Boy, You’ve Got to Carry that Weight! By James Reed

     Good old Scomo, or is it Bozo, our prime monster, sorry, minister, is not taking any of this climate change nonsense, and has said that we in Oz are already carrying our weight on carbon emissions.

“The prime minister, Scott Morrison, has rejected suggestions Australia could increase its international advocacy on climate change, saying the country is already “carrying its load” and must adapt to a warmer climate regardless of emissions policy. After indicating that the government would “evolve” its climate change policies to address heightened concerns about the role of global warming in Australia’s ongoing bushfire crisis, Morrison used a keynote speech at the National Press Club on Wednesday to talk up the government’s current policies, including its emission reduction targets. “We know that Australia on its own cannot control the world’s climate as Australia accounts for just 1.3% of global emissions,” Morrison said. “We also know that no fire event can be attributed to the actions of any one country on emissions reduction. But Australia must play its part and we are playing our part. Taking action is agreed – our action, though, is a balanced and responsible emissions reduction plan. “The science tells us the effects of emissions already in the atmosphere will continue to be felt in coming decades, even under the most ambitious global emissions reduction scenarios.” When asked if the government could “step up and advocate” for more ambitious global action on climate change given its role as a “proud middle power”, Morrison said Australia was already doing enough. “Australia is carrying its load and more. We are doing what you would expect a country like Australia to do, but what I won’t do is this: I am not going to sell out Australians – I am not going to sell out Australians based on the calls from some to put higher taxes on them or push up their electricity prices or to abandon their jobs and their industries,” he said. The prime minister also said the government’s target of a cut of 26% to 28% of 2005 emission levels by 2030 was “set”, but he repeated claims that Australia was on track to “meet and beat” its target.  Department of Environment data suggests national emissions will be 16% below 2005 levels by 2030, well short of the minimum 26% goal. The government is using carryover credits from the Kyoto protocol to make up the difference.”

     Oh boy, the Left did not like that, and I bet once uni. is back they will be outside drawing up their protest signs, as if that ever did any good. If climate change is real we need to grin and bear it, think of Asia (England is gone) and adapt to a warmer climate. I like the ice cool logic in that, which simply bypasses the whole debate. That is why we “Scomoites” elected you, Bozo, to be tough and mean, not green.



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