Letter to The Editor - It is time to change the way you value your vote—the next election could be your last chance for a change!

To the Numurkah Leader
     Please allow me to comment on the article ‘No spilt milk for dairy farmers’, (Leader, November 8, 2017). This report is another tragedy in the sorry saga of Australian industry.
     Murray Goulburn Cooperative Dairy Company started on the faith of a few farmers and dedicated executives about 60 years ago in Cobram to become one of the greatest dairy cooperatives in the Southern Hemisphere. Now the final chapter is being written by Saputo—why?

     Not long ago it was Ardmona Fruit Preserving Company, a world leader in its class, and Shepparton Preserving Company (SPC) being amalgamated then finally being downsized in a takeover by an ‘international conglomeration’.
All three companies were leaders in their class and managed by ‘smart’ people but some extraneous force they could not understand finally overcame their efforts to remain ‘financially viable’.
     This same ‘force’ has been involved in the destruction of many primary and secondary industries which is accompanied by misery and heartbreak for individuals and their families.

     The ‘destructive force’ is a parasitic financial system that secures itself over all aspects of society using bankruptcy and debt to control our Nation. The ‘force’ is above government—take note, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” is attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 - 1812).  And this—Pope Pius XI issued his Encyclical Quadragasimo Anno, in which he stated that those who controlled credit had become so powerful that: “none dare breathe against their will”.

     The continuing use of ‘controlled inflation’ is the mechanism used to devalue our nation’s currency and drive the satanic forces of centralisation leading to amalgamations and rationalisation of industry; to be either ‘taken over’ or ‘take-over’. This in turn leads to job losses, income deprivation and other soul destroying situations like family break-down.  The foregoing is aided and abetted by our elected politicians.
     The Reserve Bank, a creature of the Australian Parliament, is supposed to manage inflation as it relentlessly compounds year after year and your dollar buys less and less each day.

     You, Dear Reader, should share most of the blame for this terrible event because you continue to vote for more of the same. It is time to change the way you value your vote—the next election could be your last chance for a change!
     LC,  Numurkah, Vic



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