A number of writers at this site are collapsologists, seeing Western civilisation in deep trouble from numerous factors, such as centralisation of power, insane elites, ethno-racial replacement, you name it. The feeling is that all other civilisations in the past have collapsed so why should ours be any different?
Just in case this is thought by some to be an eccentric fringe view, collapsology is now a legitimate mainstream field, as detailed in this book by Pablo Servigne and Raphael Stevens, How Everything Can Collapse, (Polity Press, London, 2020). This is a mainstream book, which I do not have, but from what I read, deals with areas where we are in dispute, such as climate change. But this does show the larger issue that the issue of collapse is a live one, when both Left sand Right converge to the same point, although they come from very different perspectives, obviously enough.