A Cook’s Tour of the Filleting of Mal Turnbull By Louis Cook

     I watched the play-out of Australian politics on TV the last two days with its predictable commentary from the ABC. However, I think it was a well planned event! The policy was ‘Turnbull must go’ and he was deposed, Dutton was never the planned person to replace him but the two who were elected Prime Minister and Deputy in that order. It was a charade played out for the gullible voter! Morrison and Frydenberg emerged as ‘the good guys’. The suspension of the House of Representatives was interesting in the performance of the Opposition they acted like they were goaded by a shit-stick.

     Then the ABC broadcast moved to the Senate around 2 pm ... what a performance by Senator Wong. Labor, in both Houses, were crying “What about the Australian people?” Well, blow be down, do they really care?!
The broadcasting of the Senate opened the way for Senator Hanson to deliver a ‘serve’ on the ‘self-serving’ antics of both parties. Bravo Pauline! Then Senator Bernadi had his say and it was an indictment of the Liberal Party and why he resigned. He warned much worse was in store for the Australian people in the form of Bill Shorten after the next election. Senator Hinch’s contribution added little value to the debate and after that I turned the telly off.

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Ann Coulter: Resistance is Futile! By Peter West

     Queen Ann Coulter has a new book, and we should mention it, since it pursues a theme that has been running through many of the US articles published at alor.org, namely, that the Left and progressives are suffering from Trump Hysteria Insanity Syndrome (THIS), causing a form of not foot and mouth disease, but foot in mouth disease. The book by Ann  is entitled, Resistance is Futile: How the Trump-Hating Left Lost its Collective Mind:

     Well, after reading it all, the extract wasn’t actually all that concise, but readers who have been following us know that the Left has been saying all matter of crazy things, being gut-sore that Trump stole the election from crook Hillary. The most amazing thing, is that so  much energy has been put into the “Russians released damaging material from Hillary’s camp,” as if that release is the problem. But, shouldn’t the debate have been about the actual damaging material? It is stunning that Trump did not go harder on this point. How can one steal anything from a crook, and with the level of illegal voting, the election was being stolen from Trump anyway.

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Trump Tweets about South African Genocide By Michael Ferguson

     President Trump issued some Tweets last week about the genocide of whites in South Africa, and once again, the libtard establishment of idle chatterers went madder than usual, and wanted to impeach him a thousand times over, because, well, white genocide is now a fundamental constant of reality, like the charge of an electron:

Donald J. Trump
I have asked Secretary of State @SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. “South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews
11:58 AM - Aug 23, 2018

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The Fall of the Apple Turnover; Second Take By James Reed

     Thank God King Mal Turnbull has fallen. Morrison is marginally better, but the important thing here is that this is a symbolic victory. Turnbull combined the worst elements of the politically correct left and economic decadent right in one power packed package. He was bad on the Republic, big Australia, mass immigration and every other politically correct issue. However, where he excelled, as a liberal, was climate change, which he championed with the passion of a Greenie: 

“Though Turnbull is a member of the Liberal party – Australia’s conservatives – his politics are very much at the squishier end of the spectrum. An arch-globalist, nicknamed the Honourable Member for Goldman Sachs (where he was a partner), Turnbull is fairly typical of the centrist, ideology-free conservatives who have tended to make the running in western politics in recent years. Indeed, when he first entered politics he seriously considered representing Australia’s Labor party (the socialists) rather than the Liberal party (the conservatives). Turnbull did not get off to a good start with Donald Trump. Shortly after the President’s inauguration, the two had a sticky phone conversation in which Trump refused to go along with a plan previously agreed with Obama whereby the U.S. was supposed to accept from Australia up to 2,000 economic migrants (mostly from Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan).

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Australia’s 30th Prime Minister - Scott Morrison Can we expect a new era or more of the same?

     Changing political leaders has become quite a frequent exercise during the last decade or so.  Whether it is changing the Prime Minister or Opposition Leader; it has been occurring since the Howard/Peacock swaps right through the Rudd/Gillard scenario.  More recently of course we have witnessed the Turnbull/Abbott/Turnbull case which was followed by the events this week which saw Mr Turnbull replaced by Mr Morrison. During the build up to these occasions, the media has a field day reporting the events including those behind closed doors. Not only do the media attempt to discover which candidate might make the best leader, but friends often ask politically minded people for their opinion.  They ask “What do think about candidate Smith getting the top job?”  Or perhaps, “Do you think candidate Brown would be much better than the present incumbent?”

     Answers include such characteristics as charisma; previous attitude to issues like same-sex marriage; monarchy; immigration taxes and power prices etc. Looking at the record book, we discover that in general there is very little change following a new face at the helm.  Sometimes there is no change at all. Prime Minister Morrison displays a ‘decent bloke’ image but what might we expect under his leadership? Mr Morrison has been a key figure in all the recent Turnbull policies which in many cases have not pleased the community.  Note too, that his Deputy Leader and new Treasurer, Mr Freydenburg has been involved in those outcomes. For Australia to advance to a genuine democracy it must regain its sovereignty.  The first responsibility of a Member of Parliament must be to his electors.  If he is not serving them, we must ask, who is he obeying?

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Now They are Banning Jewish Critics! By Peter Ewer

     My apologies if I am wrong, but I think that the leading critic of radical Islam, Robert Spencer, is Jewish, and the heroic Pam Gellner definitely is. Not that it matters; they do excellent work and tackle issues few others are doing.  But, even so, both of these brave journalists find themselves constantly vilified by the “racist” tag from the radical Left, who are ever eager to defend anything that is even vaguely multicultural. I understand too, that both get numerous death threats. Now the attacks have gone beyond the slur and the death threat, to a direct financial attack:

“Mastercard has reportedly forced funding platform Patreon to kick conservative author and “Jihad Watch” owner Robert Spencer off its site. “My name is April and I’m on the Trust & Safety team here at Patreon. I’ve been notified by Mastercard that we must remove your account from Patreon, effective immediately,” wrote Patreon in an email to Spencer. “Mastercard has a stricter set of rules and regulations than Patreon, and they reserve the right to not offer their services to accounts of their choosing. This is in line with their terms of service, which means it’s something we have to comply by.” “I have paid out your remaining creator balance of $475.22 to you via direct deposit,” the company continued. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience and frustration this might cause.” Yes, I bet you are “sorry.”

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Letter to The Editor - The defence of traditional Australia combined with wise flexibility and alteration at a slow pace

To The Australian          Jennifer Oriel sensibly remarks that, as election time approaches, "the government needs to present a united front" ("Turnbull should go to future-proof his Liberals", 20/8); but how can this be done? A fundamental premise that still remains true is that the Coalition must function as a genuine, whole-hearted compromise between the Centre and the Right, as John Howard has never wearied of saying. Perhaps we need a new, comprehensive statement from the Coalition parliamentarians as a whole as to what are the main issues to be contested at the election and where they stand on these.  Five points in that statement could be as follows.

     (1) The holding of a referendum on the republic proposal only if there is clearly majority popular will for that. (2) The holding of a referendum on indigenous constitutional recognition only if there is clear public support for such. (3) An impartial and even-handed approach to the administration of any referendum. (4) Firm effort to widen the range of free speech while safeguarding the welfare of minorities. (5) Firm defence of Australian sovereignty and independence in the face of UNO and internationalist pressures. (6) An immigration policy that takes account of the wishes of all Australians and the ecology and climate of the continent. In summary: the defence of traditional Australia combined with wise flexibility and alteration at a slow pace. Let the ALP and the Greens then be seen as fools rushing in where angels fear to tread.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Letter to The Editor - Perhaps the realities of living with a Moslem State within Australia might wake a few sleepy Aussies

     Pauline Hanson has called for Australians to be given a vote on our immigration intake. With good reason according to this story from the Daily Mail in the UK. "Muslim Imam Shaikh Mohammad Tawhidi has warned that an independent state within Australia is the agenda of radicals, according to an upcoming interview on Today Tonight. The Muslim leader, who has openly spoken out against ISIS and extremists,is interviewed on Seven'sToday Tonight and claimed radicals would 'create a country within your country'. The agenda is to create a country within your country, 'Imam Tawhidi told Today Tonight.” Perhaps the realities of living with a Moslem State within Australia might wake a few sleepy Aussies sufficiently to support her lone brave voice.
  David Smith, Inverell, NSW

Above the Law By Peter West

     Another example of how diversity is working in Australia, to produce … sheer magic, splendour … I need to dry the tears of joy from my eyes …

“A religious leader accused of illegal land clearing on a rural property used for religious prayer has claimed a Western Sydney council is infringing on his group’s religious freedoms by pursuing him over the allegations. Hawkesbury City Council has launched civil action against Dr Mustapha Kara-Ali and Diaa Kara-Ali in the Land and Environment Court, alleging they carried out illegal land clearing, earthworks and built gates, fences and driveways without seeking any of the relevant development approvals at a property in Colo, in Sydney’s north west. Mustapha Kara-Ali, a former member of then Prime Minister John Howard’s Muslim Community Reference Group and past postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, is the Imam of religious guild Diwan Al Dawla. A letter he wrote to a council staff member, filed in the court documents, says the members of the guild live “separated from secular lifestyles to pursue a religious mode of worship and an ascetic lifestyle under an oath of self-sacrifice and dedication to the purposes of Diwan Al Dawla”.

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Letter to The Editor - In a time of gross cultural confusion we need prophets, not a rushed election

To The Age          Your editorial claim ("In national interest, let the people vote", 22/8) that Peter Dutton's "pitch is based on fear, not policy vision" implies that a responsible statesman cannot reasonably be motivated by both at the same time. He is, in fact, an intelligent and dynamic conservative who rightly fears that the political order of Australia is being steadily subverted by foolish idealists, the end result of such decline being likely to be submission to external nations, notably China, and a disastrous drop in the standard of living and quality of life for most Australians. For a century or more in our land the Left and the Right have been at war with each other. Now that war runs right down the middle of the Liberal Party. Nationally the Left is close to gaining power and radically changing the whole nature of our political order for the worse. In a time of gross cultural confusion we need prophets, not a rushed election.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Britain and South African White Genocide By Peter West

     With South Africa moving to steal the land of white farmers, the rest of the West is doing nothing. Well, no, not exactly, for Britain has come out and backed South Africa’s actions.

“Theresa May’s government appears to be backing the Soviet-style policy of “land expropriation without compensation” aimed at dispossessing South Africa’s white farmers. Breitbart London has seen a letter written by Harriet Baldwin MP, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), to Sir Paul Beresford MP, who enquired what the government’s stance on the policy was on behalf of a concerned constituent. “The British government understands the need for land reform in South Africa”, Baldwinasserted, adding that they “welcomed” promises from President Cyril Ramaphosa that “the process of land [re]distribution would be orderly within South African laws” and be carried out “without negatively affecting economic growth, agricultural production and food security”. In a follow-up email to the constituent from the Africa Department (Central and Southern) of the FCO, also seen by Breitbart London and confirmed as “reflect[ing] Government policy on this issue” by the FCO newsdesk, the department confirms Theresa May is satisfied with having been told that “[the] process would be taken forward on a multi-party basis, through Parliament, and… within the bounds of the Constitution and carefully designed so as to avoid damaging food security or deterring investment”.

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Letter to The Editor - Recognition of the special place" of our indigenous peoples must distinguish clearly

To The Australian          It is a step in the right direction for our five former and current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social justice commissioners to have admitted that a national indigenous representative voice could be established without any change to the Constitution ("MPs told to get the job done on recognition", 22/8). Perhaps such a voice should also be self-funded rather than propped up by all the rest of us through government grants. Advocacy of "some form of recognition of the special place" of our indigenous peoples must distinguish clearly between affirmation of their past culture and history, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, definition of the status of their presently living members who must first be loyal Australians, honouring Queen and flag, and not would-be separatists misusing "land rights", ceremonial greetings at public occasions and an unnecessary and spurious flag.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Why Is There This Press Bias On A Matter Of National Importance? By Nigel Jackson

     ‘The Age’ newspaper in Melbourne seems unwilling to publish any submission (letter or opinion piece) opposed to ‘indigenous’ constitutional recognition and/or the signing of a treaty. Is it afraid that the case against such change is too persuasive?

     On 14th July 2018 The Age published an opinion piece by well-known and very successful author Stephanie Dowrick entitled ‘Scandal at our nation’s heart’. It concerned alleged mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders by contemporary Australia. I at once submitted the letter below to the Letters Editor.

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If Murky Merkel is Leader of the Free World, then Pigs Fly, and Become Migrants By Richard Miller

     According to the magic of Google’s search engines, the leader of the free world, whatever that was, is Germany’s immigration crazed East German style communist Angela Merkel, who has transformed Germany into a modern version of  hell:

“Thanks to its reliance on information from Wikipedia, the top Google search result for “leader of the free world” is not the President of the United States, with whom the term is normally associated, but crisis-engulfed German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Searches for the term currently return a picture of Merkel as the top result, and two links to the Wikipedia page on “free world.” Immediately following those results is a CNN opinion piece stating that President Trump is “no longer leader of the free world.”

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Does Obama Back “White Genocide” in South Africa? By Michael Ferguson

     Hussein Obama, who most libtards would be happy to have as global emperor, is back, promoting racial harmony as never before; officially backing the grabbing of the land of Whites in South Africa:

“Former US President Barack Obama has officially endorsed South Africa's leaders for introducing new laws to seize land from White farmers. The South African Government amended the country's constitution this week, allowing for the seizure of farmland owned by White people, without compensation. On Tuesday, South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa vowed to confiscate farmland owned by the White farmers since 1600s, and "return" it to the country's Black population, by introducing a constitutional amendment in parliament. Race killings and violent land grabs have reached epidemic levels in the country, with some referring to the crisis as "White genocide." Following Ramaphosa's promise to take back land from the countries White minority and give it to Black citizens, thousands of South African farming families have arrived in Russia after fleeing their farms for fear of death as the government, and violent mobs, take land from White citizens.During a speech at the 2018 Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture in Johannesburg, Obama praised Ramaphosa for amending the constitution and legalizing the theft of land from White farmers without compensating them.”

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Dollar Bills smother the Reef By Viv Forbes

     Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has become a money magnet for those with green political agendas. The climax of this green racket was the sudden dumping of $443 million by the Australian Government into a small foundation controlled by big businesses and groups committed to one side of the man-made global warming debate.This gigantic green gift is designed to polish the green electoral credentials of the embattled Turnbull government but has prompted an Inquiry by the Australian Senate. Naturally the ALP Opposition wants the money returned so they can re-use it to buy green votes for themselves when they take power.

     The Great Barrier Reef Foundation (whose Brisbane office is far from the Reef) has a huge board whose members have current or past ties to Commonwealth Bank, BHP, Esso, University of Queensland, Boeing, Qantas, Shell, Rio Tinto, Peabody Energy, Origin Energy, AGL, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Queensland Ballet, Suncorp, UNICEF and James Cook University. All are infected with the green religion or see it in their interests to polish their green halo. There is even an Al-Gore-trained climate alarmist on the board, plus a Director of Tilt Renewables Limited and a Partner of Affirmative Investment Management, the world’s first dedicated green bond fund management company.

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Trump’s Star Gone, but What about the Real Abusers of Women? By Mrs Vera West

     This story is yet another confirmation of the double standard that the progressives have. The West Hollywood City Council has  voted unanimously to remove President Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, due to his “disturbing treatment of women and other actions.”

Now Bill Clinton does not have a star, but as the above article points out, this standard of politically ideology would lead to many such stars being removed:
Charlie Chaplin – statutory rape
Kevin Spacey – child molestation
Muhammad Ali – spousal abuse
Alec Baldwin – accused of numerous acts of violence and bullying
John Lennon – admitted to serial domestic abuse
Bill Murray – domestic abuse
John Barrymore – domestic abuse
Dustin Hoffman – sexual harassment
John Lasseter – unwanted touching and harassment
Arnold Schwarzenegger – groping women”

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Time to Vote on Immigration By James Reed

     Why has she taken so long to get moving on this? Still, beggars can’t be choosers. Pauline Hanson, whom I have not heard much from lately, has called for Australians to be given a vote on the immigration intake, by moving a Notice of Motion  for a plebiscite at the next general election on Australia’s immigration levels, the Plebiscite (Future Migration Level) Bill 2018:

The Notice says:

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Letter to The Editor - There is, in 2018, no fiction in Australia's self-presentation as a successful nation

To The Age          Catherine McGregor asks for the impossible ("PM must push Indigenous treaty", 10/8). She wants "a treaty, a makarrata" between Australians identifying as Aboriginal and the rest of us, which will not "undermine the sovereignty of the Australian nation" when that is exactly what such acts would do. She seems unable to accept that the "original custodians" are no longer with us, only those descended from them (in part or wholly). Today's Aboriginals must be seen as firstly Australians, having no more rights and privileges than any other Australians. Thus no "constitutional recognition" would be appropriate or just. As for Aboriginal culture, it is already widely recognised and honoured, along with the story of British pioneering and settlement. There is, in 2018, no fiction in Australia's self-presentation as a successful nation in which citizens generally and in most contexts have a "fair go".
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Let’s Not Forget Socialist New Zealand. Who? By James Reed

     A big hello to all our friends in socialist New Zealand, who face the same struggles which we do here. We have big Australia Mal, and you have the incumbent Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, leader of the New Zealand Labour Party,  who took office on 26 October 2017, and  is currently on maternity leave, and accordingly, Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters has become  Acting Prime Minister on 21 June 2018. I do not know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. We still are finding socialist absurdities such as this:

“New Zealand’s most violent and disturbed inmates will soon be able to walk on real grass, take sun baths and practise yoga in their cells as the country opens its first “humane” prison for maximum-security offenders. The NZ$300m prison has just been completed on the outskirts of Auckland and, when it opens, will be the only specialist facility for maximum- and high-security male prisoners in the country. The prison has been designed to operate as a “de facto mental health unit” as the number of mentally ill incarcerated men continues to soar.  New Zealand has one of the highest incarceration rates in the developed world, with Māori people accounting for more than 50% of all prisoners, despite representing only 15% of the overall population. Some 90% of prisoners have a life-long diagnosis of mental illness or addiction.

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