Please Russia, Really Meddle in Our Elections! By Charles Taylor

     The US neo-cons continue to pound the narrative that Russia interfered in the 2016 US election and prevented Hillary Clinton getting in, so that she could make war with Russia. Each day the establishment newspapers continue to vilify Russia, in their expression of war lust: 

“The Times’s world-view begins to look like the script of a Batman sequel with Vlad Putin cast in The Joker role of the cackling psychopath who must be stopped at all costs! America’s generals have switched on the Batman signal beacon, but Donald Trump in the role of the Caped Crusader, merely dithers and broods in the splendid isolation of his 1600 Penn Avenue Bat Cave, suffering yet another of his endless bipolar identity crises. For God’s sake, The Times, shrieks, do something! The Russians are coming! (Gotham City’s Chief of Police Hillary said exactly that last week in a Tweet!)”

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How about a Nobel Peace Prize for Donald Trump? By Charles Taylor

     B. Hussein Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize shortly after becoming America’s first black president, for his alleged work in nuclear disarmament. This was clearly done because he was black, because he had done nothing to produce a reduction in nuclear weapons at the time, and did nothing during his presidency. Now consider that under President Trump’s hard line on North Korea, the North is finally considering abandoning its nuclear program: 

“Score another diplomatic victory for Trump, whose hard line negotiating tactic appears to have generated a dramatic - and favorable for market - outcome. Moments ago futures spiked, 10Y yields jumped and the USDJPY bounced about 106 on what the FT dubbed a “diplomatic breakthrough” that North and South Korea have agreed to hold direct talks between their leaders with North Korea signalling it is willing to abandon its nuclear program “if regime security can be guaranteed.”

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Italy Goes Right! By Chris Knight

     It seems that the fight is still in Europeans, in the final stages of the decline and fall of the West. The Italian elections saw a dramatic victory of the anti-establishment parties: 

“In what is being called “the mother of all anti-establishment votes,” populist-nationalist parties hammered parties identified as being part of the old guard in Italian elections Sunday, radically altering Italy’s political landscape. The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement emerged as the biggest party in both Houses of Parliament while the anti-immigration League has taken over from Berlusconi’s Forza Italia as the largest single party on the political right. The results will not be final until Monday evening, but exit polls point to a remarkable shift in Italian politics away from conventional parties to anti-establishment groups looking to shake up business as usual.

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Does Anyone Remember Equality Before the Law? By Ian Wilson LL.B

     Here is the endgame of multicultural diversity:

“Official new guidance on “equal treatment” instructs judges to favour non-white defendants in order to “redress inequality”, despite recent research having found young white men to be the most derided group in Britain. Produced by the Judicial College, the organisation responsible for training judges in Britain, the Equal Treatment Guide’s latest edition says: “True equal treatment may not … always mean treating everyone in the same way.” Quoting former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Blackmun, the equality guidance, which was first produced in 1999 under Tony Blair’s Labour government, states: “In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of race. “There is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently.”

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Trump the Chump Will Not be Re-elected… And Then, Civil War 2.0 By Charles Taylor

     Trump does not get it. He got in because he defended the “deplorables,” the dispossessed majority of Euro-Americans. That meant defending things like free speech and the right to bear firearms. However, he seems to have the deluded view that if he makes concessions on the gun issue, the liberal/globalist establishment will suddenly love him! This is crazy, and shows Trump’s lack of strategic IQ, something which he has self-promoted himself as having.

     He in reality has done little to save traditional America, but the establishment still take him as a symbol of resistance, so he must be destroyed, as a purely symbolic gesture. That Trump went to water on the gun issue is very easy to see from the saga of the headlines, where Trump supported gun confiscation without due process, making US law something like Australian socialist law:

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Replaced by Asians By James Reed

     I have grown to like the Brett Steven’s site, because he is iconoclastic, in a time requiring iconoclastic thinking. In the following he makes the point that “democracy,” which basically means liberalism and its discontents, has as its endgame the replacement of whites by system-compliant Asians, who will passively work without rebelling against their masters (as Euro-whites might do): 

“Now people are geared more toward the realization that they are being replaced, and that fast breeding third world groups are closing in with intent to infiltrate, outbreed, and replaced the natives who have their heads in the clouds of distraction and solipsism: The San Gabriel Valley’s Asian American population grew by 22% between 2000 and 2010, while the region’s white population shrank by 17%, according to a study released Wednesday by Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Los Angeles. …The report paints a picture of a region whose demographics are increasingly immigrant. Asians and Latinos now constitute 74% of the population of the San Gabriel Valley, the study finds.

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The Duck King Talks Sense By John Steele

     Here are some words of wisdom from one of America’s best known hunter, Phil Roberson of the TV show Duck Dynasty fame, which applies to all Western nations dealing with the issue of mass immigration:

“I love visitors. But I’ve got a sign on my property that says one thing loud and clear: No Thru Traffic. You see, I decide who comes and goes. I hold the key to the gate. It’s my wall. My barrier. Open borders? No way. Not on my property and not in my country. Like President Trump says, we need a wall. Want to get past my gate? You’d better believe I’m vetting you. We need to know who you are, where you came from, and what you’re doing here. If you’re out to destroy our safety, our property, or our freedom, you need to turn tail and hotfoot it out of here before you see me and the business end of my AR. Look, I love people from all over the world. But that’s what it’s come to in America. There are people who don’t love God and don’t love me. The human race is just too wicked for me to leave my gate wide open. Hey, there are a lot of left-wingers running around.”

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China and African Colonialism By James Reed

     If there are still doubts by anyone about China’s plans for world conquest, just consider what they are up to in Africa, with not a pip of concern made about this by the Left in the West, who have always been a fifth column for Chinese imperialism: 

“China is employing “neo-colonialism” tactics in Africa in the form of predatory loans collateralized with natural resources and strategic assets, experts cautioned lawmakers on Wednesday. The loans allow Beijing to strengthen its military ties to the continent, enhance political leverage, export communist authoritarian ideology, and gain access to viable army positions that can threaten the American homeland. In written testimony prepared for a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa hearing on Wednesday, author Gordon Chang, an expert on China, declared: I conclude that [President] Xi Jinping, the Chinese ruler, believes his country should be the world’s only sovereign state, which is the essence of colonialism, and that today his country’s relations with Africa resemble a new form of colonialism. Moreover, I believe Xi’s ambitions for Africa, however one characterizes them, threaten America.

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Christianity: Europe’s Last Hope By James Reed

     With utterly horrendous things happening in Europe, the extent of which one would have found incredible if depicted in a horror movie only a few years ago, such as voodoo based prostitution rings:

     Here comes a spot of good news, about a resistance to the planned destruction of Euro-man: 

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Climate Change is Sexist! By Mrs Vera West

     Get yourself a strong cuppa tea or coffee or even both, take a sip and consider that according to Hillary Clinton, climate change is itself sexist: 

“Failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton recently spoke to a group of college students at Georgetown University as part of a panel on “Women & Human Rights.” At one point during the event, a student raised her hand and suggested that weather was somehow sexist. Of course, Hillary Clinton was quick to agree. “I would say that particularly for women, you’re absolutely right, they will bear the brunt of looking for the food, looking for the firewood, looking for the place to migrate to when all of the grass is finally gone as the desertification moves south and you have to keep moving your livestock for your crops are no longer growing, they’re burning up in the intense heat that we’re now seeing reported across North Africa, into the Middle East, and into India,” Clinton said.”

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Don’t Mess with Vlad the Lad! By James Reed

     The US Deep State deeply wants war with Russia, which is what the deep structure narrative behind the “Russia stole the US election from screaming Queen Hillary” is all about. Unless they have a death wish and are hoping for total destruction, here is what Russia has to offer in return, a whole new generation of unstoppable nuclear weapons:

     The neo-cons still want war with Russia, even China, if it means ending the threat of North Korea:

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Will Nick Get the Flick? By Uncle Len

     My fans have been eager for me to take up pen and paper again and produce the literature that we all know and love. Unfortunately I have been out of action for a while, due to psychiatric problems, but now, all medicated, I am working like a two bob watch. I even keep perfect time, twice a day. Speaking of things working, hey, isn’t it good news that Nick, whose surname I can’t remember, but it rhymes with “telephone,” looks like crashing in the SA elections. Nick was one of the guys who helped prevent changes to section 18C. Now, opinion polls indicate that he and his party, whatever it is called, are in free fall: The Weekend Australian, March 3-4, 2018, p. 1. Good work Nick, I could not have done worse. And, I for one, am not sorry, and I bet James Reed and Ian Wilson are not either, for Nick’s plight.

     Our friends at this site  endless wrote about the evils of section 18C, and they probably should be writing this, but since I am covering the SA election, and am the only League writer on the ground here, it’s my job. That means, for a little while I am almost an important person. What else to say? Well I don’t even know what party was in power before the election, and I don’t know anything about the candidates from the major parties except that they are all disgusting. Who will I vote for? Probably that party at least making some squeaks about population growth, although it would be nice if someone said the immigration word. Try minor parties, other than Nick’s and don’t forget the Reduce Immigration Write on: 

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Guns are Racist? By John Steele

     Following the Florida shooting the National Rifle Association (NRA) came out strong in defence of guns. NRA chief Wayne LaPierre criticised the “European-style socialists” driving the gun banning agenda. Whoooah, it was even worse than Trump saying that certain teachers should be armed, for this was “racist,” the magic word stopping all debates:

     It is one thing to oppose gun ownership, but the strategy of making all criticism of the Left off bounds is going to build up festering resentment with people eventually saying: so what? Call me what you will. It is parallel to making every indiscretion in sexual matters, rape, when surely there are levels of wrongness. Thus, is it not true, that those pushing for gun control, generally come from a Left position? If we can’t say that then what can we say? Oh, we can’t say anything, but must die in silence.

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Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform Bill: Should We Be Afraid? By Ian Wilson LL.B

     We have so many battles that we need to carefully pick what melees we dive into. Various radical  Left wing groups are concerned about the passage in a few days of the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill 2017.

     This is a very well presented video which says that the coming law will gag charities and activist groups, while still allowing foreign interests like China, to do everything they presently do in interfering with “our” democracy.” As this law is likely to be passed in a few days, immediate action would be needed and the Left are on the job. Here is a summary of the bill cut from its own summary:

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Public Executions: The Endgame of Communism By James Reed

     Here is: “Face the Wall” Antifa Call for Public Execution of D.C Trump Supporters #ANightForFreedom:

     You can hear Antifa commos wanting public executions of Trump supporters. But, some prefer to drown their opponents:

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The Deep State (and Friends) in Action By Charles Taylor

     The US continues to deliver lessons to the world about how the Deep State acts, to neutralise even presidents it does not like. For example, top US officials are telling the world to ignore President Trump’s tweets: 

“Amid global anxiety about President Trump’s approach to world affairs, U.S. officials had a message for a gathering of Europe’s foreign policy elite this weekend: Pay no attention to the man tweeting behind the curtain.
U.S. lawmakers — both Democrats and Republicans — and top national security officials in the Trump administration offered the same advice publicly and privately, often clashing with Trump’s Twitter stream: The United States remains staunchly committed to its European allies, is furious with the Kremlin about election interference and isn’t contemplating a preemptive strike on North Korea to halt its nuclear program.

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Painting Obama By Charles Taylor

     Who can forget B. Hussein Obama, former prezzy of the USA, and there are some Leftoids that still think that he is, or should be. Others opt for Queen bee Hillary.

     In any case famous people like this indulge in having their portraits painted by politically correct artists. Obama and wifey have had a paint job done by African American artists. Obama was painted by New York painter Kehinde Wiley, known for his naturalistic artwork depicting black people in heroic and triumphant poses, painted Obama seated in a sea of leaves. Weird, indeed.

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Victimology Just Wears You Down By Chris Knight

     US Supreme Court judge, African American Clarence Thomas, has said that he is worn down and exhausted by the present day culture of victimisation: 

“ At some point, we’re going to be fatigued with everybody being the victim,” Thomas, the second African American to serve on the Supreme Court, said during an on-stage interview at the Library of Congress in Washington. Thomas, a conservative appointed to the bench in 1990 by President George H.W. Bush, recalled recently being with a young black woman in Kansas who told him, “I’m really tired of having to play the role of being black. I just want to go to school.” “I just get worn down,” Thomas said.

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Election Meddling is Ok If We Do It By Charles Taylor

     The crazed Russia meddled in the US elections frenzy continues, and no doubt will for all eternity, or until the next president does what the establishment wants, and declares war on Russia, dooming the US to oblivion. Now we have the CIA openly admitting that the US meddles in elections of other countries all of the time, but that is fine because, well, we are the good guys: 

“Bags of cash delivered to a Rome hotel for favored Italian candidates. Scandalous stories leaked to foreign newspapers to swing an election in Nicaragua. Millions of pamphlets, posters and stickers printed to defeat an incumbent in Serbia. The long arm of Vladimir Putin? No, just a small sample of the United States’ history of intervention in foreign elections.

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Behind the Obama Painting By Chris Knight

     Another article commented about the Obama painting, but I came by this exposure of the painter, or alleged painter black, Kehinde Wiley:  

“Unbeknownst to most Americans who were ogling over his paintings of the Obamas, revealed Monday at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., Wiley is known in the art underworld for two previous pieces that loosely reference a story in the Book of Judith, which involves a beautiful woman who seduces an invading Assyrian general and, before he is able to destroy their land, gets him drunk and decapitates him.

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