Gender theory a matter of faith’, says family law expert


A leading family law and child-protection expert has criticised the teaching of radical gender theory in classrooms across the country, likening the “odd and unscientific” beliefs promoted by groups such as the Safe Schools Coalition to those espoused by Scientology.

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‘Green-Left’ stifling democracy with threats, tantrums on plebiscite


In the gay marriage debate, the Labor Party and Greens want to ­silence public reason to impose their will on citizens.
They believe the state should rule the citizen, not the reverse. They regard the will of the people as a threat to their power. Thus, they seek to deny the Australian people the opportunity to engage in public reason on the question that forms the foundation of a healthy society: what is the meaning of marriage and family?

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Vitaly Churkin Response On Obama Attack In Syria

"I've never seen such an extraordinary display over American handedness as we're witnessing today"

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Russia Has No Partners In The West by Paul Craig Roberts

The Russian government is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The Russian government keeps making agreements with Washington, and Washington keeps breaking them.

This latest exercise in what Einstein defined as insanity is the latest Syrian cease fire agreement. Washington broke the agreement by sending the US Air Force to bomb Syrian troop positions, killing 62 Syrian soldiers and wounding 100, thus clearing the way for ISIS to renew the attack.
Russia caught Washington off guard in September 2015 when the Russian Air Force was sent to bomb ISIS positions in Syria, thus enabling the Syrian Army to regain the initiative. Russia had the war against ISIS won, but pulled out unexpectedly before the job was done. This allowed the US or its agents to resupply ISIS, which renewed the attack.

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Letters to the Editor

Western Leader, NZ
Aidan Crabtree (Western leader 13-9-16) says that wages are insufficient for most people. I agree. But there is no proper solution in forcing employers to pay more. All the costs of running a business must be recovered in the prices charged by the business. Higher costs, as in higher wages, higher overheads, etc., must be recoved in higher charges by that business, otherwise the business will go bankrupt.

The money system ought to be seen as society’s accounting system and able to be modified as factors such as labour-saving technology arise. Presently the production system staggers haphazardly along because the consuming public, which is all of us to one extent or another, have been permitted to mortgage ourselves to appalling levels. All new money presently introduced to  the system only adds to debt levels. A portion of new money creations needs to be introduced directly to consumers.

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U.S. Allies 'Volunteer' To Share (Implausible) Blame For Deir Ezzor Attack


...Early Sunday Australia jumped in claiming its jets had taken part in the attack:

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Libya, David Cameron’s “Iraq”? Damning Report Shreds Another War Monger by Felicity Arbuthnot


Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron is consistent in just one thing – jumping ship when the going gets tough. He announced his resignation in the immediate wake of the 23rd July referendum in which Britain marginally voted to leave the EU, a referendum which he had fecklessly called to appease right wing “little Englanders”, instead of facing them down...
Cameron however committed to staying on as an MP until the 2020 general election, vowing grandiosely: “I will do everything I can in future to help this great country succeed”, he said of the small island off Europe which he had potentially sunk, now isolated from and derided by swathes of its continental neighbours – with the sound of trading doors metaphorically slamming shut reverberating across the English Channel.
David Cameron has now jumped again, resigning unexpectedly and immediately as an MP on Monday 12th September, giving the impression that he was not in agreement with certain policies of his (unelected) successor, Theresa May...The following day the real reason for his decision seemed obvious. Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee released their devastating findings on Cameron’s hand in actions resulting in Libya’s near destruction, contributing to the unprecedented migration of those fleeing UK enjoined “liberations”, creating more subsequent attacks in the West – and swelling ISIS and other terrorist factions.

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It is Time for Anglo-Saxons, and Nordics to Embrace Identity Politics and Tribalism! by Peter West

Two trends: the first, Anglo-Saxon people in Australia, the United States and Britain are fast becoming minorities, and in the US Anglos, by contrast to broadly “whites,” already are.
Native Germans, for another example, will be a minority in one generation. In other words, Nordics, people of Northern European descend, will become only a minority tribe.

Second, as Peter Baldwin points out, “Regressive Left Puts Bigotry on a Pedestal,” The Weekend Australian, September 17-18, 2016, p. 19, the Enlightenment ideal of a universal human nature based on reason has been rejected in favour of identity politics and culture.

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Dealing with Terrorist Knife Attacks: Time to Go Medieval by John Steele

Across the West terrorist knife attacks seem to be the “in thing” with fashionable lone wolf terrorists. There is one almost every day. Thus, in the St. Cloud shopping mall one jihadist stabbed nine people before being shot by an off-duty police officer.

Police have a problem in crowded areas of subduing knife wielders as there is the dangers, as seem in Australia of hitting innocent by-standers. Tasers also have their limits, as the person could armour up.

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9/11 Means that 2 Equals 3! by Brian Simpson

How happy am I!  As a science/maths high school teacher I always wanted to write an article for this site which had an equation in the title.  Now, I can die happy… well, not really.  What always puzzled me about the official story of 9/11 was that there were two planes that hit, but a third building collapsed. How is that possible? One plane to one building means no plane to take out the third building, right?

A paper has been published in Europhysics News, which explains that it was a controlled demolition that brought these building down. To quote from a Natural, September 18, 2016 report:
Entitled “15 years Later: On the Physics of High-Rise Building Collapses,” the investigation was conducted by Steven Jones, a former professor of physics at Brigham Young University; Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada and a fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and the Engineering and the Engineering Institute of Canada; Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer; and Ted Walter, author of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s Beyond Misinformation: “What Science Says About the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 and 7.”
Hopefully Trump, if he survives, may have a real investigation into the 9/11 matter, considering this sort of evidence and prosecuting the local criminals.

Blowing America Apart by Chris Knight

Mike Adams over at Natural, previously said that regardless of whoever wins the 2016 presidential election, the US will be rocked by violence. In his article of September 18, 2016 he says that this has started already: “The Bombings Begin… Risk of Massive False Flag Event Skyrockets as Desperate Establishment Plots to Derail Trump, Halt the Election or Change the Narrative.” That’s certainly a chunky pot of conspiracy in one title.

There was a bombing in New York that injured 29 people, and another bomb only blocks away. Yes, the bombers don’t like travelling much. Another pipe bomb exploded in New Jersey.
These bombings, according to Adams, were by a member of the LGBT community, who is quoted from the New York Post as saying that “This is not the end. This is just the beginning… I will eliminate my targets before it is too late.”

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Will Russia Surrender? by Paul Craig Roberts

The Russian government’s sincere and diligent effort to prevent chaos in Syria and additional massive refugee flow into Europe, all the while avoiding conflict with Washington and its vassals, has been brought to an end by Washington’s intentional attack on a known Syrian army position, thus wrecking the cease fire agreement that Russia sacrificed so much to achieve.

The response to this fact by the Obama regime’s ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, reveals that Washington will lie to the hilt in order to achieve its agenda of reducing Syria to the same chaos as Washington has reduced Iraq and Libya. Washington, and Washington alone, is responsible for the war in Syria. When the British Parliament and the Russian government blocked Obama’s intended US invasion of Syria, the Obama regime armed and financed jihadist mercenaries to invade Syria, pretending that the jihadists were Syrian rebels fighting for democracy in Syria. Samantha Power turned history upside down and blames the war on Russia’s intervention at the request of the Syrian government against the ISIL jihadists that Washington sent to destabilize Syria. What Samantha means is that if Russia had not come to the aid of Syria, Washington and ISIL would already have destroyed Syria, and there would be no war.

Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, Russia’s ambassador to the UN, said that in his 40 years of diplomacy he had never seen such a high-handed and demagogic performance as Samantha’s. Churkin seemed to imply that such an unrealistic and twisted response to known facts as Samantha delivered leaves him without hope of any successful diplomatic outcome.
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What is the “Worst Article Written by Anyone Ever?” by Uncle Len the worst journalist, ever

James Delingpole “Read: The Worst Article Written by Anyone Ever,” September 17, 2016, got my attention. With all of the politically correct bs pumped by gigantic sewer pumps into the brains of our people, how does one choose?

Delingpole though, zeroes in on an article by Yassmin Abdel-Magied a “racing car engineer; hijab-wearing Sudanese-Australian activist.” The article in question is “As Lionel Shriver Made Light of Identity, I had No Choice but to Walk Out on Her,” September 10, 2016.

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Naughty Nukes by Tom North

An article which appeared in the journal Risk Analysis, S. Wheatley (et al.), “Of Disasters and Dragon Kings: A Statistical Analysis of Nuclear Power Incidents and Accidents,” (The Australian, September, 20, 2016, p. 9), has argued that the risks of nuclear power are significantly underestimated because of an under-reporting of accidents. The criticisms were addressed to the International Atomic Energy Agency, which is supposed to collect reports of nuclear accidents and rate them.
However, this organisation has no published database, so that this assessment cannot be checked.
The authors of the Risk Analysis paper also claimed that the methodology used in assessment downplays the severity of large events.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, which also has the role of promoting the use of nuclear energy, thus has a fundamental conflict of interest.
This downplaying of nuclear risks means that through complacency the risk of a Fukushima-magnitude accident is “more probable than not” in our lifetime. That could mean the end of human civilisation, if a runaway meltdown occurs which is not contained. Apparently that would not be good for business, and migrants are not attracted to post-apocalyptic radioactive wastelands for some reason.

Ending Australian Immigration: Start with “Humanitarian” Migrants by James Reed

Following on from the Productivity Commission’s report into immigration, some articles semi-critical of immigration have appeared in the generally “Big Australia” The Australian, September 20, 2016: Judith Sloan, “Winners, Losers in Migrant Economy,” and Nick Cater, “Outdated Multicultural Model Swamps Us.”

By way of background, the Productivity Commission, among other things, was critical of the humanitarian migration scheme. The economic prospects of these type of migrants is poor and even after five years from arrival, employment is lower than the general population, all with a cost of at least $ 3.2 billion per year. The Productivity Commission did not embrace the mantra of “diversity,” but instead felt that a “deterioration in the integration of immigrants would be detrimental to Australia.”

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The Fall of London by Paul Walker

London’s Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, has been on a pro-Hillary Clinton tour of the United States. He has said that immigrants should not have to assimilate: “People shouldn’t have to drop their cultures and traditions when they arrive in our cities and countries.”, September 16, 2016, says that the Chicago press had exposed “his connections to radical Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.” They said: “Mr. Khan has been repeatedly criticised for connections with former Guantanamo Bay detainees, as well as known Muslim extremists in the United Kingdom. His appearances have been widely covered by Britain’s media, but are routinely ignored by the political establishment.”

Those interested in the fate of London, now a minority white “immigrant city,” should consult Ben Judah, This Is London: Life and Death in the World City, (Picador, London, 2016). One third of London’s population has been born abroad, half have arrived since the turn of the century, and 55 percent of Londoners are “not ethnically British.” (p. 3) Traditional British people have been displaced by immigrants. (p. 109)

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Pauline Hanson 2016 Maiden Speech

Twenty years and four days after her controversial maiden speech to the House of Representatives, the anti-immigration, conservative campaigner whose party won more than 500,000 votes in the July election and seized four Senate seats declared she was “back but not alone”.

Laying out her manifesto for her next six years in parliament in her Senate maiden speech, Senator Hanson made clear those immigrants who did not agree with her views should leave Australia. “I will take you to the airport and wave you goodbye, with sincere best wishes,” she said.

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Derryn Hinch names five alleged paedophiles in maiden Senate speech

Senator Hinch has fulfilled his promise to "name names" in the Senate, using parliamentary privilege to identify up to five men he claims are paedophiles.

Senator Hinch, who was placed under house arrest in 2011 after he named sex offenders and was jailed in 2014 for contempt of court for publishing the criminal record of Melbourne woman Jill Meagher's killer Adrian Bayley, made no apologies for using the protection.

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On 9/11 the Twin Towers of Hillary Came Tumbling Down! by Chris Knight

The American media has been so busy warning the global financial elites –  sorry, I mean, we, the people – that Donald J. Trump is a Nazi spawn of Satan, that they have not been able to focus their little eyes on Hillary Clinton’s health problems. Thus, after ironically collapsing at a September 11 commemoration ceremony, it was released that she had pneumonia, and that her frightening coughing fits were related to allergies. Nonsense! I trust the internet on this one.

A good summary of the “walking dead” that is Hillary Clinton has been given by Mike Adams Natural News September 11, 2016. There are the relevant videos at that site with this comment; “The videos …are stunning in what they depict:
A corrupt, criminal tyrant who deeply desires power over others now unable to control her own body…wobbling, collapsing, stumbling, with head bobbling to the side as if her neck is on a loose swivel…then collapsing forward into the waiting van.” The same description would be true of so many of our own Australian politicians in the evening after a belly full of wine, paid for by corporate of union sponsors.

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The Coming Demographic Crash by Mrs Vera West

The native, white European people are ceasing to have babies, thanks to a potent potion of feminism and global consumer society. In Spain, there is an average of 1.27 children born for every woman of childbearing age. There are provinces in Spain where for every baby born, over two people die. Then there is Spain’s economic crisis which has led to a mass emigration of Spaniards fleeing Spain.

Its neighbour Portugal, is just as bad, with its population projected to drop from 10.5 million to 6.3 million by 2060. And Germany has the lowest birth-rate in the world, of 8.2 per 1,000 of population between 2008 and 2013. Any ideas about why this may be so?

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