An article was published attempting to show that Covid lockdowns reduced suicides, among other things:
A single judge had ruled that there was a viable claim that Pennsylvania mail-in ballot procedures, as set out in Act 77, contravened the Pennsylvania constitution, Article VII, section 14, as the plain language of the section was in prima facie conflict with the mail-in provisions of Act 77. The Supreme Court threw out the single judge decision, arguing on the procedural ground that the law suit was out of time, being filed months after the time limit that the mail-in voting law allowed to be challenged, in accordance with that Act. But, the real issue is whether or not the law is constitutional, which was simply not addressed. This will then have to go to SCOTUS, just as Bush v. Gore (2000). But, I have little faith in the legal system, but it has to be tried. My guess is that SCOTUS will go to water and just ignore all of these arguments, and evidence of fraud.
Talk about lovers’ spats; China is getting down right mean, making up memes that Australia is eating babies, no, killing them, the sorts of things done in wars.
Biden is big on masks, especially black ones, like his antifa mates, when the press is watching, the obedient pests that they are. Now Biden has proclaimed that it is a patriotic duty to wear a mask, even though most masks are totally useless, and only N95 and above surgical masks are any good at all:
Here is Biden’s first steps in burying white America and creating open borders, granting amnesty to over 11 million illegal aliens, who by chain migration will probably bring in untold millions more. Hopefully, the whites who voted for Biden will get their just rewards, unemployment and replacement. They deserve it, big time, and more.
The long-awaited, release the Kraken lawsuit of Sidney Powell on the US electoral fraud scam has happened. Here is what you need to know.
The US electoral fraud issue has hit deeply, showing conclusively that, as if we did not know it, that the system does not work, fairly, but is utterly corrupt. The mainstream media engages in open lies to produce the agenda that their globalist masters want. This is easily seen in the claims that no evidence of electoral fraud is being offered, when there are entire internet sites with court documents. Material is simply ignored, showing as well, that the mainstream media is also utterly corrupt, and in need of junking.
We must be grateful for diversity and its endless enrichment, but most of all we must celebrate the success that it has brought, something native Europeans would never do, being lazy and sleeping all the time against coconut trees, which is why Europeans have contributed nothing, in fact, negative amounts to science and the Arts. Just name one European scientist, and one great musician? No-one in my cultural studies/Womyn’s Studies class could do it, showing that there are none.
The line is now being taken by the MSM that Trump is throwing in the towel, no election fraud, nothing to see here, let globalism and Chinese dominance rule. But wait, there are still private law suits even if Trump cucks. If he does cuck out maybe he needs to be replaced by someone like US Senator Tom Cotton, with more guts, and brains. But, I digress; for there is an affidavit containing numerous allegations of electoral fraud, made I think by ordinary folk. I hope so many of these law suits pile up, that the election is not decided until 2024! Of course, Congress will sort it out, delivering it to Trump. This took all of five minutes to find, dear conservative journalists, but I guess the Red Bear has laid down the line upon which you dare not step over.
If Trump throws in the towel, what happens then? Has he thought it through? Well, first, from the Left, the clear intention has been expressed to punish not only him but all Trump supporters, as detailed below. Trump is going to face prison, where he will certainly be Epsteined.
Then, even if this does not happen, there will be the constant danger from fanatical Trump fans, who love him now, but will have a psychotic sense of betrayal, if and when, he cucks. To surrender to Biden, when there is so much evidence of open corruption, will mean that he will be viewed as a traitor too. Thus, unfortunately, he will never be safe from possible revenge from crazy, frustrated fans, with an acute sense of betrayal, people from his own side from the rallies. Not me, of course, I have been saying that there is something very wrong with Trump since 2017, so while I hope he does not, I can see him cucking when SCOTUS is leaned on by the Deep State, and sees no corruption in the election at all. Really, if Trump has even an ounce of brain power left, he should stand his ground and not surrender, to the point of declaring martial law. This is the endgame. But, he won’t, and the rest will be history, until the collapse, when history will no longer be recorded of course, in the new Dark Age, and the West will be buried in the dust of time.
It happens regularly that Covid-1984 mask gurus are caught out in public, without a mask, shocking indeed. Like this mask guru who had a birthday bash surrounded by girls in bikinis who surely would be super-duper spreaders. Every one knows, or should know, that young bikini girls are …dangerous …
On, you will find plenty of pop science books, which have cashed in on the desire of book buyers to be bamboozled by the mysteries of quantum mechanics, even extending the ideas to health and healing. I have a healthy scepticism about ball, I mean all, of this stuff. Anyway, there is speculation that the universe is like a human brain. God help us all!
So, the big news on the Coviddy scene is that there are apparently super cool rock and roll vaccines that will solve the problem, whatever the problem is, so long as you have well, maybe multiple injections, and what are a few injections between friends? Sure, trendy folks, mostly women and soy boys, wanting to conform, will no doubt be having injection parties, soap operas will have injection themes, and while statutes of everyone white are pulled down, new statues of syringes, will be erected. But, as noted in today’s articles, there are a few problems for the new religion of Coviddy:
Well, they paid for him, via cocaine Hunter, so it is only natural now he and his orcs have stolen the election, that he toes the line and does what his masters dictate.
On the radio, and in our press, I have heard constantly that Trump is claiming electoral fraud, but is offering no evidence. That means his legal team is just saying the words, with no other content, which is insane. In fact, Trump himself has mentioned all the aspects of fraud, from dead voters to the corrupt Dominion voting system. Anyway, for the local grubs and utter morons in our media, here is your work done for you, if you dare report on something that your globalist masters did not prescribe:
Here in Europe, beheadings are the new normal, our re-introduction into the Dark Ages, now coming up fast.
It is not so surprising since women, much more than men are big on social conformity, wired into our sweet brains:
This piece puts the case that recessions have surprising health benefits!
In a nutshell, Americans were eating super-heavy meat laden breakfasts, that led to a national plague of indigestion, and probably hyper-constipation, so there was a market created for a lighter cereal breakfast, just to let things pass through a bit more gently. But, for some, this was much more, and was the expression of a philosophy of organic health, that survives on today:
Ok, here comes the next wave of craziness as Covid fragments are discovered in our poop. Now who has the delightful job of wading through the sewage farm hunting for virus fragments? Some poor young science student, in rubber boots, with a magnifying glass?