A Slap on the Wrist to Google with a Feather By Brian Simpson

The Federal Court of Australia has found that Google has misled some mobile phone users over its collection location history data. There could be a penalty of “many million.” Well, these laws were constructed to deal with normal companies, not King Kong monsters like Google, and a few million would mean nothing. If it was many billions, then they might get worried, and they should face such stiff penalties. That would teach them a lesson, one these arrogant masters of the universe dearly need.


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Is This a Problem for the Magic Preferred Vax? By Mrs Vera West

I don’t know, I am just the cleaner, chief cook and bottle washer. How the South African variant of Coviddy is showing up, if the Tel Aviv University research is correct, in people who have been jabbed with the mRNA vaccines is a mystery, to me, but many things about the Black Death are as well.


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Systematic Racism is Big Business! By James Reed

The multiculturalism race industry is probably where most taxpayers’ money goes in the West. One brave attempt to work out the cost of multiculturalism for Australia in the 1990s put it at $20 billion, but that was a vast under-estimate, not including the Aboriginal stuff, let alone the universities woke mania. And individuals have done well. Enjoy it while it lasts, because it will not, as resources and social capital are depleted.


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Sure, Race Trumps Sex By Michael Ferguson

Following the shooting over in America of the Black guy by white woman cop who mistook her gun for her taser, there has been deep thinking by the new race class. It has been concluded that while all women are oppressed, the feminist line, white women are still oppressors of Blacks, so race trumps sex in the politically correct great chain of being. It could be explained by set theoretical modelling, by why break out a cognitive sweat when we have this gem from Cosmo mag:


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Climate Change is Sexist! By James Reed

I have seen plenty of article about climate change being racist, by disproportionately affecting coloured people. Now we have it that climate change is sexist as well, having a disproportionate impact upon women and girls. Gasp! Better block out the sun as quick as possible! Billy at the Gates, get those chalk rockets going! Sexist, racist sun, bad! Being an alleged existential threat to polar bears and cuddly creatures is one thing, but racism and sexism …shheeeeeeeesh!


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Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair By James Reed

This is the one we have been waiting for; a BLM activist enlightens us into why burning and looting is justified … eh …racist state bad. It is, she alleges, a legitimate response to state violence, all against Blacks. But, even if BLM were right about the state being evil, and I think it is, but not for their reasons, but because it attacks and dispossesses Whites, who I see in much the same way BLM sees Blacks, how does that justify destroying Black businesses?


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Stating the Obvious on the Great Replacement By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Although Republicans have not yet dared speak of the race aspect of the Great Replacement, some are seeing the elephant in the room, that ethno-racial replacement is going to mean that the republican party will cease to exist. That is so even if all immigration stops, just due to differential birth-rates.


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In Communist California By Chris Knight

Here is a detailed look at Marxist indoctrination in Californian public schools. But I wonder, as these schools are majority non-white, and since most of the students will probably accept the anti-white establishment agenda anyway, what purpose does it all serve?


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Dr Frankensteins at Work, Literally By Brian Simpson

Here is an alarming case of scientists, real Dr Frankensteins, playing God, this time creating hybrid monkey-human embryos. As always, the benefit is held out of curing some dreaded disease, or performing some medical miracle, this time, to enable organs to be produced for people needing organ transplants. Oh, who could object to that! But, as always this is a slippery slope that will inevitably lead to human-animal hybrids, and a new race of slaves. We have too many slaves already.


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The Racist Constitution: Who Saw this One Coming? By Ian Wilson LL.B

Here in Australia, we from the Right have been putting up with the whinging from the Left that the Australian Constitution is “racist,” because of the race powers section. It is a dilemma, because that section enables the massive affirmative action programs which the Left loves, but they fear that the power could be used for evil Right-wing things. Well, as we have seen in America, a government hell-bent on evil makes the law fit its politics, and even without a race power, a government could still do “racism,” nowadays against whites, as Beijing Biden is now doing, documented by our Florida correspondents, Chris and Charles.

But Americans are now catching up in the race constitution stakes:

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All Criticism of the Woke Now White Supremacist! By James Reed

Big Tech has censored the story of the neo-Marxist-founder of BLM for her multi-million-dollar real estate adventures. And BLM says that this is all terrorism from white supremacists! What they are doing, intentionally or not, is normalising white supremacism, just as the feminists did with their over-the-top ravings which defused sexism, seeing all men as rapists.


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Covid-19 Vaccines on the Brain By Mrs Vera West

An update on the Covid-19 vaccines and blood clot issue, with some thoughts probably not seen at the MSM sites in Australia. The usual disclaimer that this is only reporting in the public interest, not advancing any health or medical position.


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CNN’s Own Guy Supports CCP Virus Lab Origin By Brian Simpson

Now this is an interesting one, in that CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr Sanjay Gupta believes that Covid-19 is from the Wuhan lab. I bet if this whole thing was originally in America or Australia, we would already be having the criminal trials. But mighty China will walk, since everyone is scared, and rightly so. Big missiles.


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Comment c’est (How It Is) By Chris Knight

Just another day in Gotham City. A Black guy was outside the home of White guy, and they got into a heated exchange. Maybe the White guy over-reacted. But, after the White guys’ arrest for believing that he was defending his home, a “lynch mob” arrived and objects were thrown at the house. It is a wonder that the house was not burnt down; maybe the police did something this time. Probably the White guy will die in jail, who knows anymore? No doubt his family for generations will be smeared as racists.


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More Speculations about Adverse Covid Vax Jab Effects By Mrs Vera West

Fleming warned the effects could take a year and half to show in humans. 

Fleming, who in the 1990s discovered inflammation causes cardiovascular disease, said man-made spike proteins in the vaccines also cause inflammation. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was pulled for its link to blood clots in women.

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The Open Secret of Electoral Fraud By Charles Taylor

Despite all the propaganda and bs, the majority of the US believe that cheating impacted upon the election.


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Amazing Underwater Face Masks for Covid Scared Fish! By Underwater Wizard Uncle Len

Whoa! Here I am writing about the Covid crazy stuff, just like the real Right-wing fringe journalists, me being even more on the fringe, if I had a fringe, but am bald. I liked this one so much that I had to post it … a man was swimming underwater wearing a Covid face mask! That sounds grand! If I ever have a shower, I too will wear a face mask, just to get it soaking wet and useless. Say, does anyone know the name of that sport where the ladies have their heads under water, legs above, and make clever leg moves? Yes, synchronised swimming!  That is what I want to do wearing my Covid mask, as I drown, Covid-contented.


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The Covid New World Order Pope by Peter West

From the communist globalist Pope’s perspective, who needs God when you have Covid-19, the globalists’ best friend. The song remains the same, for once it was climate change and the alleged threat of extinction from carbon dioxide, dictating the need for global governance, now it something more immediate and scarier, disease.


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Infinity Jabs By Mrs Vera West

Once upon a time, people would ask how many lumps of sugar, now considered by many including me, a white poison, they wanted in their tea. Now it is question of how many jabs are needed. Apparently three doses of the Pfizer vax are needed, but will even that be enough?


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The Dramatic Return of Public Drunk, Uncle Len By Dramatic Public Drunk, Uncle Len

This is my first piece for a time, being in lockdown, even though there was no need to quiver in fear in my shed, where I live, spending my days watching videos of Alex Jones on Infowars, worshipping every drop of sweat flung from his angry body. I wish I was Alex Jones; if only the New World Order was breathing down my neck, nobody does, not even the local stray cat. Say, Alex said that alien lifeforms being created in labs across the world. What is there not to get frightened of? Anyway, I am glad that my city is moving to give some justice to drunk people in pubic which is what I have been most of my life.


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