Canada Just Happy with Its Great Replacement? By Chris Knight

     It seems that either white Canadians are happy with their Great Replacement, or that things have gone so far now that minority-majorities now decide what goes:

“Anti-immigrant ads on billboards across Canada are being taken down after a public outcry and multiple petitions against them, the company that owns the billboards said. The ads were launched in support of Maxime Bernier, leader of the small right-wing anti-immigration People’s Party of Canada, and called for a halt on mass immigration to Canada. They started appearing in several Canadian cities last week and were bought by True North Strong and Free Advertising Corp (TNSFAC). Bernier, 56, has focused on limiting immigration and protecting so-called Canadian values in contrast with more moderate Conservatives, prompting some pundits to refer to him as Canada’s Donald Trump. Canada will have a federal election on Oct. 21 and immigration has broad support, some polls show. A Pew Research Center report published Aug. 9 found that Canadians have among the highest support in the world for immigration. Although the People’s Party of Canada was not responsible for the ad, Bernier was upset that it was taken down. “The message on the billboard is not ‘controversial’ for two thirds of Canadians who agree with it, and for those who disagree but support free speech and an open discussion,” Bernier said on Twitter on Monday. Pattison Outdoor, which owns and manages outdoor advertising space across Canada, had originally declined to remove the advertisements, but reversed the decision on Sunday.

     Ok, the majority of Canadians, whatever that now means, do not support mass immigration, but you are no longer able to express that as a political position in the anarcho-tyranny. Sounds like Australia.

Canada in Decay: Mass Immigration, Diversity, and the Ethnocide of Euro-Canadians (2017), continues to be a best seller at It is not consistently ranked #1 in various subjects, as I observed last year in "Canada in Decay: One Year Later", but still selling very well. The media and the corrupt academic establishment continues to ignore the book. I have emailed about a dozen academics who are "experts" on Canadian multiculturalism inviting them to CEC to comment on my book, or simply asking for their opinion. They have ignored my emails. This blind refusal to consider alternative ways of thinking should not surprised us. As Lindsay Shepherd shows in the video below, universities are a "bureaucratic scam" of overpaid "equity and diversity officers," dedicated to ripping off white students in the same breath as they attack them as racist while celebrating foreign students. It is disgusting what these overpaid academic traitors are doing to millions of white students!

I have invited not only "experts" but numerous journalists to find ways to question or refute the following key claims in Canada in Decay, without a single volunteer:

•    Canada was not a nation of immigrants but a nation built from the ground up by settlers and indigenous Euro-Canadians.
•    The underlying principle of multiculturalism is that most humans have a very strong need to have their ethno-cultural identity recognized by the state, but in practice multiculturalism recognizes only the collective culture of minorities and immigrant groups while targeting the collective culture of Euro-Canadians.
•    Western Nations were founded on both individual rights and kin-culture affinities.
•    Canada was founded as an Anglo-Quebecois ethno-nation state combined with civic-liberal rights.
•    Multiculturalism as presently implemented across the West is not about the equal rights of long-established minorities but about creating a new multiracial identity through the importation of millions of foreigners.”

     I am sure that all of our Australian journalists here at this site would agree with that sentiment, that much of the rot starts in the universities, ground zero of the mind virus infection of globalism.



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