Australia has Fallen? World Stop Bashing us! By James Reed

Across the net, people are bashing Australia for being a totalitarian country. And even the CCP is saying, you guys are even more totalitarian than us! Now, while it is true that Australia no longer has the freedoms that we once took for granted, this is true of most Western countries, and the US allows its elections to be stolen, and has a senile puppet president who goes around telling the press that his “butt has been wiped.” No Australian would boast about having that done by paid help!


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An Alarming Covid Experiment By James Reed

The always interesting Mike Dice did a survey where he collected signatures from people who believed that unvaccinated people should be arrested and jailed if they refused to be vaccinated. It shows how deep social conditioning, and individual fascism, goes.

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On Christian Suffering By James Reed

Roosh v is producing some inspired old school Christian writings, the latest being on suffering, and the Job-like lessons that come from it for the Christian walk. And, we are set to have plenty of suffering to test the theology.

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Democrats Love Their Face Diapers! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Regardless of vaccinations, Democrats want a return to mandatory face masks. They just love them, especially the ones with pretty colours and penguins on them, at least the leaders do, who wear them in public for the cameras, then take them off the first chance they have when they think no-one is looking. If there are intelligent beings from out of the Earth watching this, I bet they are astonished at how stupid the human race, or at least a large socialist segment of it, is.

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The Real Incentive for Covid Vaccines Must be Beer! By James Reed

Various incentives are being offered across the West for people to get the Covid jab, with research showing that incentives are far more likely to produce compliance that the “stick.” Biden is offering cash, some US states, where it is legal, dope. But for Australia, as I see it through blood-shot eyes, there is only one real thing to get the punters out to receive the spiked proteins, and that is beer, and plenty of it. Beer, glorious beer, glorious beer! Oh, Victorian bitter of course, not the lolly water served up in South Australia!

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GOP Investigation Supports the Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A US republican investigation into the origin of Covid-19 has concluded that “The evidence … combined [with] the cover-up conducted [by] CCP authorities, strongly suggest the Wuhan Institute of Virology as the source of the current pandemic.” The report does not hypothese whether the lab leak was deliberate, but does condemn the deliberate cover-up by the CCP, which consequently led to millions of people dying. Beijing Biden, of course lets his masters get away with it.

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Covid Vaccinations and Evolution By Brian Simpson

A recently published scientific paper has raised further problems for those who believe that vaccination is the complete answer to Covid. Selective pressure, the evolutionary forces that make organisms evolve, will operate. By having everyone vaccinated, vaccine-resistant mutations, which will occur, gain selective advantage, so vaccines may actually be aiding in producing Covid variants which are more dangerous.

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Why was Nancy Pelosi in China Prior to the US Election on November 1, 2020? By Charles Taylor

Just imagine if Trump had been in Russia at that time. So, what was  Nancy doing in China when the US was going into an election? Suspicious doesn’t say it.

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Dr. Robert Malone on Risks of the (mRNA) Vaccine Platform, By Brian Simpson

Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine platform, has given his thoughts of the safety issues associated with the present mRNA vaccines. Although vaccinated himself, he is concerned not only about safety issues, but ethics as well. He believes that core bioethical principles are being violated.

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Anti-Communist Refugees Need Not Apply By Chris Knight (Florida)

The open paradox is that the Biden administration has allowed the southern border to be open, to flood the country with Covid infected illegals, who will vote Democrat, given promises of welfare and infinite chain migration. This will in turn fuel the Left agenda of white racial genocide of the Great Replacement. Hopefully though, it will destroy the Democrats long before that, as happens to all Leftist fools, as blue states economically collapse. Rejecting Cuban refugees, because they are anti-communist, just gives the game away.


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Covid in LA; Not Yet a New TV Series’ Covid LA! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid in Los Angeles: over 25% of cases are fully vaccinated.  Is there an emerging pattern across the globe, or are we just imagining things? Or, are breakthrough, or breakdown cases just proof that vaccines are working, where “working” is defined as any result the establishment wants?

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An Even Better Excuse than My Dog Ate My Assignment (or Laptop)! By James Reed

Here is an amusing tale from the crazy sagas of US universities. While many students struggle to think up excuses for late assignments, one professor found out the hard way that urging a student to get work in on time can lead to said professor coming unstuck. After all, who needs workers to do things on time anyway? Tomorrow, or even next year, will be good enough. It will get done when it gets done is the new Protestant, no, multicult, work ethic.

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The Terminal Corruption of the FBI By Charles Taylor (Florida)

How this organisation has fallen from the days of Eliot Ness and the Untouchables! The case is being made on a number of sites that the FBI is now irreparably corrupt, and must be closed down. Trump should have done this when he was in power and could have, but just let them attack him, as if he was a human punching bag, full of cheese burgers and inflated ego.

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Getting Infinity Jabs! By Chris Knight (Florida)

How many jabs are going to be needed; three, four, fifty-four, infinity? But, I suppose that is the new normal. I trust that all of this has been thoroughly tested with years of research? Of course, it has, otherwise we will be guinea pigs and lab rats!

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Heard, Singing in the Shower By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A jab a day,

keeps Covid in play,

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Joe Biden, the Great Cuddly Senile Care-Bear! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Just look at how much Joe Biden cares, getting all of those US federal workers vaccinated! Strangely enough, the American Postal Workers Union opposes such mandatory vaccines, despite facing grave dangers every day from rabid dogs chasing their motor bikes.

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Eliminating the Covid Control Group By Brian Simpson

Brandon Smith’s take on the question of what is really behind the ass vaccination push, is over at the ever-apocalyptic, always interesting, This article has been cited by numerous Vax Critiquers across the dissent political spectrum, and we should not miss out.

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Covid Spikes in Gibraltar and Iceland By Brian Simpson

Both Gibraltar and Iceland have high vaccination rates, levels Australia can only dream about at the moment, but oddly enough, Covid cases are on the rise. I guess that shows that the vaccines must be working, as I read in one mainstream article, but some disagree:

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Biden Spreads the Illegal Covid Love By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Covid Beijing Biden is going hard-line on getting Americans vaccinated, but has Border Control, or should that be, Lack-of-Control, processing illegal aliens into the country. Thus, some Covid infected illegals turned up at La Joya, Texas, first at a burger joint, probably wanting a Covid cheese burger, then to local hotel that had been completely booked by Catholic Charities to house illegal aliens, which should now be called, the House of the Rising Covid, or something to the effect.  America just wants to die.

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Making Masks Great Again? By Chris Knight (Florida)

But can masks be made great again? Will masks ever be as tasty as mom’s apple pie? Brian McGlinchey has an opinion on this question, at the equally great Stark Realities web site.


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