Now They are Banning Jewish Critics! By Peter Ewer

     My apologies if I am wrong, but I think that the leading critic of radical Islam, Robert Spencer, is Jewish, and the heroic Pam Gellner definitely is. Not that it matters; they do excellent work and tackle issues few others are doing.  But, even so, both of these brave journalists find themselves constantly vilified by the “racist” tag from the radical Left, who are ever eager to defend anything that is even vaguely multicultural. I understand too, that both get numerous death threats. Now the attacks have gone beyond the slur and the death threat, to a direct financial attack:

“Mastercard has reportedly forced funding platform Patreon to kick conservative author and “Jihad Watch” owner Robert Spencer off its site. “My name is April and I’m on the Trust & Safety team here at Patreon. I’ve been notified by Mastercard that we must remove your account from Patreon, effective immediately,” wrote Patreon in an email to Spencer. “Mastercard has a stricter set of rules and regulations than Patreon, and they reserve the right to not offer their services to accounts of their choosing. This is in line with their terms of service, which means it’s something we have to comply by.” “I have paid out your remaining creator balance of $475.22 to you via direct deposit,” the company continued. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience and frustration this might cause.” Yes, I bet you are “sorry.”

“Conservative MP Maxime Bernier is once again lambasting what he sees as “extreme multiculturalism” and political correctness as other senior Tories appear to be distancing themselves from his views. Bernier also referred to “a months-old post from Liberal MP Iqra Khalid, a backbencher best known as the sponsor of the M-103 motion condemning Islamophobia and all forms of religious discrimination.” He stated: Canada under extreme Liberal multiculturalism: While a statue of our country’s founder is being removed in one city, a park was recently named after Pakistan’s founder in another, in the presence of M103 Liberal MP sponsor As expected, Bernier is being taken to the woodshed: Liberal MP Arif Virani, the parliamentary secretary to the heritage minister, is now calling on the Conservative leader to boot Bernier from caucus.”

    UK politician Boris Johnson, who also made criticisms of aspects of Islam, is being sent for “diversity training,” which sounds like Maoist communist brainwashing. It is not just in Europe, Canada and  America though, for it is happening right here in Australia. Jewish critic and athlete and military vet, Avi Yemeni, is now facing the same media bans as Alex Jones, with absurd claims of “hate speech,” along with the usual “racism” chants and death threats from the despicable cubs of the Left:

“Avi Yemini, a Jewish-Australian IDF veteran, conservative political blogger and political candidate, has been banned from Facebook allegedly for publishing “hate speech.” A popular Jewish-Australian IDF veteran, political blogger, and Australian state government candidate recently found his Facebook page banned, just 48 hours before the blacklisting of Infowars host Alex Jones. Yemini’s Facebook page boasted a follower count of approximately 175,000 but was suspended for “hate speech” according to a notification Yemini received from Facebook. Yemeni has been on the receiving end of death threats on Facebook himself based on his reporting.”

     There is a pattern to this, with Big Tech, and the lower level Left, working, perhaps not by organised cooperation, to achieve the goal of shutting down critics of anything they choose. The rise of the insane Left, along with mass immigration, is radically transforming places that were once safe for the Jewish community, like Britain, into  hostile anti-Semitic  spaces, which many people are fleeing due to threats, direct acts of violence, and the creation of a culture of fear:

     The situation seems to be worse in France, where direct terrorist attacks, specifically targeting Jewish people, have occurred:

     Don’t blame Trump for this, for the Democrats are the ones in America pushing the typical Left anti-Israel line:

“Democrats will elect several new representatives to Congress in November who hold staunchly anti-Israel views. That will happen whether or not Democrats win overall, and manage to re-install Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as speaker. The anti-Israel members-of-Congress-to-be are running in solidly Democratic districts where they are certain to be elected. As such, Americans must brace for the kind of extreme anti-Israel politics that has, until now, stayed on campus, in the mosque, in Europe, and in the Third World. The leader of the pack is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, the new heroine of the Democratic Party grass roots. Ocasio-Cortez — or AOC, as some of her fans now call her — is neither Muslim nor Palestinian. But she is a “democratic socialist.” Despite Israel’s socialist roots, the far-left now identifies with the Palestinians, overlooking the brutality of Palestinian terror, the pervasive antisemitism of Palestinian society, and the authoritarian rule of both the Islamist Hamas regime in Gaza and the secular Palestinian Authority.”

     Again the pattern: anti-Israel, plus radical socialism and politically correct ideology. In conclusion, the political culture of mass immigration and globalism is undermining the social stability that existed in European societies, which is now spreading like wild fire across the West, creating a hostile environment for many  long-existing ethnic minorities. In the end, we all suffer because of globalism and the cult of Leftism:

     If only they made shorter URLs.



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