Following in the aftermath of the glorious victory for human rights in the same sex marriage vote, something which the entire history of humanity has been building up to, there has been other noteworthy achievements in previously, somewhat slow Australia, namely:
“It’s a big win for transgender teens today in Australia.
Australia was the last place in the world transgender children needed court authorisation to receive Stage 2 hormone treatment, even if they or their parents consented to the procedure.
That’s now no longer the case thanks to a landmark decision in the country’s Family Court on Thursday, ending the need for the unnecessary and stressful legal process.
Since 2013, it’s been a requirement that courts need to approve Stage 2 treatment.
Stage 2 hormone treatment involves the administration of oestrogen or testosterone, allowing an adolescent to develop the pubertal characteristics of the gender they associate with. It follows Stage 1 hormone treatment, which delays puberty.”