Imagine Being a Genetically Engineered Proverbial Fly on the Wall in the Wuhan Lab! By Brian Simpson

US authorities, reported in the mainstream press, believe that the Wuhan Institute of virology is still working on bioweapons for the CCP. And why not? I imagine that what we know about is simply the thin edge of a mighty thick wedge, and probably there are already ethnic-specific bioweapons, designed to eliminate specific ethnic groups, held by various nations. The problem, as always, is that once released, these nasties have a tendency to evolve, and come back and bite the maker on the bum, or in this case DNA. It may prove impossible to get viruses to do just one thing, being as if they have an evolutionary mind of their own.

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Was the Covid Freak-Out Preventable? By Brian Simpson

The Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (IPPR), has concluded that the Covid-19 plandemic could have been prevented. There was a systematic failure by both the World Health Organization and global governments to act swiftly and decisively, failing to declare a global emergency soon enough, and governments for failing to shut borders quickly. Agreed. While Fauci is blaming climate change, the great Satan of the Left, the real reason pandemics occur is due to globalization and immigration, globalising and spreading disease. Our universities would have been happy, I suppose, to have let in foreign students regardless of the risk, to keep up their revenues, and I agree with James Reed that it was fantastic to see these evillest of institutions, get smashed from the Covid crisis. James would be joyful for another 50 pandemics a year for the next century, to shut them down! Every dark cloud has a silver lining, of course.

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The Washington Elites are Scared! But, They Should Not be By Charles Taylor

Black helicopters in low-flying missions getting ready for the Trumpers to invade Washington DC to undo the stolen election and put plump King Trump back on his throne? Don’t believe it. There is no way the Trump voters would do anything like that. After all, Big Daddy told them to go home and go to sleep on January 6, after calling them to DC to be photographed and arrested by the Feds. Even when peaceful Capitol protesters are being held with human rights violations, rivalling Third World cesspools, none of the deplorable even squeak. Yes, they are truly deplorables, and deserve the punishment God is going to deliver. Those who do not stand up for freedom, will bend over for slavery! I just wish I was not in this country seeing what is coming, but, it is what it is, as the clique goes. I used to like that phrase too. I used to like this country too.


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Situation Update on Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

It is the tale not of two cites, a la Charles Dickens, but of two countries, when comparing the relatively low incidences of adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaccines in Australia, to the much more substantial US statistics. Material about this is reproduced below, in a one-stop information shop. But, it is only early days yet for Australia compared to the US, and we must keep our eyes on the ball, sorry, syringe. Think of it like this. The probability of winning a lottery is small, you most likely will not. Yet, you cannot conclude from that fact alone that no-one will win, as someone always does (assume a fixed number draw rather than X-lotto). Now imagine a bad lottery, where the winner gets …blood clots! If the probability of blood clots is 1 in 109,500, that is much better odds than the lottery! I am not arguing that people should not get vaccinated, that is their decision. I probably will get vaccinated myself, maybe in about 50- or 60-years’ time, just to be sure we know where all this goes. I will be about 150 by then, and willing to take a risk!


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Weird Beliefs of the True-Believing Physicist on the Extra-terrestrials! By Brian Simpson

I think I dislike biology geeks more than physicists, due to the Covid plandemic, but there is still a special place in my black heart for the physicists. Like the Harvard guy who has published a book arguing that the space rock that pasted through our solar system, Oumuamua, was a piece of discarded alien technology. Well, building on this, he wants Earthlings to sign a treaty with cosmic folk to prevent them from building a super-colliders big as the solar system, and destroying everything when it goes wrong, which it will.


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Update on US Human Rights Abuses of Trumpers By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is an update on the human rights abuses of political prisoners under the Beijing Biden regime, from the peaceful January 6 protests. What is missing from the Natural News coverage, as with all the conservative and Dissent Right sites, is the fact that Trump is deathly silent about this. He is too scared to open his mouth, having no doubt done a deal with the Democrats in the final days of his pathetic presidency, to save his butt.


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Does An Apple Day, Keeps the Covid Monster Away? By Mrs Vera West

We do not offer medical advice here. No sir. All health information is for education and entertainment purposes only, and no liability is accepted for any action done while reading the thoughts of controversial figures. Consult your doctor, or team of doctors, about everything, just to be on the safe side. I am sure that they will do you fine. Look how well the medical profession has performed so far; we must believe!

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Roll Over Captain America, Here Comes Captain China! By Brian Simpson

Marvel Comics/Film’s Captain America, who I suppose now is non-white, and I imagine will soon be transgender as well, and good for them, is going to be matched by a whole army of Captain Chinas! China is getting down to create super-soldiers. And, why not? Who is going to stop them? They rule the world.

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What Will be the Globalists Next Catastrophe? The “Lights Out” Scenario? By Brian Simpson

This material from is interesting, since they believe that Covid-19 is not enough for the Great Reset to the New World Order, as I have proposed. There is another Big Event coming, a disaster, but what? It seems that the elites have conferences/events to discuss the coming disasters, which they get off on, and one was held about the coronavirus pandemic, before it happened. Another conference has been held about cyber-attacks, and potentially taking down the grid and internet. This “lights out” scenario could be many thousands of times worse than what we have experience from the Covid plandemic, since “lights out” will mean rioting, food shortages, roaming gangs, and martial law, as seen in the past in the US.  But it could spiral out of control, undermining the capacities of the tyrannical state too, if infrastructural collapse is severe.

Stock up on torches and batteries, off-grid survival technologies for sure. John Steele knows a lot about this, and will walk us through what to do, closer to the event. I have printed out this article, attached it to a carrier pigeon, which will take it to his tent at an undisclosed location in the Victorian scrub, where he dwells. He will then eat the pigeon.

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The Splendour of Multiculturalism: No-Go Zones for Whites! By Richard Miller (London)

We can see how multiculturalism, and ethno-religious-racial diversity enriches a country by examining the no-go zones for Whites that are created, as documented below by a British Muslim. Truly, diversity is a strength, and once the entire society is a no-go zone for Whites, well, it’s super-power status time, just like China which has a majority Black Muslim population doesn’t it? Have I got that right? Surely that would follow from the philosophy of diversity?

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The Great Covid Narrative Collapse By Brian Simpson

The Covid narrative is collapsing, but that relates to the question of origins.  In over a year will there be a similar debate about vaccines, if people like Dr Mercola are proved right? At this stage, we do not know. In the early stages of the plandemic, I thought we should keep an open mind about whether or not this was a real pandemic, and that the bat origin hypothesis might well be true. But, as evidence accumulated I moved to my present position, that this is indeed a plandemic. Already we have indications that a potential disaster could occur again, so we need to constantly examine all information available. Attempts to suppress free debate for some imaginary public health social good are ultimately illusory, just like the suppression of the origins debate. It enables the evidence to get covered up.


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Life in the Future Covid New World Disorder By Brian Simpson

What does the proverbial crystal ball tell us about the future arising from the Covid-19 vaccine culture? This Mercola article extrapolates from what we are seeing now in places like the United States, and predicts a substantial death toll in the years, if not decades ahead. The doctors mentioned below, make the hypothesis, that the adverse effects from vaccines could ultimately surpass the death rate from the disease. On this, my mind is open, and we will see. But I am getting prepared as our resident survivalist John Steele recommends, by watching prepper sites, and building up my supplies, shop by shop.

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The Coming Nuclear Showdown By James Reed

Get ready for nuclear fireworks. China is preparing to vastly expand its nuclear arsenal, and this is one group of people who will not be afraid of using it. Still, it will take time to catch up to the US, who will also expand its arsenal. So, it will be a question of how many times one wants to die! I am not sure how the newly rich young Chinese, already getting decadent going big on materialism, will like being radioactive. Perhaps glowing green in the dark could become a new fashion statement?


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Antifa Terrorism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In the weekly program on YouTube of Ferfal and Matt Bracken, Matt tells the story, not in the media, of a Trump supporter family man, special forces, who was targeted by antifa, who burnt his crops and killed his livestock. Antifa are now parading with semi-auto rifles on streets, and harassing white drivers, and in blue states will no doubt be the new police force. Matt and Ferfal recommend leaving even if the farm had been there for hundreds of years. Fine, if the farm is in a blue state, move, for it is true that fundamental rights have gone in blue states. So, I agree. But, in the long run, I disagree. The enemy will come after you even in red states that will turn blue; it may take a decade or so, but The Camp of the Saints scenario is on the agenda, guaranteed by mass immigration. Red states will be made blue and communist. What then? There must be an end to White flight. Flight is only a short-term solution; people will ultimately need to ban together and circle the wagons, as in the old days. Hang together, rather than hang alone.


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Genetics “Proves” The Lab Hypothesis? By Brian Simpson

Here is the latest argument, from yesterday, where genetic analyses indicate that SASR CoV-2, Covid-19, was the product of a lab creation. This virus has a genetic structure not seen in nature in other coronaviruses, and has a genetic code that is used by mad scientists in gain-of function research. It seems that everyday something more, and new, is being published, and too much mainstream material is out there now to close this down very easily. Hopefully, guilty heads will roll, so to speak.

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Suing the Covid New World Order! By Brian Simpson

Here at long last is some strong action about what people have been subject to during the Covid plandemic. In Europe attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has assembled a dream team of lawyers and experts, who are going to be firing off law suits against all of he big players in the Covid New World Order. It will be very interesting to see how the courts handle this, but the European courts could surprise us, especially on human rights arguments, and may go much better than the US courts. Let’s see what happens. Some background information:


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What Today’s Fashionable Refugee is Wearing By Richard Miller (London)

Refugees now can be defined as non-white people who want to come to once White countries, to in time replace the locals, all done with the blessing of the system, especially academics, lawyers and other new classers who have their snouts in the public trough. So, it is not surprising that refugees, so called, now come in designer clothes, and material goods which many poor local White people lack. As I always say, it is just the Great Replacement. Get used to it. Who knows, there could be a black swan event, like the apocalypse, human or Godly caused, coming. You never know.

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Dr Fauci Thinks He is Science Personified! By Brian Simpson

With the emails by Dr Fauci out in the open, showing conspiracies upon conspiracies, and that he believed that gain-of-function research to make deadly bugs into super-killers was fine as it led to vaccines, the be-all and end-all of science, he is proclaiming that he is the new sort of Galileo, with the attacks being attacks upon science itself! Way to go slick Tony, gutsy! Keep shouting all the way down, because the elites are throwing you under the proverbial bus now!

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Psychopathic Problem of Woke Psychiatrists! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In this story we have a woke psychiatrist, fantasizing about “unloading a revolver into the head of any white person” who got in her way, presumably not even on a bad day! So, shouldn’t she be either investigated by the authorities for terrorism, or potential terrorism, or receive psychiatric treatment herself? Apparently not, as she was invited by Yale University to talk on a subject dear to her heart.

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The Left Now Have Covid Goo All Over Their Faces! By James Reed

One of the nice things about the present frantic unravelling of the Covid-19 narrative, is that the Left are starting to get hammered. The Left had opted for the natural release hypothesis, since, I imagine, given their love for all things communist, like China, a lab release might not look so good on the CCP’s CV. But now, the flood gates are open!

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