This is a taste of what is in store as former White countries become non-white. The progressive Left are just a warm-up of what is coming our way, as we will soon see in South Africa:
“Steven Clifford, author and former CEO of the King Broadcasting Company and National Mobile Television, told PJM that the federal government should “prohibit straight white males from voting” in U.S. elections as a way to “save” democracy. “I think it’s the only hope for democracy in America and I will be leading a great movement to prohibit straight white males, who I believe supported Donald Trump by about 85 percent, from exercising the franchise and I think that will save our democracy,” Clifford said during an interview after speaking at the forum “Destroying the Myths of Market Fundamentalism,” which was organized by the Center for Study of Responsive Law – a group former independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader founded in 1968. Clifford, author of the book CEO Pay Machine: How it Trashes America and How to Stop it, urged Democrats to explain their policy proposals to voters rather than focus on the reasons they oppose President Trump.”