Now Even Physics is Politically Correct! By Brian Simpson

     In a previous article on the state of universities, I think James Reed said that the discipline of physics has held out against the current political correctness mania. He was wrong:

“A physics professor at the University of Pisa in Italy recently became the subject of an “ethics investigation” at his school following a lecture he gave about how modern leftist dogma that blames “sexism” for allegedly keeping women from succeeding in the sciences is absolute bunk. Alessandro Strumia boldly and unequivocally stated that “cultural Marxism” is responsible for pushing this ridiculous feminist propaganda, highlighting the fact that common leftist buzzwords like “microaggression,” “gaslighting,” and “mansplaining” are perpetuating the lie that men are somehow “mobilizing their masculinity” to keep women from achieving scientific success. Entitled, “High Energy Theory and Gender,” Strumia’s lecture, which took place at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland, was quickly criticized by leftists involved with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, also known as STEM, for allegedly being “discriminatory” against women.

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Are the Left Demonically Possessed? By Charles Taylor

     Keeping with the spirit of previous articles at your fine site, which have asked questions such as: will the Left burn in the fires of hell, we need to consider an important prior question. Mike Adams has hypothesized that the Left may be demonically possessed. At first I thought that this was ridiculous, but I spoke about this to my paster, who thought that he may be onto something:

“Markus Persson, the creator of Minecraft, just pointed out that the political Left has “literally been taken over by evil.” It turns out he’s more correct than even he might realize. Over the last several years, Leftists have morphed into an irrational, hate-filled violent mob of “Demoncrats” that don’t even resemble conscious human beings. Operating like a zombie swarm of mindless lunatics, they are now taking over entire cities like Portland, Oregon, where even the local police now stand down and allow deranged Left-wing mobs to run the city. Watch this astonishing video where an elderly white man is being harassed, racially verbally assaulted and then has his vehicle windows smashed by deranged left-wing lunatics who have taken over the city of Portland, apparently with the full permission of the snowflake mayor and the pathetic, spineless Portland Police:

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The Next Move of the Lunatics By Charles Taylor

     One of the themes running through articles this week is the madness of the elites. Now that Justice Brett Kavanaugh is on the bench of the US Supreme Court, the Leftoids now move to take him off by impeaching him, the grounds being only they can hold positions of power, and deplorables must die. Given that, at the present time, any such impeachment will be tough going:

“Democrats seeking to impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be hamstrung by the Constitution, according to Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz. "The Constitution would not permit impeachment of a sitting justice for actions he took while a private citizen 35 years ago, nor would it permit using the laws of perjury, which are very tough," Dershowitz said Monday during an interview with Fox News.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the New York Democrat poised to chair the House Judiciary Committee should his party win a majority after the 2018 midterm elections, has suggested the panel may investigate Kavanaugh under his leadership. Reps. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., and Ted Lieu, D-Calif., have already voiced their support for probing the newly installed justice.

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The Good Censor: Google Abandons Free Speech Tradition for $$$ By Peter West

     Truly amazing news; traditional liberal values of free speech are being abandoned by Big Tech, and instead, money is being worshipped:

“A leaked Google briefing titled “The Good Censor” advises tech companies to move away from the “American tradition” of free speech if they wish to attract advertising revenue and continue global expansion. The briefing, leaked exclusively to Breitbart News, was the product of extensive research on the part of Google. This included expert interviews with MIT Tech Review editor-in-chief Jason Pontin, Atlantic staff writer and tech critic Franklin Foer, and academic Kalev Leetaru. 35 cultural observers and 7 cultural leaders from seven countries on five continents were consulted to produce it. The 85-page briefing admits that Google and other tech platforms have fundamentally altered their policies in response to unwelcome political events around the world, including the 2016 election and the rise of Alternative für Deutschland in Germany. Responding to the leak, an official Google source said the document should be considered internal research, and not an official company position. Page 14 of the document acknowledges that a few Silicon Valley tech giants now “control the majority of our conversations,” but that these platforms – including Google – must now break their initial promise to users of free speech and content neutrality.”

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The Way of the Machete By John Steele

     I saw the first reference on an American news site, which linked to a local article. I am glad not to be in the city, living out here in the Victorian scrub in my trusty tent and swag. Just imagine what it is going to be like when TSHTF, big time:

“Two refugees from Somalia have received short sentences for splitting a man’s skull and mutilating his hand in a machete attack in Melbourne, Australia. Abdirizak Mohamed Scek, 25, and Said Abdirahman, 28, gave “no explanation” for their savage attack on Nathan Brett, who was left with “a fractured skull, bleeding on the brain, and his finger hanging by a thread”, according to the Daily Mail. The court heard Brett was set upon by a group of African men armed with machetes while walking through a North Melbourne park after a party, shortly after having discovered a friend with a machete wound nearby and calling an ambulance for him. The Australian fled from his attackers but was pursued all the way to the door of a friend’s house, where he was given shelter. Despite the ‘no more soft sentences’ headline in the Daily Mail report on the case — which suggested the migrants were given “more than ten years” by a “tough new female judge” — the prison terms handed down by the County Court of Victoria’s Judge Sarah Dawes were actually fairly short. Abdirahman was given five-and-a-half years, with the possibility of parole after serving three-and-a-half, and Scek was given four years and nine months, with the possibility of parole after serving two years and nine months.”

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Tsunami Salami: Will God Drown an Evil Australia? By James Reed

     There has been a filtering of end times theological speculation in articles recently published at our noble site, such as whether Leftists will burn in the flames of hell. Another interesting question: but what about divine retribution today? Could evil places like Australia, as it now exists, face another deluge?

“Experts have warned it is only a matter of time before Australia is hit by a devastating tsunami. They said the country's coastal cities have been fortunate not to be struck by a series of destructive waves triggered by meteor impacts or seismic activity. Past tsunamis, the most recent in 1491, have crashed over 60metre-high cliffs and sent seawater as far inland as the Blue Mountains, 50km west of Sydney. Dale Dominey-Howes, co-director of the Australian Tsunami Research Centre at the University of New South Wales said tsunamis posed a real threat to Australian cities. 'If it occurred without warning on a Saturday afternoon in summer the impacts would be catastrophic,' he told the Australian Geographic. 'I suspect it's only a matter of time before we are affected by something damaging.' 

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Australia, Basically Ruled by China By James Reed

     I did not know about this until alerted by an email, but apparently Tasmania, which is fast becoming a part of China, is allowing China to use Hobart as a port for their icebreaker. Sure, give them the state and Australia’s share of Antarctica too (the Antarctic treaty comes up for renegotiation in 2040), since our hands are too soft and flabby to do anything much expect stuff our faces with cream puffs, while mouthing sweet nothings about diversity and Asianisation:

     Wow, only two port stops and $2.5 million dollars will be injected into the Tassy economy; talk about a cargo cult. The premier is falling over himself. Never mind that an American think tank, who think, unlike Australia’s political leaders, has warned that China is a threat to Australia’s Antarctic territory:

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Are You Ready for Killing Babies? Because the Philosophers Are! By Mrs Vera West

     Saying controversial and soften stupid things seems to be what academic philosophers do, as far as I can work out. No, they are not modern Socrates, willing to die for truth and justice. Why some even want certain people to die:

“KILLING newborn babies should be allowed if the mother wishes, Australian philosophers have argued in a prestigious journal. Their argument, that it is morally the same as abortion, has forced the British Medical Journal to defend its publication of their views. In an article that has sparked outrage around the world and elicited death threats, Monash and Melbourne University academics argue that a foetus and a newborn both lack a sense of life and aspiration. They argue this justifies "after-birth abortion" on the proviso it is painless as the baby is not missing out on a life it cannot contemplate. The doctors of philosophy argue in the BMJ publication Journal of Medical Ethics that one-third of infants with Down syndrome are not diagnosed in the womb, which means mothers of children with severe disabilities should have the chance to end a child's life after, as well as before, birth.

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Letter to The Editor - These look like steps towards a more inclusivist religion

To The Australian          It will be good for the nations of the West, and thus for humanity as a whole, if the Catholic Church engages in a serious and substantial revision of its "millennia-old doctrine" ("Catholic Church at the crossroads", 6-7/10) under Pope Francis, but this must not involve yielding to Chinese communism, socialist fantasies or "high-minded internationalism". Welcoming other Christians to share in communion at the Catholic mass, and becoming more flexible about the treatment of divorced and remarried Christians - these look like steps towards a more inclusivist religion; and just because certain basic theological propositions have been accepted for two thousand years does not mean they are necessarily in accordance with truth. Chris Kenny ("Come on PM, show us what you stand for") and Bernard Salt ("Act for the public good, and public goodwill will follow") both urge Australia to end the "disconnect between voters and the political class." A more generously and sensibly articulated public presentation of the Christian sacred tradition would make that so much easier.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

A Matter of Evidence By Mrs Vera West

     Brett Kavanaugh has been appointed to the US Supreme Court, and will probably be hearing cases before this article is published. But, it is still well worth while reviewing how the flawed testimony of an academic was used in an attempt to destroy a good man’s career and reputation. I reported over the past weeks,  on the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court appointment fiasco with Chris and Charles, dealing with the ladies issues, because in these politically correct times, we often need a woman to cut through the, what is the polite word for bs? … fiddle sticks.

     What we have now, in conclusion,  was a  complete lack of evidence presented by Dr Ford. The final nails in the coffin of credibility came with a  letter from an ex-boyfriend stating that she never mentioned the sexual assault to him, and another allegation, that  she was quite the party animal and liked to hook up with guys. All that from a former friend, D. C. McAllister, writer of Catwoman.  Meeeoww …

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Runaway Train By John Steele

     Music for this story, Runaway Train by Soul Asylum:

     One hundred youths stormed a Melbourne train and held the passengers hostage, with no charges being laid by the police. Can anyone see a racial angle to this? Surely not, because immigration, multiculturalism and diversity are, well, working fine, aren’t they? How about anarcho-tyranny?

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Who will be their slaves? Academia is Fake News by Definition By James Reed

     We did not cover the story, but a little while ago there was an academic paper published on rape culture in dogs. Basically, the line taken was to use the usual crazy feminist “men are all rapist” ideology, and apply it to dogs. Sure, there are epistemological and methodological problems about conceptualising doggy consent, but that did not stop the authors. Now it seems the paper, and others are fake, as far as anything is not fake in the world of the universities:

“The existence of a monthly journal focused on “feminist geography” is a sign of something gone awry in academia. The journal in question—Gender, Place & Culture—published a paper online in May whose author claimed to have spent a year observing canine sexual misconduct in Portland, Ore., parks. The author admits that “my own anthropocentric frame” makes it difficult to judge animal consent. Still, the paper claims dog parks are “petri dishes for canine ‘rape culture’ ” and issues “a call for awareness into the different ways dogs are treated on the basis of their gender and queering behaviors, and the chronic and perennial rape emergency dog parks pose to female dogs.”

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How the US Will Start World War III By James Reed

     World War III gets closer by the day, because the Deep Staters are criminally insane, and have a death wish, much like Thanos in the comics (and to some degree the film, Avengers: Infinity War).

“US Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison is a highly placed diplomat. Her words, whatever they may be, are official, which includes the ultimatums and threats that have become the language increasingly used by US diplomats to implement the policy of forceful persuasion or coercive diplomacy. Bellicose declarations are being used this way as a tool. On Oct. 2, the ambassador proved it again. According to her statement, Washington is ready to use force against Russia. Actually, she presented an ultimatum — Moscow must stop the development of a missile that the US believes to be in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty). If not, the American military will destroy it before the weapon becomes operational. “At that point, we would be looking at the capability to take out a (Russian) missile that could hit any of our countries,” Hutchison stated at a news conference. "Counter measures (by the United States) would be to take out the missiles that are in development by Russia in violation of the treaty," she added. "They are on notice." This is nothing other than a direct warning of a preemptive strike.

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How Physicists Might Destroy All of Reality By Brian Simpson

     Why settle for a good old nuclear war with Russia, when you can destroy the universe in a “look at me, mum” moment? Just what is wrong with the physicists, anyway; is it some sort of physiological or sexual inadequacy? Your guess is good as mine, but to test their hypotheses they are willing to risk all of our lives:

“Martin Rees, a well-respected British cosmologist, has a warning about particle accelerators. There is a small, but very real possibility of disaster.  Rees claims Earth could be crushed to the size of a soccer field by particle accelerators. The Large Hadron Collider, which is a particle accelerator, shoots particles at incredibly high speeds, smashes them together, and scientists observe the fallout. According to Science Alert, these high-speed collisions have helped us discover a lot of new particles, but according to Rees, these discoveries come with several risks to humanity. In a new book, called On The Future: Prospects for Humanity, he gives some pretty dire possible outcomes of this type of advancement in science.

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Two Paradoxes; Pi Equals 2 and Root 2 Equal 2! By Brian Simpson

     Following numerous requests for more articles on mathematics and other fun stuff, to give our ageing brains light relief from the pains of racial suicide and civilisational collapse, I found this entertaining video which gives a seemingly plausible proof of a falsehood, that pi is equal to 2, and the square root of 2 is 2!

     Of course, this is wrong, but where is the error? I will be putting this to my mathematics Year 11 class tomorrow to see how they go, since I don’t know the answer. Hopefully one of the students will! (I joke.) On a more serious note, mathematics, used by big Data, plays a role in the Deep State’s control mechanism, the algorithms of control as detailed in an easy to understand book by Cathy O’Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction, (Crown, 2016): 

China Hacking, Everyone By Brian Simpson

     China has been hacking all of the Big Tech giants, and even the CIA, showing that Chinese cyber-warfare is in a class of its own:

“But in a game-changing report published Thursday morning, Bloomberg Businessweek exposed a sprawling multi-year investigation into China's infiltration of US corporate and defense infrastructure. Most notably, it confirmed that, in addition to efforts designed to sway US elections, China's intelligence community orchestrated a pervasive infiltration of servers used to power everything from MRI machines to the drones used by the CIA and army. They accomplished this using a tiny microchip no bigger than a grain of rice. BBG published the report just hours before Vice President Mike Pence was expected to "string together a narrative of Chinese aggression" during a speech at the Hudson Institute in Washington. According to excerpts leaked to the New York Times, his speech was expected to focus on examples of China's "aggressive moves against American warships, of predatory behavior against their neighbors, and of a sophisticated influence campaign to tilt the midterms and 2020 elections against President Trump". His speech is also expected to focus on how China leverages debt and its capital markets to force foreign governments to submit to its will (something that has happened in Bangladesh and the Czech Republic.

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Goodbye UN Human Rights Council By Chris Knight

     Good things are happening in America, shining a light on where we, in Australia, need to go, such as getting out of the UN. A first good step is to withdraw from the globalist, anti-Western, Human Rights Council:

“After more than a year of complaints and warnings — some subtle and others a little less so — the Trump administration has announced that the United States is withdrawing from the United Nations Human Rights Council. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley announced the decision in a joint statement Tuesday. "I want to make it crystal clear that this step is not a retreat from human rights commitments," Haley told the media. "On the contrary, we take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights." The move comes as little surprise from an administration that frequently has lambasted the 47-member body for a gamut of perceived failures — particularly the dubious rights records of many of its member countries.”

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US Bio-Weapns Genocide?? By Michael Ferguson

     Could this be true? Could there really be … shock … horror …conspiracies involving the killing of multitudes of people,  via bioweapons disguised as drug research? And, it is the Russians who are alleging all of this!

“Shrouded in mystery, a US-funded medical facility in Georgia could be a cover for a bioweapons lab used for disturbing experiments that banned in the US, a Georgian ex-security minister has claimed. Tbilisi denies the accusations. However, Igor Giorgadze, a former state security minister-turned opposition figure, says he recently obtained a trove of leaked documents which might expose some dark secrets at the facility. The lab, which was “established on the territory of a … former military base some 17 kilometers from Tbilisi” as part of a US-funded project back in 2004, “was never meant to be a medical center and had nothing in common with a hospital,”Giorgadze told RT. It was notably overseen by the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), a combat support agency of Pentagon which deals with weapons of mass destruction. Giorgadze points out that the facility has been the subject of rumors, and seemingly linked to mysterious incidents from the very beginning. Located in a Georgian village, it opened in 2011.

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Big Pharma, Profit over People? Whoever Would Have Thought That? By Mrs Vera West

     Here is a great article showing that big Pharma is more concerned with profit making than health and helping people:

“An Australian study has found that tactics used by tobacco, pharmaceutical, food, mining, chemical and alcohol companies serve to drive scientific research questions away from those most relevant to public health. Members of the Evidence, Policy and Influence Collaborative from the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre looked at corporate influence on research agendas across different fields. The University of Sydney study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, found that of 36 articles identified, 19 demonstrated that industries tend to prioritise lines of inquiry that focus on products, processes or activities that can be commercialised and marketed.’ The medical industry tends to fund research on products with the potential to generate revenue such as drugs and devices.”

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All You Racists Out There, Write a Letter to Family about Converting to Islam! By Richard Miller

     This is one from the “how bad can it get” department. In the UK a father has been branded a “racist” for complaining about his stepdaughter being required at school to write about converting to Islam:

“A stepfather who slammed his 12-year-old's school for making her write a letter about 'converting to Islam' has been called a 'racist bigot' and is terrified of violent repercussions. Mark McLachlan, 43, complained to Kepier School in Houghton-le-Spring, Sunderland when he found the homework task in his stepdaughter's planner. He refused to let her finish the 'letter to my family about converting to Islam', claiming it was 'brainwashing' her about the religion and did not see what it would achieve. But since posting about it on social media he says he has received a lot of abuse. He told MailOnline: 'My wife and I are terrified of the repercussions. 'Any time anybody says anything negative about Islam they are torn to shreds. 'I've been called a racist and a bigot, but I'm just terrified for my children and for the way this country is going. 'In 50 years time I can see Britain becoming an Islamic state and my children and grandchildren are still going to be alive - I don't want them wearing a niqab.'

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