Why is Israel Ceasing Fluoridation of its Water? By Mrs Vera West

     Israel is one nation that has it together, and when it makes some radical change, it would be wise to analyse it. Take fluoride in the water for example:

“Israeli tap water will no longer contain fluoride after Tuesday, following a decree by Health Minister Yael German earlier this month discontinuing the practice. The decision has been lauded by various rights groups, but criticized by many in the medical and dental communities as a serious mistake. Fluoride is commonly added to national water supplies by governments throughout the world in order to prevent tooth decay, but critics say overconsumption of the invisible, odorless, tasteless gas is a health hazard. Despite the widespread fluoridation, German, a member of the Yesh Atid party, has made no secret about her disdain for the practice. During her tenure as mayor of Herzliya, she successfully stopped the national government from fluoridating the city’s water supply. Shortly after she was appointed health minister in 2013, she announced her plans to end public fluoridation once and for all. However, following a wave of backlash from public health experts and government officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, she mandated that fluoridation would only continue for population centers that opted for the program. The program, which had been opted into by local authorities of 5.3 million residents, has no longer become optional, as German officially announced her decision to discontinue fluoridation on August 26.”

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Coronavirus as a Bioweapon By Brian Simpson

     I am updating here the coronavirus pandemic today’s news. The view that this is a dud disease is refuted by rising death tolls in China, with the commo authorities hiding the real number of dead:

“Local Chinese authorities have just lost the ability to pick up corpses due to a breakdown in government,” said Gordon Chang, a well-known expert on China on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” “So really what we are having right now is, they are completely overwhelmed,” Chang added. “They are not able to keep accurate statistics. So what we are witnessing is essentially a breakdown in government and keeping accurate statistics is a very minor part of their priorities right now.” Chang said that while he understands the preventative measure, he believes the quarantine has “made the problem worse.” “I can understand why they want to quarantine but remember, the Wuhan mayor said about 5 million people from his city left before the quarantine was imposed,” he said. “Also right now the quarantine has aggravated a problem and that is [that] people can’t get to hospitals, so they are at home…they are dying.” “They are infecting other people in their households because they are not, in a sense, quarantined from wives, husbands, brothers, sisters,” he continued. “The quarantine has made the problem worse. It’s also created panic. That panic has had consequences on, for instance, social cohesion which is absolutely necessary if you want to beat an epidemic.”

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Solve UK Knife Violence with Swords!! By Richard Miller

     Every day here are new horror stories from sad old dying England about knife crime.

     The solution by the authorities has been to ban knives. Also, firms are producing knives without points, which does not seem to have a point if knives are banned, and as if a point cannot be ground into such a pointy knife, or steel found, and made pointy. Get the point? No, the answer to the knife problem is to go one level up, and issue permits for ordinary folk to carry swords and other medieval weapons, including wearing chain mail! There is no doubt that guns would solve the problem, but the cucked British are not up to that. Anyway, people who had guns, being attacked are likely to be as bad a shots as police, and thus hit city shoppers. But, going medieval may appeal to them. Short swords trump the pathetic kitchen knives used by attackers, and even a half decent fighting Bowie or kukri, would make most of these attacker’s wet their pants. Knife fighting training centres could be set up in supermarkets, creating employment.

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Every. Single. One By Bruce Bennett

     I wondered how long before we saw Aussie Hollywood star Chris Hemsworth came out and say something politically correct, and now I don’t have to wait any more.

“Aussie actor Chris Hemsworth has spoken out on Australia Day, saying he thinks the national holiday should be moved. The Hollywood actor, 36, and resident of Byron Bay posted to his almost 40 million Instagram followers, sharing his view that January 26 marks a day of “such pain, sorrow and deep loss” for First Nations people. “What if we made this day about reflection and respect for the oldest surviving civilisation, how they may be feeling and come together with solidarity, love and empathy,” Hemsworth asked in the post that’s been liked more than 480,000 times. “We should stand together united in our commitment to reconciliation. Changing the date is the first step. “No one loses anything but a lot of people benefit greatly. Love you all.”

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A Politically Correct Dictionary By James Reed

     Now this is handy in our insane world ruled by the ideology of Leftism: a list of politrivcally correct terms put together, ironically by social psychologist, Lee Jussim:

“Adminomania: A delusion that increased administrative and bureaucratic intrusions into people’s lives will actually improve something, fueled primarily by a pervasive blindness to unintended negative side effects. See Title IX.
Athletic gynocide: The elimination from sports competitions of people identified at birth by doctors or other adults as female because they cannot successfully compete with people identified at birth by doctors or other adults as males but who identify as females.
Bias bias: A bias for seeing biases, often manifesting as either claiming bias when none exists, exaggerating biases that do exist, or overgeneralizing to large swaths of life from studies finding bias in some narrow or specific context.
Biomindophobia: Fear that biology influences the mind.
Blancofemophobia: Prejudice against white women, as exemplified by dismissing the beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors of white women with phrases such as, “White women white womening.” See here for a real-world example.
Brexistential fear: An irrational fear that Brexit will lead to the end of the world as we know it.
Brophobia: Fear of men having a conversation among themselves.
Chapeaurougeauphobia: Fear and loathing of Trump supporters.
Cisandrophobia: Fear of and prejudice against heterosexual men.
Decontextaphilia: An unhealthy attraction to quoting others out of context.
Emotional imperialism: The strange belief that your feelings should dictate someone else’s behavior.

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Overseas Students and Exploding Migration By James Reed

     One only needs to take a stroll through the Australian universities during term time to see the migration link. One could be in China or India. But here is research that goes far beyond such crude empiricism from 2019, Bob Birrell, Overseas Students are Driving Australia’s Net Overseas Migration Tide.

“There is widespread awareness that overseas students are a large and growing presence in Australia. But few observers would know that by 2017-18 overseas students were the largest contributor to Australia’s very high level of Net Overseas Migration (NOM). According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimates, overseas students comprised 104,987 of the overall level of NOM of 236,733 in 2017- 18. That’s 44 per cent of total NOM. Overseas students holding higher education visas were the dominant source of this contribution to NOM. (See definition of NOM on pp. 1-2.) Nor would many observers be aware that, over the six years from 2011-12 to 2017-18, overseas students were by far the largest growth point in Australia’s NOM. Their contribution increased from 25,700 in 2011-12 to 104,987 in 2017-18 . In the absence of the increasing contribution of overseas students, Australia’s NOM would have declined to around 150,000. Reductions in NOM over these years from New Zealanders and those on temporary work visas (among others – see Table 2) were swamped by the rising tide of overseas students. The student share of NOM in 2017-18 of 104,987 was far greater than that attributable to movements of those holding permanent residence visas – which was 68,850 in 2017-18 (see Table 1). Yet almost all the recent debate about the size of NOM and the Coalition government’s proposals to deal with the scale of NOM has focussed on the permanent resident component.

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Letter to The Editor - The Roman share in the guilt for an unjust execution is clearly stated

To The Australian     Christians are entitled to query the "unreserved" nature of the apology published by Carey Grammar senior chaplain Gerry Riviere ("School apology for 'anti-Semitic' slur", 4/2). His original statements, which drew adverse criticism, appear to be in accord with the gospel texts in the Bible and in no way can be fairly interpreted as holding that "the Jewish people as a whole" can be "held responsible for the death of Jesus." The Gospels themselves are not anti-Jewish. Their central figure, the adored Saviour, is Jewish. So are his followers. Moreover, the Roman share in the guilt for an unjust execution is clearly stated. This latest episode shows that in the contemporary world some Jews are too demanding and some Christians too yielding.
  Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic

Why Should I Care if All the Insects Die? By James Reed

     Suffering form conservation/diversity overload, news of the insects dying out, just bores me, when Northern Europeans are set to die out, in the Great Replacement. Why, I am dying out now, too poor to even get my teeth fixed, swallowing cheap painkillers all day.  Should I really care what survives? OK, there will be famine from lack of plant fertilisation, disruption to the ecosystems and other roll-on effects, if we can believe the so-called science, but since much of it comes from the UN and globalists, I am honour bound to reject the claims without reading them, just as our claims are ignored.

“Conservationists say fears of an insect apocalypse, Armageddon and absolute extinction are overblown, but acting now could save populations that are plummeting. Seven 'no-regret' actions could rescue insects on the road to extinction, a new roadmap for conservation says, helping ecosystems even where a lack of research means scientists cannot prove benefits to individual species. Earth's biodiversity is declining at unprecedented rates but population data on insects — which are small, diverse and abundant — is patchy. Instead of waiting to fill knowledge gaps, 75 experts writing in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution are calling for immediate actions that also improve ecosystems and wider society. Short-term measures such as phasing out pesticides and diversifying farmland could set struggling insect species on a path to recovery while better data is collected. "We reap what we sow," said Jeff Harvey, ecologist at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology and lead author of the roadmap. "It's a no-brainer that decline of insects will affect other species in the food chain… We can't just put little bandages on this." 'Insectageddon' Last year, a global review published in the journal Biological Conservation spawned headlines heralding an "insect apocalypse," "Armageddon" and "collapse of nature" when it found 40% of insect species would face the threat of extinction within decades.”

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What Japan Should do with the Fukushima Waste By James Reed

     Japan at present is very generous in pumping nuclear waste from the Fukushima power station into the public commons of the ocean. We will all thank them for turning us into Marvel superheroes in the future, but in the meantime, surely there are better ways of using this valuable resource? How about canning it, maybe in ultra-thick lead cans, and making some sort of soda pop out of it, with photos of pretty anime girls all over the lead can?

“Massive amounts of radioactive water being stored at Japan’s Fukushima power plant could be released into the sea under plans provisionally accepted by the country’s government. Tokyo Electric has collected nearly 1.2 million tonnes of contaminated water from cooling pipes used to keep fuel cores from melting since the plant was devastated by the earthquake and tsunami which hit eastern Japan in 2011. The water, containing 62 radioactive elements, is stored in huge tanks on the site of the now disabled power plant, but Tokyo Electric has said it will run out of room to store the water by 2022. The water has been treated and Tokyo Electric said it is able to remove all radioactive particles from the water to levels not harmful to humans, except tritium, an isotope of hydrogen which is more difficult to separate from water. A panel of experts working for Japan’s economy and industry ministry concluded that letting the water run into the sea was the best option after looking at other proposals. The only other viable option considered was to let the water evaporate.”

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Boy, You’ve Got to Carry that Weight! By James Reed

     Good old Scomo, or is it Bozo, our prime monster, sorry, minister, is not taking any of this climate change nonsense, and has said that we in Oz are already carrying our weight on carbon emissions.

“The prime minister, Scott Morrison, has rejected suggestions Australia could increase its international advocacy on climate change, saying the country is already “carrying its load” and must adapt to a warmer climate regardless of emissions policy. After indicating that the government would “evolve” its climate change policies to address heightened concerns about the role of global warming in Australia’s ongoing bushfire crisis, Morrison used a keynote speech at the National Press Club on Wednesday to talk up the government’s current policies, including its emission reduction targets. “We know that Australia on its own cannot control the world’s climate as Australia accounts for just 1.3% of global emissions,” Morrison said. “We also know that no fire event can be attributed to the actions of any one country on emissions reduction. But Australia must play its part and we are playing our part. Taking action is agreed – our action, though, is a balanced and responsible emissions reduction plan. “The science tells us the effects of emissions already in the atmosphere will continue to be felt in coming decades, even under the most ambitious global emissions reduction scenarios.” When asked if the government could “step up and advocate” for more ambitious global action on climate change given its role as a “proud middle power”, Morrison said Australia was already doing enough. “Australia is carrying its load and more. We are doing what you would expect a country like Australia to do, but what I won’t do is this: I am not going to sell out Australians – I am not going to sell out Australians based on the calls from some to put higher taxes on them or push up their electricity prices or to abandon their jobs and their industries,” he said. The prime minister also said the government’s target of a cut of 26% to 28% of 2005 emission levels by 2030 was “set”, but he repeated claims that Australia was on track to “meet and beat” its target.  Department of Environment data suggests national emissions will be 16% below 2005 levels by 2030, well short of the minimum 26% goal. The government is using carryover credits from the Kyoto protocol to make up the difference.”

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Are Viruses Racist? By Brian Simpson

     I formulate this idea when reading the following speculations at vDare.com, which noted that all of the people dying from the coronavirus are Han Chinese.

“In fact, as far as I can tell, all of the confirmed cases have been of Chinese people. According to Sri Lankan radio, the case in Sri Lanka was a “Chinese tourist” [Sri Lanka suspends visa on arrival for Chinese travellers after confirmed case of Corona virus, News On Air, January 28, 2020]. So are the cases in France and the one in the United Arab Emirates [Coronavirus is spreading as FIVE people in France are now confirmed to have the illness and Chinese traveller from Wuhan is quarantined in Finland, by Sam Blanchard, Mail Online, January 29, 2020]. If it is true that only East Asians are dying of, or even catching, Corona, that would be consistent with long-established race differences in the susceptibility to such viruses. This has been explored in a fascinating study, by a group of Chinese researchers led by C. L. Chen of Soochow University, entitled: Ethnic differences in susceptibilities to A(H1N1) flu [African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009]. The authors begin by noting that, from an evolutionary perspective, there is every reason to expect there to be ethnic or race differences in the susceptibility to different pathogens. Races—or, as they call them, “ethnic groups”—are breeding populations, long-separated, usually by geography, who are, therefore, genetic clusters adapted to different ecologies. Because they were exposed to different pathogens in prehistory, there are very likely to be race differences in susceptibility to the pathogens and in how well the immune system can fight them.

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The Mistake Made by Asians with Masks By Brian Simpson

     It is surprising that the magazine American Renaissance (“Asians are soooo much smarter than us”) is not jumping up to advise, but I guess they feel no need to, knowing their place in the great chain of being. I have in mind face masks, and anyone walking around town, waiting for the inevitable zombie apocalypse will see many friendly people donning surgical masks. But these are useless against air borne viruses:

“Can wearing a medical face mask protect you against the new coronavirus? It's a question many people, including pet owners who are putting canine face masks on their dogs, are asking. If it's a regular surgical face mask, the answer is "no," Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious-disease specialist at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, told Live Science. A more specialized mask, known as an N95 respirator, can protect against the new coronavirus, also called 2019-nCoV. The respirator is thicker than a surgical mask, but Schaffner doesn't recommend it for public use, at least not at this point. That's because, in part, it's challenging to put these masks on and wear them for long periods of time, he said. Specialists receive retraining annually on how to properly fit these respirators around the nose, cheeks and chin, ensuring that wearers don't breathe around the edges of the respirator. "When you do that, it turns out that the work of breathing, since you're going through a very thick material, is harder. You have to work to breathe in and out. It's a bit claustrophobic. It can get moist and hot in there," Schaffner said. "I know that I can wear them when I need to for about a half-hour," he added. "But then I have to go out of the isolation room, take it off and take some deep breaths, kind of cool off, before I can go back in." While it is possible to buy the N95 respirator online, Schaffner advised against it. For one thing, there are just seven cases of coronavirus in the United States at this point. Meanwhile, influenza will infect, hospitalize and even kill thousands upon thousands of Americans this year, but most people aren't thinking of taking the same precautions for that illness, he said. Furthermore, while there is no shortage of the respirators now, there could be if too many people unnecessarily buy one, Schaffner said.”

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The Coronavirus, A New World Order Plot! By James Reed

     Why didn’t we say this, or rather why didn’t I? Too much biology from science teacher Brian Simpson, and not enough good old-fashioned conspiracy. Me: I love a good conspiracy in the morning:

     No sooner had I bought new tin foil for my bald head, when after Richard Wolstencroft’s Report from Tiger Mountain (20), where he convinced me, and I don’t take much convincing, that the bushfires were a globalist conspiracy, he has a new report that the coronavirus is a New World Order “plot,” his term. Yes, I say! The globalists will use every piece of driftwood that floats their way for their agenda. Global cooling would have been even better than global warming for example. I mean, in a new ice age shouldn’t we all be together for “warmth”?

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The Coming Dark Age By Peter Ewer

     This is an informative article dealing with a topic that thinkers contemplating the collapse of Western civilisation come up to: will there be a new Dark Age as followed the collapse of the Roman Empire? The article is by an academic writing under the pen name of Ferdinand Bardamu, which is the name of the protagonist in the great novel by French iconoclastic writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night (1932):

     Bardamu sees a new Dark Age as already upon us as the white race rushes into the abyss of racial suicide, pulling down the temple of civilisation with it, and this time, in a globally interconnected world, when one domino collapses, they all ultimately will.

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Update on the 5G War By Brian Simpson

     Here are two good articles, detailing how the global elite are using advanced technology for increasing social control and power. The problem is that this techy is what is known as a “social trap,” something that catches people and becomes stuck to them, so that they are dependent upon it, even thought there was once a world not too long ago without it. That makes it particularly difficult to oppose technological advances which are clearly having the majority benefit to the elites, creating a technocracy. It is far from clear how this can be fought, other than a purge of the entire system, which is not going to happen soon. There is remarkedly little written about the strategy of opposing technocracy, but much about its evils. We need to begin to think critically about science and technology, which have become modern gods, delivering the goodies by magic to the sheeple who mindless, or almost mindlessly, consume.

Who is Mainly Responsible for Most Anti-Semitism in Sweden? By Richard Miller

     If you guessed, right wing rabid rabbit Nazis, well, maybe no, not today:

“Historically, anti-Semitism in Sweden could mainly be attributed to right-wing extremists. While this problem persists, a study from 2013 showed that 51 percent of anti-Semitic incidents in Sweden were attributed to Muslim extremists. Only 5 percent were carried out by right-wing extremists; 25 percent were perpetrated by left-wing extremists. Swedish politicians have no problem condemning anti-Semitism carried out by right-wingers. When neo-Nazis planned a march that would go past the Goteborg synagogue on Yom Kippur this September, for example, it stirred up outrage across the political spectrum. A court ruled that the demonstrators had to change their route. There is, however, tremendous hesitation to speak out against hate crimes committed by members of another minority group in a country that prides itself on welcoming minorities and immigrants. In 2015, Sweden was second only to Germany in the number of Syrian refugees it welcomed. Yet the three men arrested in the Molotov cocktail attack were newly arrived immigrants, two Syrians and a Palestinian. The fear of being accused of intolerance has paralyzed Sweden’s leaders from properly addressing deep-seated intolerance. Some of the country’s leaders have even used Israel as a convenient boogeyman to explain violence. After the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015, Sweden’s foreign minister, Margot Wallstrom, explained radicalism among European Muslims with reference to Israel: “Here, once again, we are brought back to situations like the one in the Middle East, where not least, the Palestinians see that there isn’t a future. We must either accept a desperate situation or resort to violence.” In an interview in June, Prime Minister Stefan Lofven was asked whether Sweden had been naïve about the link between immigration and anti-Semitism. His response was typical of the way in which leading politicians have avoided giving straight answers about the threat against the country’s Jews: “We have a problem in Sweden with anti-Semitism, and it doesn’t matter who expresses it, it’s still as darn wrong.”

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Arrested for Celebrating Australia Day! By Bruce Bennett

     This one “takes the cake”!  OK he was standing in a prominent position, maybe to attract attention.  But it cannot be denied he was there to celebrate Australia Day and the cops dealt with him because a demonstration of people with a different view were coming along and his presence would cause friction.  Surely this is the last straw for Australia. View this and weep for what Australia has become, and what we have lost. Did the ANZACS die for nothing? Also, there is an issue here, as we have seen with protests in America, that the police are tending to protect the rights of the Left, but not conservatives. In the video, the police should have protected the man holding the flag, but instead, he becomes the criminal. That makes this a police state, at the mercy of the Left. As also covered at this site, British police did not pursue the rapist grooming gangs because they were ethnic, and thought that it would be politically incorrect to do so.  Disgraceful, and in the latter case, criminal as well.

The Demons of Political Violence By Chris Knight

     What has been described as the “demons of political violence” seem to be gripping the world, from France to America. We all needs to pay attention to the smoke signals of the time:

“Slowly but surely, they’re taking away all our acquis, the acquired rights that our elders fought for,” says Didier. “In 1936 we got paid holidays; later, unemployment benefits. Now they’re trying to take away our pension rights. Macron, stop taking away our acquis!” Macron wants to shift all France from a defined benefits scheme to a defined contribution scheme, called a points system. “I don’t know what a points pension means,” says Jean-Pierre. “I don’t think Macron knows either. . . I hope we paralyse the country. I don’t give a damn about Christmas, because if Macron keeps at it there’ll be no turkey, nothing to eat. I call him the vulture.” Four police officers stand nearby, shuffling their feet and rubbing gloved hands against the cold. They wear RoboCop vests and shoulder and arm protectors and speak through woollen mufflers. If they can just prevent rioting today, they hope the movement will fizzle. “Is it true that [interior minister Christophe] Castaner says we can keep our early retirement?” the officers ask. Two leading police unions called on members to strike. Castaner appealed to them to remain on duty, and promised their right to early retirement will not change. Hubert Labrousse (75), a retired researcher for the Institut Pasteur, joined Attac 15 years ago “because the Communist Party sank and the Socialist Party was no longer socialist”. Labrousse chomps a cigar and wears a top hat, three-piece suit and white scarf, a mockery of a rich man. He sees this protest as the continuation of the gilets jaunes movement that started in November 2018. “I don’t want a civil war,” he says, “But we’re seeing the first signs: the rise of the far-right, the gap between rich and poor . . .”

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Deliberate Suppression of Bushfire Facts By James Reed

     We have covered the issue of suppression of facts about the bushfires extensively at this site, but for those wanting a video that puts it all together, this is highly recommended.

Hey! That’s Old Dog Bill Clinton in that Photo with the Underage Sex Slaves! By Charles Taylor

     What can I say? If the elites had a photo of Donald Trump on Epstein’s paedophile island with an underage sex slave it would be prime time news. But Bill Clinton does this and nothing happens, no criminal investigation to determine whether any wrong doing occurred, nothing. Who says that there is no grand conspiracy!