A Digital Dictatorship By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Beijing Biden regime moves ever closer to dictatorship. It has now proposed a health-focused federal agency modelled after DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.  While said to be for the purpose of ending cancer, and what research does not promise that, as Dr Mercola argues, “the proposed agency would merge “national security” with “health security” in such a way as to use both physical and mental health “warning signs” to prevent outbreaks of disease or violence before they occur. Such a system is a recipe for a technocratic “pre-crime” organization with the potential to criminalize both mental and physical illness as well as “wrongthink.” This puts us on the road to Brave New World.


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China Loves Stealing Military Tech By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is one that American Renaissance are probably are not covering – you know, East Asian IQ are just sooooooooo big – China aims to catch up to the US by continuing to steal military tech, and anything else not nailed down. The big question is how the US could let this happen, even before the CCP had their man in the White House. Could the massive number of Chinese nationals placed within the research infrastructure of the US, drunk upon diversity and multiracialism, have anything to do with it? China does not permit a parallel situation.


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The Human Cost of Covid Lockdowns By Brian Simpson

The Covid lockdowns, and self-quarantine has had severe economic impact, and as documented by Richard Miller in his article, “Pingdemic: National Suicide and Starvation in the UK,” even after the end of lockdown, there is still the issue of self-quarantine for those who might have been in the same place as a Covid-infected. The “ping” function has led to over half a million people being isolated, endangering food supplies. Who knows where this will lead? But, lockdowns also have had a substantial death toll, from a rage of factors, such as suicides, and less people getting medical attention for diseases, such as heart disease.


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Pingdemic: National Suicide and Starvation in the UK By Richard Miller (London)

One of the impacts of lockdowns is a threat to the food supply, especially the distribution of food, once truck drivers and suppliers have to self-quarantine in their homes. At present many supermarkets face supply problems, and some believe that a collapse in the food supply chain could occur. Call it Covid national suicide, or “pingdemic.”


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Prisoners, Abortion Pills, Transgender Men, You Name It! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Democrats have transformed society into clown world, not the friendly circus clowns we loved as kids, but more like the sorts of clowns featured in Hollywood movies, that give kids nightmares. How is this for a horror movie scenario?


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Covid Vax US Adverse Events and Deaths Update By Brian Simpson

Here, from the one-stop shop for Covid information that you will not find in the lame stream media, from Children’s Health Defense.org, is this week’s update of Covid Vaccine deaths and injuries. As predicted, numbers continue to rise, based upon data released  by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). After Covid vaccines, there is a total of almost 500,000 reports of injuries and deaths, across all age groups. This is an increase of 27,761 compared with the last week.


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Vaccine Big Business Investments By Brian Simpson

Recently even per-reviewed material contrary to the establishment line on the Covid narrative, has been censored by YouTube, which means that no scientific dialogue is being permitted. Now, why might this be? Dr Mercola goes into the capitalist interests at stake, the links between big Pharma and Big Tech, that explain why such censorship is occurring to protect the massive financial empires that have been built.


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On Being Like a Mushroom; Kept in the Dark and Fed on Manure? By Brian Simpson

This material argues that Covid data visualisations, the graphs showing the statistics, are not fully adequate for making the pro-vaccination case, as the sceptics are also using the same data visualisations, to argue against the orthodox vaccination position. Clearly this shows something that has been known in science for a long time, the under-determination of theory by data. Thus, infection rates can be understood in various ways, given different background data and assumptions. We are seeing this constantly in the Covid debate, but the mainstream does not recognise this, at least until now.


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Disarmed, Then Enslaved, the Authoritarian Way By John Steele

Here is a good one from Breitbart.com, who do great pro-gun pieces, even having articles reviewing pistols, sometimes. There is a concise outline of how authoritarian regimes all went for gun control to render resistance to their tyranny useless. That is what it is all about, outside the fine statistics. Imagine how the Left would react to a real extreme Right-wing government, that did to them what the Beijing Biden regime is doing to conservatives, including imprisonment and torture. They would not be the pacifists that they now portray themselves to be, in a grand act of political deception.


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The Demographic Writing on the Wall By Chris Knight (Florida)

Sen. Dick Durbin: "The demographics of America are not on the side of the Republican Party. The new voters in this country are moving away from them, away from Donald Trump, away from their party creed that they preach." This reality is not being addressed by conservatives, who still have the dumb idea in their heads, that anyone can become an American. Just like anyone can be a South African, I guess.


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China Should Not Recklessly Hack, but Hack More Responsibly! By James Reed

China has been implicated in “reckless” over-the-top hacking, excited having their bird in the White House. But for peace, maybe the hacking needs to go back to more business-as-usual levels, rather that the industrial scale that it is now being conducted on, with sharp shooters being rung in to the CCP team?


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Ban Gas, Save the Polar Bears! No. Yogi Bear! By James Reed

Europe, gripped by climate change frenzy, intends to ban the sale of gas and diesel cars within two decades. So, what will take this place in say trucks and heavy transport? Apparently, electric vehicles will do the job. As detailed below, there is some doubt about whether this grand plan can come together. There is a strong case to be made that industrial society as we know it, with vast populations of massive guzzling  consumers, requires the energy of fossil fuels to keep churning on. The insane Green agenda will, if held to, collapse the economies of Western industrial societies. The Greens may like that on paper, but will change their minds when it is on the ground, and they are too.


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The Coming Chinobyl Disaster By James Reed

The problem is with the Chinese Taishan nuclear power plant, which has a reported radiation leak. China says that here is nothing to worry about, the radiation levels are normal. The French power company, Electricite de France (EDF) that co-owns this nuclear plant it would shut it down if it could, due to damage to the fuel rods. So, given the way the CCP operates, for all we know, this thing could blow its top any second now, and perhaps, as some commentators speculate, may have already, although I tend to think that since most of China would be contaminated, and Hong Kong, it has not happened yet. Maybe tomorrow.


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Dark Matter in your Chromosomes? By Brian Simpson

To my limited understanding, there is a cosmological problem, as the universe, according to the General Theory of Relativity, has more mass than it should. This has led to the postulation of Dark Matter to account for his, but as yet there is no evidence of it. The possibility that the sacred cow of physics, General Relativity, could be wrong, is a last-ditch matter, so to speak.

Anyway, something like this problem is occurring in genetics, with the mass of the 46 human chromosomes weighing more than the DNA in them. This is not trivial, as chromosomes weigh 20 times more than the DNA in them! If this is correct, chromosomes are not solely DNA, but what else are they? And, how come nobody ever noticed any “dark matter” equivalent there? It is a bit of a mystery, and I will keep an eye on what they uncover. I suspect that received genetics could be in for a surprise, if the weight experiments are confirmed.

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The Coming Collapse of America, South Africa Style By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Brandon Smith, writing at alt-Market.us, puts the case, which I fully agree with, that the US is basically only one step away from a South Africa style collapse. Both Chris Knight and myself have argued for this position in many blog pieces, but here is someone independently putting that case. There is a perfect storm of events, most caused by the elites, leading to the social disarray, with the South African riots probably fuelled by the Covid lockdowns destroying employment and producing ever more grinding levels of poverty and social resentment. That could occur in the right circumstances in the US, even Australia, as Brandon Smith shows.


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The Growing War Against the Unvaccinated By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Just as the mainstream media conducted, and still continue to conduct, a war against Trump supporters, now the new public enemies are those who are not vaccinating, those not willing to receive the sign of the beast, as some internet people are calling it. When one sees the viciousness with which the MSM attacks the vaccine hesitant, who would not be driven to the more radical position?


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On Lockdown Protests; Cautionary Tales By Bruce Bennett (Sydney)

I certainly did not join any lockdown protest, advocate or support it, or take any position on it. But I understand people’s anger, even if misplaced, and counter-productive. And, fighting with police, doing their job, is not going to do any good, and will land such people in prison for assault, and I am sure most protesters will be identified by the surveillance cameras. Some people, I think from the Left, went out of their way to throw bottles at police, so they will get what they deserve. I looked at footage, and even I could pick out faces. Surprise, surprise, nobody wore masks, unlike US antifa and BLM! Anyway, that said, it is what it is, it happened. Lockdowns continue, maybe longer now, you know, super-spreading events. Yes, I know, the Left were permitted their George Floyd protest, I think in Australia (not sure now), certainly in the US, also a super-spreader events, but that was a protest against white supremacism, which transcends disease, and everything in fact.

I did find some very interesting signs though on media coverage. Say, how were the media allowed out to cover this, that is not an essential service? Anyway, one that was noticed by the US commentators at Zerohedge.com, I quote below.

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The Czech Right to Firearms By Richard Miller (London)

While Western Europe goes the way of woke gun restrictions, while ordinary citizens are in fear for their lives by those savagely wielding blades, the Czech senate  has approved adding a right to self-defence with a weapon to its Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. This is a joyful thing, and it indicates that just maybe, something will survive in the coming chaos and anarchy set to engulf Europe, and the West.


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Steadfastly Unvaccinated By Chris Knight (Florida)

Aussies might find this of interest, as they weather lockdowns, eternally. Most Americans who have not yet taken the jab, indicate that they will not. Eighty-one percent of who have not received the needle,  say they will “probably” or “definitely” not get it, and of  those, 45 percent say they “definitely” will not, and 35 percent say they “probably” will not. So, Beijing Biden has a bit of a problem here! As well, as recent protests against the lockdowns occurring across the West indicate, people may be indicating that they have had enough. We will see. It is certainly interesting times, and I doubt a day will come soon when I email alor.org, sorry, nothing happening, no articles. End times is interesting, busy times.


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Dealing with the Box Tickers and Racial Identity Fraud By James Reed

It has been going on for some time, whites, and I mean whites who the Aboriginal communities would classify as whites if they had a chance to be asked, have been cashing in on benefits designed to give traditional indigenous  communities a fair go. That is racial identity fraud, and just not the Aussie way of giving a fair go. But, this box ticking phenomenon is getting exposed. In the past some people have been punished by being sacked for challenging this, but a ground swell against the great pretenders seems to be occurring. Benefits for Aboriginal people should be for them, not greedy whites exploiting the system. This is not just a problem in Australia, but is seen right across the West, particularly in the US.


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