Letter to The Editor - Recognition of the special place" of our indigenous peoples must distinguish clearly

To The Australian          It is a step in the right direction for our five former and current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social justice commissioners to have admitted that a national indigenous representative voice could be established without any change to the Constitution ("MPs told to get the job done on recognition", 22/8). Perhaps such a voice should also be self-funded rather than propped up by all the rest of us through government grants. Advocacy of "some form of recognition of the special place" of our indigenous peoples must distinguish clearly between affirmation of their past culture and history, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, definition of the status of their presently living members who must first be loyal Australians, honouring Queen and flag, and not would-be separatists misusing "land rights", ceremonial greetings at public occasions and an unnecessary and spurious flag.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic



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