Australian Senate Says that it is NOT Ok to be White, But, Presumably, Ok to Work like Slaves for Globalist Masters By James Reed

     Well, Pauline’s motion had a predictable response from our pathetic politically correct Senate:

“Prime Minister Scott Morrison has described as "regrettable" his own senators' decision to back a motion declaring "it is OK to be white", while the Coalition's leader in the Senate has apologised and blamed an "administrative error".

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Feminists Hate Men and Wish that They Were all Dead! By Mrs Vera West

     Feminists freely profess their hatred of men, which borders on the criminal, if not, pathological.

“A retired history professor from Grinnell College and feminist announced that she wishes that “all men were dead” in a column for the Washington Post over the weekend. Retired history professor Victoria Bissell Brown published a bizarre column in the Washington Post on Friday in which she detailed an outburst she had at her husband that included her wishing for the death of all men. I yelled at my husband last night. Not pick-up-your-socks yell. Not how-could-you-ignore-that-red-light yell. This was real yelling. This was 30 minutes of from-the-gut yelling. Triggered by a small, thoughtless, dismissive, annoyed, patronizing comment. Really small. A micro-wave that triggered a hurricane. I blew. Hard and fast. And it terrified me. I’m still terrified by what I felt and what I said. I am almost 70 years old. I am a grandmother. Yet in that roiling moment, screaming at my husband as if he represented every clueless male on the planet (and I every angry woman of 2018), I announced that I hate all men and wish all men were dead. If one of my grandchildren yelled something that ridiculous, I’d have to stifle a laugh. The column, which is entitled “Thanks for not raping us, all you ‘good men.’ But it’s not enough,” reads like a passive-aggressive rant from the type of unhinged ideologue that makes most rational people think twice before self-identifying with the “feminist” label.”

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Letter to The Editor - Reformulation of the nature and significance of Jesus

To The Australian              Paul Kelly, in discussing the growing national disunity within Australia ("The main parties are divided because we are divided", 24/10), concludes that in public forums "everything is now dressed in moral clothes" and he sees this as "the consequence of the decline of shared religious faith." In that case, the first thing needed for national renewal is the revival of religion. That means more than rising numbers of adherents; it means better, profounder understanding of sacred tradition. Since Christianity is, in the historical context, our main religion, it is Christians most of all who must find a way towards fruitful change. This cannot be achieved by a stubborn clinging to belief in "orthodoxy", whether Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant. It means a reformulation of the nature and significance of Jesus, his life, teaching and death. It means, too, a different critical attitude to the Bible. This revision must result in a theology that is compatible with the other great sacred traditions on the planet. An exclusivist approach, involving insistence on "magisterium", "deposit of faith", creeds or articles simply won't do. The way has been shown by many great minds in the last two centuries, such as P. D. Ouspensky, Ananda Coomaraswamy and Rene Guenon; but too many church leaders and congregations shirk the challenge.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Everywhere … the Smell of Pot Burning in the Morning By Chris Knight

     Boomers love their dope, cannabis or “pot.” For starters, Canada will have to soon change its pathetic politically correct maple leaf design, to marijuana leaves, now that they have moved into the new era of legalised dope:

“The Great White North could find itself in a great white puff of pot smoke as Canada makes history by legalizing marijuana. What started as an election promise by Justin Trudeau in 2015, before he was prime minister, has led to Canada becoming the second country in the world to legalize the production, sales and distribution of recreational cannabis. Uruguay broke the mould in December 2013, but Canada is the first country in the G20 to move forward with pot legalization. Cannabis is being legalized in Canada through the Cannabis Act, the first alteration to the Canadian Criminal Code as it relates to pot prohibition in 95 years. It allows adults in Canada to do the following:

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Nurses Must be Sorry for Being White: Ok, Go Do a Reverse Michael Jackson Then! By Peter Ewer

     The new code of conduct for nurses is simple: be sorry for being white, roll on the floor, cry, beg for mercy, and maybe even resign the job:

“The contentious new code telling nurses to say, "sorry" for being white when treating indigenous patients has even been slammed by nurses themselves. The controversial change to the code, which came into effect on the first of March, was brought to public attention in January this year by Australian Conservatives' leader Cory Bernardi. Channel 7's Today Tonight reports, this is the latest in a string of politically correct changes for the health industry. But this one has lead to calls for the nursing board boss to resign and even some aboriginal leaders have described it as potentially damaging. Senator Bernardi said, "What we've got is a bunch of do-gooders, who think that this is actually going to help people where in reality it's only dividing society." "It only takes a single complain from a patient to say, 'you didn't acknowledge your white privilege, I felt culturally under threat or subsumed by you,' and the nurse can find themselves hauled before the tribunal and subject to a code of conduct complaint."

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Hillary Clinton Defends Billy Goat’s Sexual Adventures By Charles Taylor

     You have to hand it to the libtards for barefaced arrogance. We have been put through the debacle of the smearing of Justice Kavanaugh by numerous unsubstantiated rape claims, yet there is Bill Clinton, accused of rape by numerous credible victims, and what has happened? Well, Hillary Clinton has defended him, at least regarding the Lewinsky affair:

“Former 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a Sunday interview that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, did not abuse his power when he had an affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
The former first lady told CBS Sunday Morning that her husband also made the right decision to not to resign from the presidency in the wake of the scandal that led to her husband’s impeachment for lying about the affair with the then-22-year-old intern. When asked if her husband should have resigned from the presidency, Clinton said, “Absolutely not.”

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On Red Indian White DNA By Chris Knight

     There has been much made by various critics about the results of the DNA test that libtard and Trump critic Elizabeth Warren has had. It seems that most of the White American population have more American Indian blood than her, showing that President Trump was right in his criticisms:

“Democrat race hoaxer Elizabeth Warren wormed her way through Harvard by falsely claiming to be Native American. In 1997, the Fordham Law Review made her the poster child of successful “women of color” even though she’s white. Warren is widely expected to make a run for the presidency in 2020, so the entire fake news media is now trying desperately to clean up her history by finding some evidence that she might have Native American ancestry. Today, Elizabeth Warren released a so-called “DNA study” that had absolutely no independent chain of custody of her DNA sample, meaning the entire thing could have been easily faked by using someone else’s saliva or tissue sample. Even then, the DNA test revealed that she could be as little as 1/1024th Native America, or about .0976% “Indian.” This number comes from the Associated Press, which had to issue a correction because they got the math wrong in their first version of their report, which desperately tried to claim the DNA test proves Warren correct about her claims of being “Native American.”

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All the Excitement of the First Royal Black Baby! By Peter West

     I am excited, and I know all the loyal Royal watchers are too, out there in constitutional monarchy land, about the prospects of a new Royal, who will be Black, according to the sacred canons of multiculturalism. This is a truly wonderful thing, making a link between Britain and Africa, joining together the powerful African nation, and small, fragile British. It is also a small but important step in combating racism and opposition to mass immigration, undeniably good things. It is hoped that this symbolic gesture may lead the rather primitive barbarian British, who have achieved very little in their short existence, beyond playing the foolish game of cricket, and drinking warm beer and lukewarm effeminate tea, to new, higher levels of civilisation. I can say this, being of British heritage, and of course, deeply ashamed of it, and myself. Sometimes I whip myself to relieve the guilt of being white. My very best wishes for a problem free birth and many more children to come over the many, many happy  decades ahead. I will watch reruns of Suits, whenever possible.

Smallpox 2.0, Here it Comes! There We Go! By Brian Simpson

     It is possible, given recent publications, that synthetic smallpox could be manufactured by terrorists and released, destroying the West, and maybe themselves for their troubles:

“Earlier this year, scientists published a paper describing how they pieced together segments of DNA in order to bring back a previously eradicated virus called horsepox. The paper, written by two University of Alberta researchers and the co-founder of a New York pharmaceutical company, was controversial because, as various experts told the magazine Science, someone could use a very similar process to bring back a related virus: smallpox. Smallpox, you’ll recall, killed hundreds of millions of people before the World Health Organization declared it eradicated in 1980. That was the result of a long vaccination campaign — so the idea of piecing the virus back together from bits of DNA raises the specter of a horrifying pandemic.

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Europe; Please Do Not Steal the Refugees! By Richard Miller

     Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Moualem at the recent UN General Assembly said that Syria wanted its refugees who have gone to Europe back, as the Syrain civil War is basically over:

““The government continues to rehabilitate the areas destroyed by terrorists, to restore normalcy," he told the meeting. "All conditions are now present for the voluntary return of Syrian refugees to the country, the country they had to leave because of terrorism and the unilateral economic measures that targeted their daily lives and their livelihoods. True enough, thousands of Syrian refugees abroad have started their journey back home. From this podium I would like to stress the following - the return of each and every Syrian refugee is a priority for the Syrian state. All doors are wide open for All Syrians abroad to return voluntarily and safely...

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Letter to the Editor - Anti-vaxxers, Holocaust deniers, flat earthers and others" should be denied a platform

To The Age        If Adrienne Stone really believes that "unorthodox ideas should be welcomed and offensive ideas must be tolerated" in universities ("Free speech vital to universities", 16/10), then she should not be asserting that "anti-vaxxers, Holocaust deniers, flat earthers and others" should be denied a platform there. Dismissing these or any other positions as "nonsense" that "blatantly disregards" so-called established evidence is too risky and might turn out to be ignorantly prejudiced, as Galileo's case and others in history show. Stone's choice of these three categories is also questionable. There's not much sign of flat earth promotion around the world, but there's a large amount of what looks like carefully researched and argued material by Holocaust revisionists.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Cucks and NPCs By Chris Knight

     Before today, I had not even heard of NPC, until I read that the twit Twitter had banned them. Nowadays, suppression is going so fast that they’re banning things we don’t even know exist:

“NPC means “nonplayable character” or “nonplayer character.” It’s a term, borrowed from the world of video games, for a character that is controlled by the computer rather than by a player. An NPC often advances the game’s plot by saying scripted lines, or assisting the playable characters in some way.”

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The Butchering and Meat Processing of Journalists By Peter Ewer

     I have not been following the killing of that journalist that Trump spoke about, but I did read that Trump was concerned about keeping business relationships with the Saudis, for the dollar is all-sacred. It is interesting to read about how the journalists was butchered though:

“Saudi operatives beat, drugged, killed and dismembered a dissident Saudi journalist in the presence of the kingdom’s top diplomat in Istanbul, Turkish officials said Tuesday, as Washington urged Riyadh to provide answers.
President Trump cautioned that Saudi Arabia should be considered innocent until proven guilty. His secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, on a visit to the kingdom, said Saudi leaders had “strongly denied” involvement and were conducting “a serious and credible investigation.” The disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi, a former royal insider, has strained U.S.-Saudi ties and sparked international outrage. He was last seen entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul two weeks ago. Saudi Arabia has denied any role in his disappearance. Mr. Trump has put Saudi Arabia and its crown prince at the center of a Middle East policy aimed at challenging Iran, Riyadh’s main rival in the region, brokering an end to the Palestinian-Israeli crisis and countering extremism. Mr. Trump chose Saudi Arabia as the site of his first overseas presidential trip. The U.S. leader has emphasized the importance for U.S. jobs of the Saudi’s purchasing of billions of dollars of U.S. military hardware.”

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Over Three Million Australians Living in Poverty By Uncle Len, Living in Poverty

     Look Uncle Len, poverty is no joking matter, because there are now too many of us:

“Poverty has become a consistent feature of Australian life, with millions still living below the breadline despite 27 years of uninterrupted economic growth, the Australian Council of Social Service says. A vital circuit-breaker is needed, including a complete overhaul of Australia’s employment services, a commitment to “full employment” and a guarantee of at least two days a week of early childhood care – highly subsidised for people on low incomes – and education for every child. A new report, Poverty in Australia 2018, has been released to coincide with Anti-Poverty Week. It shows there are just over three million people (13.2%) living below the relative poverty line, including 739,000 children (17.3% of children). The relative poverty line is considered to be 50% of median household disposable income. In Australia, the poverty line is defined as a single adult living on less than $433 a week, or $909 for a couple with two children, before housing costs. The figures refer to 2015-16, the most recent year for which data is available. One in eight adults and more than one in six children are living in poverty, and many of those are living in “deep poverty” – a staggering $135 per week below the poverty line on average.”

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What! Climate Change and the Rising Cost of Beer By James Reed

     As a lover of all things alcoholic, and a hater of the false religion of climate change, I was shocked to read (I am always shocked while reading), that climate change is set to cause a rise in the price of beer. How is this even possible?

“Beer drinkers face soaring prices for their favourite schooner due to the effects of climate change, scientists have warned. Global warming is likely to cause a major drop in global yields of barley – a vital ingredient for brewers. Research predicts heatwaves and droughts could cause a fall in barley yields of up to 17 percent across the leading grain-producing regions of Australia, Asia, Europe and the US. This would trigger a spike in the price of beer, according to the study published in Nature Plants.”

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Sortition: the End of Voting By James Reed

     Tim Dunlop in The Future of Everything, argues, among other things, that voting does not really ensure democracy, and that we would be better using the process of sortition; elect the bastards at random, pardon the French.

“If we want to fix the way our governments work, the first thing we should do is replace voting with sortition in at least some of our governing bodies. Sortition means to choose – to “sort” – by the use of lots; that is, by random sample, like the method we use to choose jurors for a court case. Instead of voting for members of parliament or congress, we should choose at least some of them randomly. It is the most straightforward way of enabling ordinary citizens to participate in the running of their country, and the effect it would have on politics and government would be transformative. Most of us think of voting as the cornerstone of a true democracy. When a new country in the developing world moves towards democracy, we tend to judge its initial success by how soon it is able to hold “free and fair” elections. We rejoice in this coming of age. Indeed, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights presents voting as one of our fundamental rights: “The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.” But, this is the whole problem: voting has come to actively undermine “the will of the people” and we need a system that will restore their primacy. Sortition is that system.”

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Sweden and the Cancelling of Christmas By Richard Miller

     Cancelling Christmas and promoting Islam is just the sort of thing that a country determined to destroy its traditional culture would do, and no country can match Sweden in the race suicide  stakes.

“Sweden’s, and perhaps the world’s largest outdoor Christmas concert “Oh Holy Night”, which traditionally airs on Swedish national TV on Christmas Eve each year, has been cancelled, SVT news reports. This is most likely yet another example of Swedish traditions being suppressed in order not to offend migrants who don’t hold Christian beliefs. Earlier incidents include: Replacing Lucia, who according to the ancient Swedish Pagan Yule tradition always has been a long haired, blonde, beautiful woman, with a black boy. Putting a woman in a hijab on the annual Advent/Christmas calendar. Cancelling the traditional student choirs’ appearance on TV at Valborg (Swedish Pagan spring celebration). Principals forbidding students to wave the Swedish flag on graduation day. Prayer for diversity at National Day celebration events. Left-wing Swedes promoting the idea that Sweden’s National Day should not be celebrated, on TV and in national papers. At the same time Muslim culture and traditions are intensely promoted: On Midsummer’s Day (Sweden’s most important and traditional holiday) TV4 decided to let a woman in a hijab teach the Swedes how to cook kebab properly. Ramadan is celebrated with public events in several Swedish cities as well as on TV. Authorities are allowing Islamic call to prayer (at 110 dB), and at the same time forbidding Christian churches to ring their bells.”

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More Good Reasons for Getting Out of the Globalist UN By James Reed

     Incredible; according to the UN, Australia’s migration laws have breached their globalist human rights ideology, and here it is, straight from the Left press:

“A United Nations body has taken the “extraordinary” step of calling on Australia to review its domestic laws in a ruling that it had breached multiple international human rights laws. The ruling coincides with the Australian government being taken to the UN over alleged breaches of international law by indefinitely separating more than 60 members of 14 refugee families on Nauru. The working group on arbitrary detention, established by the UN Commission on Human Rights in 1991 to report to the Human Rights Council, had examined the case of Edris Cheragi, an Iranian man and Christian convert who sought asylum in Australia. Cheragi has been detained in various detention centres and in the community since 2012, but in 2015 was charged with criminal offences and had his bridging visa cancelled. He has never been convicted. Instead Cheragi was placed in “administrative detention” under the laws of the Migration Act, and has been in detention ever since. The working group said Cheragi’s circumstances were just the latest of many cases of arbitrary detention in Australia, and ruled the Australian government had breached multiple articles of the universal declaration of human rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights. Cheragi’s detention was based “purely on his earlier exercise of the legitimate right to seek asylum and is therefore arbitrary”.

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Pensioner Bashed by Violent Migrant Gang? Surely Not in Our Joyous Multicultural Society By John Steele

     This is why women, pensioners and the disabled should at least have the legal option of having a handgun to defend themselves. How can the weak prevail against numbers of strong youth? How can the police be rung, while one is being bashed? The weaker and disadvantaged need to have the same right of self-protection as anyone else, and for that right to be meaningful, they need the means to be able to do this, and that is a hand gun and semi-auto rifle:

“Neil Mitchell received multiple tip-offs on Tuesday morning about three horrifying incidents overnight. Police have since confirmed all three.

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Letter to The Editor - Monarchy is inherently a superior form of government to republicanism

To The Age            There is some truth in your editorial claim that "the historical ties to England are no longer the focus of our national identity" ("No reason to delay republic debate", 19/10), but they remain the most important aspect of the foundation of our political order. Australia will be wise to continue to honour them, and that means no republic. The warm welcome given to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex strongly suggests that most Australians do not see Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Family as "foreigners". They are much more intimately a part of us than that term states. Most important of all is the fact that monarchy is inherently a superior form of government to republicanism. It makes more sense, therefore, to work long-term for a totally independent Australian throne.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic