Is the Pope a Christian? By Peter West

     Apparently the Pope, who also welcomes what he has called an “Arab invasion of Europe,” which is a good thing:  has said that hell does not exist:

“In another interview with his longtime atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, Pope Francis claims that Hell does not exist and that condemned souls just “disappear.” This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul. The interview between Scalfari and the Pope was published March 28, 2018 in La Repubblica. The relevant section on Hell was translated by the highly respected web log, Rorate Caeli. The interview is headlined, “The Pope: It is an honor to be called revolutionary.” (Il Papa: “È un onore essere chiamato rivoluzionario.”)

Scalfari says to the Pope, “Your Holiness, in our previous meeting you told me that our species will disappear in a certain moment and that God, still out of his creative force, will create new species. You have never spoken to me about the souls who died in sin and will go to hell to suffer it for eternity. You have however spoken to me of good souls, admitted to the contemplation of God. But what about bad souls? Where are they punished?” Pope Francis says,  “They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls.”

     To deal with damage control, of denying something written in black ink in The Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Vatican has said:

“The Holy Father Francis recently received the founder of the newspaper La Repubblica in a private meeting on the occasion of Easter, without however giving him any interviews. What is reported by the author in today’s article [in La Repubblica] is the result of his reconstruction, in which the textual words pronounced by the Pope are not quoted. No quotation of the aforementioned article must therefore be considered as a faithful transcription of the words of the Holy Father.”

     Wait a minute! How could a seasoned journalist who has spent much of his career reporting on Vatican matters get it so wrong? How could a “reconstruction” be so far off? This is just bs, for fearful of having gone too far, too quickly, the commo Pope has retreated. After all, his real God is Karl Marx. Notice also that the Pope holds that the human race will at some point just disappear, to be replaced by God. That itself seems to be a Christian heresy, since man was made in the image of God, not as a disposable commodity as the Pope thinks. Look, sack this Pope and appoint me, for I will do a better job!



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