Letter to The Editor - High time that the Australian Government terminated any restrictions on Irving's entry

To The Age          A key player in the exposure of the fraud of the fake Hitler diaries ("Editor who took the rap for fake Hitler diaries", 7/1) was David Irving. It is a pity that this is not mentioned in the New York Times obituary you have republished. Its unworthy omission of reference to his dramatic intervention at a German press conference is no doubt a result of the current disgraceful taboo on this distinguished historian's writings. Which reminds us that it is high time that the Australian Government terminated any restrictions on Irving's entry into Australia. Those restrictions, some of which were enacted precisely to keep him out, were never justified. The fact that a UK High Court decision later found some errors in some of his works does not change that reality.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

The Environment and the Dissent Right By James Reed

     I have been hammering environmentalism in my columns, even though they run across the page, this year, but others from the Dissent Right think that there is a role for environment issues, while I am happy living surrounded by nothing but concrete, which is really a rather sexy substance, once your face hits it enough, from drunk encounters:

“It was not by chance that the modern conservation movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was founded and led by men such as Theodore Roosevelt and Madison Grant who possessed a strong sense of ethnic identity. Although the Left took over the environmental movement by the 1960s, an ecological perspective is inconsistent with the Left’s global universalism whether animated by neo-liberalism or neo-Marxism. Instead, there is a natural congruence between ecology and the particularism of the Dissident Right, an ideology that never loses sight of man as a biological entity belonging to a specific ethny or race requiring certain physical and cultural conditions to survive and thrive. The Dissident Right emerged in opposition to conventional American conservatism that has failed to conserve much of anything. We want to conserve the genetic heritage of our European-American people, the best of our cultural legacy, and the physical environment that promotes our health and wellbeing. Our environmental concerns include both natural ecosystems and the manmade physical and social environments. Humans, with their comparative lack of instincts, need the support of cultural institutions such as stable families, communities, and states. In lieu of innate behaviors Homo sapiens requires the guidance from these institutions for beneficial socialization.

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Banning Martial Arts Now By John Steele

     The movement to ban martial arts, and leave ordinary deplorables defenceless against home invaders, knife attackers, you name it, is on. The Fight Prefect channel has been removed, for who knows what reason … oh, it debunked nonsense.

     The US state of Virginia is moving ahead of the wave with an implicit banning of martial arts, showing that the elites never stop at just guns, they want the deplorables crushed like insects under the jackboot:

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Chinese Labour Camps … but the Australian Left are Silent By James Reed

     Everybody know that I love China, in a funny like of way, but I am not a big fan of concentration camps at all, even of less concentrated camps. I don’t even like concentrated soup, or even concentrating too hard myself:

“A leaked 400-page document released by the New York Times reveal new details about how the Chinese have organised the mass detention of more than 1 million people from its Muslim minorities, including the Uyghurs and Kazakhs.

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Republicans Now Seek to Bypass People’s Voice

     The new proposal by republicans to void the referendum process and have the state and federal parliaments vote on the succession when the Queen passes (Annika Smedhurst Telegraph 8/12/19) is fraught with legal complexities and will not work. The proposal, promoted by Labor MP Julian Hill, is typical of the sort of system that will exist under a republic where the voice of the people will be muted with politicians reigning supreme.

Philip Benwell
National Chair
Australian Monarchist League

Brexit Done – Now for Clexit By Viv Forbes

     Thanks to Boris Johnson, Brexit will now occur. And thanks to Donald Trump, the US will exit the destructive Paris Climate agreement. And the UN alarmists made little progress at the big climate-fest in Madrid. It’s now time for Clexit (Climate Exit) - the great climate escape from all UN/IPCC alarmism and entanglements. Australia should join this rush for the exits. Australia is a huge island continent whose prosperity was built on mining, farming, grazing, transport, hydro-carbons and cheap reliable electricity. Australians have much to lose from the UN/Paris shackles, carbon taxes and globalist agenda. The war on coal, oil, gas, diesel, cattle, exploration and mining has harmed Australia’s backbone industries resulting in reduced prosperity, lower tax collections and more Aussies on welfare. The Kyoto forest lockups have sterilised useful private land and the promotion of unreliable wind/solar energy is destroying industry, jobs and electricity reliability. Sensible Australians will suddenly revolt and, like Jeremy Corbyn, the Turnbull/ALP/Green/ABC climate alarm choir will find they are singing the wrong tune. Like Brexit, Clexit is now inevitable. The burden of climate alarm costs and energy disruption ensure that western democracies will dump it. The sooner it is scrapped, the lower the cost.

Letter to The Editor - Life will be safer and more pleasant if their nations readopt a sensible conservatism

To The Age         What Peter Hartcher discusses as the contemporary success of "right-wing populism" ("The pragmatic populists", 17/12) can perhaps be better seen, on a much greater time scale, as the beginning of a return to public order. The thousand year rule of Catholic Christianity was gradually overthrown by a reform movement that began with Protestantism and ended with a Marxist collectivism that rejected the sacred completely. Unfortunately, while the reform movement freed us from an inquisitorial "orthodoxy" that contained major misunderstanding of the Jesus story, it also unleashed a variety of modes of selfishness that have greatly damaged human society. It has also been utilised by financially powerful globalist elites intent on extending their influence. In the face of this disaster ordinary people are beginning to recognise that daily life will be safer and more pleasant if their nations readopt a sensible conservatism, which will include a wisely articulated moral code based on awareness of the sacred underpinning of all human history.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Perhaps we need to review our whole philosophical orientation

To The Age        It is well known that too much of a good thing is not good at all. Waleed Aly has correctly diagnosed this problem as manifesting in current modes of the presentation and digestion of news within our political order ("News and the apocalypse", 20/12). He notes that news too readily becomes disposable entertainment, even a sedative when really a wake-up call is needed. He laments a consequent public loss of meaning, loss of the ability to effectively comprehend and act on major political problems. An important solution he touches on is the need for a slowing down of the whole process. Traditional societies understood that it takes a very long time for a human person to acquire the wisdom that is needed for fruitful management of new challenges to public security and national well-being. These societies were hierarchical and aristocratic, not egalitarian or democratic. Perhaps we need to review our whole philosophical orientation.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - She is not a "foreign monarch" but Queen of Australia in her own right

To The Australian        Unlike the Australian Republic Movement, I'm glad that our armed services personnel and politicians are required to swear loyalty to the Queen rather than to the Australian people or Australia ("Diggers 'serve us, not the Queen'", 23/12). Her Majesty is a person, not an amorphous abstraction or a geographical location. What's more, she has been trained from childhood to assume royal responsibility and has acquitted herself as monarch magnificently. Even more importantly, she has accepted her role as a trust given by God to whom she dedicated her life in humility and wisdom. So our loyalty to her is also a commitment to align our lives with the guidance of divinity, not with current political correctness or ideological fashion. Moreover, she is not a "foreign monarch" but Queen of Australia in her own right - one of us by legislation and in reality.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Impeach the Demo-rats! By Charles Taylor

     It was so predictable that probably no bookie would have take money for it, but the Democrats are charging ahead with impeachment against Trump, even compounding impeachment articles in the hope of getting something to stick. The Republicans responded by denying any wrong doing from Trump.


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Letter to The Editor - If artists and patrons could be kinder to right-wing views, a centre-right government might return the favour

To The Age        Jason Steger is right ("The arts are vital to everyone", 7/12) to remind us that our artists are "just as important in telling the world about the nature of Australia" as our sports stars. Thus it is reasonable for him to question what seems a diminution of government support for them in the PM's "rejigging of the federal public service." On a wider scale Steger expresses puzzlement at our nation's "fraught relationship with the arts." That their value "is not fully tangible" may indeed be part of it. The arts direct our awareness beyond the mundane and the merely logical to regions not currently in fashion with outdoor hedonists or money-makers. Yet a significant number of culturally alert Australians still do value them for the "intrinsic quality they bring to society." What is omitted in Steger's analysis is the close link (for good as well as bad) between the arts and left-wing politics. If artists and patrons could be kinder to right-wing views, a centre-right government might return the favour.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave   

Big Tech Loves Commo China By James Reed

     Have a guess who is propping up China’s surveillance state? It is those lovers of freedom, globalist Big Techy:

“A bombshell follow-up report to a major document leak which confirmed and detailed China’s vast Uyghur Muslim Xinjiang prison network and system for monitoring communications and whereabouts has named names. Names that is, of US tech giants that are actually aiding and abetting China’s multibillion-dollar surveillance industry being used to impose a total electronic police state on the communist country. And it’s not just Google and IBM, but a growing list of recognizable names. “U.S. companies, including Seagate Technology PLC, Western Digital Corp. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co., have nurtured, courted and profited from China’s surveillance industry,” the scathing report begins. “Several have been involved since the industry’s infancy.” These American companies gained greater scrutiny after the US Treasury recently targeted up to eight Chinese surveillance companies, blocking their ability to export US technology through which they could help the Chinese state in committing human rights and individual privacy violations. This included a federal ban on US agencies purchasing video surveillance equipment manufactured by Dahua, Hikvision, and Hytera Communications.

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Against Against Accelerationism By John Steele

     Greg Johnson at Counter-Curents.com, explains the doctrine of accelerationism as follows: “Accelerationism is the idea that the best way to achieve White Nationalist goals is to accelerate the decline of the present system. This will supposedly have two effects. First, acceleration will weaken the system’s ability to maintain power, including to oppress dissenters. Second, acceleration will anger and awaken the white masses, making them more receptive to our message.”

     Once we accept that the system is occupied, not by our kind, that the rulers are unelected Deep Staters and other elites, and that we deplorables are ear-marked for the Great Replacement, the conservativism of the past, and past strategies and tactics, need drastic modification. Accelerationism, or as others have called it, destructionism, looks forward to the collapse of the system as needed for any chance of rebuilding, since reform of what exists now is simply impossible. Look at Trump as the last chance of any sort of mainstream poliytical answer to the problems that confront us.

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Australia is for Sale, and has Been for a Long Time By James Reed

     I have assembled a large number of articles updating the vast selloff of Australia which is occurring now. We have pretty much lost this country, and organisations that should be fighting this, are caving in:

“KAP Federal Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter has today slammed the National Farmers Federation (NFF) after they appeared on national television and announced they were lobbying the government to provide financial incentives to drought-affected farmers to leave their land; a campaign which is being echoed by the National Party. A livid Mr Katter said, “Your solution is to get rid of the farmers. It is in the back of the mind of every intelligent Australian ‘why do you want these people out?’ So your big corporate masters, Chinese investors, prominent amongst them can buy them out and we can have corporate farmers.  The city suits and foreign nations will be our farmers and we peasants will be out there working for nothing in little towns that are vanishing. That is the solution by National Farmers Federation.”

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On Selling the Family Farm for a Mess of Pottage By James Reed

     Here is an excellent speech by Helen Dalton MP member for Murray on the foreign sale of our land, water and assets. She makes the obvious point that border protection is more than stopping people in illegal boats getting in. What security does a nation have where 52 million hectares of prime farm land has been allowed to be sold to foreigners? Japan, China, and most of South East Asian would never do this. Why is Australia so cucked?

Everybody Must be Kicked Out of Their Homes to Make Way for Migrants! By Richard Miller

     It makes sense; the Great Replacement means just that, replacing whites in every way possible, like moving them out of their homes for migrants. It is what “replacement” means:

“Dozens of elderly residents were forced to leave their apartments in an area of Stockholm after the block was closed, only to be re-opened again for migrants to replace them. Residents at Dianagården were told they would have to leave because the toilets in the facility were 5cm too small to comply with regulations. However, soon after the 48 apartments were emptied, they were filled with newly arrived migrants. “It was later revealed that politicians planned that immigrants would instead move into the premises,” reports Fria Tider. In 2015, Sweden accepted more refugees per capita than any other country, and despite worsening problems with sexual assaults, grenade attacks and violent crime, the inflow shows no sign of being seriously restricted. A recent opinion poll found that the anti-mass migration Sweden Democrats are now the most popular party in Sweden. The Sweden Democrats would get 24.2% of the votes if an election was held today, beating the ruling Social Democrats. Back in October, Leif Östling, former CEO of trucking company Scania, warned that Sweden is heading towards civil war due to uncontrolled mass immigration. “We’ve taken in far too many people from outside. And we have. Those who come from the Middle East and Africa live in a society that we left almost a hundred years ago,” he said.

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The Cash Ban By James Reed

     The Morrison government has delayed the Senate report on the cash ban until 28 February, for a longer period to consider the evidence. Perhaps all of the calls being made by people concerned about losing one of our greatest freedoms; to buy things when we want, privately, may be getting through. So keep it up! This needs to be fought tooth and nail because without cash, people will be at the mercy of banks who can “debank” them anytime they want, meaning that they will be locked out of the economy. I imagine that this will be done to political activists from the Right, to gun shops and any one the systems does not like, to crush them financially.
Call your Senators to demand they vote against this rank corruption and assault on our civil liberties!

More on the Demon Thesis By Chris Knight

     Many of the amateur journalists at this site have used the metaphor of Satanic demons from the darkest pits of hell, to depict the evil elites who rule us. Unfortunately, we all recently received a fiery email, literally saying this comparison defamed the demons from hell, and that we should exercise due restrain in our metaphors in the future! It seems that just like mathematical sets, there can be levels of infinity, this time levels of infinite evil:

“Despite the seemingly shocking idea presented by the title of this article, the idea that some individuals are no longer “persons” is an idea championed by the Democrats themselves. The entire slave plantation era in America was, of course, spearheaded by Democrats who demanded “ownership” of slaves, a form of de-personing. It was Democrats who ran the KKK, pushed gun control to keep blacks disarmed, demanded school segregation and opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, who freed the slaves and ended the de-personhood that Democrats had insisted on enforcing as part of their twisted desire to exploit human beings for their own power and profit. Even today, it is Democrats alone who have celebrated new laws legalizing the killing of human babies after they’re born by claiming they are not persons. These new laws — passed in New York and elsewhere — legalize infanticide by pretending human babies are not human at all. What turns a baby into a human being? According to Democrats, babies aren’t real people until the mother decides she wants to keep the baby. In other words, according to prominent Democrats, human being can be de-personed, mutilated while alive, and murdered by licensed medical professionals… and they’re isn’t a single prominent Democrat who opposes this practice. Not one. Part of being a human being is recognizing the humanity in others. What makes us human?

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Facebook Censors Ride Again By Michael Ferguson

     Facebook, go ahead and cancel my non-existent Facebook page. I don’t have any friends anyway, and see your whole site as just bs. And, Zuck, sucks, and that is coming from someone who generally likes lizards too, and finds the thought of living under the rule of alien lizard creatures, well, better than under our own mammalian monsters! There! And ERIC CIARAMELLA! ERIC CIARAMELLA! There, again! Good old Eric Ciaramella, the present whistle-blower who first came to fame from featuring in the Mueller Report:

“Eric Ciamarella, the CIA analyst identified as the likely whistleblower behind the Democrats’ partisan impeachment inquiry, was cited in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on nonexistent collusion between Donald Trump and Russia. In fact, the Mueller report cites Ciaramella’s May 2017 email summaries of a meeting between Trump and Russian officials — summaries leaked to a New York Times reporter. After citing Ciaramella’s emails, the report quotes the Times story. The Democrats launched their impeachment inquiry based in part on the report of an anonymous whistleblower who warned about a July 25, 2019, phone call between Trump and the president of Ukraine. Democrats emphasized the whistleblower even after Trump released a transcript of the call. While Trump and Sen. Rand Paul (r-ky.) have called for the unmasking of the whistleblower, Democrats have insisted that anonymity is vital for his protection. some details have leaked, however: the whistleblower is reportedly a former and current CIA analyst with connections to former Vice President Joe Biden. Realclearinvestigations’ Paul Sperry did some sleuthing and claimed to have identified the whistleblower as Ciaramella. Ciaramella was Biden’s guest at a state department banquet in October 2016.

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Cashless Debit Cards: Flawed but Here, Anyway By James Reed

     The cashless debit card has numerus dangers, but the Feds are pressing ahead with it anyway, despite massive objections mounted through numerous sources:

“It would be nice if the “facts” being thrown around in the debate over the Cashless Debit Card were peer-reviewed, or even just evidence-based. Instead, there are anecdotes. And it’s these that are being used to justify the government’s decision to spend A$128.8 million over four years continuing the existing trial of the cashless debit card in five sites in Western Australia, Queensland and South Australia and extending it to Cape York and all of the Northern Territory. The extension will lift the number of people on the card from 11,000 to 33,000. Most will be Indigenous people - its disproportionate targeting has already attracted the attention of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples and the Human Rights Commission. The cashless card was recommended to Prime Minister Tony Abbott in a report from mining billionaire Andrew Forrest in 2014. He initially called it the “Healthy Welfare Card”. It wasn’t a new idea. Some A$1 billion dollars had already been spent on income management programs in the past, many of which had failed to meet their stated objectives.

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