Deflating IQ By Brian Simpson

     I continue my battle against what I call the IQ fetish, championed by Dissent Righters like American Renaissance, who hold as a fact, almost like gravitational attraction, that East Asians have higher mean IQs than say Nordic Whites, that Western civilisation is an accident, although what they usually say is “Asians are just so much smarter than us.” Presumably they are not restricting the scope of ‘us” to just themselves. Anyway, I came across this little item at, which deflated IQ delightfully:

“  Michael Aldrin
Answered Nov 18, 2018

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The Threat of Bernie By Charles Taylor

     Not only does Bernie Sanders not know how much it is going to cost to transform America into a version of Venezuela, and create social chaos, but his staffers are on record for making genocidal comments, about who is going to be killed. Clearly this will make Civil War 2.0 inevitable, because it is really going to put people’s backs to the wall, literally.

“A purported staffer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) presidential campaign says he’s ready for the United States to undergo a “revolution” and wants to see the elites guillotined, according to undercover footage released Tuesday by Project Veritas. The scene begins with a man identified by Project Veritas as Martin Weissgerber, a field organizer in South Carolina, claiming that he is following numerous accounts on Twitter calling for French-style Yellow Vest protests to take place in the U.S. and says he stands ready to help make it happen. “If Bernie was to lose, I would like to see Yellow Vest protests here, stateside,” the Project Veritas journalist says to Weissgerber.”

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Aboriginal Youth, Racism and the Clash of Civilisations By Brian Simpson

     Sad news about the plight of Aboriginal youth:

“Aboriginal youth are being detained at a rate 23 times that of non-Indigenous young people in the justice system. During 2018/19 the average daily detention rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders between the age of 10 and 17 was more than 30 per 10,000, compared to 1.4 per 10,000 for non-Indigenous youths. On average, there were 4,790 young people under youth justice supervision in 2018, a Productivity Commission report on government services released on Wednesday said. Most were on community-based orders which includes supervised bail, probation and parole. The majority of young people under the watch of youth justice agencies are male, including nearly 90 per cent of those in detention and close to 75 per cent in the community.

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The UN’s Climate Agenda By James Reed

     No stone is being left unturned in the drive to polish off white Western civilisation. It has been going on for at least a century, accelerating since the 1960s. The latest “bring ‘em in” strategy from the UN is climate refugees:

“The world needs to prepare for millions of people being driven from their homes by the impact of climate change, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said on Tuesday. Speaking to Reuters at the World Economic Forum, Filippo Grandi said a UN ruling this week meant those fleeing as a result of climate change deserved international protection, and that it had broad implications for governments. The UN Human Rights Committee made the landmark ruling on Monday in relation to Ioane Teitiota, from the Pacific nation of Kiribati, who brought a case against New Zealand after authorities denied his claim of asylum. We must be prepared for a large surge of people moving against their will.- Filippo Grandi,  UN High Commissioner for Refugees "The ruling says if you have an immediate threat to your life due to climate change, due to the climate emergency, and if you cross the border and go to another country, you should not be sent back, because you would be at risk of your life, just like in a war or in a situation of persecution," Grandi said. "We must be prepared for a large surge of people moving against their will," he said. "I wouldn't venture to talk about specific numbers, it's too speculative, but certainly we're talking about millions here."

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The Pope’s Commo Economics Summit By Peter West

     Wow, the communists are crawling out of the woodwork now.

“As if there needs to be further evidence that the current occupant of St. Peter’s Chair in Rome is a Marxist, the announcement of an upcoming conference at Assisi entitled the “Economy of Francesco” should convince any skeptic otherwise. In his invitation letter to “young economists and entrepreneurs worldwide,” Bergoglio sets the agenda for the Leftist confab quite clearly which is virulently anti-market, a call for massive redistribution of wealth, and a reordering of the current economic systems of the world with a healthy dose of climate change nonsense.

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The Global Elite Burns Down Australia, because of, Well, Conspiracy Inc. By James Reed

     Here is the long-awaited conspiracy view of the Australian bushfires, by Richard Wolstencroft, Report from Tiger Mountain (20), who argues that the globalist elite may have been deliberately getting these fires lit. Now, as a League of Righter, I naturally gravitate to conspiracy theories, because the alternative is either randomness, that things just happen, the “idiot theory of history,” as Eric Butler once described it. The main argument made by Richard is that it is highly suspicious that, given the sheer numbers of fires, said to be deliberately lit, there has been no media exposure of who is lighting them, beyond one report of two 12-year-old boys. It can’t be young boys lighting up the whole coastal areas of Australia.

     The video has a link to a paper that develops this argument, “Australian Bushfires: A Smart Cities Conspiracy?”

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Spanish/Chinese Flu By Brian Simpson

     The Spanish Flu of 1918, actually from China, but first reported by Spain, killed 100 million people, according to recent estimates.

     The world at that time was not as globalised as today, so it is all a matter of the “right” virus coming along, which is inevitable given the genetic adaptation of viruses. The above video reminds us of the horrific nature of pandemics, with people dropping dead in the streets, bodies being stacked, and so on. This is forgotten by even scientists, as humanity is over-confident that technology will always deliver in time. But, what if it does not? China seems to be unable to control potential pandemics, given aspects of their culture, so we can expect a repeat of 1918 at some point, which is what globalism and cosmopolitanism is all about at the bottom line:

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No Point to Having a Knife (In the UK) By Richard Miller

     British people can no longer be trusted with pointy knives:

“A cutlery company in England has designed a new line of kitchen knives with square tips in an effort to reduce the rising knife crime that has plagued the United Kingdom. The Viners firm, founded in Sheffield in 1908, created the “Assure” range of blunt-tipped knives after knife-related crime reached a record high in England and Wales last year. In Oct. 2019, the BBC reported new figures had shown a 7 percent rise in knife crime -- a record high -- in the months from June 2018 to June 2019. The data showed offenses involving a knife or sharp instrument increased from 41,000 to over 44,000 in those 12 months. "With knife-related crime incidents at a record high and a reported 285 fatalities in the last 12 months alone, the UK Government has taken the decision to reclassify kitchen knives as an offensive weapon with the new Offensive Weapons Act 2019, leading some retailers to remove single knives from sale in retail stores,” the company said in a news release. The firm said in response to the new legislation, it designed the square-ended knives that are “shaped to reduce and prevent injuries, accidents and fatalities” while still maintaining their functionality.”

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Green Fascism By James Reed

     Another great fireside talk, literally, by Nordic outdoors man Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen:

     He once called himself an environmentalist, but now rejects the term, mainly due to the present climate change fanaticism associated with Extinction Rebellion and Princess Greta. In short, it is not about saving the environment, but social control. The agenda is “pure fascism,” disguised as environmentalism. In order to achieve environmental purity, there is a need to destroy what has been built, that is, Western civilisation. And, this always ends in people being killed.

Camus on Replacism By Richard Miller

     Here is French intellectual Renaud Camus writing on the Great Replacement, and the theme that immigration to France is an invasion – which got him a two-month suspended jail sentence:

    Disclaimer: we at this site do not necessarily agree with everything said here in Camus’s article, but merely report the items said, since it is a matter of public interest; that is what journalism is about, covering the news in the public interest:

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Sex is for Married Heterosexual Couples Only: Church of England By Mrs Versa West

     Is there still a little bit of life left in the Church of England? Well, maybe:

“The Church of England has stated that sex belongs only within heterosexual marriage, and that sex in gay or straight civil partnerships “falls short of God’s purpose for human beings”. Bishops have issued pastoral guidance in response to the recent introduction to mixed-sex civil partnerships, which says: “For Christians, marriage – that is, the lifelong union between a man and a woman, contracted with the making of vows – remains the proper context for sexual activity.” The church “seeks to uphold that standard” in its approach to civil partnerships, and “to affirm the value of committed, sexually abstinent friendships” within such partnerships. It adds: “Sexual relationships outside heterosexual marriage are regarded as falling short of God’s purpose for human beings.” The affirmation of traditional teaching at a time when the church is undergoing a major review of sexuality and marriage will delight conservatives. The Civil Partnership Act came into force in December 2005, allowing same-sex couples to acquire a legal status and rights in relation to property, inheritance and tax entitlement. In 2013, same-sex marriage was legalised. The C of E does not permit same-sex marriage. It allows clergy to be in same-sex civil partnerships as long as they are sexually abstinent. After the supreme court ruled in 2018 that mixed-sex couples should also have the right to a civil partnership, the law was amended. The first mixed-sex civil partnerships were registered last month. The Rev Dr Malcolm Brown, the C of E’s director of mission and public affairs, said: “Civil partnership is not the same as marriage, which is founded on the taking of solemn public vows and is recognised in the church’s teaching as the only proper context for sexual relationships. “So, as with same-sex civil partnerships, there is no formal service or blessing but clergy will, as always, be encouraged to respond pastorally to couples wishing to formalise their relationship in this way.”

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Voluntary Human Extinction?? By James Reed

     There is apparently a voluntary human extinction movement, a fringe Greenie/Left one. The aim is not just to eliminate whites, as many Greenies and Commos want, but all humans, so full marks for anti-discrimination, if nothing else! Ok, dream on. Still, the movement is part of natural selection, since the very people who will not have children will spare the world from their socialist genes, improving the gene pool. So, with things like this, I say, stop arguing, just bring it on! Here is Les knight on the movement for the extinction of the human rsace:

“In 1996, when we got a website, things took off. People from all over the world emailed me, saying they had thought they were alone. I got hate mail, too. “You first,” is a common taunt. OK, I got snipped; you next. My favourite encounters are with people who thoroughly question the concept: I’ll take thoughtful disagreement over mindless agreement any day. I don’t know how many share my beliefs, but I speak to hundreds of advocates each year. We have active volunteers across the world, from India to Mexico. In my own relationships, I’ve always explained that pregnancy is impossible. Marriage never made sense to me anyway: I would have missed getting to know many wonderful women had I stuck with one. Today, Extinction Rebellion and the climate strike movement haven’t quite embraced the population’s contribution to the crisis. Other high-profile population awareness organisations are working hard to be acceptable, so suggest zero or one offspring, and still say stop at two. Two is too many: computer models suggest even one-child families would result in 5-10 billion people by 2100. Although the basic concept of the movement is the same, my motivations have evolved. I was a deep ecologist at first, caring more about our impact on the ecosphere than human needs. I’ve become more concerned about any new humans being brought into existence. Procreation today is the moral equivalent of selling berths on a sinking ship. It’s true that society would be greatly diminished without children, but it isn’t right to create them just because we like having them around. People worry that we won’t have enough workers to support pensioners, but economic systems are artificial and can be adjusted. We don’t need to breed more wage slaves to prop up an obsolete system. If we go extinct, other species will have a chance to recover. I’ll never see the day when there are no humans on the planet, but I can imagine what a magnificent world it would be – provided we go soon enough.

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On Teeth: Living on the Financial Edge By James Reed

     I read a piece by Brian Simpson, where he mentioned in passing his tooth abscess, and this caused me to have an anxiety attack, and make my last few teeth ache too. The most painful thing, is that people poor like me, and most of the writers here, who are on some sort of welfare benefit (Brian works teaching, so he should button up whinging), simple exist, with few things in life to dull the pain of postmodern decomposition “existence,” with not even enough alcohol. I don’t even know if Uncle Len is alive, for example.  The average sheeple has consumerism, but that is taken from most of us by poverty, so we see things more clearly. The downside is not being able to get our teeth fixed. In the old days one could get teeth pulled readily and quickly, with my mother at age 18, getting 18 pulled in one sitting. False teeth made life much less painful. And, no matter how well you clean teeth, they eventually rot; the curse of civilisation as Dr Price noted:

     Anyway, that is my background lead in to:

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In Defence of Prescribed Burning By James Reed

     There is a great article:

“How and why prescribed burning mitigates bushfire losses,”

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Diversity and The Lord of The Rings By Chris Knight

     The Nordic nature of The Lord of the Rings films gave the elites heartburn, for it was a source of moral panic to appeal to such suppressed symbols, of a fair people under attack by monsters. So, The Hobbit dealt with this, making some of the evil ones white, and the dwarfs being ugly creatures, not like the pocket Viking Gimli. Hence those movies were not as popular. Now comes the woke TV series, to bury Tolkien forever:

“LOTR’s unbearable whiteness—and that of the fantasy genre as a whole—still agitates critics. “There are no black people on ‘Game of Thrones.’ You don’t see one black person in Lord of the Rings,’” Star Wars actor John Boyega said in a 2017 interview . “I ain’t paying money to always see one type of person on-screen. Because you see different people from different backgrounds, different cultures, every day. Even if you’re a racist, you have to live with that. We can ruffle up some feathers.” This criticism has increased since the release of the last Hobbit in 2014. Game of Thrones was a far more pozzed creation than the LOTR films, yet critics still could not cope with the nearly all-white cast. The show had a legion of STRONG WOMEN characters and upheld AWFL (affluent white female liberal values) values. In contrast, LOTR expressed a right-wing worldview based on a pagan-Christian synthesis. Regardless of the differences, critics frowned upon GoT for the same reasons they disliked LOTR. The criticism got to GoT’s producers. The canceled prequel series  was set to have a very diverse cast led by female showrunners.

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In Turkey, Rape Victims will Soon Have to Marry their Rapists! By Mrs Vera West

     Oh, the Western feminists are quiet about this one, which having a race/ethnic/religious dimension, goes into the “too-hard” basket. Really, the sharp teeth and claws of feminism are only used on white men. Everyone else, whatever they do, gets a pass by. What a “philosophy”!

“A law which would allow men accused of having sex with girls who are under 18 to avoid punishment if they marry their victims is set to be introduced to parliament in Turkey. The controversial so-called “marry-your-rapist” bill, which lawmakers are planning to introduce to Turkish parliament at the end of January, has sparked fury among women’s rights campaigners in the country. Critics argue the legislation, which the opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) is urging the government to axe, not only legitimises child marriage and statutory rape but also paves the way for child abuse and sexual exploitation. A similar bill was defeated in Turkey in 2016 after national and global outrage. The legislation would have only pardoned men if they had sex without “force or threat”. United Nations agencies warned the bill would generate a landscape of impunity for child abuse and leave victims vulnerable to experiencing additional mistreatment and distress from their assailants. “Marry-your-rapist” bills have been seen across the world and are pushed in the name of protecting and safeguarding family “honour”. Suad Abu-Dayyeh, a campaigner who specialises in the Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan for Equality Now, a non government organisation which aims to promote the rights of women and girls, said it was "shocking" politicians are trying to pass a bill that "provides impunity for perpetrators of child sexual exploitation". She told The Independent: "I applaud the brave work of women’s rights campaigners in Turkey who are taking a stand against this discriminatory bill and pushing back again regressive forces that are seeking to remove current legal protections for girls. Similar 'marry-your-rapist' legal provisions have been on the statute books of countries across the Middle East and North Africa. "Thanks to years of campaigning by women’s rights activists and lawmakers, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and Palestine have all removed these loopholes in recent years. Rather than attempting to introduce legislation that harms women's rights and protections, Turkish lawmakers should take heed of these advances in repealing gender discriminatory laws.” While the legal age of consent is 18 in Turkey, a 2018 government report on child marriage estimates a total of 482,908 girls were married in the last decade.”

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Water, Freedom and the Globalist Agenda By James Reed

     There is an extension of time to make submissions on the Constitution Alteration (Water Resources) 2019 Inquiry. The push is on for changes to the Australian Constitution in favour of the Commonwealth.  Section 100 declares water is a State's Right. This is how it should remain as it is the Commonwealth which has initiated the disastrous Murray Darling Basin Plan. Resist the move to centralised power at all cost! Say No! always to any constitutional change, for the aim ultimately is to destroy the states!
See ...

Constitution Alteration (Water Resources) 2019
Committee Secretariat contact:
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 02 6277 3419
Fax: +61 02 6277 5809
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Beware, the Coming Plague By Brian Simpson

     While there are sceptics from the Dissent Right, poo-pooing the idea of a coronavirus plague, there is material out there that needs careful consideration before blandly accepting the mainstream media claim of only 26 dead … oh wait that is now 54 dead with 300 new cases, with the disease contained to the Chinese ground zero of the city of Wuhan. In fact, the Chinese President Xi Jinping, has said that the spread of the virus is accelerating and that the situation is “grave,” no pun intended.

     The really bad news is that this disease could be another “Spanish” (actually Chinese) Flu, all over again, with a death toll of 65 million, or more:

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Does Philosophy Have Any Guts? By Chris Knight

     I have always been amused by this paradox; that the discipline of philosophy, and I did two years philosophy, failing, at a useless university in America, long ago, prides itself on defending all manners of things, like minds don’t exist, the world is only the elementary units of physics, morality is an illusion, and so on. But, nothing defending the concept of race … oh, that is too problematic for a group of people where it was once said that there is no absurdity that some philosopher has not defended. Oh, there is plenty criticising race, but when an article does appear that is not 1,000 percent politically correct, well, watch out:

“Nearly two years ago, a feminist philosophy journal faced demands to retract a paper that compared “transracialism” to transgenderism. Some of its editors quickly apologized, but were then overruled by the journal’s top editors. Another philosophy journal is facing similar retraction demands for publishing a paper on “group differences in intelligence,” but its editors preemptively said that’s not going to happen. The petition against Philosophical Psychology for publishing “race science” is led by Mark Alfano, whose CV says he currently teaches at the Netherlands’ Delft University of Technology and Australia’s Macquarie University. It calls on editors Cees van Leeuwen and Mitchell Herschbach to retract the paper, apologize, resign or “some combination” of those. As of Thursday night, the petition had under 70 signatures including Alfano’s. While that’s far below the 800 signatures quickly amassed against Rebecca Tuvel’s comparison of Rachel Dolezal to Caitlyn Jenner in Hypatia, the controversy is generating the same battle lines, with scholars debating the merits of the paper and the role of free inquiry in science. Van Leeuwen and Herschbach published an editors’ note the day after the Dec. 23 paper by Nathan Cofnas, a PhD student in philosophy at the University of Oxford, defending free inquiry regardless of the controversy generated by his argument. They followed up with a Facebook statement Tuesday disputing Alfano’s criticisms of the editorial process in his petition and associated blog post, saying he offers “a rather misleading summary of the paper.”

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Anti-Immigration Greek Style By James Reed

     You have to hand it to the ever-lovable Greeks, with their fantastic food and dancing and rational philosophy, they know how to migrate, but they also know how to protest about immigration to their beautiful islands. And good for them, if only the rest of the West was as strong:

“The islands of Lesbos, Samos and Chios are the frontline of Europe's migrant crisis. Islanders have run out of patience, demanding their government empty the overflowing reception camps and return their islands to them. Residents of the Greek islands of Lesbos, Samos and Chios went on strike on Wednesday, angry at the overflowing migrant camps. Under the slogan "we want our islands back, we want our lives back," the islanders shut stores and closed public services, as people demonstrated on the streets, waving Greek flags. DW correspondent Max Zander tweeted that there was a "massive" turnout at the anti-migration policy protest in Mytilini, Lesbos. Trade unionists and regional lawmakers demanded that the Greek government immediately transport the thousands of migrants stranded at camps to the mainland after registration. Some of the camps are at 10 times the intended capacity. Protest organizers said they are also seeking more information on the government's announcements that it will build more camps on the islands. 'Our island can no longer be the site of lost souls' "We can't continue to put up with this situation in our small town," said Giorgos Stantzos, mayor of Vathy, the main town on the island of Samos. "Our island can no longer be the site of lost souls and suffering people," the regional governor of the northern Aegean Sea region, Kostas Moutzouris told Greek broadcaster ERT Open. Governors and mayors from the region plan to travel to Athens on Thursday to present their demand to the government. The Greek government, under conservative Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, announced in October 2019 that it wants to send 10,000 migrants back to Turkey by the end of 2020 as part of a more hardline approach to migration.”

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