This one goes back a little bit, but is still worth comments for the record. The Pope has condemned countries using barbed wire, a symbol of a means of securing a fence, as a form of hatred against the sacred migrants. Well, the commo Pope lives in Vatican City, which does not regularly take in refugees, and while not having barbed wire, has extra-large walls, and is guarded. So, if fences are so terrible, how about the Pope putting his money where his mouth is, and tearing down the walls of Vatican city, and letting the poor of the world enjoy the Vatican billions, or is it now trillions?
Eduardo Zugasti at a post going back a little while gives another take on the present madness of the age, with the explanation based upon post-Freudian hysteria. There are certainly merits in presenting a wide number of explanatory mechanisms to account for madness the likes of which we have ever seen, where the entire planet, as shown in the present China Covid lockdowns, have lost their collective minds.
You know things are bad, real bad, when the top woman in the otherwise cucked country, comes out and says that the country, Sweden, has failed to integrate the massive number of immigrants it has taken, to show its moral superiority. In over the past two decades, mass immigration has led to gang violence and parallel societies. The claim was made by the Swedish prime minister, Magdalena Andersson, and is complete nonsense, in one sense, not her conclusion about the present social breakdown. The country has bent over backwards to deal with every whim and desire of the migrants, but the false assumption is that all human beings are homogeneous and can just be thrown together and nothing bad happens. In fact, the lesson of history is exactly the opposite, that multicultural societies ultimately produce lack of cohesion and finally social breakdown. As I see it, it is all deliberate, and the wind was sown, and now a whirlwind is being reaped.
A scientific paper that begins with the claim: “Modern domestic dog breeds are only ~160 years old and are the result of selection for specific cosmetic traits,” is sure to have more absurdities plastered within. The claim that modern domestic dog breeds are only 160 years old is absurd, and even a moments web search can reveal that dog breeding has been going on for thousands of years, since the first early humans domesticated wolves. Apart from that the idea that breeds do not have temperaments, and that only individuals exist, is contrary to common sense. Here, I would suspect politics.
Apart from the obvious concerns about the coming World Health Organization global pandemic treaty, with its erosion of national sovereignty as health decisions go to the WHO, there should be concern about the scientific incompetency of the WHO. For example, on March 28, 2020, the WHO held that Covid-19 was not airborne, which is a matter of considerable significance. However, scientists have said that even back in March 2020, the science supported airborne transmission. So, if the WHO could get it wrong on basics, why in the world should they be trusted with the health of the entire planet?
There is a major environmental concern about plastic pollution, with disposable surgical masks being one factor leading to this crisis. However, matters may well be deeper, as new U.K. study from Hull York Medical School sampled human lung tissue using micro-Fourier Transform Infrared (micro FTIR) spectroscopy, and found 39 types of microplastics were identified in 11 of the 13 lung tissue samples of patients who were to undergo surgery. These microplastics were polypropylene (23 percent), polyethylene terephthalate (18 percent) and resin (15 percent), all found in surgical masks commonly worn in the Covid plandemic. Although the study did not speculate about the source of these plastics, it is a good bet that the practice of mask wearing may be the real source, as this prevalence of microplastics in the lungs was not observed prior to the cult of mask wearing as a sign of the faithful.
Earlier in the plandemic, it was proclaimed by the mainstream Covid narrative that the mRNA goo stays at the injection site in the deltoid muscle. However, US watchdog, Judicial Watch, has recently received 466 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding biodistribution studies, which trace whether or not a vaccine is moving from the injection site around the body. This data for the Covid-19 vaccines that show a key component of the vaccines developed by Pfizer, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), were found outside the injection site, mainly the liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ovaries of test animals, eight to 48 hours after injection.
Once it was a hypothesis that anti-vaxxers spoke about, that of vaccine shedding. However, yesterday’s conspiracy is tending to be science today. University of Colorado scientist examined face masks worn by vaccinated health care workers. It was found that those workers shed antibodies generated by vaccination, and some antibodies got trapped in the masks and could be detected. Thus, vaccinated people are literally “shedding” vaccine-caused antibodies! With further investigation it was found that vaxxed parents shed vaccine-produced particles onto their children so that the kids acquired “humoral immunity” following shedding from their parents! This is probably not a matter of concern, given that the immune system will just deal with these shedded bits of biological mater, just like everything else, including actual SARS-CoV-2.
Obviously, we need to listen to what Bill Gates is saying, and he has been talking a lot to promote his new book on how to deal with future pandemics. No surprises here; it involves masses of vaccines, endlessly, lockdowns and all the mandate measures we have seen previously. In fact, control measures will be more severe, since Gates is predicting much more severe pandemics. Compulsory vaccination is on the agenda, and we can be sure that if the World Health Organization pandemic treaty is in place, since this organisation is in bed with Big pHARMa, we will see universal compulsory vaccination using experimental vaccines, and who knows what else.
Here is an abstract from an article in the academic journal, Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law, which even based upon the data at that time expressed scepticism about a mass vaccination program. “The present assessment raises the question of whether it could be necessary to rethink vaccination policies. Given the high number of serious side effects already reported, the current political trend of vaccinating children who are at very low risk of suffering from COVID-19 in the first place must be reconsidered.” Further evidence covered at this blog each day well supports that conclusion, and beyond.
Many have been warning of a coming invasion of Taiwan by communist China. Admiral John Aquilino, head of Indo-Pacific Command, the commander of the US Pacific Fleet, has spoken a new level of aggression from communist China, with its bold ventures to taunt Taiwan with fighter jets, to its vast military build up. "I don’t think anyone five months ago would have predicted an invasion of the Ukraine. So I think the number one lesson is: 'Hey, this could really happen,'" he said. Yes, the question now is not if, but when, perhaps when the Ukrainian War depletes even more US munitions.
I was interested to read a report from the great free thinking site Real Clear, on the politics of academic publishing. The Covid issue has really shown that conventional publishing is not the way to go in getting out controversial truths. The peer review cult means that many who are ideologues and financed by those one may criticise, review your paper, and naturally reject anything they see as threatening to their financial and grant interests. We saw with the question of the origins of Covid, when the lab hypothesis was raised back in 2020, scientist with conflicts of interest, slam anything that might implicate communist China, while many were at the same sceptical of the bat soup hypothesis. Really, many of us have lost faith in mainstream science and all it represents.
The drive for transhumanism, to replace the human species by AI beings, is nothing more that the dark quest spoken of many times in the Bible, where sinful man attempts to be like God, in man’s delusional view. However, the agenda of today, aided by powerful technologies is far in advance of the evil dreams of thousands of years ago. The attempt to download brains, to make artificial beings, and even the project that the Dark Lords have succeeded in, using mRNA vaxxes to make people into genetically engineered organisms, is moving ahead rapidly. It will, if not stopped, ring in a dystopia, previously never experienced in any nightmare.
A UK study has shown that the Covid pandemic, especially the lockdowns, has been literally “depressing.” The Royal Society Open Science journal found that U.K. adolescents age 11 to 15 experienced significantly greater levels of depressive symptoms, this being an additional 60,000 adolescents in the U.K. experienced high levels of depression. The same situation has been observed in the US where Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts during February-March 2021 were over 50 percent higher for teen girls compared with 2019, and more than 4 percent higher for boys. This is primarily a result of he lockdowns, which contrary to preventing the spread of Covid, did nothing, for Omicron now runs through the community, vaccinated or not.
Much of the energies of anti-Covid vax critics has been against the likes of Fauci and Gates, which is reasonable. Very little critical fire has been directed to the useful idiot who enabled “Operation Warp Speed” to get going in the first place, President Donald Trump. Trump has pushed the vaccines as hard as Fauci and Gates, and in interviews has denied that here are significant side effects. This is from a guy who long before becoming president was critical of some vaccines, seeing them as causing autism. So, there is a back story here which needs to be uncovered. But the Left will not do this one, being pro-vax, and the Right clings to Trump like ship wreck survivors cling to rotting drift wood.
Micro-blood clots are the key to explaining the harms of both Covid, and the Covid vaxxes, caused by the spike proteins. Blood clots that occur in the smallest blood vessels are called microvascular thromboses and reduce blood flow; think of these spikes as little protein splinters. When reaching and being embedded in the lungs, they may result in pulmonary embolisms. If they reach the brain, they can cause a stroke. If they end up in the heart, they can cause a heart attack or heart inflammation. If they lodge in the smaller blood vessels that provide oxygen to the hands or feet, they can cause those limbs to go numb and possibly require amputation, by reducing blood flow. Clots in other organs, such as the liver or the kidneys, could cause organ failure. Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCollough, has said that “the Spike Protein itself caused coagulation or blood clotting. And a unique type of Coagulation. It caused the red blood cells to stick together. At the same time, the platelets stick together. So this is a very different type of blood clotting that we would see with major blood clots in the arteries and Veins. For instance, blood Clots involved in Stroke and heart attack. Blood clots involved in major blood vessels in the legs. This was a different type of clotting and in fact the Italians courageously did some autopsies and found micro blood clots in the lungs. And so, we understood in the end the reason why the lungs fail is not because the virus is there. It is because micro blood clots are there. When people can’t breathe, the problem is micro-blood clotting in the lungs. The spicule on the ball of the virus itself damages blood vessels that causes blood clotting.”
Mike Adams, is I think right about this one; that the Ukraine War should also be looked at from the perspective of communist China, who stands to benefit the most from the war, especially if there is a direct kinetic exchange between NATO and Russia. It goes back to the old Chinese proverb of sitting on a mountain, watching two tigers kill each other. Munitions are being rapidly depleted and in the near future, America will be in no position to defend Taiwan from communist China. Then the invasion of Taiwan will occur, and the Western world will lose a major supplier of computer chips.
I worry intensely about the military threat posed by communist China. Of course, the Left dismiss this as “racism,” for what else have they in heir conceptual tool box? However, this is not so, since all the rest of Asia is also deeply concerned, and the Japanese press deal with the China threat issue constantly. Taiwan is a given; just read any day in The Epoche
Many people have said this, and indeed entire Dissent Right websites pursue the theme that multiculturalism has weakened social cohesion and created conflict, but here is the latest proclamation of this from Canadian sociologist and political commentator Mathieu Bock-Côté. “When a society predominantly receives new populations it cannot integrate (…) that inevitably creates groups that are on the fringe of society and creates different civilizations, which is the case in France today, the conditions are there for conflicts, cultural and identity tensions,” said Bock-Côté. But, it is all too late now, just as the immigration mistakes of ancient Rome, among other goofs, doomed it to decline and fall.
Martin Kulldorff gives us an update on the latest studies showing that natural immunity to Covid offers wide-ranging and long-term protection. The CDC in its April 2020 the Santa Clara study, showed that 3v percent of its population had been infected. In February 2022 a CDC study found that at least 58 percent of Americans have had Covid, as shown by their anti-nucleocapsid antibodies, which are produced due to infections, but not the vaccines. This shows the advance of natural immunity, and that the populations are transitioning from a pandemic stage, to an endemic stage, and onto herd immunity, living with Covid as just another flu, perhaps in some cases more severe, but no new Black Death. The manic desire to vaccinate is thus a purely political objective, tied up with the Great Reset, and other globalist maniac delusions.