No Gender Please, We are Tasmanians! By Mrs Vera West

     Right! It is Tasmania’s turn to do something politically correct and spectacular, such as removing gender from birth certificates, which I suppose, eliminates gender from the real world, which is a gender construction, anyway.

     Yes, Labor and the Greens are pushing this. Isn’t interesting that the Greens don’t say much about the alleged environmental catastrophe that is supposed to be hitting us? I am not saying that such a thing exists, for surely God would not allow anything like that, but the Greens are supposed to believe it. Yet they spend their time on social justice warrior issues, which in their context, would not be significant. And Labor … isn’t that supposed to be  about Australian working people, not mass immigration to swamp their jobs? Whatever happened to that party? That just shows that the Greens are watermelons; green on the outside, but all red and full of water on the inside. As for Labor, I am not sure what vegetable or plant best depicts them. Maybe poison ivy.



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