No Matter Who You are, You Have to be Real Careful What You Say, Today By Jessica

     Hi. I really thought that the Wonder Woman movie was cool, yes, “wonderful,” with a wholesome message that love wins out in the end. No wonder the feminists hate it. But now the star of the movie, a former Miss Israel beauty, I think, has got into trouble with the thought police for saying that disabled physicist the late Stephen Hawking is now “free”:

“Actress Gal Gadot has attracted criticism after suggesting that the influential scientist Stephen Hawking is now “free of any physical restraints” following his death earlier this week. Hawkins, who was one of the world’s most renowned theoretical physicists, died at age 76 after suffering over 50 years from motor neuron disease, leading to tributes from across the world. “Rest in peace Dr. Hawking. Now you’re free of any physical constraints. Your brilliance and wisdom will be cherished forever,” Gadot tweeted on Thursday.” 

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Most Americans Love guns! God Bless ‘em! By John Steele

     The false news American press have been making a big song and dance about a finding that one in five Americans want the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms, repealed:

     Now wait a moment! I did mathematics at school. One person in five is the fraction 1/5 or one fifth. That is less than one half. Way less. So, what should have been said is that the majority of Americans do not support, or express no opinion on the issue of repeal of the Second Amendment, even given all the tons of bs the mainstream press have dumped on the population. Just look how the mainstream Leftoid press just openly distort things. You can see it easily I this example. Then we have the fine example of  former Justice Stevens calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment.

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Time to Ban Police Having Guns? By John Steele

     The latest US shooting is by a police officer of a person, Stephon Clark, a Black. It seems that Mr Clark was shot in the back six times:

“An independent autopsy on Stephon Clark suggests he was shot at least six times in the back by police. ABC News reports that Clark was shot and killed March 18, when “two officers fired a total of 20 shots at [him].” The officers had received a call “someone breaking car windows in the 7500 block of 29th street” when they crossed paths with Clark. Sacramento Police say their agency’s helicopter “witnessed Clark break a glass door” before they told officers to approach him. Sacramento Police said, “The officers gave the suspect commands to stop and show his hands…The suspect turned and advanced toward the officers while holding an object which was extended in front of him. The officers believed the suspect was pointing a firearm at them.”

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Trump the Traitor By Charles Taylor

     It is good that American conservatives are at last starting to unload on Trump, since he has failed to built the wall, and will not, and has wound back on every electoral promise.

     Other countries, like China and Israel, take their border security very seriously, and rightly so:

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The Coming Caravans: Invasion USA By Charles Taylor

     The US is facing a “caravan,” or mob of illegal migrants from central America who intend to invade the US and be given the red carpet treatment by bleeding hear liberals: 

     Trump is aware of this, and basically intends to do nothing, but make big man talk and pass the buck. You would think that he is as powerless as you or me:

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The Coming of Free Energy By James Reed

     This is going to be really bad for all the Greenies and environmentalists when we get fusion power and heaps of free energy, so we can have radiators going 24/7, air conditioners, clothes driers, you name it: 

“In just 15 years, the U.S. will be producing unlimited amounts of nearly free, completely green energy. Not only would such an energy holy grail mean the end of humanity’s dependence on expensive fossil fuels, it would also be a panacea for climate change. Amazingly, this is not a science fiction. It’s actually about to become reality if a collaboration between MIT and Commonwealth Fusion Systems, a private company, is to be believed. The collaborators announced Friday in the journal Nature that they believe they are on the verge of cracking the code to nuclear fusion — and it could be commercially viable in just 15 years, according to The Guardian.

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The Tyranny of Facebook By Paul Walker

     Even those on the liberal Left are starting to get worried about Facebook, and human rights issues, and rightly so: 

     That URL is so long, that it is almost a human rights issue. What’s with the endless use of the “%”?  Anyway:

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Blades in the Streets of London By John Steele

     Here is another problem for the gun banning lobby, because they should be arguing that majority non-white London, with some of the  strictest gun control measures in the world, should be ultra-safe. But, it is not, for homicides in London are now greater than homicides in New York city (also with strict gun control), this year: 

“London overtook New York in murders for the first time in modern history in February as the capital endured a dramatic surge in knife crime. Fifteen people were murdered in the capital, against 14 in New York. Both cities have almost exactly the same population. London murders for March are also likely to exceed or equal New York’s. By late last night there had been 22 killings in the capital, according to the Metropolitan police, against 21 in the US city. Eight Londoners were murdered between March 14 and March 20 alone and the total number of London murders, even excluding victims of terrorism, has risen by 38% since 2014.”

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The Hypocrisy of the Left By John Steele

     This Hogg guy has been jumping up and down about “bad guns,” and the need to save the children, and other warm and fuzzy stuff. But, Natural has dug up this on him: 

“Anti-gun sociopath David Hogg — see daily news coverage at — has been caught in a Reddit post celebrating the death of billions of people from mosquito-borne disease, an InfoWars investigation has now found. Mosquitoes “kill humans, billions of them, which is great for the environment,” Hogg stated in a Reddit post from late 2017, confirming that Hogg is not merely a foul-mouthed bully of legal firearms owners, but actually despises humanity and celebrates the mass killing of billions of people. Like many indoctrinated youth, Hogg has been taught by the globalist-run public school system that human beings are bad and must be eliminated through depopulation schemes in order to “save the climate.”

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Waiting for the West to Die By Peter West

     Yep, trust The New York Times, it is always the fault of white Europeans, the racist sods, who must adapt to the new cosmopolitan realities, or else: 

     What can we say? The alternative to this is produced everyday by news sites such as Breitbart etc. Is it any wonder that people are turning away from the mainstream news sites? Why pay to be abused, and have some “intellectual” tell you how bad you are, how deplorable you are, from the safety of their ivory tower?

Africa’s Migrant crisis By James Reed

     We have reported on the African migration crisis, where millions of Africans intend to migrate to the West, whether the West likes it or not, in a Camp of the Saints scenario: 

     There are many reasons for the mass migration, including the fallout effects of big dams in the Sahel region, which have dried out wetlands, endangering the livelihoods of thousands. Consequently, many decided to take the royal road as refugees, environmental refugees in fact: 

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Is the Pope a Christian? By Peter West

     Apparently the Pope, who also welcomes what he has called an “Arab invasion of Europe,” which is a good thing:  has said that hell does not exist:

“In another interview with his longtime atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, Pope Francis claims that Hell does not exist and that condemned souls just “disappear.” This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul. The interview between Scalfari and the Pope was published March 28, 2018 in La Repubblica. The relevant section on Hell was translated by the highly respected web log, Rorate Caeli. The interview is headlined, “The Pope: It is an honor to be called revolutionary.” (Il Papa: “È un onore essere chiamato rivoluzionario.”)

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Silent Invasion: The Great University Double Standard By James Reed

     It is the gold standard now, that Trump, according to American universities, and even our pathetic ones in Australia, is a dictator. Yet these universities are not only silent about the ultra-authoritarianism of China, the universities celebrate it. They do so because they court Chinese money, in the form of students, who will become migrants to the West, moving into the elite power structure, and ultimately cementing power for mother China:

     Then there is the money universities borrow for their little building projects, most of which comes from China. The great irony in this form of colonialism is that the free speech that the academics and socialist cub students trade on to do as they do, does not exist in China. They would never get away with an attack on the Chinese nation as they do nations of the West in China, and I admire China for its strength in controlling the cancer of nation-eroding political correctness. However, while not being “anti-Chinese,” this does not mean that we should be oblivious to the China threat. I have written before about a brilliant book by Clive Hamilton, Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia, (Hardie Grant Books, Richmond, 2018), a book which has some trouble seeing the light of day. Probably, the university presses would not touch it.

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Who Benefits from the Fall of Europe? By Paul Walker

     A good test of finding out who is attempting to destroy you is to ask: who benefits? This issue was recently addressed by Russian nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky who had some insights to share: 

“Western nations need the current conflict with Russia to consolidate the region in the face of the migrant crisis and looming collapse of the European Union, the leader of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party has said. “The European Union is falling apart. How can they prevent this without an external threat? They need some fear factor,” Vladimir Zhirinovsky wrote in his Telegram messenger on Tuesday.

“They are no longer afraid of the Islamic world, there are millions of refugees from Arab nations and Africa living in Europe anyway. China is too far. Russia is all that they are left with,” he explained. “Besides, the USA benefits from this whole situation. If Europe remains unstable, funds from the whole world would pour into the United States. A similar effect was recorded in the time of World War II, which was mostly waged on European territory,” the Russian politician noted.

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No Race For Us, We are, After All the BBC By Mrs Vera West

     The BBC cannot bring itself to even mention race, when this may to any degree reflect badly on non-whites. A grooming gang who raped young children and put them to work as prostitutes are described as “Oxford men” Ah, those Oxford educated lads, from the boating club, doing what they can to make Britain great again: 

     Fortunately, not all so are gutless in their covering of this wartime-like abuse of innocence: 

On the Limits of Evolution By Chris Knight

     At Easter, the philosophically inclined among us like to think about the foundations of the Faith. One of the challenges from the secular materialists, and I think probably the greatest intellectual challenge, comes from the materialist theory of evolution. Here is a good article by someone who is a professional thinker, good old Fred, someone who questions everything. Here he sets his sights upon the so-called “theory” of evolution, and shows that even in its own terms, it is very far from solving its own problems, such as the origin of life and intermediate forms: 

“evolution seemed more a metaphysics or ideology than a science. The sciences, as I knew them, gave clear answers. Evolution involved intense faith in fuzzy principles. You demonstrated chemistry, but believed evolution. If you have ever debated a Marxist, or a serious liberal or conservative, or a feminist or Christian, you will have noticed that, although they can be exceedingly bright and well informed, they display a maddening evasiveness. You never get a straight answer if it is one they do not want to give. Crucial premises are not firmly established. Fundamental assertions do not tie to observable reality. Invariably the Marxist (or evolutionist) assumes that a detailed knowledge of economic conditions in the reign of Nicholas II substitutes for being able to answer simple questions, such as why Marxism has never worked.

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Hypersonics By James Reed

     Russia and China are both busy in their build up to World War IV, or will be V by now, if we count the Cold War, and War on Terrorism? The battlefields will see hypersonic weapons which are apparently unstoppable:  

“During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing last week, Gen. John Hyten, the head of U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM), suggested current ballistic missile defense systems employed by America are unable to stop such weapons, known as hypersonic, which refers to missiles that can fly more than five times the speed of sound. To prevent a hypersonic missile strike, the U.S. would have to rely on nuclear deterrence, or the threat of a retaliatory U.S. strike, reports The Hill. Gen. Hyten told lawmakers: We don’t have any defense that could deny the employment of such a [hypersonic] weapon against us, so our response would be our deterrent force, which would be the triad and the nuclear capabilities that we have to respond to such a threat.…

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Time for a Woman President: Ann Coulter By Mrs Vera West

     While JFK and Clinton were sex maniacs in the White House, Trump is being roasted by the desperate Dumocrats for having an encounter with a porno actress. Yes, we know he did, but that is just what powerful men with heaps of money, and time on their hands, do for entertainment. And, he has never pretended to be a Christian. It is all disgusting, but politics and big business is disgusting too, and that sort of stuff goes on while we speak. Just look at Hollywood, and that is by the Left: 

     Nevertheless, it may be time for a female president, and I have long admired firebrand journalist/lawyer, Ann Coulter. She is stronger than the Trump that went into the election, she has written best-selling books about all the issues that concern us, and she is far smarter than Trump. There will be no porno scandals with her. Also, she will not back down. She constantly destroys liberals in debates. Yes, Ann Coulter for president 2020. And, here is her latest lashing out at Trump: 

YouTube Goes Down the Tubes By Brian Simpson

     It is getting hard to keep up with all the censorship the IT giants are imposing. Now, YouTube has moved right away from gun issues and is banning prepping videos, of all things: 

“The latest censorship insult from YouTube has just arrived: YouTube has just issued a strike and banned a Natural News video entitled, “Pandemic Preparedness FREE Online How To Course Episode 12.” The video, which you can see at this link (or watch below), teaches people how to survive a pandemic outbreak when antibiotics are useless and vaccines don’t even exist. The discussion in this particular video centered around “remaining calm” during a pandemic outbreak that causes many people to panic. According to YouTube, teaching people how to survive a pandemic and remain calm “violates our guidelines” and gets banned. This is what YouTube has now become: a technology overlord that interferes with lifesaving information by banning some of the most helpful channels that contribute to saving lives in outbreaks, natural disasters and other emergencies. YouTube literally wants its viewers to die rather than view a Health Ranger video containing lifesaving information.”

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The Breakup of America Etc. By Chris Knight

     All of this reporting on political correctness sure gives one a big thirst, which is why I now have a jug of lemon-flavoured water with me while I drag my feet through the great desert on the internet. Item: 

“Democrats are transforming into the party of the diverse, educated, cosmopolitan class. Meanwhile, the Republican Party attracts all who reject this multi-culti bugman ethos. A line has been drawn between the traditional family and the childless urbanite, whose values and interests are diametrically opposed. On one side is the heartland voter who values cohesive community, security, and individual responsibility, and relishes hard work and overcoming challenges. He feels a connection to his hometown and his people, and he exists to create a better future for his children. On the other side is the urban-dwelling voter who is hyper-focused on deracinated popular culture, atomized individualism, indulgent hedonism, getting rich, and avoidance of conflict and controversy. He feels no allegiance to his community; he exists solely to consume.”

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