From a Russian Point of View By Richard Miller (London)

No, I am not on Vlad Putin’s payroll, and am no supporter of Russia or anyone else. However, with the possibility of a nuclear World War III at some point, it is surely worthwhile knowing for the record, however long the record lasts, the Russian point of view. The propaganda of freeing the Ukraine from Nazis is just … nonsense. As revealed at   the pro-Russian site,, from a recent speech given by Putin,  at the Victory Day Parade in Red Square in Moscow, Russia had to invade because a large-scale offensive against the breakaway republics in the eastern Donbass region was under way. “We saw the military infrastructure unfolding [in Ukraine]; hundreds of foreign advisers starting their work; there were regular deliveries of the most modern weapons from NATO countries. The danger grew every day,” Putin said. “Russia gave a pre-emptive rebuff to aggression – this was a forced, timely and the only right decision by a sovereign, strong and independent country.” 


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Build More Dams By Viv Forbes

Since the days of Joseph in ancient Egypt, droughts have periodically rationed water and food supplies for humans and wildlife. Sensible peoples store water, but it is about 40 years since Australians built a big dam – young Aussie engineers have no damn experience.

Even beavers build dams and weirs to provide long-term wetlands and food supplies along rivers. Dams also moderate floods downstream.

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World Health Organization Biosecurity Grid, Next Phase of the New World Order By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola in a now deleted piece details the dangers of the fast-approaching World Health Organization pandemic treaty. This will take pandemic control measures away from nation states and give WHO centralised the decision-making, as part of the Great Reset creation of the New World Order. Even if WHO was a fine organisation, this would be folly, involving all the diseconomies of centralism. But WHO is far from being any sort of guardian of human health and well-being. For a start it obscured the investigation of the origin of Covid, probably because of the control that communist China has over it. It was medically wrong about Covid not spreading via the air until December 2021, even though there was expert scientific opinion available saying that it did, which WHO ignored. Thus, it is likely that the WHO form of pandemic control will be like the most draconian of jurisdictions, such as Italy, Victoria Australia, and Western Australia. This will be especially so if the new plandemic has a more severe bug than the relatively mild SARS-CoV-2, which some authorities now maintain should be treated as any other respiratory disease, such as the seasonal influenza.

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Joe Biden Likely to Escape Tax Audit … Surprise, Surprise! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Who would have predicted this one; President Joe Biden is likely to escape the IRS tax audit that would have revealed the Hunter Biden income? If the situation was reversed and it was the Trump income under the spotlight, the IRS would have already have moved.

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Problems for the Covid Bat Soup Hypothesis By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream Covid narrative has long favoured the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 arose in some animal, jumped to humans, and somehow got to the Wuhan wet markets, then the world. The alternative hypothesis, that was suppressed until recently, when evidence for it totally eclipsed the opposing “bat soup hypothesis,” was that Covid-19 escaped, or was deliberately released from the Wuhan virology lab. The plot thickened when further evidence of US grant support for gain-of-function research emerged. That could be one reason why nothing has been done by the authorities to get to the bottom of the origins of Covid, as it implicates the US. Further, as noted below, there are allegations that the gene sequence of SARS-CoV-2 was patented by Big Pharma before the plandemic. If this proves to be true, it adds a whole new dimension to the conspiracy.

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Ukraine President Zelensky Refused Peace Deal, Wanted War! By Richard Miller (London)

Ukrainian president Zelensky is the new hero of the chattering class in the West, although they will probably get bored with him if the war drags on, and move on to the next big thing. I have in mind a YouTube clip, where ex-Beatle Paul McCartney began an American concert, by coming out on stage with the Ukraine flag, waving it around. I guess he did not sing the Beatle’s song, Back in the USSR!

Anyway, back to Zelensky. According to the Wall Street Journal, just days before the “Special Military Operations” in Ukraine on February 24, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz offered the Ukrainian leader a brokered peace deal. Zelensky rejected this, and the war occurred. The Wall Street Journal noted: “For nearly two decades, the U.S. and the European Union vacillated over how to deal with the Russian leader as he resorted to increasingly aggressive steps to reassert Moscow’s dominion over Ukraine and other former Soviet republics.

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Crazed Abortion Activists Burning, Trying to Intimidate Justices By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I read one commentary that said that the US anti-abortion protests are mild compared to the George Floyd riots. That is true, but I think things are different and this will be more of a longer-term strategic protest building up to the November elections, rather than the 2020 temper tantrum, as this entire thing is a conspiracy in my opinion.

Further, as detailed in the extracts below, rather than target an alleged “racist” society, where every white is guilty and a target, the attacks, such as arson attacks, are focussed upon anti-abortion buildings. As well, the conservative Supreme Court judges are facing intimidatory protests outside their private homes, which is contrary to federal and state law. But the Biden administration has not condemned this, nor have so-called law enforcement agencies moved to mass arrest the Leftist protestors who, as in 2020, are permitted by the essentially lawless system, to do what they want in the name of pro-abortion.

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Elon Musk, No Superhero By Richard Miller (London)

While fishing through the pro-Russian site to get an alternative take on things, you know the long-forgotten value of objective journalism, I came across an interesting view on Elon Musk. A key passage: “The billionaire has already walked back his “free speech absolutist” comments, explaining that what he really meant was free speech that adheres to the law. Fair enough, but the tweet came across as making him seem a bit less steady on his feet. And he will have to be plenty steady, because he’s going to need the proverbial fighting skills of Mike Tyson to handle what’s coming next under the Biden regime. After all, the Democrats have made it clear that they want to control all information to Orwellian extremes. Is Elon ready for that? And even if he is, there’s really only so much he can do with Twitter. It may be a private company, but private companies are subject to government regulations. The founder of multiple multi-billion-dollar companies, he knows this better than anyone and is no stranger to working with the US government and even seeking its help.”


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Sanctions Useless Against Russia By Richard Miller (London)

Time for a bit of balance with a view from the pro-Russian site Actually, not much bias here as the following report is from European Parliament member from Ireland, Clare Daly. She has made the common-sense observation, given the fuel and food crisis created by the Ukraine War, “Not because I’m sorry for Russia, not because I’m on the Putin payroll, but because sanctions don’t work. They have never stopped a war,” Daly said in a speech. Daly, said that “not a single Ukrainian life will be saved” by the EU’s embargo on Russian oil. “If Europe isn’t buying it, someone else will. The ordinary people of Europe will be paying that price.”

And, that they are.

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The Disgrace of the Lease of the Port of Darwin; What Happens in War with China? By James Reed

For those who came in late, here is a good summary of what went on with the leasing of the Port of Darwin to the Chinese. I tried to find whether any other country on Earth has been so stupid as to lease to a nation which is gearing up for war a strategic port, but found no-one. I guess given that economic efficiency is all that matters, if the CCP decided to put nuclear missiles in war ships in the Port of Darwin, the economic “rationalists” would have no objection? I suppose in the end, it is economically rational to be blasted to atoms by nuclear missiles, as it does save the cost of funerals. Every cent counts in the world of money you know.

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Teaching the Biologically Impossible for the Gender Agenda! By Mrs Vera West

The headline from is a ripper, and you just can’t make this up: “Student midwives are being taught at university how to help biological MEN give birth in trans 'inclusive' manual - even though it's scientifically impossible.” I am not going to go into details about this, even though I was once a nurse before getting married to a heterosexual male, and having children. The details are below, but reader discretion advised. Ask yourself though, what sense is there teaching procedures which involve the scientifically impossible?

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The Psychology of Covid Totalitarianism By Brian Simpson

David Marks has given an account of the psychology behind Covid totalitarianism, based upon a summary of the work of Mattias Desmet, a professor in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University in Belgium, who has a book coming out in June, entitled, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. The central concept of analysis is mass formation, which is a form of mass psychosis, where a group loses contact with reality, and may be manipulated into believing that certain people are enemies, all the while being manipulated by controlling elites. While this seems reasonable enough, certainly being a testable hypothesis, when Dr Robert Malone went on the “Joe Rogan experience,” and used the idea of mass formation to explain all the madness of the Covid regime, the media and New Class elites went into damage control mode, proclaiming that mass formation was a discredited idea. All that with no experiments cited. It seems that a raw nerve has been struck. It is impossible to understand what has happened over the last two years, in my opinion, without some conception of conspiratorial elites brainwashing already passive sheeple.

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Communist China’s Nuclear Build-Up By James Reed

While the US is expending its munitions over the pointless Ukrainian conflict, mainly to cover up what mischief its elites have been up to there, communist China is charging full speed ahead with a military build up, ready for world conquest. And in particular, China is not worrying about nuclear non-proliferation stuff, dear to the pacifism of the New Class in the West. Communist China is aiming to have at least 1,000 warheads by 2030, and while that is still less than the US, the delivery systems will involve hypersonic missiles, technology in which the West lags behind in.


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Indian Supreme Court Rejects the Covid Mandates as Disproportionate By Richard Miller (London)

There were patchy results in the courts challenging the Covid mandates throughout the West, with courts not thinking too highly about considerations of individual liberty, and rather championing socialistic health principles of state paternalism. Here is where the Indian Supreme Court has done much better than the woke politically correct New World Order globalist fanatical courts of the West. The Indian Supreme Court ruled that restrictions on unvaccinated individuals imposed through various vaccine mandates by the state governments/union territories, cannot be said to be proportionate, because of bodily integrity and personal autonomy. Hence, “as long as there is a risk of spreading the disease, there can be restrictions placed on individuals’ rights in larger public interest,” but no individual can be forced to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

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Covid Should be Treated Just like the Flu Now: US Food and Drug Administration By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is a significant development. Robert Califf, Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock, and top vaccine official Dr. Peter Marks, top US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials, writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), stated that Covid-19 will be around for the foreseeable future and it will require yearly vaccines targeting the most threatening variations of the virus. Thus, Covid-19 will need to be accepted as just another respiratory virus, comparable to the annual influenza. But, if they reach that conclusion now, then why did they not put two and two together from Evolutionary Biology 101, and see back in 2020, that Covid was just another respiratory disease THEN?

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The Cult of Covid By James Reed

Mike Adams has put his finger on what is happening at the cultural level with the Covid plandemic. People have been conditioned into sheeple-like states for so long, that they now resemble members of a cult. Not all people of course, there has been resistance across the world, but it is disturbing the sheer number of people, especially the so-called educated at universities, who have swallowed the Covid narrative, hook, line and stinker sinker. This is the political problem of the age.


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China’s Doomed Fight Against Demographic Decline By James Reed

Here is a snip from the globalist journal Foreign, all I could get for free. But, the brief comments are interesting, noting China’s coming demographic decline, and how the communist regime has not been able stop it. Without a strong traditional religion, modernity works its black magic, relentlessly, leading to inevitable population crash.

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Covid Elite Intend to Have Vaccine Mania Forever and a Day! By James Reed

At the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos Agenda 2022, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and colleagues, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, detailed their plans for a new shot for fall 2022, to combine multiple shots, such as a COVID-19 shot, a flu shot and a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) shot, into one injection, coming in 2023. So, vaccine mania is only just getting started.

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Covid Freak-Out, A Plandemic of Manufactured Fear By James Reed

Yale epidemiologist, Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiology professor at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, has come out and said what many non-academic have said, that the Covid pandemic was one of manufactured fear, produced by the authorities. “Overall, I’d say that we’ve had a pandemic of fear. And fear has affected almost everybody, whereas the infection has affected relatively few,” said Risch.

“By and large, it’s been a very selected pandemic, and predictable. It was very distinguished between young versus old, healthy versus chronic disease people. So we quickly learned who was at risk for the pandemic and who wasn’t.

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Elon Musk’s Generous Support of the Travel Costs for Employees to Seek Out-of-State Abortions By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Those somewhat idealist conservatives who are running away with delusions that Elon Musk is some sort of saviour, should consider, that among other things, like supporting transhumanism and the New World Order, Elon Musk’s Tesla is covering travel costs for employees who want to get out-of-state abortions!


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