Swedish Sheeple Now Taking the Sign of the Beast… and Loving It By Bruce Bennett

     Sweden is Nordic racial suicide on steroids and growth hormone, eager to do anything to destroy blonde and blue eyes; “must kill myself, globalists will love me then.” The elites must be beside  themselves with the boundless white pathology that flows like an ocean from this land. For example;

“Thousands of people in Sweden are microchipping themselves in an effort to speed up their day. The Swedish are inserting microchips under the skin in their hands to make their daily lives easier. According to a report by NPR, the microchips can be used for a plethora of different things. The chips are designed to speed up users’ daily routines and make their lives more convenient when accessing their homes, offices, and gyms. The microchips make it is as easy as swiping their hands against digital readers. The microchips can also be used to store emergency contact details, social media profiles, e-tickets for events, and rail journeys within Sweden. At least one scientist is speaking out on the possible negative outcomes of having a massive number of people microchipped. Ben Libberton, a British scientist based in southern Sweden, is among those starting to campaign for lawmakers to keep a closer eye on developments. “What is happening now is relatively safe. But if it’s used everywhere, if every time you want to do something and instead of using a card you use your chip, it could be very, very easy to let go of [personal] information,” he says. Libberton, a trained microbiologist now working in science communication, says one of his main concerns is how the chips could be used to share data about our physical health and bodily functions.

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The Myth of Bottled Water By Mrs Vera West

     Nowadays you often see young people, and even the old carrying around with them bottled water. The cost can be a few dollars. Why, as a girl in the  1940s when printed comics were all the go, I read a science fiction story where an oppressed people were charged for bottled water. That’s absurd I thought, then went to look at Superman, which I thought was more realistic! But, as an indication of how things change for the worst, all of the time, here we are. Next it will be paying for air to breathe, as we already pay to be able to walk on the ground.

“THE lid has been lifted on what’s actually in our bottled water — and it’s probably not what you think. While some brands claim to be full of minerals you wouldn’t find in a tap, turns out filling the glass at home is better for you. And if you’re one of those people avoiding fluoride, well the bad news is it’s in the bottled stuff too. In fact, one company that’s been put to the test — Nature’s Best — was found to be really not that different to tap water at all. In the season two premiere of ABC’s War on Waste popular water brands were put to the test, comparing them to Gold Coast water in one of Griffith University’s testing labs. Australian tap water is subject to stringent testing and regulations to ensure it’s safe to drink but bottled water is classified as a food product and not subject to the same controls which means quality and mineral content can vary depending on the brand. Testing showed tap water has a relatively high concentration of minerals like calcium and magnesium, more than most of the bottled brands, except Fiji water.”

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The Great Bomb Hoaxes By Charles Taylor

     First, it was George Soros, and now it seems to be every strategic US globalist political player, who is getting an “explosive device” sent to them, that either does not explode, or is not a bomb at all. For example, there is a photograph of one of the packages, this being to John Brenan, and the package has US postage stamps, but no ink from the US postal office! Hey, that was a bit of a mistake, Deep Staters, wasn’t it!

     This is the false flag of all false flags, clearly designed to scare the sheeple in the lead up to the elections. The idea is to portray Trump supporters as lunatics who would try to harm people like Soros, even though no one like him opens mail any more since the time of the Unabomber, and probably before. As the whole thing is totally pointless, it is most unlikely someone is really trying to bomb the globalists. Trump, if he has any juice left should use the Secret Service to get to the bottom of this. Who knows who will be exposed? The false flag could blow up in their faces. That would be like watching the greatest fireworks show of all time.

Grounds for War? By Charles Taylor

     The US Leftoid new class are saying that there is nothing sinister about the caravan of invading illegals heading to the US border, eating everything in sight as they go. Nope, no terrorists or criminals there, all genuine refugees, even though many interviewed have said that they are coming simply to get a job, that is, take a low paying job from primarily Black Americans. Yet the Dumocrats simply love mass invasions,  immigration being the fanatical cult of madness of our time. Mike Pence has thrown a spanner in the works by noting that the prezzy of socialist collapse state Venezuela, told him that he was funding it, while letting his own people starve to death, as socialists like to do:

“Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday said Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández told him that the migrant caravan marching toward the U.S.-Mexico border is “financed by Venezuela.” Pence made the allegation while defending President Donald Trump’s assertion that Middle Easterners make up a part of the 7,000-strong caravan in an interview with Washington Post national political reporter Robert Costa. “It’s inconceivable that there are not people of Middle Eastern descent in a crowd of more than 7,000 people advancing toward our border,” Pence said. “In the last fiscal year, we apprehended more than 10 terrorists or suspected terrorists per day at our southern border from countries that are referred to in the lexicon as ‘other than Mexico’ — that means from the Middle East region.” The Vice President then revealed that Hernández told him that “leftist groups” from the Central American country organized the caravan, “financed by Venezuela” to “challenge our sovereignty, challenge our border.”

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Trump Says that He is a Nationalist; Media Go Mad Again By Chris Knight

     The gravediggers of Western civilisation have been exploding again because Trump said that he was a nationalist. Look, they argued, Hitler said that he was a nationalist, Trump said that he is a nationalist, therefore Trump is Hitler! That’s their logic for you. Here, read their bs in the posts below, and then I will destroy it:

     Now, let’s do a bit of basic logic to take their position apart. Hitler liked eating vegetables. Most peole like eating vegetables. Therefore, most people are Hitler! God likes some people. Hitler liked some people. Therefore, God is Hitler, or is it Hitler is God? Clearly the logic employed by the crazed libtards is, well insane. I mean, Australia Republicans when convenient roll out a nationalist argument against the monarchy, and they don’t have guilt about this. So, what gives in the world of bs and propaganda? Certainly not logic and reasoning.

Zoe’s Law By Mrs Vera West

     I have written before about my concern with botched abortions leading to a live baby, who is then left, conveniently, to die. Somewhat related to this issue; there is a move to consider foetal manslaughter laws, at least in New South Wales. Some background to the law here is given at this very good website:

“The case of R v Iby [2005] NSWCCA 178 reiterates the earlier decision in R v F (1996) 40 NSWLR 245 which found that a homicide can only be committed against a being that is “fully born in a living state.” However, it should be noted that Chief Justice Spigelman remarked that the ‘born alive rule’ is based upon “anachronistic… [and] indeed antiquated, factors” in so far as it “adopts an artificial and non-scientific concept of when life begins.”

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The Battle Against Socialism By James Reed

     Although I am an Australian nationalist, under the influence of other journalists here, slightly younger than me, I am taking more of an interest in American politics, perhaps for no better reason than it is more colorful than Australian politics, and we are getting to see the issues that lie below the surface here in Australia, right out in the open there. Take the issue of socialism, one of my pet hatreds:

“As the Democrats drift further leftward into openly embracing socialism, House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) warns the political battle ahead of the midterm elections just two weeks from now is no longer a traditional partisan battle. Instead it is one where the country must confront and reject extreme ideas from the left. “The debate today is different than the one we had before with Republicans versus Democrats on the size of what government can be,” McCarthy said in an exclusive interview on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel on Tuesday. “You hit the nail on the head: It’s no longer Republicans versus the Democrats, it’s America versus socialism. The movement in this Democratic Party toward clear socialism, that’s what they’re doing on healthcare–government-run, it’s all government telling you what to do and when to do it instead of unshackling and unleashing the great powers of liberty and freedom.”

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Learning Toxic Masculinity By John Steel

     I am proud to have never gone to university, even to dart into a city university to relieve myself, for I am a living example of the “toxic masculinity” which the roaming feminists and low testosterone, deracinated, cucked males there, would despise. Why, they may even be foolish enough to try and assault me with their tiny soft hands, that never did a hard day’s work manual labour, or fought for survival, and with puny bones as soft as sardine bones. Anyway, Brown University in the crazy US is offering courses on how not to be me:

“Brown University is providing male students programs for “unlearning toxic masculinity,” claiming that doing so will lead to males having longer life-spans and committing less sexual assault. The university advertises these programs as part of the BWell Health Promotion, as a health service initiative on their website. The Ivy League university claims that “unlearning toxic masculinity” will be beneficial not only for men, but for society as a whole. Brown claims that society’s definition of masculinity may be “toxic to men’s health,” causing them to “die at younger ages,” adding that the way in which men have been socialized also “plays into the type of violence that exists in college communities.”

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Trump on Transgenders By Mrs Vera West

     Trump is probably going to let the mass illegals from South America invade the US, as the Deep State wants cheap displacing labour, but Trump has made some squeaks about the transgender issue, which has thrown Hollywood social justice warriors such as Charlize Theron into a fit, you know, “human rights.”

“The Department of Health and Human Services acknowledged months ago that it was working to rewrite a federal rule that bars discrimination in health care based on “gender identity.” It cited a Texas-based federal judge’s opinion that the original rule went too far in concluding that discrimination based on gender identity is a form of sex discrimination, which is forbidden by civil rights laws. On Sunday, The New York Times reported that the agency was circulating a memo proposing that gender be defined as an immutable biological condition determined by a person’s sex organs at birth. The election-year proposal would define sex as either male or female, and any dispute about one’s sex would have to be clarified through genetic testing, according to the Times’ account of the memo.”

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The Creepy Line By Bruce Bennett

     There is a new documentary, one of which I do not know where to look to see it, dealing with all the things that Google and Facebook get up to, you know, suppressing people, undermining democracy, and other things, all in a day’s work. It is called: The Creepy Line:

     Wait … I found out where you can buy it, over at Amazon, which may or may not be a good thing:

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It’s Just How the Systems Works Now By Charles Taylor

     The Alt Right/Dissent Right group, the Proud Boys, is being investigated by the authorities because of a fight with the antifa. As we know, antifa across the world has had numerous fights, with few convictions, since most wear masks, and flee when the going gets tough. Hit and run. Here though is a good summary of the latest blow up, which shows how the system is biased against anyone opposing the “warriors” of the Left:

“Shortly after the Metropolitan Republican Club invited former Taki’s Mag contributor Gavin McInnes to speak at an event on Friday, October 12, club representatives say they were besieged by “increasingly contentious phone calls at the Club, coordinated by activist groups on social media” for days demanding the event be cancelled. On the morning of the event, vandals spray-painted the anarchy “A” on the club’s front door, smashed windows, glued locks shot, and damaged a keypad entrance system. Maybe it’s my reptilian brain speaking here, but when I see groups of people showing up in public with their faces covered and screaming that you should be exterminated, I suspect they may be up to no good. After Gavin delivered his speech, video shows members of his Proud Boys fraternal order of “Western chauvinists” leaving the club and being escorted away by police who were protecting them from shrieking throngs of predictably PMSing leftists spouting vitriol and threats.

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Ban all Scales! By James Reed

     This one falls into Mrs West’s area, but also mine on the insanity of the universities. How about people who are weight challenged, just smashing the scales? Sounds like a good idea; just get rid of the umpire and all of the problems of the game are solved:

“Students at colleges around North America are smashing scales to promote “body positivity.” Students at the University of Southern California and Nipissing University in Ontario, Canada, are hosting events that will allow students to smash scales in an attempt to promote “body positivity.” Earlier this semester, students at Nipissing University were invited to participate in an event called “Smash the Scales.” The event was created because “scales are something that make people feel inadequate,” according a local Canadian newspaper. “We want students to realize that weight does not define them. We have students who have gone through mental health struggles, have had illnesses or a traumatic event happen in which they’ve put on weight or lost weight,” the Nipissing University Student Union said in a comment. “We want them to be aware that no matter what they are going through the numbers on the scale does not define their worth in the eyes of others,” they continued. “It’s important for us to do because there are many students across Ontario dealing with eating disorders or body dysmorphia.”

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President Macron Stumbles into Racism! By Richard Miller

     No doubt, this parody of political correctness mean to be a pure as the snow driven through the mud, but his claim that women who have large families are uneducated, sounded elitist and racist, since it hit women of colour:

“Abortion supporters and population control proponents have frequently targeted those with large families — claiming that they are selfish or hurting the environment or that mothers of such families are somehow demeaning themselves compared to other women because they desired more children. French President Emmanuel Macron is the latest to insult people with large families, as he said women who mother such families are uneducated. His comments came in association with remarks trashing women in Africa for not exercising population control. The French president, who has come under fire over his views on Africa in the past, added that the future for the continent’s young people must be to stay in a revitalised Africa, and insisted it was “pure bull—-” to suggest he was telling African people from New York what to do with their lives. “One of the critical issues of African demography is that this is not chosen fertility,” said Macron, speaking at the Gates Foundation’s “goalkeepers” event on the margins of the UN general assembly in New York. “I always say: ‘Present me the woman who decided, being perfectly educated, to have seven, eight or nine children.”

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Get Ready for the Next Big Thing: Polygamy By Mrs Vera West

     The Left are working of the social acceptance of paedophilia, but are further advanced with the promotion of three way marriages and polygamy, which fits in well with multiculturalism.  This article refers to Britain, but in our globalist world, it will happen in Australia just as quickly: 

“Natalie Bennett has said her party is “open to consultation” on the possibility of legalising polygamy and civil partnerships involving three or more people. The Green Party leader was responding to a question from a man living with his two boyfriends in a polyamorous relationship in London on Friday. Dr Redfern Jon Barrett, taking part in an event organised by Pink News, said people like himself in three-way relationships faced a “considerable amount of legal discrimination”. Ms Bennett replied that although the Green Party “at present” has no specific policy on legal partnerships involving more than two people, members could develop one and vote for it to be introduced.’

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Why Do intellectuals Fall for Socialism? By James Reed

     I wrote on this topic in a recent On Target, but shortly after its publication, came across the following interesting article, worth quoting by Friedrich Hayek:

“A proper understanding of the reasons which tend to incline so many of the intellectuals toward socialism is thus most important. The first point here which those who do not share this bias ought to face frankly is that it is neither selfish interests nor evil intentions but mostly honest convictions and good intentions which determine the intellectual's views. In fact, it is necessary to recognize that on the whole the typical intellectual is today more likely to be a socialist the more he his guided by good will and intelligence, and that on the plane of purely intellectual argument he will generally be able to make out a better case than the majority of his opponents within his class. If we still think him wrong, we must recognize that it may be genuine error which leads the well-meaning and intelligent people who occupy those key positions in our society to spread views which to us appear a threat to our civilization. 1 Nothing could be more important than to try to understand the sources of this error in order that we should be able to counter it. Yet those who are generally regarded as the representatives of the existing order and who believe that they comprehend the dangers of socialism are usually very far from such understanding. They tend to regard the socialist intellectuals as nothing more than a pernicious bunch of highbrow radicals without appreciating their influence and, by their whole attitude to them, tend to drive them even further into opposition to the existing order.

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The Great Spring Whiteout Sale: White Shift; White Genocide Charles Taylor

     A new book, explains the real consequences of immigration, and it  does have profound ethno-racial consequences, contrary to years of pro-immigration/ multiculturalism propaganda, and it does involve what has been called the Great Replacement:

     The new book is by Eric Kaufmann called Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities, and the book will apparently not be published until next year. Here is a bit from the Amazon.com page:

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Everywhere … the Smell of Pot Burning in the Morning By Chris Knight

     Boomers love their dope, cannabis or “pot.” For starters, Canada will have to soon change its pathetic politically correct maple leaf design, to marijuana leaves, now that they have moved into the new era of legalised dope:

“The Great White North could find itself in a great white puff of pot smoke as Canada makes history by legalizing marijuana. What started as an election promise by Justin Trudeau in 2015, before he was prime minister, has led to Canada becoming the second country in the world to legalize the production, sales and distribution of recreational cannabis. Uruguay broke the mould in December 2013, but Canada is the first country in the G20 to move forward with pot legalization. Cannabis is being legalized in Canada through the Cannabis Act, the first alteration to the Canadian Criminal Code as it relates to pot prohibition in 95 years. It allows adults in Canada to do the following:

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Letter to The Editor - Reformulation of the nature and significance of Jesus

To The Australian              Paul Kelly, in discussing the growing national disunity within Australia ("The main parties are divided because we are divided", 24/10), concludes that in public forums "everything is now dressed in moral clothes" and he sees this as "the consequence of the decline of shared religious faith." In that case, the first thing needed for national renewal is the revival of religion. That means more than rising numbers of adherents; it means better, profounder understanding of sacred tradition. Since Christianity is, in the historical context, our main religion, it is Christians most of all who must find a way towards fruitful change. This cannot be achieved by a stubborn clinging to belief in "orthodoxy", whether Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant. It means a reformulation of the nature and significance of Jesus, his life, teaching and death. It means, too, a different critical attitude to the Bible. This revision must result in a theology that is compatible with the other great sacred traditions on the planet. An exclusivist approach, involving insistence on "magisterium", "deposit of faith", creeds or articles simply won't do. The way has been shown by many great minds in the last two centuries, such as P. D. Ouspensky, Ananda Coomaraswamy and Rene Guenon; but too many church leaders and congregations shirk the challenge.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Feminists Hate Men and Wish that They Were all Dead! By Mrs Vera West

     Feminists freely profess their hatred of men, which borders on the criminal, if not, pathological.

“A retired history professor from Grinnell College and feminist announced that she wishes that “all men were dead” in a column for the Washington Post over the weekend. Retired history professor Victoria Bissell Brown published a bizarre column in the Washington Post on Friday in which she detailed an outburst she had at her husband that included her wishing for the death of all men. I yelled at my husband last night. Not pick-up-your-socks yell. Not how-could-you-ignore-that-red-light yell. This was real yelling. This was 30 minutes of from-the-gut yelling. Triggered by a small, thoughtless, dismissive, annoyed, patronizing comment. Really small. A micro-wave that triggered a hurricane. I blew. Hard and fast. And it terrified me. I’m still terrified by what I felt and what I said. I am almost 70 years old. I am a grandmother. Yet in that roiling moment, screaming at my husband as if he represented every clueless male on the planet (and I every angry woman of 2018), I announced that I hate all men and wish all men were dead. If one of my grandchildren yelled something that ridiculous, I’d have to stifle a laugh. The column, which is entitled “Thanks for not raping us, all you ‘good men.’ But it’s not enough,” reads like a passive-aggressive rant from the type of unhinged ideologue that makes most rational people think twice before self-identifying with the “feminist” label.”

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Australian Senate Says that it is NOT Ok to be White, But, Presumably, Ok to Work like Slaves for Globalist Masters By James Reed

     Well, Pauline’s motion had a predictable response from our pathetic politically correct Senate:

“Prime Minister Scott Morrison has described as "regrettable" his own senators' decision to back a motion declaring "it is OK to be white", while the Coalition's leader in the Senate has apologised and blamed an "administrative error".

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