that “white supremacy,” even using a narrow definition, was not just a relic of the distant past.” (p.140) never mind that although left women would have opposed Trump, millions of Blacks voted for him. Thus, Lukianoff/Haidt Trump directly equate Trump  to extremism, but we do not see the liberal Left so equated with the actions of Antifa, also discussed in the book. The Charlottesville protests are equated to a bunch of “Nazis” bashing people (pp. 90-91), even though these people were in an absolute minority. Again vDare has dealt with all aspects of this, including the distortion of Trump’s claim, that there were “very fine people on both sides” (p.91), which they take as an endorsement of extremists from the Right, which hardly follows. Lukianoff and Haidt would then have to claim that everybody from the Dissent Right was a “Nazi,” which is just the sort of distortion that they argue against elsewhere in their book, like on page 89, where they talk of “labelling running wild – a list of serious accusations made without supporting evidence.” (p. 89) Did they examine everyone present at the protest? Of course they did not. Again the vDare site has numerous article refuting much of their claims, with Ann Coulter leading the charge. Hopefully she will debate these authors and put them in their place.

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The Economic Cost of Immigration By James Reed

     This article deals with Canada, which is a similar “swamp” to Australia, so it should be relevant:

“In a recent campaign speech, Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, cited the results of one of our studies, which showed that recent immigrants are imposing a heavy fiscal burden on Canadians. He used this information to justify his plan to reduce future levels of immigration. The CBC had journalist Jonathon Gatehouse do a “fact check” of Bernier’s claim about the fiscal burden. In a publication sponsored by the CBC, he concludes that this claim is “false.” Since this verdict implies that our study also reached false conclusions, we feel compelled to do our own fact check of the analysis produced by Gatehouse. The author makes much of the well-known fact that immigrants have a positive effect on aggregate national income (GDP), which says nothing about the fiscal burden. He also fails to note that recent immigrants have lowered Canada’s per capita income since, according to official statistics, they have lower average incomes than other Canadians. He also cites a number of published studies and data he considers relevant. They involve well-known facts and again tell us nothing about the fiscal burden. For example, he notes that the gap in the unemployment rate between recent immigrants and native-born Canadian males has narrowed, but neglects to mention that this always happens when an economic boom creates increased demand for labour and leads to the hiring of previously unemployable workers.

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Letter to The Editor - Even more important is the need to re-establish the full sovereignty for the British people of their Crown

To The Australian    On Brexit, Tony Abbott is right ("Exit Brexit at your peril, Brits", 3/9) that for Britain "deciding to leave the EU but failing to carry it through" will be "defeat on an epic scale" and "a national humiliation to echo down the ages". He is also correct to remind us that in the past "the high priests of Europe have always found ways to subvert every outbreak of independence or of national feeling" in peoples they intend to rule. Thus, Britain has become a torch-bearer for world freedom, not just British freedom. There are bigger issues involved than those matters of economics and trade on which Abbott comments. There is the need to escape the proto-totalitarian fetters of the European Court of Human Rights and EU bureaucratic tyranny. Even more important is the need to re-establish the full sovereignty for the British people of their Crown and its royal house. That monarchical independence is vital to the soul of Britain.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - This constitutional issue is more important than all other parliamentary business

To The Age    Paola Totaro quotes a British legal expert on Brexit as noting of the Queen's willingness to have the UK parliament prorogued that "it would have been undemocratic to have consented and undemocratic not to assent" ("PM's move "boxed in" Queen", 31/8). The question then is which choice is more democratic than the other. In your editorial ("Johnson should heed Whitlam-era lessons", 30/8) you argue that UK prime minister Boris Johnson is "using his executive power to stymie the will of Parliament", but the more important truth is that he is using it to faithfully represent the will of the people as unequivocally established in the 2016 referendum. On the issue of Brexit that referendum decision must take ethical precedence over the personal views of MPs in parliament. This constitutional issue is more important than all other parliamentary business. Not to honour the referendum would be a disgraceful refusal to play the game and fundamentally corrupt the UK political process.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave

Letter to The Editor - He resorts to a ridiculous sweeping statement that our Aboriginals "have always been out in the cold."

To The Australian         Danny Gilbert claims ("For too long constitutionally invisible, indigenous Australians need their voice", 30/8) that Aboriginal constitutional recognition and our Aboriginals being heard "cannot be separated". That is patently untrue. Aboriginals have been heard and are being heard in all sorts of ways with powerful interests supporting them and massive government funding being provided. All this despite no mention in the Constitution, a document which happily treats all Australians today on an equal footing. Gilbert ignores the major objections to recognition of Aboriginals constitutionally - that it is fundamentally inequitable, divisive and dangerous to our security and stability as a nation. Instead he resorts to a ridiculous sweeping statement that our Aboriginals "have always been out in the cold." On the contrary, throughout our history there have been many fruitful interactions between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians and many Aboriginals have led most rewarding lives.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - The essence of the Remainers, alas, is that they have been unwilling to lose gracefully

To The Age        You claim in your latest editorial ("Johnson should heed Whitlam-era lessons", 30/8) that UK prime minister Boris Johnson is "using his executive power to stymie the will of Parliament", but the more important truth is that he is using it to faithfully represent the will of the people as unequivocally established in the 2016 referendum. In the modern world parliaments on certain issues are not truly representative of their peoples and appear to have fallen hostage to financially powerful interest groups and elites. On Brexit that is what has happened in Britain. Johnson is on the brink of becoming a great British hero. If he succeeds in detaching the UK from the EU, watch how he then leads the Conservatives to a massive electoral victory afterwards. The essence of the Remainers, alas, is that they have been unwilling to lose gracefully.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave

Nuke Hurricanes? Nuke Everything! By Paul Walker

     The splendour of nuclear bombs is seldom recognised, given their bad press in genociding people and leaving others to die in agony. The negatives are clear, but maybe we are prejudging things a little quickly since the angry atom can also do good, by blowing bad things up, especially if it is not really a thing which is blown up, but a whirling wind in its early stages. Trump has been given a false news report that he said that hurricanes could be nuked in the early stages to break them up, and denies it, but the idea seems to have merit … well, anyway, I like it. It is the sort of thing a superhero would do, like from The Avengers team, or Justice League. Say, that one is close to home, isn’t it, there is not far in word play from “Justice League” to “League of Rights”! Which super will I be?

“Hillary Clinton took to Twitter Monday to react to reports President Trump suggested nuking hurricanes in order to drive them away from the U.S. coast – a report the president has called “ridiculous” and “FAKE NEWS.”
“We should not nuke hurricanes,” the failed presidential candidate wrote on Twitter:

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Canada Just Happy with Its Great Replacement? By Chris Knight

     It seems that either white Canadians are happy with their Great Replacement, or that things have gone so far now that minority-majorities now decide what goes:

“Anti-immigrant ads on billboards across Canada are being taken down after a public outcry and multiple petitions against them, the company that owns the billboards said. The ads were launched in support of Maxime Bernier, leader of the small right-wing anti-immigration People’s Party of Canada, and called for a halt on mass immigration to Canada. They started appearing in several Canadian cities last week and were bought by True North Strong and Free Advertising Corp (TNSFAC). Bernier, 56, has focused on limiting immigration and protecting so-called Canadian values in contrast with more moderate Conservatives, prompting some pundits to refer to him as Canada’s Donald Trump. Canada will have a federal election on Oct. 21 and immigration has broad support, some polls show. A Pew Research Center report published Aug. 9 found that Canadians have among the highest support in the world for immigration. Although the People’s Party of Canada was not responsible for the ad, Bernier was upset that it was taken down. “The message on the billboard is not ‘controversial’ for two thirds of Canadians who agree with it, and for those who disagree but support free speech and an open discussion,” Bernier said on Twitter on Monday. Pattison Outdoor, which owns and manages outdoor advertising space across Canada, had originally declined to remove the advertisements, but reversed the decision on Sunday.

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On Climate Spare Change, Hockey Sticks and Law Suits By Ian Wilson LL.B

     I don’t write on the climate change issue because I do not know much about science, and others here are best to address it. However, here is a case where climate change, allegedly, and the law meet, and the mainstream did not do so well. Note that I am not necessarily endorsing any of the following remarks, merely quoting a source in the public interest, as an Australian:

“Supreme Court of British Columbia dismisses Dr Michael Mann’s defamation lawsuit versus Canadian skeptic climatologist, Dr Tim Ball. Full legal costs are awarded to Dr Ball, the defendant in the case. The Canadian court issued its final ruling in favor of the Dismissal motion that was filed in May 2019 by Dr Tim Ball’s libel lawyers. The plaintiff Mann’s “hockey stick” graph, first published in 1998, was featured prominently in the U.N. 2001 climate report. The graph showed an “unprecedented” spike in global average temperature in the 20th Century after about 500 years of stability. … On Friday morning (August 23, 2019) Dr Ball sent an email to WUWT revealing: “Michael Mann’s Case Against Me Was Dismissed This Morning by The BC Supreme Court and They Awarded Me [Court] Costs.” A more detailed public statement from the world-renowned skeptical climatologist is expected in due course. Professor Mann is a climate professor at Penn State University. Mann filed his action on March 25, 2011 for Ball’s allegedly libelous statement that Mann “belongs in the state pen, not Penn State.” … Previously, on Feb, 03, 2010, an … academic investigation  by Pennsylvania State University had cleared Mann of misconduct. Mann also falsely claimed the NAS found nothing untoward with his work. But the burden of proof in a court of law is objectively higher. Not only did the B.C. Supreme Court grant Ball’s application for dismissal of the 8-year, multi-million-dollar lawsuit, it also took the additional step of awarding full legal costs to Ball. This extraordinary outcome will likely trigger severe legal repercussions for Dr Mann in the U.S. and may prove fatal to alarmist climate science claims that modern temperatures are “unprecedented.” According to the leftist The Guardian newspaper (Feb, 09, 2010), the wider importance of Mann’s graph over the last 20 years is massive: “Although it was intended as an icon of global warming, the hockey stick has become something else – a symbol of the conflict between mainstream climate scientists and their critics.” Under court rules, Mann’s legal team have up to 30 days to file an appeal.” That is the principal statement, not my personal expression; take it for what it is.”

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The End of the White world, but, Why? Why Not? By Peter West

     Just to be different, here is someone else saying the stuff we all say, but which no one listens to:

“The Western presstitutes and politicians have demonized Putin, Maduro, Iran, and Trump to the same extent as the patriotic propagandistic Western court historians have demonized Adolf Hitler. But no one is as demonized as white people, and the curious thing is that it is self-demonization—whites demonizing whites. One can understand why former British and French colonies from Africa through the Middle East to India, and Washington’s former colony in the Philippines and its Latin American puppet states would look with disfavor on white faces and use harsh language. But why do the New York Times, CNN, NPR, and white professors throughout the university system, school boards, white politicians, such as France’s Macron and the European Community’s Jean-Claude Juncker and Germany’s Merkel and a wide assortment of British and Scandinavian politicians demonize white people? In Scandinavia a blond woman who reports her rape by the latest wave of third world “migrants” invited into the country by the crazed Scandinavian politicians is dismissed as a racist. Scandinavian people have told me that it is becoming difficult to report any crime by migrants as the report borders on being a hate crime.

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The Economic Cost of Immigration By James Reed

     This article deals with Canada, which is a similar “swamp” to Australia, so it should be relevant:

“In a recent campaign speech, Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, cited the results of one of our studies, which showed that recent immigrants are imposing a heavy fiscal burden on Canadians. He used this information to justify his plan to reduce future levels of immigration. The CBC had journalist Jonathon Gatehouse do a “fact check” of Bernier’s claim about the fiscal burden. In a publication sponsored by the CBC, he concludes that this claim is “false.” Since this verdict implies that our study also reached false conclusions, we feel compelled to do our own fact check of the analysis produced by Gatehouse. The author makes much of the well-known fact that immigrants have a positive effect on aggregate national income (GDP), which says nothing about the fiscal burden. He also fails to note that recent immigrants have lowered Canada’s per capita income since, according to official statistics, they have lower average incomes than other Canadians. He also cites a number of published studies and data he considers relevant. They involve well-known facts and again tell us nothing about the fiscal burden. For example, he notes that the gap in the unemployment rate between recent immigrants and native-born Canadian males has narrowed, but neglects to mention that this always happens when an economic boom creates increased demand for labour and leads to the hiring of previously unemployable workers.

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We Have been Saying this Since Eric Butler By James Reed

     In the “we told you so department,” here is an article saying that he adoption of neo-liberal economic policies have destroyed the West, and china has capitalised upon this, which was the only sensible thing to do when your main competition cannot resist committing suicide. Here is Paul Craig Roberts summing it all up:

“The main problem with the US economy is that globalism has been deconstructing it. The offshoring of US jobs has reduced US manufacturing and industrial capability and associated innovation, research, development, supply chains, consumer purchasing power, and tax base of state and local governments. Corporations have increased short-term profits at the expense of these long-term costs. In effect, the US economy is being moved out of the First World into the Third World. Tariffs are not a solution. The Trump administration says that the tariffs are paid by China, but unless Apple, Nike, Levi, and all of the offshoring companies got an exemption from the tariffs, the tariffs fall on the offshored production of US firms that are sold to US consumers. The tariffs will either reduce the profits of the US firms or be paid by US purchasers of the products in higher prices. The tariffs will hurt China only by reducing Chinese employment in the production of US goods for US markets. The financial media is full of dire predictions of the consequences of a US/China “trade war.” There is no trade war. A trade war is when countries try to protect their industries by placing tariff barriers on the import of cheaper products from foreign countries. But half or more of the imports from China are imports from US companies. Trump’s tariffs, or a large part of them, fall on US corporations or US consumers.

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Now Maori Land Rights …In Australia By James Reed

     No, it is not a joke … well …sometimes I am not sure nowadays what to believe, but here goes:

“A group of Maori people are calling for valuable land in Sydney's west to be handed over to them, claiming they were gifted the area by Aboriginal people more than 200 years ago. The Rangihou people say their king was handed the land in Parramatta by leaders of the Burramattagal Clan back in 1811 after they were first invited over from New Zealand. The 45-hectare parcel of land lies in an eastern section of central Parramatta. It includes parkland, James Ruse Reserve, Robin Thomas Reserve, Rangihou Reserve and a section of the Parramatta River. 'We are Ngati Rangihou Corrangie Hapu and we are here to reclaim Rangihou land,' the group's leader Lady Crown told 9 News. 'We want acknowledgement and recognition. We want the history books corrected, and compensation for damages of the land. 'We have the first laws in time, so our laws stand above any other law in the land.' The Rangihou people attempted to seize some of the land in March by changing the locks on the Waratah Soccer Club. They also charged people to use the car park of their makeshift set-up, before being evicted after four days.”

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We All Hate the Political Establishment … Don’t We? by Paul Walker

     It is hard to tell whether this is true or not for the same-sex voting majority in Australia, as the only surveys we get rammed down out throats are how in a non-representative sample of allegedly 1,000 people, who say that multiculturalism was even better than sliced bread, provided the bread was not white bread, but something, eh, multicultural.

“The majority of Americans said they are angry at the political establishment, which they say benefits the well-connected class, according to a new poll. Seventy percent of Americans said they feel angry because the political system seems to only be working for insiders with money and power, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Sunday. The poll found 43 percent of Americans said the statement described them “very well” and 27 percent said it described them “somewhat.” It is statistically equivalent to the number of Americans who felt the same way four years ago, ahead of President Trump’s 2016 election, based on the poll. However, the feeling shifted from Republicans to Democrats. Twenty-nine percent of Republicans said feeling anger at the political establishment described them “very well,” which is a ten point decrease from 2015, based on the poll. But, 54 percent of Democrats now resonate “very well” with the sentiment, which is a ten point uptick from 2015. The most significant increases were also seen among women under 50, up 10 points to 48 percent, African Americans, up five points to 46 percent, and Hispanics, up 11 points to 49 percent. Despite saying they’re angry at the political establishment, 69 percent of Americans said they are satisfied with their overall financial situation today, according to the poll. But 56 percent also said they feel “anxious and uncertain” over the economy. The poll surveyed 1,000 adults between Aug. 10 and 14, with more than half reached by cell phone. There is a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.”

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But James, What if You are Wrong about Climate Change???? By James Reed

     If one is a rational scientific thinker, then the possibility of being wrong must be addressed. Here at this beloved site, we oppose the mainstream on climate change, global warming, you know that nonsense and hot air. But what if we are wrong, someone in an email recently asked? Is the UN and globalists right, and  should we  pack our bags and give up, living a life of drinking soy milk, instead of hard liquor? Hardly. Here is some literature discussing this hypothetical. The basic line of response is that the best way of dealing with any environmental problem is locally, not globally, because globally the problem is just too big to solve. Thus, if there is a need to reduce waste, then fine, let us overhaul the financial system, which because of its debt structure leads to the need for endless growth, much of which does not serve genuine human interests. In other words, environmentalism could be reinterpreted from the Right, and it would make more sense too.

     But don’t panic! Nobody here is saying anything positive about environmentalism, only in the logically possible scenario that we IF were wrong, the argument is far from over.

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Chaos Italian Style By Richard Miller

You just have to love the Italians, so much guts, passion and manliness, so much pizza, putting the Northern Europeans to shame. Look at their government … oh, it just collapsed:

“Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has resigned, forcing the collapse of the populist coalition between the Five Star Movement and Matteo Salvini’s Populist-right Lega (League). The Italian PM was set to face a vote of no confidence brought by Salvini’s party after the Five Star Movement overwhelmingly opposed a recent vote on the Italian-French TAV train tunnel project. On the floor of the Italian senate, Mr Conte blasted Salvini, accusing the Interior Minister of “political opportunism,” according to a report from Italian newspaper Il Giornale.

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Antifa are Not Terrorists but Peace Loving Messengers of Truth! By Chris Knight

     Australian readers will be aware of items showing that US power in the Pacific is crumbling and that China’s military is set to crush everything before it. Consequently, what happens in the US is very important to the question of how long we have left. Unfortunately, the Democrats, almost certain to defeat Trump via the crook media and Big Tech anarchotyranny systems, let alone election fraud, will bury what remains of America. Already they are in an advanced stage of social dementia:

“In the aftermath of the most recent attacks by Antifa terrorists against conservative groups in Portland, Oregon, some Democrats are now proclaiming that Antifa is actually just a misunderstood, “peaceful” group of resisting patriots that’s merely trying to “safeguard” the city of Portland against far-right Nazis. According to Democratic Representative Debra Haaland of New Mexico, as quoted during a recent interview with CNN‘s Ana Cabrera, Antifa members aren’t domestic terrorists, as President Trump recently implied. Instead, they’re just “peaceful protesters working to safeguard their city,” meaning they should be respected and even lauded for their bravery in trying to stamp out “racism.” CNN apparently agrees with this sentiment, as does Buzzfeed, which recently tried to claim that conservatives are somehow “manufacturing” all of the evidence showing Antifa terrorists throwing cement milkshakes at people and chasing them with assault weapons. In one instance, Antifa terrorists maced and beat up a middle-aged man, leaving him unconscious on the ground as his partner or spouse attempted to guard him against further assault, which could have killed him. In another instance, Antifa terrorists chased down a man with a baseball bat, presumably to beat him to death.To Rep. Haaland, CNN, and Buzzfeed, however, this is all just “peaceful safeguarding” of Portland by “brave” and “tolerant” resisters who are simply trying to spread love by stopping Trump’s “fascist regime” through violence.

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Spygate and Obama By Charles Taylor

     The incredible thing is that the Democrats are still moving to impeach Trump, because, you know, nobody except them can rule. Never mind that Obama did far worse that the false news about Trump, actively breaking the law to put tricky dicky Nixon to shame:

“Earlier this week during an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Andrew McCarthy, attorney and former federal prosecutor who specialized in national security cases, said “counterintelligence operations” which is what Spygate was, at its core, are “done for the president.” That means, as The Gateway Pundit notes, they are executed specifically to inform the commander-in-chief. “What I’m saying is not that the president sits there and directs that there be counter-intelligence investigations. What I’m saying is that unlike criminal investigations, counter intelligence investigations are done for the president,” McCarthy said. “The only reason to do them is for the president with the information he needs to protect the United States from foreign threats. They’re not like criminal investigations in that regard. So, in principle, the information is for the president. And here we know at various junctures we have actual factual information that this investigation was well known to President Obama,” he added. Hannity asked if the president knew about the investigation from the outset, wouldn’t he have been updated on its progress? “Sean, if things were working properly the president should have been alerted about it and informed. It was a very important investigation,” McCarthy added. “If they actually believed what they were telling the court that it was a possibility that Donald Trump was actually a plant of the Kremlin, it would have been derelict on their part not to keep the president informed,” he added. This isn’t the first crumb of evidence indicating that Obama was in on Spygate from the outset. In fact, previous information indicates that Obama actually orchestrated the coup attempt. As The National Sentinel reported in May 2018, former Bush White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said during a Fox News interview that there was no way Obama would not have been kept in the loop. Investigative reporter Paul Sperry tweeted the information: “BREAKING: Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer said “I guarantee the answer is yes” to whether Obama knew Halper & others were deployed to spy on Trump campaign. Fleischer explained that no FBI director would put informants inside a presidential campaign w/o the prez authorizing it.”

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