A Proverbial Project Veritas Fly on the Wall at the Covid Vax Factory! By Brian Simpson


Project Veritas is well worth following as somehow they manage to get the right people to reveal all on video. Like this one, where group of Pfizer scientists are recorded saying that natural immunity to Covid is equal to or greater than protection from the magic vax. Revealing, since this flies in the face of the mainstream Covid narrative pushed every instant on Australian media, especially television, which gives no other message than “get vaxxed.” It is almost as if the TV stations are owned by Big Pharma. One insider scientist said: ““I still feel like I work for an evil corporation because it comes down to profits in the end. I mean, I'm there to help people, not to make millions and millions of dollars. So, I mean, that's the moral dilemma.”

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The Pope of Net Zero Emissions! By Peter West

From the support of the climate change hysteria, to mass immigration into the West, to getting the entire human race Covid vaxxed, and back again  to climate change again, there is not a woke cause the Pope is not into. Now he is calling for net carbon zero emissions ASAP. We can predict what the Pope will say next by the media cycles, for he is just behind each one and thus is reactive, not “progressive.” Nothing much ever said about Christian faith though, but that’s show business. I predict his next message will be back to Covid mass vaccinations.


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Facebook, Down but Not Out By Brian Simpson

Facebook was down for some hours, a couple of days ago due to some as yet undisclosed difficulty. Facebook and associated Zuckerberg entities fell off the internet. Here is some computer speculation that I could find. It is possible that there was an inside job done with someone inside Facebook causing the company to rescind key digital records that tell computers and other devices how to find the destinations online, thus knocking FB etc. off the internet. If so, was this a massive accident, or cyber-terrorism? Information is scarce at the moment, making the event highly suspicious. But, we may find out more down the track. It does show how vulnerable IT infrastructure is, but that is life now.


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Another Covid Vaccine Injury Story By Mrs Vera West

Here is our Covid vax injury story for today. The point of this is to give a glance behind what the technocratic health authorities dismiss as “rare” occurrences. Even if this was so, it is not so “rare” if it happens to you. Just ask Kristi Dobbs, a 40-year-old dental hygienist from Missouri, who no longer can work after being injured by Pfizer’s Covid vaccine.


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How the Double-Vaxxed Righteous Should Deal with the Unvaxxed Unforgiven By James Reed

Here is some material from the other side, The Conversation.com, about how the righteous double vaxxed should deal with the primitive unvaxxed. It is not a case of considering their arguments, but how to manage them, psychology rather than debate. Apparently there can be no debate about the vaccines. I suppose the same scenario will repeat itself in the future when 5,000 vaccines are required to be vaxxed, and those having only 4,999 are regarded as unvaxxed. Anthropologists of the future, if there is one, will study this weird cult, I believe.


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Should the US Abandon Australia because it is a Covid Totalitarian State? By James Reed

Florida governor DeSantis has raised the good point about whether the US should support Australia given that Australia is now a totalitarian state. In reply I would say that the US supports all sorts of odd bods, like the Taliban in Afghanistan, so why should Australia be any different, even though we are no longer a liberal democracy?


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Is There a Covid Vax Mass Die Off? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Many alternative sources are suggesting that there are vast numbers of people dying from the Covid vaccines than are being officially reported. The US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), for example, under-estimates deaths, by up to five times the real amount, some estimate. For example, if a vaccinated person dies within two weeks of injection, that death is not logged into the VAERS system as a vaccine-related death, as only those deaths that occur after 14 days are categorized as vaccine deaths.


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Some Aussie Corporations are Rebelling Against the Covid Tyranny! By James Reed

Australian Big Business has come out swinging against the lockdowns and Australia shutting itself off from the world. It is time to live with the virus and get on with business as usual, seems to be the position, and I agree. Even if bodies were piled ten high on the streets, I would not shut down economies, as there are always economic opportunities, even in the apocalypse, which Covid is not. Capitalism is simply amazing.

Many corporations who favour vaccine passports have signed the live with Covid letter, so don’t assume the corporates will necessarily oppose vaccine passports. But, who knows, when things get to the Israeli level of four jabs needed to be vaccinated, and mass revolt begins. Hard to say, but it will be interesting to see how this great tragicomedy unfolds, if profits crash even more.

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The Great Reset: You will Own Nothing, and be UNhappy By James Reed

The World Economic Forum plan to concentrate most private property in the hands of Big Tech mega-corporations, is summarised by the mantra, “you will own nothing, and be happy.” The “Great Reset” involves national governments and international bodies acting in union to “reset capitalism” with an integrated transnational technocratic welfare/surveillance state by the year 2030. Economic policy will virtually abolish individual property and concentrate nearly all wealth in the hands of international mega-corporations. The covid plandemic was part of the grand plan. How that will make anyone other than the power elites happy, is a mystery to me.


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The Political Problem of Natural Immunity to Covid By Brian Simpson

Ryan McMaken at Mises.org, which is publishing some hard-hitting material deconstructing the Covid plandemic, details the political problem of natural immunity for the Covid regime. The mainstream narrative is that natural immunity should be discounted, as only vaccines supply protection, as if the human race did not exist prior to the creation of vaccines which have become items of magic for the present society. As reviewed below, scientific studies are coming out in favour of natural immunity, which is not good news for the manic, vaccinate the entire human race ideology.


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Covid Fallout: One Third of Australian Teens have Considered Self-Harm By Mrs Vera West

One of the dark spin-offs of locking people up in their homes is the psychological stress it produces. Suicide rates have increased, and a recent startling statistic found that almost one third of Australian teenagers have considered self-harm, and 18 percent had actually self-harmed. This is but one aspect terribly wrong with lockdowns, apart from evidence that lockdowns have not worked, relative to societies which had no lockdowns at all. Let’s not even start on what this has done to the economy and small business. Maybe if the likes of Amazon had been hit, we would have seen something different.



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Vaccinated Covid Deaths in New South Wales By Brian Simpson

Six of the seven recent deaths from Covid-19 in New South Wales, were vaccinated. The authorities used various measures to explain away the obvious conclusion one would draw, that the vaccines failed. These rationalisations  include  that there was not time for the vaccines to work, and the age of those dying: one person was in their 40s, another in their 50s, two were in their 70s, two in their 80s and the last person who died was in their 90s. All individuals had underlying health conditions, but in today’s sick society, who doesn’t? Perhaps this is all true, but it is speculation as far as I can see, without scientific studies being done on the deceased. In any case, it is surprising how weak the vaccines are, for with any other vaccine, such as tetanus, if it took so long to supply protection, or failed those in their 40s and 50s, it would be regarded as inadequate, rather than a religious relic.


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Is China on the Verge of Economic Collapse? By James Reed

The possibility has been raised that China is on the verge of economic collapse. I think that is being too optimistic. China definitely has a severe energy crisis which is heavily impacting upon the economy. A shortage of coal is but one problem. Still, I do not see this alone as bringing China down. But it will impact more upon the decadent West reliant upon China for much of its junk consumerism products like mobile phones. It is hard for some people to believe that there once was a world without these monstrous things. And, they may be gone, sooner than many suspect.


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Global Transport Systems Collapse! By James Reed

My brothers at this blog have been covering the global transport system collapse. That is not our phrase but one being used by the mainstream media now. It is a product of the Covid shutdown of economies, leading to supermarket shelves in the US and UK being emptied as supermarkets can’t re-supply quick enough. This crisis has not hit Australia yet, but if things do not improve overseas, be sure that we will cop it too. Dare I say: get ready each shop. Me, I get toilet paper whenever I am let out of my Melbourne cell to shop, or to get air. No, we are not allowed air, that is controlled here.


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Are the Vaccines Accelerating the Plandemic? By Chris Knight (Florida)

I don’t fully understand this one, not being a computer person, but use was made of a US Department of Defense program called “Project Salus,” to analyse data from 5.6 million US Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older. Data were aggregated from Humetrix, a real-time data and analytics platform to track health care outcomes. It was found that the vast majority of Covid hospitalizations are occurring among fully-vaccinated individuals and that outcomes among the fully vaccinated are growing worse. Thus, the “pandemic” seems to be accelerated by the vaccines.


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Trump Supporters Support Secession, at Long Last! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is about time; what took them so long? A poll from the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia reveals that 52% of Trump voters and 41% of Biden voters 'at least somewhat agree' that red and blue states should secede from the union, breaking up America. My blog entries have defended this view, arguing that the Great Divorce, my term, is needed as relations are now too toxic to maintain any sort of reasonable social order. After all, the present Beijing Biden regime now defines Trump supporters as domestic terrorists, meaning that they are open to murder, as was done with Ashli Babbitt. Leftist intellectuals freely propose murdering white conservatives. That does not make for domestic harmony, to say the least.


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Socialism and the Great Reset By James Reed


Tho Bishop at Mises.org sets out the communist agenda behind the great Reset. As with communism in the past, as seen in the USSR and Maoist China, as well as the CCP today, the main entity of power is not the mythical proletariat, celebrated by Marx, but the new class power elites. It is seen in the West with the rise of the new technocratic class, such as Dr Fauci, the Big Pharma movers and shakers, and the likes of Bill Gates. Those are the visible ones, and behind them are other layers of elites pulling their strings.

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The World of 2021 is “1984” By Chris Knight (Florida)

The case is made that George Orwell’s 1984 is already here. The Covid plandemic and the iron-fisted response of the state, especially my once home of Australia, supplies ample evidence of this. The point is not that the 1984 world is coming, but that it is already here, that past freedoms have gone, and the battle now is the recover at least, what has been stolen. It is vital to grasp that and plan on that basis.


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The Shape of Covid Concentration Camps to Come By Bruce Bennett (Sydney Covid Prisoner)

John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead reflect upon the politics of Covid concentration camps in the US, which will host the unvaccinated. Yet in many respects Australia has gone beyond the standard response, making everyone’s home into a prison. That is much cheaper than using state facilities to lock them up, and more sinister too. One has to pay for one’s own prison! Who says that the grim Dark Lords of the New World Order, do not have gallows humour, as we lot swing?


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The “Mystery” of the UK Heart Attacks … Surely Nothing to do with the Coviddy Vax! By Richard Miller (London)

The mainstream media are concerned about a rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries in Scotland. But there is no mention that this might have anything to do with the sacred ritual of entering the New World Order as a subject, by getting the vax. I suppose heart attacks is a small admission price.


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