American-Style Race Riots, Now In Australia by Peter Ewer

The tragic death of a 14-year-old Aboriginal boy in Kalgoorlie, by a man charged with manslaughter, led to more than 200 angry protesters gathering at the court house and rioting. The protesters demanded that the charges be up-graded to murder. Whether they are right about this or not is a matter for the justice system to decide, not them. But of course, they were protesting about that very justice system, hence the apparent need to attack symbols of that system, such as the police, who were pelted with bottles and rocks. Twelve officers suffered cuts and abrasions, and one officer was hit in the head by a bottle, and needed stitches.

Signs were carried with the words alluding to the American black protest movement, Black Lives Matter, “All Lives Matter.” What fair-minded person could disagree with that? But, if all lives matter, then so do the lives of police, who should not have been attacked by rocks and bottles. Such acts of violence threaten their lives and undermines sympathy which many people may have for their case. It is a foolish tactic because this is clearly a community torn by crime and drugs and well-deserving of as much help from the wider community as possible to deal with these social problems. It is hard to do so when confronted by the violence of the race riot.

After the “Racist’ Moral Panic Over the Banana, How about a Moral Panic about Violence Against Women? by Mrs Vera West

The great moral panic over the banana throwing incident, a few news cycles back, has now died down, and the chattering class have moved on to other things. But if white-woman-throwing-banana-at-indigenous-man is bad, which it is, then why is there not an even greater level of moral outrage over domestic violence against women issues related to Australian football? Wouldn’t-football-star-almost-kills-girlfriend be a domestic-violence issue? Shouldn’t there be national hand-wringing about this, and other incidents?

The latest incident involves an indigenous football star (, who has been sentenced to five-and-a-half-years for brutally bashing his girlfriend, although he could be free as early as next October, due to parole eligibility:

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One More Reason to Close Down the Universities by James Reed

The Australian, August 31, 2016, p. 30, published a chart listing the salaries of vice-chancellors across Australia. The top salary is $ 1,385,000, followed by $ 1,335,000 right down to a poverty-stricken $ 525,000. Guess where all of this money ultimately comes from? You got it; the long-suffering tax payer. And what are we getting for it? What do the universities give us? Essentially a cultural war against the very people who have paid to set up these institutions.

I believe any practical benefits of a university can be replicated more efficiently in special schools and centres, such as hospitals for medicine, and law societies for law, which would allow hands-on experience. We should move right away from the nonsense of million dollar salaries. Use it to help Australian farmers, or even the homeless.

Letter to the Editor

Greg Craven's judgement is awry ('Fear, loathing, lost mojos', 26/9) when he describes HRH Prince Charles as 'eccentric'. No one has ever served as long as Prince of Wales and no one in that role has done more for the public good.

He has wisely promoted religious unity, beauty in architecture and the protection of ecological systems (as especially documented in his book 'Harmony').

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Letter to the Editor

Despite David McCarthy's claim to the contrary ('Keep tight leash on dogs of hate in marriage debate', 26/9) the controversy over same-sex unions definitely does involve freedom of speech.

He is right to call for mutual respect in public discussions, but wrong to depend on the concept of equality. It is the principle of equity ('fair shares') that should properly be involved and this requires consideration of the rights of children and their welfare.

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Stranded at Sea by James Reed

South Korean shipper, Hanjin, has filed for bankruptcy protection. (Collapse, September 9, 2016) Hanjin handled around 8 per cent of the Trans-Pacific trade volume. As the company cannot pay its bills, most nations have not allowed its ships to dock. This means that billions of dollars of goods needed in manufacture will not be delivered unless a government bailout occurs. Whatever happens, there is likely to be a major disruption to globalism. Already freight rates are now reaching US $ 2,300 per container.

The incident shows the extreme vulnerability of the globalist experiment. Take out only a few building blocks, such as shipping, and the whole house of cards topples.

Proud to be…Politically Incorrect Men! Here Comes Fight Club by John Steele

As would be expected, as a backlash to our anti-male, crippling politically correct culture, various groups are now in open revolt, such as the Alt Right, comprising IT savvy young men who have had enough. And then there are the Proud Boys.
I had never heard of the Proud Boys until reading a piece by Gavin McInnes, “Introducing: The Proud Boys,” at Taki, September 15, 2016.

This group of primarily young men, of all races, are “Western chauvinists who refuse to apologize for creating the modern world.” They yearn for the good old days when “women were women, and men were men.” At present they meet in groups across the world, so they are truly multicultural and multiracial. But, they attack social justice warrior culture and defend the West and traditional manhood. And they have a good time developing tribal mateship.

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The Faith of the Gender Agenda by Mrs Vera West

In a paper entitled “The Controversy Over the Safe Schools Program – Finding the Sensible Centre,” Professor Patrick Parkison of Sydney University, has criticised the teaching of radical gender theory in Australian classrooms, comparing it to “odd and unscientific” beliefs of groups such as Scientology. (The Australian, September 19, 2016, p. 1)

The Safe Schools programme, he claims, has “exaggerate statistics” on the numbers of transgender and intersex people, done to support the ideology that gender is a social construction.
He argues that the ideology behind Safe Schools is now widespread in the West, and comes not from science departments, but philosophy (and cultural studies) departments. It is not scientific and evidence-based.

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Here Comes the Gay Marriage Vote by Mrs Vera West

Three days before St. Valentine’s Day, February 11, 2017, we may have the same sex marriage plebiscite: “Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?” The vote will be compulsory and determined by an overall national majority. Well, the plebiscite will go ahead if Labor supports it, but they are still making up their little minds on that one. They wouldn’t want the “No” side to win.

There is no guarantee of free speech for the “No” case and supporters may violate oppressive state-based anti-discrimination laws. The federal government confirmed to Family First that it will not override state suppression laws.
Of course not; such laws are in place just for moments like this, to be used as a political weapon if necessary.
What we really need is a referendum putting a robust right to free speech into the constitution so that all of these laws can be knocked down in one swoop.

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The US Road Map To Balkanize Syria by Pepe Escobar

Forget about those endless meetings between Sergei Lavrov and John Kerry; forget about Russia’s drive to prevent chaos from reigning in Syria; forget about the possibility of a real ceasefire being implemented and respected by US jihad proxies.
Jonathan Cook is a Nazareth- based journalist and winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism - See more at:
Forget about the Pentagon investigating what really happened around its bombing 'mistake' in Deir Ezzor.
The definitive proof of the Empire of Chaos’s real agenda in Syria may be found in a 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document declassified in May last year.

As you scroll down the document, you will find page 291, section C, which reads (in caps, originally):
The DIA report is a formerly classified SECRET/NOFORN document, which made the rounds of virtually the whole alphabet soup of US intel, from CENTCOM to CIA, FBI, DHS, NGA and the State Department.
It establishes that over four years ago US intel was already hedging its bets between established al-Qaeda in Syria, aka Jabhat al-Nusra, and the emergence of ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, aka the Islamic State.

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Manhood Rising! A Feminist Defence of Masculine Virtues by Mrs Vera West

Do I understand your question, man, is it hopeless and forlorn?
“Come in,” she said, “I’ll give you shelter from the storm.” Bob Dylan, “Shelter from the Storm,” (1975).

If my memory serves me well, John Carroll in “Paranoid and Remissive: The Treason of the Upper Middle Class,” (in R. Manne (ed.), The New Conservatism in Australia (1982)), argued that the Left typically had families with weak fathers and strong mothers. Presumably this led to some sort of mental imbalance. But today it is more likely that the family has no father at all. Or a “new” family of two women.

In this scheme of things, there is no place at all for the traditional “John Wayne” man. Feminists, in general, see this version of traditional masculinity, based on the warrior model of man, tried and proven over all of human history, as flawed in their opinion. Effeminate conservatives probably do too, also falling into this model, having weak male role models, and dominant mothers.

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Letter to The Honourable Tim Fisher

Dear Mr Fisher
A couple of weeks ago I heard you being interviewed by an A.B.C. chap relative to the coming Centenary of the completion of the Transcontinental Railway line at Ooldea on 19 October 1916. I want to thank you for drawing attention to this historic achievement. But, perhaps more importantly, draw your attention to the manner in which the project was financed. The financial lesson of the past should be broadcast far and wide.

The two enclosed booklets ( detail how the Commonwealth Bank of Australia of Andrew Fisher, King O'Malley and Sir Denison Miller delivered quite remarkable benefits to our Nation for a period of about 12 years before the private banking cartel effectively castrated the Nations "peoples’ Bank".

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US-Turkey Lurch to World War in Syria by Finian Cunningham

Following US President Barack Obama’s dubious stellar performance this week at the UN General Assembly recounting a litany of lies for almost one hour before the eyes of the world, it was the turn of Turkey’s leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan to insult humanity’s intelligence.
Like his American ally, who inverted reality by claiming that US war crimes against numerous nations were a virtuous legacy, Erdogan performed a similar spellbinding conjuring trick. In his address to the UN, the Turkish president said his military has rendered peace to the Middle East region by invading Syria last month.

Can you imagine Adolf Hitler declaring to the then League of Nations that Germany had just invaded Poland to restore peace to Europe? It is astounding, when you think about it, how the august international forum in New York City indulged Erdogan and Obama with such polite attention, when they are both responsible for the supreme war crime of aggression against the sovereign state of Syria?
Turkish and American troops are occupying a 100-km wide swathe of northern Syria after they both launched Operation Euphrates Shield on August 24, with tanks and warplanes in support of ground forces.
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The Real Failure of Obama by Charles Taylor

As reported at, Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan has slammed President Obama’s legacy, saying that he failed inner city blacks.
Here is what he said:

“But I just want to tell you, Mr. President, you’re from Chicago, and so am I. I go out in the streets with the people. I visited the worst neighbourhoods. I talked to the gangs. And while I was out there talking to them, they said ‘You know, Farrakhan, the president ain’t never come. Could you get him to come and look after us?’  There’s your legacy, Mr. President. It’s in the streets with your suffering people, Mr. President. And If you can’t go and see about them, then don’t worry about your legacy ’cause the white people that you served so well, they’ll preserve your legacy. The hell they will. But you didn’t earn your legacy with us. We put you there. You fought for the rights of gay people. You fought for the rights of this people and that people. You fight for Israel. Your people are suffering and dying in the streets! That’s where your legacy is. Now you failed to do what should have been done.”

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The Nonsense of Australia’s “Non-Discriminatory Immigration Programme by James Reed

An essential  poll has shown that 49 percent of Australians want a ban on Muslim immigration: The political class replied that this showed a lack of leadership, I suppose to control the objecting plebs. Pauline Hanson, bless her, said that she suspected that opposition was much higher:

It is instructive to consider treasurer and former immigration minister Scott Morrison’s response: “We’ve always had a non-discriminatory immigration program in this country which has produced the most successful multi-ethnic society in the world.” See:

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The Meme War by Chris Knight

Here in Australia critical writing among conservatives is not big on satire and a sense of the absurd; in a word, the use of memes, imagines and genes of ideas which express in one condensed package a powerful political message.
However, Alt Right literature in Europe and the United States does this, using characters such as Pepe the frog to deconstruct and disarm opponents. Hillary Clinton noted this meme war in her Alt Right speech. Pepe and other symbols introduces a sense of iconoclastic fun into an otherwise dry-as-dust, deadly serious debate. It is young person’s radical politics. It is the sort of material that a social media savvy generation loves.

This is not our way, and we should not try to use such techniques because, well, we are all just too old. Nevertheless, good luck to the younger generation in getting these ideas out. It would be good to see memes about fraudulent banking, the corrupt financial system, and the social credit answers as well.

On Being Swamped by Muslims: An Intellectual Defence of Pauline Hanson by Peter Ewer

The Third World Leftoid globalist Pope Francis has been showing his true colour, red, in advocating that Europe should take in even more refugees. Welcoming refugees into one’s home “is our greatest security against hateful acts of terrorism.” But just think about that. What he is saying is that if we buy them off with acts of kindness then they won’t resort to terrorism. He seems to be drawing a link between the migrants and the violent acts, although it could be argued that these are two distinct phenomena. Remember, the migrants are by definition, desperate, vulnerable people. So the Pope could be interpreted to be making a quasi-politically incorrect statement, within his own paradigm. Maybe he needs another speech writer. Perhaps a migrant could help out?

By contrast, our own Pauline Hanson was full of vibes in her maiden speech to the Senate, saying that Australia is at risk of being “swamped” by Muslims. Twenty years ago in her previous maiden speech to the House of Representatives, she spoke of Australia being “swamped” by (East) Asians, but that process is now well underway. Now it seems, even the Asians are going to be swamped by Muslims, some of whom are also Asians. I know that this game of thrones of demographic displacement can be confusing.

Hanson called for our borders to be closed to immigrants and she even offered to drive problematic, non-assimilating migrants wanting to leave the country to the airport. Of course, she will get no offers, because it’s a big going-out-of-existence-fire-sale-party here in Oz, and as we will see, most of the West. The Greens walked out of the Senate, headed for their safe spaces, because they don’t believe in democracy and the right of different points of view to be heard – which is diversity. For them the only diversity worthwhile is that of the diversity of ethno-racial groups, whom they can defend, obtaining the glow of moral superiority.
It is clear that any true deep green would be against immigration and anything else which threatened the environment. But the Greens today are red first, green second. Save nature or stop racism? Sorry, life on Earth just has to go, even if it means that everything has to go!

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Migration Costs: A Never-Ending Story by James Reed

Sitting on page one of The Australian (September 13, 2016), right next to the story and photos of home-grown terrorist Ihsas Khan who engaged in a 9/11 stabbing, we have this news: “Parents of Migrants to Cost $3.2 bn.” Yes, yet another cost of our out-of-control migration programme.

The $3.2 billion figure is from the Productivity Commission who recommends that permanent visas for parents of migrants be abolished or a greater increase in fees made. Loopholes are permitting masses of people with inadequate skills and English language to gain permanent residency, all at taxpayer’s expense.

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US-led coalition aircraft strike Syrian army positions, kill 62 soldiers – military

US-led coalition jets have bombed Syrian government forces’ positions near the eastern city of Deir ez-Zor, killing 62 troops and "paving the way" for Islamic State militants, the Syrian Army General Command told the state television.

The bombing took place on al-Tharda Mountain in the region of Deir ez-Zor and caused casualties and destruction on the ground, Syria’s official SANA news agency reported on Saturday.Sixty-two Syrian soldiers were killed and over 100 injured in the airstrike by the US-led coalition, Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, said, citing information received from the Syrian General Command.
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Theresa May faces rebellion as Tory MPs launch new 'hard Brexit' campaign

British Prime Minister Theresa May is facing fresh unrest from Eurosceptic Tory MPs who are plotting a major campaign to push her into delivering a “hard Brexit”.

A new group, Leave Means Leave, launches today with the aim of getting the UK out of the EU’s single market, ending the influence of Brussels on British laws, and scrapping European “free movement” migration.
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