Electric Car Mythology; The Climate Change Idol By James Reed

The UN, and other globalist organisations, are now active in promoting electric vehicles (EV) as the total replacement to fossil fuel vehicles, even for the military. The corporates like this, because while some will suffer a decline, others will move to capitalise on the new big thing. As well, it puts the responsibility upon the shoulders of individuals, to acquire the new cars and abandon the old. In most jurisdictions, this will occur in the next few years, if not by the magic date of 2030, the special Agenda 2030 date.


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Miscarriages and the Covid Vax in Switzerland By Richard Miller (London)

An analysis by statistician and Luzern University Professor Dr. Konstantin Beck of Swiss data, has indicated that the major increase in spontaneous abortions in Switzerland has a link to the Covid vax rollout. There has been concern about the effects of the Covid vaxxes upon women’s fertility and reproductive health issues by a minority of true scientists across the world, with angst about what this could mean for the future. While the Swiss health authorities deny that there is any excess mortality among young people in Switzerland, Professor Beck re-examined the government’s own data to reveal significant patterns of excess mortality among young people emerging in late 2021 and early 2022. The same pattern is being reported across the globe, indicating that the Covid issue is not dead, but we are only now starting to see the ramifications of the vax.


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"The Preservation of the Hummingbird Community is More Important than the Preservation of the White Race": Matt Walsh By Chris Knight

Matt Walsh after stirring up a hornet’s nest with his film, What is a Woman? is now probing into the Great Replacement and White genocide. That should get a few bites from the elites! He argues that the standard ideology is to preserve all species, subspecies and varieties, but not whites. That is inconsistent. Of course, his opponents will say that Whites do not exist, that whiteness is a social construction. Well, if they take that line, then they undermine their own basic premises of Critical Race Theory and affirmative action. Indeed, if races do not exist, there is no Aboriginal race, so the Voice is logically incoherent. They won’t like that!


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The Voice: Tony Abbott’s Battle Lines By James Reed

It is good to see Tony Abbott coming up swinging on the Voice, and beyond. He has said that the Welcome to Country ceremonies are irritating him, and he sees the Aboriginal flag as divisive. Indeed, why should we have a Welcome to Country unless the elites regard us as already dispossessed, that this is not our country at all? And, did the Aboriginal tribes have a flag 40,000, 60,000 or is it now 1,000, 000 years ago?  I think not.


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Covid Omicron May have been Intentionally Engineered Too By Brian Simpson

A recent paper from Tanaka and Miyazawa working at the Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, and the Institute for Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan did an intensive mutational analysis of the early sub- strains of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron strains.  They have concluded that Omicron it may have been intentionally engineered by scientists, potentially to prolong the pandemic. And, it is no surprise why this would have been done, given the billions available as low hanging fruit.

Here is our Senator Malcolm Roberts on the origins of Covid:

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The Scientific Fraud of the Academy By Brian Simpson

Dr Robert Malone has commented critically upon a piece in the Left-wing Guardian entitled, “There’s Far More Scientific Fraud than Anyone Wants to Admit.” The article details numerous cases from the mainstream of fraud and scientific misconduct, including the phenomenon of paper mills, where firms can sell anything from authorships, to entire manuscripts cooked up so academics can get the publication numbers up. That, however, is pretty much mainstream activity. We know that most academic work is either fraudulent or flawed, as there would not be a crisis of replication, where there is a widespread failure to be able to replicate scientific  results across the disciplines, from psychology, to genetics to neuroscience: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis.


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The Voice: Believe it or Not, PM Albo Supported/Supports the Treaty (which Means Vast Reparations) By James Reed

The Daily Mail has done an excellent exposure of PM Anthony Albanese’s support for a treaty, following from the Voice, as well as a Makarrator Commission, which seems to be some sort of hyper-woke white guilt south African-style truth commission. I am guessing here as there is even less information available about this than the treaty. But, as the article makes clear Albo has supported the treaty since he was a Left-wing uni student, and if anything has become more radical over the years, especially now he has power. He has avoided present statements of support for the treaty, even though he supports the Uluru statement in full, and the treaty is what it is on about, at least as a first big step. Only a breakup of Australia would seem to finally end this business.

The next stage of he battle against the Voice is to get out information about this treaty agenda, reparations and the enormous chaos this will bring to Australia, all to meet Left wing sentiments, as well as the agenda of globalists behind all of this, as they always are.  

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Sound of Freedom; Silence of the Establishment By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

The film Sound of Freedom has become a leading sensation, with no help from the establishment. The film is an adventure type of documentary, dealing with the appalling child trafficking and slavery issue, and very gripping. The political Left has been largely silent about it, since they do not want, we suppose, to draw attention to the issue. And, why might that be?  There are more children enslaved now than when Black slavery was legal, but the Left in particular have not taken this issue up, yet are hyper-sensitive to issues of slavery in the past, but not white slavery of course.


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Remembering Covid Tyranny in Australia By Paul Walker

Here is coverage of Australia’s Covid tyranny by a US journalist stationed in Asia, Ben Bartee. Nothing new, but we get to hear what has been written at this blog by an outsider. He is well aware of what happened in Asia, the United States and Europe, but sees Australia as having the most brutal Covid regimes in the West. Communist China was of course even more severe, but the states of Western Australia and Victoria followed the communist Chinese mythology and methodology as much as possible.

This is something which must not be forgotten, as while it looks like the end of the road for the mRNA Covid vax mania, the framework to repeat this evil with another plandemic is in place. And most of the population will be conditioned or imprisonment. It is a big political problem for all conservative reformers.

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Big Vax Shares Start to Tumble By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is good news: the stocks of Moderna and BioNTech have fallen to below $ 100  a share for the first time, and these companies are down around 80 percent from their flying high period of 2021. The demand for the mRNA shots has crashed. And the mRNA vax technology for the flu and RSV have run into problems, as trials are showing adverse effects as has been seen with the Covid vaxxes.

Hopefully this is a major paradigm shift in reality, and not a temporary reprise. We need some wins in this area!  

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The New World Order as Woke By James Reed

The West is living, if “living” is the word, through a new Dark Age of woke. I preferred the terminology of “political correctness,” with its clear Maoist connections, but everyone has moved to use the word “woke,” which in my opinion trivialises such a deadly threat. And the metaphor is a bit stupid, as no-one from Left is “woke” or awake, it is more like the West is suffering from racial amnesia, not remembering any of the lessons of history, both of the dangers of multiculturalism and mass migration, and communism.


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Resisting the Globalist Assault; Practical Action By James Reed

A great post by Dr Mercola has dealt with what can be done to maintain hope in this time of unprecedented power of the global elites, from their approaching infinite wealth (the control of credit creation), and the power of technology, in a global technocracy. All that misery needs to be viewed in the likely context of global war, along with an assault upon existing resources such as food. The threats have been detailed in other articles, and are well-know, but new ones come each day. Apart from strategic relocation, especially from high density urban areas, which are extremely vulnerable to disruption, such as from crazed leftist mobs, as seen in the US 2020 riots, the old adage is safety in numbers, and we either hang together or get hung separately.

Thus, community is the key to resilience. It may begin with an on-line community of people, but sooner rather than later there is a need to interact, associate, and cooperate with people face to face. The general idea is to build up supportive networks that can constitute an alternative society, existing side-by-side with the one that oppresses us, and when that one falls apart, which it will being inconsistent with fundamental human nature, the alternative will become the remaining society still standing. We simply need to out live our enemies.

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Trump Calls for the Supreme Court to Intervene By Charles Taylor (Florida)

With the indictments piling up against Trump, all bogus and constructed to destroy his electoral campaign, he has called on the Supreme Court of the United States to stop this blatant electoral interference. But, as the lamestream media notes, the Court is not pro-active, and is mainly a venue of judicial review. Still, the idea of pushing this into the higher federal courts, and then onto the Supreme Court, should get underway. Trump will not get a fair hearing in the venues where he is.

As I have said, this is extraordinary stuff to see such trumped-up charges getting pushed in acts of lawfare. It is clearly a move which raises the bar to make it that much easier for Civil War 2.0. The Democrats must be itching for it as much as they want war with Russia. And who knows, the tooth fairy may grant both wishes.

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Planet War By James Reed

While Russia and communist China engage in sabre rattling of the coast of Alaska, as warship practice attacks upon Alaska. A joint China-Russia naval operation occurred last week  “First, this is unprecedented, not just for Alaska, but for America to have 11 warships jointly being operated by the Chinese and Russians — who are increasingly working together — essentially doing freedom of navigation and navigation operations incursions into Alaska’s area,” Senator Dan Sullivan said. Indeed, it is a clear sign of how World War III will pan out, but it is expected.

Along with this war drums are beating in Africa, as the Economic Community of West African States (ECWAS) has threatened to invade Niger if the coup leaders do not reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum. There is little chance of that, so it will be war if the ECWAS keeps to its warning. We will see, but war is the natural state of this region. Likewise, all the ingredients of a war in the Middle east are now in place, as detailed below.

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The Remaking of the World by the Left By Chris Knight (Florida)

Victor Hanson, leading US conservative critic of the Left, cuts to the chase and says that what we see in America, is what will be followed in the rest of the West, the most radical cultural revolution of our time. Freedom of expression has been eroded, first on the universities, and now right throughout public life, so that now, for example, Elon Musk has found it necessary to announce that he will meet the legal costs of people whose jobs have been lost or endangered by posts on X (formerly Twitter). But, people who have expressed doubts about the gender agenda have faced sackings. And, that is not to even mention the Covid oppressions. And closely associated with this is the weaponization of justice, as to get oppressions such as the above rolling, it is necessary to have the justice system primed to deliver the results the regime dictates. The Trump indictments are a prime example of this from the US, but the threat of the Voice in Australia, the hidden agendas of a Truth commission, and a treaty, are frightening, since most Australians are not aware of what the elites are planning.

It is necessary to recognise that we are in a psycho-political war, to use Eric Butler’s terminology, deadlier than anything we have ever seen, as the technology available to the Dark Lords, is vastly more powerful than anything previously seen.

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Pfizer Says No-one was Forced to Take the Vax! By Brian Simpson

Is it damage control, preparing for the storm to come in the future much like toxic tort cases, asbestos, and cigarettes, all a precedence According to Pfizers’ Head of Regulatory Sciences Dr. Brian Hewitt during an Australian Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee hearing, said “I believe firmly that nobody was forced to have a vaccine. Mandates are vaccine requirements determined by governments and health authorities. Our belief, everybody was offered an opportunity to get a vaccine or not get a vaccine. I don’t believe that anybody was forced to get a vaccine.’ Well, I guess it depends upon what one means by “forced.” Sure, no-one was held down at gun point. But people faced lockdowns, and social desolation without conforming to the vax mandate, so that is forced in my view. 


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The AI Threat is Now! By Brian Simpson

In the Paul Joseph Watson video from Summit News.com, linked below, he discusses how a perhaps unexpected group of people are being fast eliminated by rapid advances in AI: models. At present there are many corporations who have dropped human models and using AI generated products. As the video shows, these products are good enough to fool the majority of viewers, and save on costs. AI models can be programmed in any language, and don’t complain about the cold; and some even get marriage proposals:


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Will the Lone Star Tick Do the Dirty Work of Climate Change Meat Banners? By James Reed

Sometimes it is worth being up on the science, especially if one is a meat eater. How, so? Well the US CDC has  warned of a rise in an allergy called alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), triggered by a bite from a particular species of tick called the Lone Star Tick. And this apparently causes an allergy to develop to red meat. How convenient! It has already been proposed by some academics that this solves the problem of getting people to stop eating red meat; simply spread this via a more robust delivery mechanism, like mosquitoes. My bet is that something like this is already being finalised in the woke bioweapons labs of the West.


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Senator Malcolm Roberts on The Covid Vax Disaster By Brian Simpson

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts says those who said "safe and Effective" were lying and "that is malfeasance, deliberate ignorance to maintain the safe and effective lie" "1 in 35 recipients of a Moderna Covid booster experienced myocarditis." The entire Covid business, big business, is the crime of the century.


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The Nation of Zombies By Chris Knight (Florida)

The cultural decline and rot seen at present in the US has led many to speculate that a point of no return has been met, and the decline, if not collapse, will continue.  As detailed at the Unherd.com site, the evidence of cultural decline is unmistakable, with rising crime and lawlessness in the cites, most of which like Baltimore and Chicago resemble warzones in part, rampant drugs pushed by violent gangs, massive homelessness and filth on the streets, an open border with Chinese communist soldiers coming in, and politicians such as Biden, who resemble characters out of Samuel Beckett’s theatre of the absurd plays and novels, pretending to rule, while the Deep State makes the real decisions. Then we have the situation of corruption by the Biden crime family, which implicates the president, while the former president Trump, is indicted on bogus charges that could put him behind bars for centuries, if not executed. All to stop a political opponent. And that is not to discount the likelihood of yet another plandemic occurring from a virus conveniently released from any number of bioweapons labs. The US is indeed, a zombie nation, or at least, zombie state. But, much of the West, including Australia, is following in this path.


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